So Hillary-Deranged Wingers, How'd You Do For Your Twenty Million Dollars?

Actually, the FBI would have to literally go blind to even pretend to reach the "conclusion" that Shrillary didn't do anything wrong.

She didn't do anything wrong. The GOP is the only one that finds what she did to be "criminally" wrong...even if some on the right have done it, too. And, 9 investigations and millions of dollars down the drain....from a supposed "conservative" party? I think that needs to be investigated because it is more criminal than anything Hillary did.

I already have you down as willfully blind. So your post comes as no surprise. Honesty aint your hallmark, either.

She clearly DID do several things wrong.

As Secretary of State she allowed Ms. Rice to disseminate bullshit to the American people which she KNEW was false even at that time. That's not necessarily criminal, but it does show her to be a complete fraud and a Liar. Maybe YOU don't think of her being a fucking liar as "wrong," but it is. And that means she DID something wrong (as did Ms. Rice and Presidunce Obumbler).

No wonder you support her.

As for criminal, it has been explained too many times to try too hard to educate you any more. You remain willfully blind to that too, But suffice it to say that on her own PRIVATE servers she had classified material -- which is bad because it OUGHT to have been on the authorized servers, not private servers in violation of rules and regulations. Then, because it was on her own PRIVATE servers (where it didn't belong), when SHE got hacked, the classified material got exposed. Just because you choose to pretend that there's nothing to see here doesn't mean that there's nothing to see here.

18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information
* * * *
Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.
know what???

That Hillary didn't do anything wrong.

Actually, the FBI would have to literally go blind to even pretend to reach the "conclusion" that Shrillary didn't do anything wrong.

Of course, even if the FBI concludes that she deserves prosecution, they are not the prosecutors. And the Obumbler Administration's Miscarriage of Justice Department is very unlikely to actually SEEK justice when it comes to a favored liberal Democrat Parody individual, especially the likely liberal Democrat Party standard bearer for the Presidency.

Of course, I never expected the Obumbler Administration "Justice" Department to do the right thing. And I haven't spent any time longing for her to get dressed in the Federal Orange jump -- err --pantsuit, anyway.


It is kind of sad to see how low poor little Shilly has sunk. She can't debate worth a shit anymore. (She was never particularly gifted at it here, sadly.)

The Miscarriage of Justice Department under Obumbler and former AGA Holder, and to this day, is a politically bent piece of work.

Lerner should be getting prosecuted. Shrillary actually DID do some things that warrant an investigation and possibly a prosecution. But such things don't happen with Obumbler at the helm. And USMB member Shily has nothing to offer to address the contentions or the discussion.

**yawn** indeed. If you have nothing to offer (as you plainly don't, Shilly) you are not obligated to post.

The DoJ is far too political while the liberal Democrat hacks are at the helm. They are a disgrace.

The Republican led Senate investigation found that neither Hillary nor Obama did anything wrong in regards to Benghazi. They have access to a lot more information than you do.

First of all, that wasn't precisely their "finding." (If you care to ever try for accuracy, I offer you a snippet below to try to correct your disinformation campaign).

Secondly, their determination is not legally binding.

Thirdly, from what we DO know, it appears that they'd have been wrong to come to that particular alleged conclusion anyway.

NOW to correct Noivan's disinformation effort:
WASHINGTON — A stinging report by the Senate Intelligence Committee released Wednesday concluded that the attack 16 months ago that killed four Americans in Benghazi, Libya, could have been prevented, singling out the State Department for criticism for its failure to bolster security in response to intelligence warnings about a growing security crisis around the city.

The report is broadly consistent with the findings of previous inquiries into the attack on Sept. 11, 2012, but it is the first public examination of a breakdown in communications between the State Department and the C.I.A. during the weeks leading up to the deadly episode at the diplomatic compound where J. Christopher Stevens, the American ambassador, died.

It is also the first report to implicitly criticize Mr. Stevens, raising questions about his judgment and actions in the weeks before his death. Like previous inquiries, the Senate investigation does not cite any specific intelligence warnings about an impending attack.

* * * *
The events in Benghazi and their aftermath became the subject of a fiercely partisan debate, with Republicans accusing Obama administration officials of making misleading statements about connections between the attackers and Al Qaeda. In an addendum to the bipartisan report, Republican committee members singled out former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, a possible Democratic presidential candidate in 2016, as bearing ultimate responsibility for lax security at the diplomatic compound in Benghazi.

The report does not break significant new ground on the issue of administration statements about the episode, or on the infamous “talking points” drawn up after the attack for a television appearance by Susan E. Rice, now the national security adviser. But it is unsparing in its criticism of the State Department for failing to provide adequate security to the mission even as violence spiked in Benghazi in June 2012. In contrast, the report said, the C.I.A. quickly bolstered security at its annex about a mile away.

“The committee found the attacks were preventable, based on extensive intelligence reporting on the terrorist activity in Libya — to include prior threats and attacks against Western targets — and given the known security shortfalls at the U.S. Mission,” the Senate committee said in a statement in releasing the 58-page declassified report.
I already have you down as willfully blind. So your post comes as no surprise. Honesty aint your hallmark, either.

Says the one wishing for a "miracle".......:D

Wishing for a miracle (on another topic entirely) is hardly the same thing as you being dishonest and generally dishonest and willfully blind, Kotex.

But I do enjoy your ongoing fails.
I already have you down as willfully blind. So your post comes as no surprise. Honesty aint your hallmark, either.

Says the one wishing for a "miracle".......:D

Wishing for a miracle (on another topic entirely) is hardly the same thing as you being dishonest and generally dishonest and willfully blind, Kotex.

But I do enjoy your ongoing fails.

Ooooh....I must have hit a nerve....out comes the usual conservative insults. Can't take the heat...I get it. Poor schmucks, have to resort to personal insults, but it's understandable when your party fucks up so badly, wastes tax-payer money and then touts conservatism....give me a break...find another mantra.
I already have you down as willfully blind. So your post comes as no surprise. Honesty aint your hallmark, either.

Says the one wishing for a "miracle".......:D

Wishing for a miracle (on another topic entirely) is hardly the same thing as you being dishonest and generally dishonest and willfully blind, Kotex.

But I do enjoy your ongoing fails.

Ooooh....I must have hit a nerve....out comes the usual conservative insults. Can't take the heat...I get it. Poor schmucks, have to resort to personal insults, but it's understandable when your party fucks up so badly, wastes tax-payer money and then touts conservatism....give me a break...find another mantra.

You couldn't hit a nerve with a spiked bat. It is predictable that as soon as anybody contests your unsupported and silly babble, you claim victory in that childish way.

And while you are archly critical of ad hominems, you prove yourself thoroughly hypocritical by simultaneously engaging in them.

You remain quite worthless.

Meanwhile, back ON TOPIC:

Shrillary was CAUGHT lying in the investigation. It established that she had private servers for e-mails and then that she had deleted some of them and then that she had been hacked and then that some of the hacked stuff was classified. It also showed that she KNEW on the very next day (as PROVED via her email to the Egyptian PM) that the Benghazi attacks were an act of terrorism while the dishonest Obumbler Administration had Rice tell news outlets after that that the attacks were the result of outrage over the largely unseen and barely noticed shitty video.

One of the many problems propagandist hacks like you always have is the fact that the truth will eventually reveal you and the scum you support for what you are: Dishonest. Worthless. Partisan hacks. But enough about you.

Shrillary is a rancid lying bitch, too.
Actually, the FBI would have to literally go blind to even pretend to reach the "conclusion" that Shrillary didn't do anything wrong.

She didn't do anything wrong. The GOP is the only one that finds what she did to be "criminally" wrong...even if some on the right have done it, too. And, 9 investigations and millions of dollars down the drain....from a supposed "conservative" party? I think that needs to be investigated because it is more criminal than anything Hillary did.

So the F.B.I. is now just made up of republicans and your liberal talking points is the millions they spent while ignoring the 6 billion Hillary's state department lost/misplaced?
You couldn't hit a nerve with a spiked bat. It is predictable that as soon as anybody contests your unsupported and silly babble, you claim victory in that childish way.

Sure....that's why you got your panties in a wad and called me a name, because I didn't hit a nerve.:rolleyes: You're delusional on that, too? I just state utter babble.
You couldn't hit a nerve with a spiked bat. It is predictable that as soon as anybody contests your unsupported and silly babble, you claim victory in that childish way.

Sure....that's why you got your panties in a wad and called me a name, because I didn't hit a nerve.:rolleyes: You're delusional on that, too? I just state utter babble.

I know you are incapable of honesty, but go change your tampon.

Seriously, you are clearly on the verge of tears.

It will be okay. Maybe a warm bath?

By the way, thought you should know (since most of us see it): you haven't stated a fact yet in this thread. You'd be hard pressed to cite a genuine fact you've ever shared.
liberals are complete idiots

i have an article; ON THIS VERY THREAD I BELIEVE; detailing JUST HOW HILLARY HAS BROKEN THE LAW; and what do i see the left-wing loser here doing? just what every other left-wing loser and brainwashed lemming does when facts are presented he or she finds inconveniant; just straight up denying the facts without offering the "real" version of events. Oh and CRYING LIKE PUSSIES ABOUT FOX NEWS.

my article is from very un-right-wing THE DAILY KOS

libs are losers who lie to themselves
Actually, the FBI would have to literally go blind to even pretend to reach the "conclusion" that Shrillary didn't do anything wrong.

She didn't do anything wrong. The GOP is the only one that finds what she did to be "criminally" wrong...even if some on the right have done it, too. And, 9 investigations and millions of dollars down the drain....from a supposed "conservative" party? I think that needs to be investigated because it is more criminal than anything Hillary did.

So the F.B.I. is now just made up of republicans and your liberal talking points is the millions they spent while ignoring the 6 billion Hillary's state department lost/misplaced?

The FBI is just doing their job......investigating the e-mails to make sure no classified material was involved....and nobody said they were Republicans only....and it is quite comical how quickly conservatives are to point out money spent during a Democratic administration but totally ignore the billions lost due to conservative politician's Ted Cruz filibustering Obamacare to the tune of $24 billion, knowing full well that it was accomplishing nothing....millions spent on the 9th Benghazi investigation which turned up nothing new or the billions paid/wasted in the senseless war in Iraq that Republican's beloved hero started?

The United States has spent more than a quarter of a trillion dollars during its three years in Iraq, and more than $50 billion of it has gone to private contractors hired to guard bases, drive trucks, feed and shelter the troops and rebuild the country.

It is dangerous work, but much of the $50 billion, which is more than the annual budget of the Department of Homeland Security, has been handed out to companies in Iraq with little or no oversight.

Billions Wasted In Iraq?
"the FBI is just doing their job"

you're right you moron!! and their job is to find who to charge with the CRIME OF MISHANDLING TOP SECRET AND SENSITIVE INFORMATION
I know you are incapable of honesty, but go change your tampon.

Seriously, you are clearly on the verge of tears.

Bwahahaha....says the buffoon that can only spout insults because he is too ignorant to deal with facts.......why you crying?
Actually, the FBI would have to literally go blind to even pretend to reach the "conclusion" that Shrillary didn't do anything wrong.

She didn't do anything wrong. The GOP is the only one that finds what she did to be "criminally" wrong...even if some on the right have done it, too. And, 9 investigations and millions of dollars down the drain....from a supposed "conservative" party? I think that needs to be investigated because it is more criminal than anything Hillary did.

So the F.B.I. is now just made up of republicans and your liberal talking points is the millions they spent while ignoring the 6 billion Hillary's state department lost/misplaced?

The FBI is just doing their job......investigating the e-mails to make sure no classified material was involved....and nobody said they were Republicans only....and it is quite comical how quickly conservatives are to point out money spent during a Democratic administration but totally ignore the billions lost due to conservative politician's Ted Cruz filibustering Obamacare to the tune of $24 billion, knowing full well that it was accomplishing nothing....millions spent on the 9th Benghazi investigation which turned up nothing new or the billions paid/wasted in the senseless war in Iraq that Republican's beloved hero started?

The United States has spent more than a quarter of a trillion dollars during its three years in Iraq, and more than $50 billion of it has gone to private contractors hired to guard bases, drive trucks, feed and shelter the troops and rebuild the country.

It is dangerous work, but much of the $50 billion, which is more than the annual budget of the Department of Homeland Security, has been handed out to companies in Iraq with little or no oversight.

Billions Wasted In Iraq?

Quick to point out? Did you read your own thread? Or is it "don't do what I do"
I know you are incapable of honesty, but go change your tampon.

Seriously, you are clearly on the verge of tears.

Bwahahaha....says the buffoon that can only spout insults because he is too ignorant to deal with facts.......why you crying?

So you have nothing. Glad that's settled.

Now, take your midol, change your tampon, Kotex, and I say the warm bath is a good idea for a crying braying jackass such as you.

By the way, still waiting for you to state a fact.

Bwahahaha! Freakish whining liberal pansies like you are not capable of it. Honesty itself offends you.

It burns.

Good. I am fine with the truth causing you discomfort. But your crying is getting a bit shrill.
"the FBI is just doing their job"

you're right you moron!! and their job is to find who to charge with the CRIME OF MISHANDLING TOP SECRET AND SENSITIVE INFORMATION

No, idiot, they are investigating the security of her server........they haven't found any crime and they're not targeting her. But a yahoo like you just spouts out nonsense without knowing the don't expect any more responses from me to your stupid comments....I don't waste my time responding to buffoons who have proven to be rather ignorant, and you're at the top of the list.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI is looking into the security of the private email server that Hillary Rodham Clinton used when she was secretary of state, The Washington Post reported Tuesday.

The referral to the Justice Department did not seek a criminal probe and did not specifically target Clinton.

The two officials cited by the Post also said that the FBI was not targeting her.

Washington Post: FBI investigating security of Hillary Clinton emails
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it is already known several attempts to hijack information from her PRIVATE SERVER were made, with at least one attempt successful i believe by a hacker in romania

but you're right idiot; the FBI needs to find who accessed that data; SO THEY KNOW HOW MANY CHARGES OF MISHANDLING GOVERNEMNT INFORMATION TO CHARGE HILLARY WITH
"the FBI is just doing their job"

you're right you moron!! and their job is to find who to charge with the CRIME OF MISHANDLING TOP SECRET AND SENSITIVE INFORMATION

No, idiot, they are investigating the security of her server........they haven't found any crime and they're not targeting her. But a yahoo like you just spouts out nonsense without knowing the don't expect any more responses from me to your stupid comments....I don't waste my time responding to buffoons who have proven to be rather ignorant, and you're at the top of the list.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI is looking into the security of the private email server that Hillary Rodham Clinton used when she was secretary of state, The Washington Post reported Tuesday.

The referral to the Justice Department did not seek a criminal probe and did not specifically target Clinton.

The two officials cited by the Post also said that the FBI was not targeting her.

Washington Post: FBI investigating security of Hillary Clinton emails


it figures you morons want to blame a machine for others criminal behavior; you do the same thing with guns
"the FBI is just doing their job"

you're right you moron!! and their job is to find who to charge with the CRIME OF MISHANDLING TOP SECRET AND SENSITIVE INFORMATION

No, idiot, they are investigating the security of her server........they haven't found any crime and they're not targeting her. But a yahoo like you just spouts out nonsense without knowing the don't expect any more responses from me to your stupid comments....I don't waste my time responding to buffoons who have proven to be rather ignorant, and you're at the top of the list.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI is looking into the security of the private email server that Hillary Rodham Clinton used when she was secretary of state, The Washington Post reported Tuesday.

The referral to the Justice Department did not seek a criminal probe and did not specifically target Clinton.

The two officials cited by the Post also said that the FBI was not targeting her.

Washington Post: FBI investigating security of Hillary Clinton emails

do you have the names of the FBI people saying she isnt the target?

of course you dont IDIOT
and why do you think that is?
if it's all on the up and up and there is no possiblity of HER facing charges (and not her server you pathetic dullard) they why be hesistant just make your name available when saying she isnt the target???
AGAIN; if the possibility of hillary facing charges over her private email server is off the table as left-wingnutz are CLEARLY IMPLYING why would any FBI spokesperson be afraid to have their name attached to a very simple statement, or answer to a question, stating HILLARY ISNT THE TARGET OF THE INVESTIGATION???

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