So Hillary-Deranged Wingers, How'd You Do For Your Twenty Million Dollars?

as I stated, if you don't allocate the money for security they get turned down ... you make it sound like the president did this personally... you make it look like the secretary of state, Hillary did this ... when it is clear if you don't get the money you don't get help... when it is shown to you that the congress did cut the funding you still deny it

I HAVE SHOWN YOU REPEATEDLY where the whole money issue is a STRAW MAN anyway.


you, being the dishonest pussy you are; are trying to make it something it clearly isnt, and isnt not because I SAY it isnt, but acording to the FACTS

LOL KEEP TRYING.............
all you have show is headlines that haven't any factual bases to them so stop your lying

if you were a man and they were lies you could show where they "have no factual base"

you just wanna cry like a lil baby that others are "lying" without offering ANYTHING

what a damn loser
as I stated, if you don't allocate the money for security they get turned down ... you make it sound like the president did this personally... you make it look like the secretary of state, Hillary did this ... when it is clear if you don't get the money you don't get help... when it is shown to you that the congress did cut the funding you still deny it

I HAVE SHOWN YOU REPEATEDLY where the whole money issue is a STRAW MAN anyway.


you, being the dishonest pussy you are; are trying to make it something it clearly isnt, and isnt not because I SAY it isnt, but acording to the FACTS

LOL KEEP TRYING.............
all you have show is headlines that haven't any factual bases to them so stop your lying
the state department has nothing to do with obama... as much as you want it to be he hasn't any control over the state department and what they do ... only the congress has control, as I remember the republicans control the congress
as I stated, if you don't allocate the money for security they get turned down ... you make it sound like the president did this personally... you make it look like the secretary of state, Hillary did this ... when it is clear if you don't get the money you don't get help... when it is shown to you that the congress did cut the funding you still deny it

I HAVE SHOWN YOU REPEATEDLY where the whole money issue is a STRAW MAN anyway.


you, being the dishonest pussy you are; are trying to make it something it clearly isnt, and isnt not because I SAY it isnt, but acording to the FACTS

LOL KEEP TRYING.............
all you have show is headlines that haven't any factual bases to them so stop your lying
the state department has nothing to do with obama... as much as you want it to be he hasn't any control over the state department and what they do ... only the congress has control, as I remember the republicans control the congress



wow seriously damn idiot!!
as I stated, if you don't allocate the money for security they get turned down ... you make it sound like the president did this personally... you make it look like the secretary of state, Hillary did this ... when it is clear if you don't get the money you don't get help... when it is shown to you that the congress did cut the funding you still deny it

I HAVE SHOWN YOU REPEATEDLY where the whole money issue is a STRAW MAN anyway.


you, being the dishonest pussy you are; are trying to make it something it clearly isnt, and isnt not because I SAY it isnt, but acording to the FACTS

LOL KEEP TRYING.............
all you have show is headlines that haven't any factual bases to them so stop your lying

if you were a man and they were lies you could show where they "have no factual base"

and all you have offered is noting that has any factual bases to it ...
as I stated, if you don't allocate the money for security they get turned down ... you make it sound like the president did this personally... you make it look like the secretary of state, Hillary did this ... when it is clear if you don't get the money you don't get help... when it is shown to you that the congress did cut the funding you still deny it

I HAVE SHOWN YOU REPEATEDLY where the whole money issue is a STRAW MAN anyway.


you, being the dishonest pussy you are; are trying to make it something it clearly isnt, and isnt not because I SAY it isnt, but acording to the FACTS

LOL KEEP TRYING.............
all you have show is headlines that haven't any factual bases to them so stop your lying

if you were a man and they were lies you could show where they "have no factual base"

and all you have offered is noting that has any factual bases to it ...

(sucking thumb and pouting)^^^^^
The Executive Branch and the U.S. Congress have constitutional responsibilities for U.S. foreign policy. Within the Executive Branch, the Department of State is the lead U.S. foreign affairs agency, and its head, the Secretary of State, is the President's principal foreign policy advisor,

nothing to do with obama huh leftard?

this show us how ignorant you are ... the Secretary of state doesn't grant security ... the president doesn't grant security ... the security professional request for security ... that was done ...

Actually you're full of Shi'ite and spewing opinion.
"A House committee probing the attacks in Benghazi that killed U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens says Washington officials denied requests for additional diplomatic security."
- LINK: House committee: Requests for security in Libya denied

"American diplomats in Libya made repeated requests for increased security for the consulate in Benghazi and were turned down by officials in Washington, leaders of a House committee said Tuesday."

This was proven by testimony from people involved and most importantly through State Department and even Ambassador Stevens' own e-mails.


U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens repeatedly pleaded with the State Department for additional security personnel
- LINK: Drones were circling above U.S. consulate during Libya attack but officials decided NOT to mount a rescue mission

"The letter claims that Obama had a political motivation in rejecting Stevens' security requests, since the president was eager to show improving conditions in Libya after the U.S.-led international operation that toppled Libya dictator Moamar Gadhafi.

On Aug. 2, six weeks before Stevens was killed, he requested 'protective detail bodyguard' positions, calling the security situation in Libya 'unpredictable, volatile and violent.'

A month earlier, he requested that the State Department extend his tour of duty personnel, which is a 16-man temporary security team trained in combating terrorism. The request was denied and the security team left 8 August.

Stevens had asked for the security team to stay through mid-September.

Colonel Andrew Wood, the leader of the security team that left Libya in the weeks before the terror attack, told CBS News that Stevens fought hard against losing the team."

Stevens coordinated directly with the STATE DEPARTMENT for security requests. HILLARY herself admitted HER midlevel-staff security expert - who has NOT been fired YET - handled Stevens' security concerns. And THIS PO$, according to Hillary, is responsible for not only NOT giving Stevens more security but for REDUCING the number of security personnel he had, despite all the watrings and please from Stevens...AND he - again according to Hillary - NEVER brought up the fact that he was reducing the number of Stevens security personnel, about the deteriorating situation, the threats, 2 previous terrorist attacks on the compound, or Stevens' pleas for more security. (B$!)

...there is a lot more...but if you cared or bothered to look you would know.
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You spent twenty million dollars in our tax dollars to get what?

A great showcase for Hillary Clinton to kick your butts and solidify her presidential chances.


Now tell us how we can't afford to feed the hungry and subsidize medical care.


So let me get this straight, the US is $18 trillion in debt and you are just now whining about government spending?

In the words of one Hillary Clinton, "What does it matter?"
we all know how the 18 trillion was caused ... if you look at the actual spending graph under this president, you will find out that he cut spending big time ... you being a republican nut job sees numbers then goes off the deep end

Where did I say that Obama was the only one at fault? The GOP just passed a spending bill that raised the debt limit. Neither party is trying to limit spending in any substantial way.

Obama is just a cog in the sick wheel known as the Federal government. There is nothing really special about him at all, which is why many refer to him as an empty suit.

the debt ceiling is intended to pay for the things congress has already passed. it is not new money. it pays for the bill congress ran up.

it was a purely administrative matter until the teatards grabbed hold of it as a tool for blackmail.
The Executive Branch and the U.S. Congress have constitutional responsibilities for U.S. foreign policy. Within the Executive Branch, the Department of State is the lead U.S. foreign affairs agency, and its head, the Secretary of State, is the President's principal foreign policy advisor,

nothing to do with obama huh leftard?


try living in reality, wingnut... the secretary of state DOESN'T MAKE SECURITY DECISIONS.

and foreign policy is part of her purview but she is not the only one.

do we now try public officials for policy decisions that we don't like?

then bush/cheney should be sitting in federal prison.

now be quiet and run along.
You spent twenty million dollars in our tax dollars to get what?

A great showcase for Hillary Clinton to kick your butts and solidify her presidential chances.


Now tell us how we can't afford to feed the hungry and subsidize medical care.


So let me get this straight, the US is $18 trillion in debt and you are just now whining about government spending?

In the words of one Hillary Clinton, "What does it matter?"
we all know how the 18 trillion was caused ... if you look at the actual spending graph under this president, you will find out that he cut spending big time ... you being a republican nut job sees numbers then goes off the deep end

Where did I say that Obama was the only one at fault? The GOP just passed a spending bill that raised the debt limit. Neither party is trying to limit spending in any substantial way.

Obama is just a cog in the sick wheel known as the Federal government. There is nothing really special about him at all, which is why many refer to him as an empty suit.

the debt ceiling is intended to pay for the things congress has already passed. it is not new money. it pays for the bill congress ran up.

it was a purely administrative matter until the teatards grabbed hold of it as a tool for blackmail.

YOU COMPLETE IDIOT. if the Debt Ceiling and spending arent related as you imply then why are you saying it was intended to pay for the "things congress already passed"

you just admitted they passed things without a method to pay for them; thats called A BUDGET YOU IDIOT

so just because you have a talking point, IDIOT, that says they arent related, doesnt mean one isnt a function of the other. there's a problem and you left-wing losers are too caught up in talking points to address it
The Executive Branch and the U.S. Congress have constitutional responsibilities for U.S. foreign policy. Within the Executive Branch, the Department of State is the lead U.S. foreign affairs agency, and its head, the Secretary of State, is the President's principal foreign policy advisor,

nothing to do with obama huh leftard?


try living in reality, wingnut... the secretary of state DOESN'T MAKE SECURITY DECISIONS.

and foreign policy is part of her purview but she is not the only one.

do we now try public officials for policy decisions that we don't like?

then bush/cheney should be sitting in federal prison.

now be quiet and run along.


as OBAMA'S OWN PEOPLE have publicly stated and even testified UNDER OATH TO.

what a loser you are
Republicans didnt make security decisions for the compound you nutjob

they came from hillary's State Department at one level or another whether you want to admit it or not.
you're saying things happeing in HER department ON HER WATCH that werent things she personally was responsible for on a day to day basis cant be held against her

but you're just being a lying moron; ALL THINGS IN HER DEPARTMENT are her responsiblity, that's what leadership is about you jackass
You spent twenty million dollars in our tax dollars to get what?

A great showcase for Hillary Clinton to kick your butts and solidify her presidential chances.


Now tell us how we can't afford to feed the hungry and subsidize medical care.

The FBI will let you know
know what???

That Hillary didn't do anything wrong.

Actually, the FBI would have to literally go blind to even pretend to reach the "conclusion" that Shrillary didn't do anything wrong.

Of course, even if the FBI concludes that she deserves prosecution, they are not the prosecutors. And the Obumbler Administration's Miscarriage of Justice Department is very unlikely to actually SEEK justice when it comes to a favored liberal Democrat Parody individual, especially the likely liberal Democrat Party standard bearer for the Presidency.

Of course, I never expected the Obumbler Administration "Justice" Department to do the right thing. And I haven't spent any time longing for her to get dressed in the Federal Orange jump -- err --pantsuit, anyway.


It is kind of sad to see how low poor little Shilly has sunk. She can't debate worth a shit anymore. (She was never particularly gifted at it here, sadly.)

The Miscarriage of Justice Department under Obumbler and former AGA Holder, and to this day, is a politically bent piece of work.

Lerner should be getting prosecuted. Shrillary actually DID do some things that warrant an investigation and possibly a prosecution. But such things don't happen with Obumbler at the helm. And USMB member Shily has nothing to offer to address the contentions or the discussion.

**yawn** indeed. If you have nothing to offer (as you plainly don't, Shilly) you are not obligated to post.

The DoJ is far too political while the liberal Democrat hacks are at the helm. They are a disgrace.
Actually, the FBI would have to literally go blind to even pretend to reach the "conclusion" that Shrillary didn't do anything wrong.

She didn't do anything wrong. The GOP is the only one that finds what she did to be "criminally" wrong...even if some on the right have done it, too. And, 9 investigations and millions of dollars down the drain....from a supposed "conservative" party? I think that needs to be investigated because it is more criminal than anything Hillary did.
You spent twenty million dollars in our tax dollars to get what?

A great showcase for Hillary Clinton to kick your butts and solidify her presidential chances.


Now tell us how we can't afford to feed the hungry and subsidize medical care.


So let me get this straight, the US is $18 trillion in debt and you are just now whining about government spending?

In the words of one Hillary Clinton, "What does it matter?"
we all know how the 18 trillion was caused ... if you look at the actual spending graph under this president, you will find out that he cut spending big time ... you being a republican nut job sees numbers then goes off the deep end

Where did I say that Obama was the only one at fault? The GOP just passed a spending bill that raised the debt limit. Neither party is trying to limit spending in any substantial way.

Obama is just a cog in the sick wheel known as the Federal government. There is nothing really special about him at all, which is why many refer to him as an empty suit.

the debt ceiling is intended to pay for the things congress has already passed. it is not new money. it pays for the bill congress ran up.

it was a purely administrative matter until the teatards grabbed hold of it as a tool for blackmail.

YOU COMPLETE IDIOT. if the Debt Ceiling and spending arent related as you imply then why are you saying it was intended to pay for the "things congress already passed"

you just admitted they passed things without a method to pay for them; thats called A BUDGET YOU IDIOT

so just because you have a talking point, IDIOT, that says they arent related, doesnt mean one isnt a function of the other. there's a problem and you left-wing losers are too caught up in talking points to address it

Raising the debt ceiling enables the government to pay bills it already has. It does not allow or permit "more spending" as you seem to think it does.

This year's debt ceiling is tied to "last year's" budget in other words. Just like this year's budget will be tied with "next year's" debt ceiling.
The FBI will let you know
know what???

That Hillary didn't do anything wrong.

Actually, the FBI would have to literally go blind to even pretend to reach the "conclusion" that Shrillary didn't do anything wrong.

Of course, even if the FBI concludes that she deserves prosecution, they are not the prosecutors. And the Obumbler Administration's Miscarriage of Justice Department is very unlikely to actually SEEK justice when it comes to a favored liberal Democrat Parody individual, especially the likely liberal Democrat Party standard bearer for the Presidency.

Of course, I never expected the Obumbler Administration "Justice" Department to do the right thing. And I haven't spent any time longing for her to get dressed in the Federal Orange jump -- err --pantsuit, anyway.


It is kind of sad to see how low poor little Shilly has sunk. She can't debate worth a shit anymore. (She was never particularly gifted at it here, sadly.)

The Miscarriage of Justice Department under Obumbler and former AGA Holder, and to this day, is a politically bent piece of work.

Lerner should be getting prosecuted. Shrillary actually DID do some things that warrant an investigation and possibly a prosecution. But such things don't happen with Obumbler at the helm. And USMB member Shily has nothing to offer to address the contentions or the discussion.

**yawn** indeed. If you have nothing to offer (as you plainly don't, Shilly) you are not obligated to post.

The DoJ is far too political while the liberal Democrat hacks are at the helm. They are a disgrace.

The Republican led Senate investigation found that neither Hillary nor Obama did anything wrong in regards to Benghazi. They have access to a lot more information than you do.
She may be the biggest pawn for the left wingers. And will she look the other way when America gets attacked again?

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