So Hillary-Deranged Wingers, How'd You Do For Your Twenty Million Dollars?

(1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or
(2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—
now show us without biased where she has violated these laws that you want us to buy... heres a clue... the FBi hasn't been able to show us any where, where she has violated this law ... what you have is some right wing source, that we are still waiting for you to show us, saying she allegedly did violated this law ... that's all ya got...I believe the FBI has a better source on law violations then you do, but please show us your source...

Why are you lying, the FBI hasn't made any announcement of what they have found to this point. The FACT that she had classified information on an unsecured server and had that server or its contents stored in locations not approved for storage of classified information, IS A VIOLATION OF THE LAW.
you say her server wasn't secure... that too is a lie... it was a private secure server ... that has been stated ... after the took her server that was erased they came out in the press, the FBI did and said that they were able to retrieve her emails ... so far nothing points to any laws being violated ... pay attention ... there are other news out lets then fox noise

AGAIN you laughably just cry about what i'm posting

WITHOUT POSTING anything new or relevant yourself

i guess y ou just want to embarrass yourself all day???
(1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or
(2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—
now show us without biased where she has violated these laws that you want us to buy... heres a clue... the FBi hasn't been able to show us any where, where she has violated this law ... what you have is some right wing source, that we are still waiting for you to show us, saying she allegedly did violated this law ... that's all ya got...I believe the FBI has a better source on law violations then you do, but please show us your source...

Why are you lying, the FBI hasn't made any announcement of what they have found to this point. The FACT that she had classified information on an unsecured server and had that server or its contents stored in locations not approved for storage of classified information, IS A VIOLATION OF THE LAW.
you say her server wasn't secure... that too is a lie... it was a private secure server ... that has been stated ... after the took her server that was erased they came out in the press, the FBI did and said that they were able to retrieve her emails ... so far nothing points to any laws being violated ... pay attention ... there are other news out lets then fox noise

you idiot; it isnt secure unless the governemnt say so; but she kept it's very existence secret

try again...................
(1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or
(2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—
now show us without biased where she has violated these laws that you want us to buy... heres a clue... the FBi hasn't been able to show us any where, where she has violated this law ... what you have is some right wing source, that we are still waiting for you to show us, saying she allegedly did violated this law ... that's all ya got...I believe the FBI has a better source on law violations then you do, but please show us your source...

Why are you lying, the FBI hasn't made any announcement of what they have found to this point. The FACT that she had classified information on an unsecured server and had that server or its contents stored in locations not approved for storage of classified information, IS A VIOLATION OF THE LAW.
you say her server wasn't secure... that too is a lie... it was a private secure server ... that has been stated ... after the took her server that was erased they came out in the press, the FBI did and said that they were able to retrieve her emails ... so far nothing points to any laws being violated ... pay attention ... there are other news out lets then fox noise

you idiot; it isnt secure unless the governemnt say so; but she kept it's very existence secret

try again...................


keep trying...........................
when are you going to offer ANYTHING that isnt just a crybaby whine about what i've posted?

where is your "version" of events/??
The "cuts" aren't cuts
The first thing to know is the cuts over recent years aren’t really cuts (i.e. taking money away from embassy security funding). Instead,Congress declined to provide the full amount requested by President Barack Obama.
Really, this practice goes farther back. The nonpartisan Congressional Research Service says the department’s base requests have not been fully funded since 2008 (in 2009, the department’s base request was not met but it got more money in supplemental funds).

who controlled BOTH chambers of Congress in 2008 and 2009 dummy?
where is a memo, letter, email (god forbid!), statement, ANYTHING showing the State Department denied extra security BECAUSE OF BUDGET CUTS???
just citing numbers isnt shit moron
here it is AGAIN idiot, from OBAMA ADMINISTRATION OFFICIALS, not Fox News:

Farrow quoted a portion of the 2012 report by the Accountability Review Board, a group led by former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mike Mullen and veteran diplomat Thomas Pickering to examine the security picture at the special mission. The security was "inadequate for Benghazi and grossly inadequate to deal with the attack that took place," the report states.
But was that Congress' fault?
The report said Congress "must do its part" to address security risks and meet mission imperatives and suggested the State Department get more flexibility for building money so temporary facilities in dangerous situations can get more advanced security upgrades.
But it primarily faulted "systemic failures and leadership and management deficiencies," and not unfulfilled budget requests.
The request for 12 agents was rebuffed by the regional director of the State Department's Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, Nordstrom testified.
"For me and my staff, it was abundantly clear that we were not going to get resources until the aftermath of an incident," Nordstrom said.
Also, Lt. Col. Andrew Wood, a Utah National Guardsman who was a site security commander in Libya from February through August, testified that a regional security officer tried to obtain more personnel, but 'was never able to attain the numbers he felt comfortable with." It was unclear whether he was talking about Nordstrom.
if you're going to post things post it all ...

Conclusion: It's unclear how high Nordstrom's request got in the administration, but he says he did ask the State Department's Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs for more security help at the Benghazi post.
they have no record for him asking for more help
Fact Check: Iran and the bomb


Biden: "The congressman here cut embassy security in his budget by $300 million below what we asked for."

The facts:

According to Democratic House Oversight Committee staff, the amount that the GOP-led House passed for two accounts that pay for embassy security in fiscal 2012 ($2.311 billion) was $330 million less than the Obama administration had requested ($2.641 billion).

A GOP House Appropriations Committee aide confirmed the House bill had less in these accounts than what the administration requested.

However, the final bill, after being worked on by the Democratic-led Senate, put in more money than what had passed in the House. The final bill, which passed with bipartisan support, gave a total of $2.37 billion to these accounts for fiscal 2012 -- about $270 million less than what the administration had requested.

Conclusion: The GOP-led House did initially approve about $330 million less than what the administration requested, but in the final bill, passed with bipartisan support after adjustments by the Senate, put the amount a little closer to the administration's target.

as I stated, if you don't allocate the money for security they get turned down ... you make it sound like the president did this personally... you make it look like the secretary of state, Hillary did this ... when it is clear if you don't get the money you don't get help... when it is shown to you that the congress did cut the funding you still deny it
more; just for you!! kisses!!

Another finding: The embassy in Tripoli was not an effective advocate in pressing Washington to provide more security for the Benghazi compound, which included a CIA annex. Senate committee investigations also cite unanswered cables for more temporary officers from Libyan Ambassador Christopher Stevens to the State Department.
State Department officials, meanwhile have said publicly that budgets were not a factor.
if you're going to post things post it all ...

Conclusion: It's unclear how high Nordstrom's request got in the administration, but he says he did ask the State Department's Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs for more security help at the Benghazi post.
they have no record for him asking for more help
Fact Check: Iran and the bomb

you see this is why you're am embarrassing idiot

you asked me to "post it all"

ok MORON; thanks for including THAT ^^^^^^^^^^^^
now where, since you POSTED IT ALL; does it say what you're claiming?

lol what a loser!!
this is from CNN loon.

yes additional security was denied, but not because of money and not by republicans you loser

The request for 12 agents was rebuffed by the regional director of the State Department's Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, Nordstrom testified.
go read the whole story and stop posting just tiny pieces of it ... what you posted was what Nordstrom said ... the state department said clearly that they never received and such request ... where Nordstrom doesn't have any document or proof that he did request 12 agent ... it just his word that he did as you stated here ... I think he's trying to cover his ass
as I stated, if you don't allocate the money for security they get turned down ... you make it sound like the president did this personally... you make it look like the secretary of state, Hillary did this ... when it is clear if you don't get the money you don't get help... when it is shown to you that the congress did cut the funding you still deny it

I HAVE SHOWN YOU REPEATEDLY where the whole money issue is a STRAW MAN anyway.


you, being the dishonest pussy you are; are trying to make it something it clearly isnt, and isnt not because I SAY it isnt, but acording to the FACTS

LOL KEEP TRYING.............
more; just for you!! kisses!!

Another finding: The embassy in Tripoli was not an effective advocate in pressing Washington to provide more security for the Benghazi compound, which included a CIA annex. Senate committee investigations also cite unanswered cables for more temporary officers from Libyan Ambassador Christopher Stevens to the State Department.
State Department officials, meanwhile have said publicly that budgets were not a factor.
publicaly and under oath are two different things
this is from CNN loon.

yes additional security was denied, but not because of money and not by republicans you loser

The request for 12 agents was rebuffed by the regional director of the State Department's Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, Nordstrom testified.
go read the whole story and stop posting just tiny pieces of it ... what you posted was what Nordstrom said ... the state department said clearly that they never received and such request ... where Nordstrom doesn't have any document or proof that he did request 12 agent ... it just his word that he did as you stated here ... I think he's trying to cover his ass

ok loser

why dont you be a man AND YOU POINT OUT what part actually says what YOU ARE SAYING?

more; just for you!! kisses!!

Another finding: The embassy in Tripoli was not an effective advocate in pressing Washington to provide more security for the Benghazi compound, which included a CIA annex. Senate committee investigations also cite unanswered cables for more temporary officers from Libyan Ambassador Christopher Stevens to the State Department.
State Department officials, meanwhile have said publicly that budgets were not a factor.
publicaly and under oath are two different things


keep trying................................;)
more; just for you!! kisses!!

Another finding: The embassy in Tripoli was not an effective advocate in pressing Washington to provide more security for the Benghazi compound, which included a CIA annex. Senate committee investigations also cite unanswered cables for more temporary officers from Libyan Ambassador Christopher Stevens to the State Department.
State Department officials, meanwhile have said publicly that budgets were not a factor.
publicaly and under oath are two different things


as I stated, if you don't allocate the money for security they get turned down ... you make it sound like the president did this personally... you make it look like the secretary of state, Hillary did this ... when it is clear if you don't get the money you don't get help... when it is shown to you that the congress did cut the funding you still deny it

I HAVE SHOWN YOU REPEATEDLY where the whole money issue is a STRAW MAN anyway.


you, being the dishonest pussy you are; are trying to make it something it clearly isnt, and isnt not because I SAY it isnt, but acording to the FACTS

LOL KEEP TRYING.............
all you have show is headlines that haven't any factual bases to them so stop your lying
why wont any of your friends have mercy on you and extricate you from this mess you're in???

tsk tsk tsk.................

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