So Hillary-Deranged Wingers, How'd You Do For Your Twenty Million Dollars?

You spent twenty million dollars in our tax dollars to get what?

A great showcase for Hillary Clinton to kick your butts and solidify her presidential chances.


Now tell us how we can't afford to feed the hungry and subsidize medical care.


So let me get this straight, the US is $18 trillion in debt and you are just now whining about government spending?

In the words of one Hillary Clinton, "What does it matter?"
we all know how the 18 trillion was caused ... if you look at the actual spending graph under this president, you will find out that he cut spending big time ... you being a republican nut job sees numbers then goes off the deep end

Where did I say that Obama was the only one at fault? The GOP just passed a spending bill that raised the debt limit. Neither party is trying to limit spending in any substantial way.

Obama is just a cog in the sick wheel known as the Federal government. There is nothing really special about him at all, which is why many refer to him as an empty suit.
projecting again, winger? :lmao:

you might be more credible if anything you posted were true.

poor lying loon.

That's the difference between the right wing nuts and us. We don't have to make shit up about them. It's all right there and well documented. As has been said....If they stop telling lies about us, we will stop telling the truth about them.....maybe LOL

Also forgot about liberals ol stand by response "I don't recall" "I DONT REMEMBER " I DONT KNOW"

Articles: Hillary Clinton's Legacy of Scandal

She said it like 250 times in one sitting...

Remind me again why do you want to elect an old woman that appears to have the starting stage of Alzheimer's?
you mean when the AG for Bush at the 911 hearings famous quotes I don't recall" "I DONT REMEMBER " I DONT KNOW"??? that bunch ??? when condy was sworn in her response was I don't recall" "I DONT REMEMBER " I DONT KNOW"??? or when karl rove and his crew said I don't recall" "I DONT REMEMBER " I DONT KNOW" are those the people you're talking about???? one other thing I don't remember hillary ones saying at the Benghazi hearing I don't recall" "I DONT REMEMBER " I DONT KNOW"... as I remember it, she answered every question ..??? so where did you get this allege information about any lefty saying I don't recall" "I DONT REMEMBER " I DONT KNOW"

i love the bush did it, republicans did it so i'm doing it idea of "change" from left-wing nutjobs!!

show me where i said bush did it ... you mean when the AG for Bush at the 911 hearings famous quotes I don't recall" "I DONT REMEMBER " I DONT KNOW"??? that bunch ??? when condy was sworn in her response was I don't recall" "I DONT REMEMBER " I DONT KNOW"??? or when karl rove and his crew said I don't recall" "I DONT REMEMBER " I DONT KNOW" are those the people you're talking about???? one other thing I don't remember hillary ones saying at the Benghazi hearing I don't recall" "I DONT REMEMBER " I DONT KNOW"... as I remember it, she answered every question ..??? so where did you get this allege information about any lefty saying I don't recall" "I DONT REMEMBER " I DONT KNOW"

the statement was we dems said this (I don't recall" "I DONT REMEMBER " I DONT KNOW") I ponted out where hillary in the benghazi hearing answered all the questions ... then I pointed out in the 911 hearings under the bush administration said these thing, (I don't recall" "I DONT REMEMBER " I DONT KNOW")... my question to you is when your party is outed, how come your best is"i love the bush did it, defense" ??? how about pointing out where in the Benghazi hearings where hillary said"I don't recall" "I DONT REMEMBER " I DONT KNOW" could it be you haven't a leg again to stand on Again ??? once again I've pointed out what a fool you are bedwetter

you forgot the fact that bush/cheney "testified" at the 911 hearings together in the same room, not sworn and not before a court reporter.

no one went out of their way to embarrass him even though he should have been embarrassed and held out as the failure he was. but then again, democrats don't hate this country and didn't want to use a tragedy for political mileage... which is all the rabid right does.

the funny thing is that their own chair admitted it was a failure and these loons still can't let go.
That's the difference between the right wing nuts and us. We don't have to make shit up about them. It's all right there and well documented. As has been said....If they stop telling lies about us, we will stop telling the truth about them.....maybe LOL

Also forgot about liberals ol stand by response "I don't recall" "I DONT REMEMBER " I DONT KNOW"

Articles: Hillary Clinton's Legacy of Scandal

She said it like 250 times in one sitting...

Remind me again why do you want to elect an old woman that appears to have the starting stage of Alzheimer's?
you mean when the AG for Bush at the 911 hearings famous quotes I don't recall" "I DONT REMEMBER " I DONT KNOW"??? that bunch ??? when condy was sworn in her response was I don't recall" "I DONT REMEMBER " I DONT KNOW"??? or when karl rove and his crew said I don't recall" "I DONT REMEMBER " I DONT KNOW" are those the people you're talking about???? one other thing I don't remember hillary ones saying at the Benghazi hearing I don't recall" "I DONT REMEMBER " I DONT KNOW"... as I remember it, she answered every question ..??? so where did you get this allege information about any lefty saying I don't recall" "I DONT REMEMBER " I DONT KNOW"

i love the bush did it, republicans did it so i'm doing it idea of "change" from left-wing nutjobs!!

show me where i said bush did it ... you mean when the AG for Bush at the 911 hearings famous quotes I don't recall" "I DONT REMEMBER " I DONT KNOW"??? that bunch ??? when condy was sworn in her response was I don't recall" "I DONT REMEMBER " I DONT KNOW"??? or when karl rove and his crew said I don't recall" "I DONT REMEMBER " I DONT KNOW" are those the people you're talking about???? one other thing I don't remember hillary ones saying at the Benghazi hearing I don't recall" "I DONT REMEMBER " I DONT KNOW"... as I remember it, she answered every question ..??? so where did you get this allege information about any lefty saying I don't recall" "I DONT REMEMBER " I DONT KNOW"

the statement was we dems said this (I don't recall" "I DONT REMEMBER " I DONT KNOW") I ponted out where hillary in the benghazi hearing answered all the questions ... then I pointed out in the 911 hearings under the bush administration said these thing, (I don't recall" "I DONT REMEMBER " I DONT KNOW")... my question to you is when your party is outed, how come your best is"i love the bush did it, defense" ??? how about pointing out where in the Benghazi hearings where hillary said"I don't recall" "I DONT REMEMBER " I DONT KNOW" could it be you haven't a leg again to stand on Again ??? once again I've pointed out what a fool you are bedwetter

you forgot the fact that bush/cheney "testified" at the 911 hearings together in the same room, not sworn and not before a court reporter.

no one went out of their way to embarrass him even though he should have been embarrassed and held out as the failure he was. but then again, democrats don't hate this country and didn't want to use a tragedy for political mileage... which is all the rabid right does.

the funny thing is that their own chair admitted it was a failure and these loons still can't let go.
Conservative credo: “Repeat a lie often enough in the hope it's perceived to be 'true.'”
That's the difference between the right wing nuts and us. We don't have to make shit up about them. It's all right there and well documented. As has been said....If they stop telling lies about us, we will stop telling the truth about them.....maybe LOL

Also forgot about liberals ol stand by response "I don't recall" "I DONT REMEMBER " I DONT KNOW"

Articles: Hillary Clinton's Legacy of Scandal

She said it like 250 times in one sitting...

Remind me again why do you want to elect an old woman that appears to have the starting stage of Alzheimer's?
you mean when the AG for Bush at the 911 hearings famous quotes I don't recall" "I DONT REMEMBER " I DONT KNOW"??? that bunch ??? when condy was sworn in her response was I don't recall" "I DONT REMEMBER " I DONT KNOW"??? or when karl rove and his crew said I don't recall" "I DONT REMEMBER " I DONT KNOW" are those the people you're talking about???? one other thing I don't remember hillary ones saying at the Benghazi hearing I don't recall" "I DONT REMEMBER " I DONT KNOW"... as I remember it, she answered every question ..??? so where did you get this allege information about any lefty saying I don't recall" "I DONT REMEMBER " I DONT KNOW"
I didn't forget just din't add it to my post ... you know ther well bush bush bush remarks how condescending they get

i love the bush did it, republicans did it so i'm doing it idea of "change" from left-wing nutjobs!!

show me where i said bush did it ... you mean when the AG for Bush at the 911 hearings famous quotes I don't recall" "I DONT REMEMBER " I DONT KNOW"??? that bunch ??? when condy was sworn in her response was I don't recall" "I DONT REMEMBER " I DONT KNOW"??? or when karl rove and his crew said I don't recall" "I DONT REMEMBER " I DONT KNOW" are those the people you're talking about???? one other thing I don't remember hillary ones saying at the Benghazi hearing I don't recall" "I DONT REMEMBER " I DONT KNOW"... as I remember it, she answered every question ..??? so where did you get this allege information about any lefty saying I don't recall" "I DONT REMEMBER " I DONT KNOW"

the statement was we dems said this (I don't recall" "I DONT REMEMBER " I DONT KNOW") I ponted out where hillary in the benghazi hearing answered all the questions ... then I pointed out in the 911 hearings under the bush administration said these thing, (I don't recall" "I DONT REMEMBER " I DONT KNOW")... my question to you is when your party is outed, how come your best is"i love the bush did it, defense" ??? how about pointing out where in the Benghazi hearings where hillary said"I don't recall" "I DONT REMEMBER " I DONT KNOW" could it be you haven't a leg again to stand on Again ??? once again I've pointed out what a fool you are bedwetter

you forgot the fact that bush/cheney "testified" at the 911 hearings together in the same room, not sworn and not before a court reporter.

no one went out of their way to embarrass him even though he should have been embarrassed and held out as the failure he was. but then again, democrats don't hate this country and didn't want to use a tragedy for political mileage... which is all the rabid right does.

the funny thing is that their own chair admitted it was a failure and these loons still can't let go.
You spent twenty million dollars in our tax dollars to get what?

A great showcase for Hillary Clinton to kick your butts and solidify her presidential chances.


Now tell us how we can't afford to feed the hungry and subsidize medical care.


So let me get this straight, the US is $18 trillion in debt and you are just now whining about government spending?

In the words of one Hillary Clinton, "What does it matter?"
we all know how the 18 trillion was caused ... if you look at the actual spending graph under this president, you will find out that he cut spending big time ... you being a republican nut job sees numbers then goes off the deep end

Where did I say that Obama was the only one at fault? The GOP just passed a spending bill that raised the debt limit. Neither party is trying to limit spending in any substantial way.

Obama is just a cog in the sick wheel known as the Federal government. There is nothing really special about him at all, which is why many refer to him as an empty suit.

You spent twenty million dollars in our tax dollars to get what?

A great showcase for Hillary Clinton to kick your butts and solidify her presidential chances.


Now tell us how we can't afford to feed the hungry and subsidize medical care.


So let me get this straight, the US is $18 trillion in debt and you are just now whining about government spending?

In the words of one Hillary Clinton, "What does it matter?"
we all know how the 18 trillion was caused ... if you look at the actual spending graph under this president, you will find out that he cut spending big time ... you being a republican nut job sees numbers then goes off the deep end

Where did I say that Obama was the only one at fault? The GOP just passed a spending bill that raised the debt limit. Neither party is trying to limit spending in any substantial way.

Obama is just a cog in the sick wheel known as the Federal government. There is nothing really special about him at all, which is why many refer to him as an empty suit.
just republicans refer to him as a empty suit ... what you don't see or want to see is how much he has rained in spending ... you refuse, like all republicans, to accept the facts that he of all the presidents has cut more spending then any president to date ... I was watching the republican debate last night and all I heard from them is how the dems spend, spend, spend, and yet not one of the pointed out how much he has cut spending ... not one!!! they are all a bunch of out right liars ... they even commented on hillary sending a email about benghazi days after the attack to her daughter... the way these liars made it sound that it was happening and all she could do is email her daughter ... that's why we don't trust any republican over a dem ... they lie to justify their existence in the government ...
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NOW i gave me what i have; are you going to be a pussy like someone else and just whine about what i provided?

or are you going to provide something to back up what you're claiming/?????
typing a law does nothing unless you have a factual document or email or something that shows you have violate such laws... what you do is go to a conservative website, where they say we believe she violate these statues and you lap it up like the lying dog you are... just like the rest of your minions ... you haven't shown one law that was said to be violated ... until we see a law she has violated we all look at you as the typical republican who says things that are alleged then calls it facual... that why we challenge your post... in everyone of your so-called pieces of proofs are nothins more then allegations from some right wing blogger who believes if they say it enough idiots like you will buy it
“However, there was no supplemental or OCO request made by the President for additional diplomatic security enhancements in FY 2010 or FY 2011,” the report pointedly noted. “Neither the Department of State nor Congress made a point of providing additional funds in a supplemental request for Libya, or more specifically, Benghazi.”
this show us how ignorant you are ... the Secretary of state doesn't grant security ... the president doesn't grant security ... the security professional request for security ... that was done ... look at the damn Benghazi hearing you idiot said the request for more security and was turn down ... who turned them down ??? the house republicans turned them down you idiot they didn't want to spend any money on them after all they're the ones who grant more security ... not Obama, not Hillary ... when are you going to learn something ??? Oh by the way, according to the hearing Hillary ask him if he need more security ... he turned it down ... but she still asked the security professionals to look into it ...which they did ... they got some money but as we all can see not enough ... we all saw in the hearings that the republicans refuse to spend money on their protection ... go educate yourself idiot
“However, there was no supplemental or OCO request made by the President for additional diplomatic security enhancements in FY 2010 or FY 2011,” the report pointedly noted. “Neither the Department of State nor Congress made a point of providing additional funds in a supplemental request for Libya, or more specifically, Benghazi.”
this show us how ignorant you are ... the Secretary of state doesn't grant security ... the president doesn't grant security ... the security professional request for security ... that was done ... look at the damn Benghazi hearing you idiot said the request for more security and was turn down ... who turned them down ??? the house republicans turned them down you idiot they didn't want to spend any money on them after all they're the ones who grant more security ... not Obama, not Hillary ... when are you going to learn something ??? Oh by the way, according to the hearing Hillary ask him if he need more security ... he turned it down ... but she still asked the security professionals to look into it ...which they did ... they got some money but as we all can see not enough ... we all saw in the hearings that the republicans refuse to spend money on their protection ... go educate yourself idiot

you're such s loser

you just cant understand everybody watching you sees you lost a long time ago
i will indulge you for a little while again

can you PLEASE show every body here right now where security was ACTUALLY CUT BY RREPUBLICANS for THAT compound AT THE TIME OF THE ATTACK???

1. obama administration officials testified UNDER OATH that the video was a "non-event" as far as a cause of the benghazi attack

more to follow....................................

and i've given you the pertinent law

but still you make a fool of yourself

provided OTHER sworn testimony FROM THAT VERY "SECURITY PROFESSIONAL" you cite above saying the bugdet wasnt the cause of the outcome there

still you embarrass yourself
somebody with a sense of shame knows when to quit

you simply appear to be a loser billye
anyway nutjob how is it that you say Republicans were able to cut funding for what even you left-wing losers acknowledge was a CIA compound, not an embassy?
that makes moot your whole point of embassy funds EVEN THOUGH you still havent proved anything republicans voted on caused the lack of security at THAT compount AT THE TIME IT HAPPENED
if you watched the benghazi hearings which its obvious you didn't, you would have known that the house released enough money to build up this compound that they were going to use as a embassy to protect the ambassador this was all said in the hears, if you watched ... they also asked for more military for their protection, the house republicans turned them down ... go watch the damn hearings you idiot... I did ... I recorded it and watched it as it was live ... then watched it again because I couldn't believe how immoral these republicans were...
a request of additional funding would not be denied by Republicans you moronic self-deceiver

if it was you could actually show the memo, or document actually stating to the persons concerned that additional security cant be provided because of a lack of funding

what's the matter pussy? cant find that/
was it part of hillary's 30,000 lost emails???

this is from CNN loon.

yes additional security was denied, but not because of money and not by republicans you loser

The request for 12 agents was rebuffed by the regional director of the State Department's Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, Nordstrom testified.
The request for 12 agents was rebuffed by the regional director of the State Department's Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, Nordstrom testified.
"For me and my staff, it was abundantly clear that we were not going to get resources until the aftermath of an incident," Nordstrom said.
Also, Lt. Col. Andrew Wood, a Utah National Guardsman who was a site security commander in Libya from February through August, testified that a regional security officer tried to obtain more personnel, but 'was never able to attain the numbers he felt comfortable with." It was unclear whether he was talking about Nordstrom.
(1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or
(2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—
now show us without biased where she has violated these laws that you want us to buy... heres a clue... the FBi hasn't been able to show us any where, where she has violated this law ... what you have is some right wing source, that we are still waiting for you to show us, saying she allegedly did violated this law ... that's all ya got...I believe the FBI has a better source on law violations then you do, but please show us your source...

Why are you lying, the FBI hasn't made any announcement of what they have found to this point. The FACT that she had classified information on an unsecured server and had that server or its contents stored in locations not approved for storage of classified information, IS A VIOLATION OF THE LAW.
you say her server wasn't secure... that too is a lie... it was a private secure server ... that has been stated ... after the took her server that was erased they came out in the press, the FBI did and said that they were able to retrieve her emails ... so far nothing points to any laws being violated ... pay attention ... there are other news out lets then fox noise
more testimony from OBAMA OFFICIALS that disputes what you are saying douche

and what have you offered CONTINUALLY but to try to dismiss what i'm putting up here?


Under Secretary of State for Management Patrick Kennedy responded, at the hearing, to suggestions the State Department was responsible for a lack of preparedness: "We regularly assess risk and resource allocation, a process involving the considered judgments of experienced professionals on the ground and in Washington, using the best available information."
On Tuesday, two senior State Department officials told reporters that U.S. and Libyan security personnel in Benghazi were out-manned, and that no reasonable security presence could have fended off the assault.

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