So Hillary greased her palms with Wall Street donations so lower Manhattan would be rebuilt?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Hillary Rodham Clinton defended her campaign contributions from Wall Street by invoking her work to help the financial sector rebuild after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, raising eyebrows among her Democratic challengers and Republicans alike.
Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta told reporters the Clinton's "integrity was impugned and what she was saying was that she was proud to represent the state of New York, to help rebuild lower Manhattan."

"When people attack her and call her quote-unquote the 'Senator from Wall Street,' they ought to remember that she was instrumental in trying to rebuild an important part of the New York economy," he said.
My Way News - Clinton's invoking of 9/11 to defend donations draws ire

So let me understand... As the Senator to Wall Street she took Wall Street donations to get lower Manhattan rebuilt? Wouldn't the money donated to Hillary be better spent rebuilding lower Manhattan rather then going into her campaign coffers?
Just doesn't make any sense. Is she saying to get any money to rebuild lower Manhattan it took greasing her palms with donations??
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I mean it just does not sound right that she took Wall Street money that could have been used to help "rebuild lower Manhattan" to "rebuild lower Manhattan".
Is she saying that without the donations, she would not allow help to rebuild lower Manhattan? Because that's what it sounds like.
It's only a bad thing when Republicans take money from contributors....
It's only a bad thing when Republicans take money from contributors....

I was just thinking...

Its a good thing Hillary didn't take those donatations from the Koch Brothers.

We'd never hear the end of it from the Left
If the media was doing it's job the Arkansas perverts would have been laughed out of town twenty years ago. The only thing keeping Hillary around is the media's unrelenting support. Any excuse Podesta offers is fine with them and they will never call her a hypocrite much less an enabler for her husband's abuse of women.

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