So, how many leftists will admit socialism failed Venezuela?

Do you think the che guevera worshipers are able to admit that?
It didn’t fail, they just practiced it wrong. Every state that tries it just practices it wrong, obviously. Once our socialists get into power, they will of course be the ones who do it right. If it fails it’ll just prove that they weren’t ever socialists, but actually just right wing extremists. Duh.

The real problem is that you right wingers go bat shit crazy over every country like Venezuela or Greece, where there is enough incompetence and corruption on both sides to easily explain why their economyies failed, and seize on them as examples of what happens in every socialist country, which is an out and out lie. You ignore every other economically successfuly socially democratic country in the world, including the United States. Since the 1980's when Republicans started cutting taxes for the wealthy on the backs of the working class and the middle class, and living on borrowed funds, your standing in the world in research, education, infrastructure, and medicine have fallen. Once a world leader in all of these fields, your fixation on military spending, wars, and putting it all on the credit card, are destroying your nation from within.

The United States used to have the best educated workforce in the world, the best infrastructure, the latest technology, and the best laws to protect patents and innovation in the world. It didn't hurt that after WWII, the USA had the only manufacturing capability left in the first world, with Europe in ruins. It only has the best patent protections, and most powerful and best equipped army in the world. Education, infrastructure, and guaranteed medical treatment for all have been sacrified on the alter of the Military Industrial Complex, 18 years of endless, expensive, and mostly unnecessary and unwise, wars.

You can't afford maternity leave for pregnant women, but you can afford to go to war with Iran. The war will cost more, and at the end of the day, achieve less for your people, than maternity leave will, but you'll cheer the war, and call maternity leave a communist threat.

When discussing the leader of any Socialist or Communist country, the noun that ALWAYS used to describe him is: Dictator. The reason for that is, he's stole all your stuff, by force, if necessary and now lives in fear of the next guy taking all his stuff , which used to be your stuff.

You have to be a COMPLETELY FUCKING IGNORANT ASSHOLE to believe that you'll be - magically -- better off after surrendering your weapons, freedoms and property to an all powerful government


"How many of you are COMPLETELY FUCKING IGNORANT ASSHOLES who believe that you'll be - magically -- better off after surrendering your weapons, freedoms and property to an all powerful government"?
Socialism fails when it dominates over Capitalism. Socialism necessarily kills off the Middle Class. Socialism locks in a true 1 percent elite while the rest are simply , “ the masses.”
where do you guys get your propaganda and rhetoric? socialism fails because it requires social morals for free not a capital profit motive.

raising the minimum wage and health care reform can help the least wealthy afford our first world economy.

Market-driven high wages and healthcare reform help the least wealthy. Arbitrary and artificial mandates by way of Socialism causes failure. My propaganda is rooted in Econ 101 and historical analysis. And your propaganda is “social morality”? Who or what is the authority on that?

Being Least wealthy currently in the US means rent, food, healthcare, cell phones, big screen TVs, premium tv service? Where else - what socialist country - would the Least wealthy rather be?

Capitalism works better than Socialism.
Not when it really really matters. Besides, Government seems to solve all problems for the right wing, not market economics.

Our Space Race and moon landing was socialism commanding capitalism to do it. The private sector is still looking for a profit motive.

Nothing but repeal has never been a solution nor have mere tax cuts for the wealthiest.

You people keep saying “tax cuts for the wealthy” as a continual basis for tapping into class envy so that the US economic system can be transformed from Capitalistinc to Socialist. There are multiple flaws in this approach. First, you have yet to consistently define “wealthy” yet somehow includes The Middle Class. Further, you don’t go after the wealthy you go after income earners which by and large are Middle Class. If you truly went after the wealthy, there is no way Pelosi, Kerry, and other wealthy liberal elites would sign off unless they were exempt.

Liberals need to be held accountable for defining what wealthy is and provide empirical basis for why and how taxing/ taking further without cutting spending is good for US.

Tapping into class envy is a tired approach.
Boo hoo boo hoo Now we have the greatest threat to the American way ever seen in our WH Good work Laugh while your king says he can do anything he wants
You don't understand, nothing could hurt the country more than what this animal named Trump is doing. Anything, yes, ANYTHING is better.
And he's doing a great job of threatening "the American way," Comrades. It's just fucking awful ... for bitter commie BITCHES like you:

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

No wonder you bitter, bitter leftards are so hysterical. Anything good for America and Americans you consider to be bad.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D
As your ilk was want to do under Obama No mater how high employment and our markets rose ,no matter how low our unemployment sunk you bashed the hell out of him And you still can't give him a little credit for handing over a good economy to the AH in our WH now
Up until Obamacare I thought he was a pretty good POTUS and am still proud that so many Americans could look beyond his skin tone and vote for him. That said, there was indeed far too much racism in the criticism he and his fam took.

The point you assiduously avoided is that you bitter leftards would much rather the US crash & burn than succeed & prosper with Trump as POTUS.

In my book that makes you traitors … every one of you.
I am willing to enjoy our continued economic strength
But am unwilling to accept the claim that the economy sucked under Obama and was rescued by Trump...
As am I. Obama was handed an economic shit-sandwich and was smart enough to get out of our way and allow Americans to do what we do best … succeed & prosper. That this historically long economic expansion has continued under Trump is nothing short of remarkable and it has broadened to include as wide a swath of Americans as I've seen in my lifetime. As advertised, the rising tide surely has raised all ships.

Say what you will about his persona, his hair, his skin tone, his whatever … we have done well in Trump's 2.5 years as POTUS and from what I've heard from the Democrat Socialist Party Clown Car, they would undo it because - like you - they hate him far more than they love this country.
We have done well ,,,He starts trade wars ,markets go down Changes his mind ,markets go way up. How does any country trust what he says ? He lies to your face ,then changes his mind and says the opposite How are our businesses supposed to take him No plan , just helter skelter 600 of our biggest signed a letter asking him to stop this tariff BS ..... are they wrong ?
the Community Reinvestment Act which put significant pressure on banks to lend to low income neighborhoods.

The banks were not forced to make bad loans. The problem was created by non bank lenders, zero down, no income checks, bad credit okay, and adjustable rates. Combined with unscrupulous salesmen who worked on commission who sold overpriced houses to people who couldn't afford them. Along with speculators who all expected the values to keep rising. Then these mortgages were bundled into securities and passed off with an A+ rating and sold to an unsuspecting world who expected the values to just continue to rise.
You ignorant fuck.

FACT: The toothless 1977 regulations fully expired in July 1997, when President Clinton rewrote them to toughen CRA enforcement as part of a crusade to close the "mortgage gap" between blacks and whites.

For the first time, banks were required to show results. One of the five performance criteria in the "lending test" — the most heavily weighted component of the CRA exam — was adopting "flexible lending practices" to address the credit needs of poor borrowers in "predominantly minority neighborhoods." Banks that didn't bend their underwriting rules risked flunking the exam.

Ex-Federal Reserve Board Gov. Lawrence Lindsey, a staunch CRA defender, acknowledges that the changes "did contribute to a downgrading of credit standards."

Under Clinton's CRA "investment test," moreover, banks for the first time earned CRA credit for purchasing subprime securities. A wave of these securitizations in the secondary mortgage market and on Wall Street began in 1997, which also happened to mark the start of the housing bubble.

Other changes transformed the once-dormant act into a weapon in the hands of Acorn, Greenlining and other shakedown groups who were quick to brand banks with prudent lending requirements as "racist."

FACT: Studies show that CRA loans have higher delinquencies and defaults and act as a major drag on bank earnings. In 2008, CRA loans accounted for just 7% of Bank of America's total mortgage lending, but 29% of its losses on home loans. Also, banks with the highest CRA ratings tend to have the lowest safety and soundness ratings.

FACT: Among other things, the figure does not count the trillions of dollars in CRA "commitments" that WaMu, BofA, JPMorgan Chase, Citibank, Wells Fargo and other large banks pledged to radical inner-city groups like Acorn, Greenlining and Neighborhood Assistance Corp. of America (NACA) after they used the public comment process to protest bank merger applications on CRA grounds.

Even your beloved nbc had to acknowledge what that did.

Kudlow: Are the Clintons the real housing crash villains?

The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (majority report) concluded in January 2011 that: "...the CRA was not a significant factor in subprime lending or the crisis. Many subprime lenders were not subject to the CRA. Research indicates only 6% of high-cost loans—a proxy for subprime loans—had any connection to the law. Loans made by CRA-regulated lenders in the neighborhoods in which they were required to lend were half as likely to default as similar loans made in the same neighborhoods by independent mortgage originators not subject to the law."[1]

The three Republican authors of a dissenting report to the FCIC majority opinion wrote in January 2011: "Neither the Community Reinvestment Act nor removal of the Glass-Steagall firewall was a significant cause. The crisis can be explained without resorting to these factors." The three authors further explained: "Credit spreads declined not just for housing, but also for other asset classes like commercial real estate. This tells us to look to the credit bubble as an essential cause of the U.S. housing bubble.

Steven D. Gjerstad and Vernon L. Smith, reviewing the research on the role of the CRA, find that CRA loans were not significant in the crisis but CRA scoring (bank ratings) played an important role. They conclude "the CRA is neither absolved of playing a role in the crisis nor faulted as a root cause." It justified easy credit to those of modest means and indirectly affected all lending to the borrowers it targeted. It was, however, part of an emerging consensus among lenders, government and the public for easy credit
Do you think the che guevera worshipers are able to admit that?

Hey, dolt, for your edification, it was a "strong man" leader who ignored law that caused the country such grief.

BTW, you are a freakin idiot.

So you admit calipornia used "strong man" tactics when the electorate said no to gay marriage yet they implemented it anyway?
Do you not see where this leads?

You are an idiot.

So you cant argue the point...,.got it.
Do you think the che guevera worshipers are able to admit that?

Hey, dolt, for your edification, it was a "strong man" leader who ignored law that caused the country such grief.

BTW, you are a freakin idiot.

So you admit calipornia used "strong man" tactics when the electorate said no to gay marriage yet they implemented it anyway?
Do you not see where this leads?

You are an idiot.
Thats all you got you fuck? That is what I thought. The fact that you pathetic dipshits, predictably claim the Nordic countries when I never asked about them is pathetic.

When did a dictator or totalitarian leader take over under a free market style of rule you fucking idiot?

I already anticipate you pieces of shit bringing up hitler, cause you are that fucking dumb, and that fucking predictable. I always love how you stupid fucking morons ignore that National Socialist German Workers' Party. You dumb fucking loser.


Just the fact that you pieces of shit bring up the Nordic countries when I bring up Venezuela....

Hey, fuckface. Tell all of us how sean penn or oliver stone and the rest of you losers worshiping hugo chavez. You dumb fucking loser.

I know a fucking loser won't listen to this, but this for the rest of the losers that might. You dumb fuck.

What an angry little tRumpet.

Enjoy your day in the sun little Trumpet, soon you will be banished back to your closet.

Why is it that you never address the question?
And he's doing a great job of threatening "the American way," Comrades. It's just fucking awful ... for bitter commie BITCHES like you:

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

No wonder you bitter, bitter leftards are so hysterical. Anything good for America and Americans you consider to be bad.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D
As your ilk was want to do under Obama No mater how high employment and our markets rose ,no matter how low our unemployment sunk you bashed the hell out of him And you still can't give him a little credit for handing over a good economy to the AH in our WH now
Up until Obamacare I thought he was a pretty good POTUS and am still proud that so many Americans could look beyond his skin tone and vote for him. That said, there was indeed far too much racism in the criticism he and his fam took.

The point you assiduously avoided is that you bitter leftards would much rather the US crash & burn than succeed & prosper with Trump as POTUS.

In my book that makes you traitors … every one of you.
I am willing to enjoy our continued economic strength
But am unwilling to accept the claim that the economy sucked under Obama and was rescued by Trump...
As am I. Obama was handed an economic shit-sandwich and was smart enough to get out of our way and allow Americans to do what we do best … succeed & prosper. That this historically long economic expansion has continued under Trump is nothing short of remarkable and it has broadened to include as wide a swath of Americans as I've seen in my lifetime. As advertised, the rising tide surely has raised all ships.

Say what you will about his persona, his hair, his skin tone, his whatever … we have done well in Trump's 2.5 years as POTUS and from what I've heard from the Democrat Socialist Party Clown Car, they would undo it because - like you - they hate him far more than they love this country.
Still waiting to see the long term effects of trade wars

Republicans used to fight for free trade
Weren't they also fiscal conservatives?? OR was that just a code word for no spending on the poor?
Boo hoo boo hoo Now we have the greatest threat to the American way ever seen in our WH Good work Laugh while your king says he can do anything he wants
You don't understand, nothing could hurt the country more than what this animal named Trump is doing. Anything, yes, ANYTHING is better.
And he's doing a great job of threatening "the American way," Comrades. It's just fucking awful ... for bitter commie BITCHES like you:

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

No wonder you bitter, bitter leftards are so hysterical. Anything good for America and Americans you consider to be bad.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D
As your ilk was want to do under Obama No mater how high employment and our markets rose ,no matter how low our unemployment sunk you bashed the hell out of him And you still can't give him a little credit for handing over a good economy to the AH in our WH now
Up until Obamacare I thought he was a pretty good POTUS and am still proud that so many Americans could look beyond his skin tone and vote for him. That said, there was indeed far too much racism in the criticism he and his fam took.

The point you assiduously avoided is that you bitter leftards would much rather the US crash & burn than succeed & prosper with Trump as POTUS.

In my book that makes you traitors … every one of you.
I am willing to enjoy our continued economic strength
But am unwilling to accept the claim that the economy sucked under Obama and was rescued by Trump...
As am I. Obama was handed an economic shit-sandwich and was smart enough to get out of our way and allow Americans to do what we do best … succeed & prosper. That this historically long economic expansion has continued under Trump is nothing short of remarkable and it has broadened to include as wide a swath of Americans as I've seen in my lifetime. As advertised, the rising tide surely has raised all ships.

Say what you will about his persona, his hair, his skin tone, his whatever … we have done well in Trump's 2.5 years as POTUS and from what I've heard from the Democrat Socialist Party Clown Car, they would undo it because - like you - they hate him far more than they love this country.
You do know our markets have spun it's wheels for 17 months ?
Do you think the che guevera worshipers are able to admit that?
It didn’t fail, they just practiced it wrong. Every state that tries it just practices it wrong, obviously. Once our socialists get into power, they will of course be the ones who do it right. If it fails it’ll just prove that they weren’t ever socialists, but actually just right wing extremists. Duh.

The real problem is that you right wingers go bat shit crazy over every country like Venezuela or Greece, where there is enough incompetence and corruption on both sides to easily explain why their economyies failed, and seize on them as examples of what happens in every socialist country, which is an out and out lie. You ignore every other economically successfuly socially democratic country in the world, including the United States. Since the 1980's when Republicans started cutting taxes for the wealthy on the backs of the working class and the middle class, and living on borrowed funds, your standing in the world in research, education, infrastructure, and medicine have fallen. Once a world leader in all of these fields, your fixation on military spending, wars, and putting it all on the credit card, are destroying your nation from within.

The United States used to have the best educated workforce in the world, the best infrastructure, the latest technology, and the best laws to protect patents and innovation in the world. It didn't hurt that after WWII, the USA had the only manufacturing capability left in the first world, with Europe in ruins. It only has the best patent protections, and most powerful and best equipped army in the world. Education, infrastructure, and guaranteed medical treatment for all have been sacrified on the alter of the Military Industrial Complex, 18 years of endless, expensive, and mostly unnecessary and unwise, wars.

You can't afford maternity leave for pregnant women, but you can afford to go to war with Iran. The war will cost more, and at the end of the day, achieve less for your people, than maternity leave will, but you'll cheer the war, and call maternity leave a communist threat.
Oh Jesus Christ. Thanks for confirming this Monmouth University poll NBC Polling Data Shows Sanders Voters Are 'Low Information' And Sanders Voters AREN'T Happy

Social programs are different from socialism, believe it or not. I know that because many of the letters match in the same order between the two words it may get a little confusing for you...but there is a difference. The Nordic nations and United States are all capitalistic countries, much different to what sanders advocates for which is the government owning/control production of entire industries. Sanders may advocate for larger social programs, but he also advocates for government owning production of industries. Venezuela, USSR, and countless other South American experiments as example, were all socialist countries that failed. They failed like they do



a narcissist comes into power who thinks they know how to properly manipulate and incredibly complex and ever evolving system like a market.
Oh Jesus Christ. Thanks for confirming this Monmouth University poll NBC Polling Data Shows Sanders Voters Are 'Low Information' And Sanders Voters AREN'T Happy

Social programs are different from socialism, believe it or not. I know that because many of the letters match in the same order between the two words, so it may get a little confusing for you...but there is a difference. The Nordic nations and United States are all capitalistic countries, much different to what sanders advocates for which is the government owning/control production of entire industries. Sanders may advocate for larger social programs, but he also advocates for government owning production of industries. Venezuela, USSR, and countless other South American experiments as example, were all socialist countries that failed. The failed like they do



a narcissist comes into power who thinks they know how to properly manipulate and incredibly complex and ever evolving system like a market.

Another idiot conservative who thinks he knows who I am and what I'm thinking. Not one of you has come close, and you're so off base you're a joke.

I wouldn't vote for Bernie Sanders if he were the ONLY candidate running, assuming of course I was an American and could vote. Bernie Sanders is NOT a Democrat. He is an opportunistic asshole who wants the Dems organization and war chest for an independent run at the Presidency.

I am well aware of WHAT socialism is, and the definition YOU'RE applying is not the mixed economy that Sanders, and the other "socialist" candidates are calling for. They're calling for an economy that rewards the workers as well as the capitalists, like it did BEFORE Reagan tilted the tax code so that the wealthy were the ONLY beneficiaries of growth and higher profits. Before he gutted the anti-trust legislation leading to behemouth companies and mega-billionaires and the wages for working Americans, as a percentage of GDP, not seen since the 1800's.

The people want BETTER schools, not bigger bombs. They want health care for ALL. They want roads and bridges that aren't collapsing and falling apart. They want fair wages, not crumbs to be fought over in "right to work" states.
Do you think the che guevera worshipers are able to admit that?
It didn’t fail, they just practiced it wrong. Every state that tries it just practices it wrong, obviously. Once our socialists get into power, they will of course be the ones who do it right. If it fails it’ll just prove that they weren’t ever socialists, but actually just right wing extremists. Duh.

The real problem is that you right wingers go bat shit crazy over every country like Venezuela or Greece, where there is enough incompetence and corruption on both sides to easily explain why their economyies failed, and seize on them as examples of what happens in every socialist country, which is an out and out lie. You ignore every other economically successfuly socially democratic country in the world, including the United States. Since the 1980's when Republicans started cutting taxes for the wealthy on the backs of the working class and the middle class, and living on borrowed funds, your standing in the world in research, education, infrastructure, and medicine have fallen. Once a world leader in all of these fields, your fixation on military spending, wars, and putting it all on the credit card, are destroying your nation from within.

The United States used to have the best educated workforce in the world, the best infrastructure, the latest technology, and the best laws to protect patents and innovation in the world. It didn't hurt that after WWII, the USA had the only manufacturing capability left in the first world, with Europe in ruins. It only has the best patent protections, and most powerful and best equipped army in the world. Education, infrastructure, and guaranteed medical treatment for all have been sacrified on the alter of the Military Industrial Complex, 18 years of endless, expensive, and mostly unnecessary and unwise, wars.

You can't afford maternity leave for pregnant women, but you can afford to go to war with Iran. The war will cost more, and at the end of the day, achieve less for your people, than maternity leave will, but you'll cheer the war, and call maternity leave a communist threat.
Oh Jesus Christ. Thanks for confirming this Monmouth University poll NBC Polling Data Shows Sanders Voters Are 'Low Information' And Sanders Voters AREN'T Happy

Social programs are different from socialism, believe it or not. I know that because many of the letters match in the same order between the two words it may get a little confusing for you...but there is a difference. The Nordic nations and United States are all capitalistic countries, much different to what sanders advocates for which is the government owning/control production of entire industries. Sanders may advocate for larger social programs, but he also advocates for government owning production of industries. Venezuela, USSR, and countless other South American experiments as example, were all socialist countries that failed. They failed like they do



a narcissist comes into power who thinks they know how to properly manipulate and incredibly complex and ever evolving system like a market.
Tariffs are killing the heartland Will they still kiss trumps butt ?....probably
And saddled gullible students with $1.T in student loans basically owned by the Federal Government which can't be discharged in bankruptcy - turning them into Debt Serfs for Life? They can thank Obama for their shackles.
Sure if you count going to school and school programs... LOL
Making tech training more readily available has been part of Trump's plan to MAGA and nearly 1 mil spots have been created for those who neither want the 4 yr college plan nor the debt burden.
800000 / 4 years is the plan. A tiny drop in the bucket if it ever happens. Of course we cannot tax the incredibly bloated Rich to do anything about it.... Propaganda is great, isn't it, super duper?
Oh Jesus Christ. Thanks for confirming this Monmouth University poll NBC Polling Data Shows Sanders Voters Are 'Low Information' And Sanders Voters AREN'T Happy

Social programs are different from socialism, believe it or not. I know that because many of the letters match in the same order between the two words, so it may get a little confusing for you...but there is a difference. The Nordic nations and United States are all capitalistic countries, much different to what sanders advocates for which is the government owning/control production of entire industries. Sanders may advocate for larger social programs, but he also advocates for government owning production of industries. Venezuela, USSR, and countless other South American experiments as example, were all socialist countries that failed. The failed like they do



a narcissist comes into power who thinks they know how to properly manipulate and incredibly complex and ever evolving system like a market.

Another idiot conservative who thinks he knows who I am and what I'm thinking. Not one of you has come close, and you're so off base you're a joke.

I wouldn't vote for Bernie Sanders if he were the ONLY candidate running, assuming of course I was an American and could vote. Bernie Sanders is NOT a Democrat. He is an opportunistic asshole who wants the Dems organization and war chest for an independent run at the Presidency.

I am well aware of WHAT socialism is, and the definition YOU'RE applying is not the mixed economy that Sanders, and the other "socialist" candidates are calling for. They're calling for an economy that rewards the workers as well as the capitalists, like it did BEFORE Reagan tilted the tax code so that the wealthy were the ONLY beneficiaries of growth and higher profits. Before he gutted the anti-trust legislation leading to behemouth companies and mega-billionaires and the wages for working Americans, as a percentage of GDP, not seen since the 1800's.

The people want BETTER schools, not bigger bombs. They want health care for ALL. They want roads and bridges that aren't collapsing and falling apart. They want fair wages, not crumbs to be fought over in "right to work" states.
“Mixed economy” just means government is going to take over an entire industry like Venezuela and oil. That’s exactly what I said Bernie wanted, to take over entire industries, like banking. Wanting better schools, roads, or expanding Medicaid does not make a country a social democracy. After all, Lenin was a democratic socialist. Doing Medicare for all while banning private insurance (like Bernie wants) wouldn’t technically count either, but it’d be damn close and eventually lead to government running the entire medical industry out of necessity decades later. That’s also an extremely unpopular policy even among democrats that don’t live in NYC or the in cities lining the pacific coast.

“Bigger Bombs” actually don’t account for the accruing debt in the US, they are budgeted for, and only make up 16% of the budget (that’s the entire military budget). That doesn’t mean that cost can’t come down. The question is, is it prudent to do so with China aggressively growing their technologically advanced military (which is now the largest military in the world), and aggressively flexing that military to the rest of the world, mainly their neighbors. Mind you China is a country that’s currently disappearing Muslims into concentration camps, they definitely aren’t good guys. I don’t think it’s prudent, the only thing stopping China from swallowing the rest Asia is America’s naval and air dominance. It sucks but the truth of the world is the best deterrence of war is a strong military. Since the US gained military dominance, there has never been a major war between major military powers, unlike the rest of human history where that was a constant and would led to the death of millions every time one broke out every 20 years or so. What’s not budgeted for and causing the uncontrollable rise in debt is social programs, like social security, which are just government sanctioned Ponzi schemes (get a new larger round of investors to pay of the last round of investors, until you are out of investors). The nation has run out of “investors”, and social security will be bankrupt within a decade.
Oh Jesus Christ. Thanks for confirming this Monmouth University poll NBC Polling Data Shows Sanders Voters Are 'Low Information' And Sanders Voters AREN'T Happy

Social programs are different from socialism, believe it or not. I know that because many of the letters match in the same order between the two words, so it may get a little confusing for you...but there is a difference. The Nordic nations and United States are all capitalistic countries, much different to what sanders advocates for which is the government owning/control production of entire industries. Sanders may advocate for larger social programs, but he also advocates for government owning production of industries. Venezuela, USSR, and countless other South American experiments as example, were all socialist countries that failed. The failed like they do



a narcissist comes into power who thinks they know how to properly manipulate and incredibly complex and ever evolving system like a market.

Another idiot conservative who thinks he knows who I am and what I'm thinking. Not one of you has come close, and you're so off base you're a joke.

I wouldn't vote for Bernie Sanders if he were the ONLY candidate running, assuming of course I was an American and could vote. Bernie Sanders is NOT a Democrat. He is an opportunistic asshole who wants the Dems organization and war chest for an independent run at the Presidency.

I am well aware of WHAT socialism is, and the definition YOU'RE applying is not the mixed economy that Sanders, and the other "socialist" candidates are calling for. They're calling for an economy that rewards the workers as well as the capitalists, like it did BEFORE Reagan tilted the tax code so that the wealthy were the ONLY beneficiaries of growth and higher profits. Before he gutted the anti-trust legislation leading to behemouth companies and mega-billionaires and the wages for working Americans, as a percentage of GDP, not seen since the 1800's.

The people want BETTER schools, not bigger bombs. They want health care for ALL. They want roads and bridges that aren't collapsing and falling apart. They want fair wages, not crumbs to be fought over in "right to work" states.
“Mixed economy” just means government is going to take over an entire industry like Venezuela and oil. That’s exactly what I said Bernie wanted, to take over entire industries, like banking. Wanting better schools, roads, or expanding Medicaid does not make a country a social democracy. After all, Lenin was a democratic socialist. Doing Medicare for all while banning private insurance (like Bernie wants) wouldn’t technically count either, but it’d be damn close and eventually lead to government running the entire medical industry out of necessity decades later. That’s also an extremely unpopular policy even among democrats that don’t live in NYC or the in cities lining the pacific coast.

“Bigger Bombs” actually don’t account for the accruing debt in the US, they are budgeted for, and only make up 16% of the budget (that’s the entire military budget). That doesn’t mean that cost can’t come down. The question is, is it prudent to do so with China aggressively growing their technologically advanced military (which is now the largest military in the world), and aggressively flexing that military to the rest of the world, mainly their neighbors. Mind you China is a country that’s currently disappearing Muslims into concentration camps, they definitely aren’t good guys. I don’t think it’s prudent, the only thing stopping China from swallowing the rest Asia is America’s naval and air dominance. It sucks but the truth of the world is the best deterrence of war is a strong military. Since the US gained military dominance, there has never been a major war between major military powers, unlike the rest of human history where that was a constant and would led to the death of millions every time one broke out every 20 years or so. What’s not budgeted for and causing the uncontrollable rise in debt is social programs, like social security, which are just government sanctioned Ponzi schemes (get a new larger round of investors to pay of the last round of investors, until you are out of investors). The nation has run out of “investors”, and social security will be bankrupt within a decade.
No major war ??Give Trump 4 more years and you just might get one
When discussing the leader of any Socialist or Communist country, the noun that ALWAYS used to describe him is: Dictator. The reason for that is, he's stole all your stuff, by force, if necessary and now lives in fear of the next guy taking all his stuff , which used to be your stuff.

You have to be a COMPLETELY FUCKING IGNORANT ASSHOLE to believe that you'll be - magically -- better off after surrendering your weapons, freedoms and property to an all powerful government.

"How many of you are COMPLETELY FUCKING IGNORANT ASSHOLES who believe that you'll be - magically -- better off after surrendering your weapons, freedoms and property to an all powerful government"?

That line is so fine it was worthy of repeating. Any adult who believes bigger, greasier, all-powerful central gov't is the best way to organize our society is too stupid to be part of our society.

If one isn't liberal at 25, one is heartless but if still liberal at 35, one is brainless.
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Making tech training more readily available has been part of Trump's plan to MAGA and nearly 1 mil spots have been created for those who neither want the 4 yr college plan nor the debt burden.
800000 / 4 years is the plan. A tiny drop in the bucket if it ever happens. Of course we cannot tax the incredibly bloated Rich to do anything about it.... Propaganda is great, isn't it, super duper?
FFS, you whiny, sniveling, bitter crybabies consider any plan that does not yield instant results to be unworthy of implementing.

I tell ya, if you didn't have a boatload of stupidity and sour grapes, you'd have nothing at all. No wonder y'all hate Trump.
I ask about Venezuela and these fuckers predictably bring up the wonderful successes of the Nordic countries. The only countries with a higher density of whites than here. What fucking racists.

That is number one. Not to mention the myth that those countries are actually the type of socialism they espouse.

You fucking ignorant leftist cocksuckers. Try changing the subject just a little more you fucking idiots.

Also, how many countries under a free market enterprise have been taken over by a tyrant? When?

This is where they will now attempt to convince us that the National Socialist Workers Party (NAZI) really was not socialism. Ever wonder why they get so insecure about that? Fucking losers.

Which country with a free market have been taken over by a dictator?

Why did staunch democrats like sean penn, oliver stone among others fully support chavez in Venezuela all to loud cheers of left wing American losers?

Why did that fat disgusting fuck michael moore, who is worth about 50 million with a giant fucking mansion thanks to this country, shit all over it while he praised cuba's style of government?

Yet you fuckers deny Venezuela socialists led to a fucking tyranny?

YOU FUCKING LOSERS. I have more joy wiping my ass than listening to or reading your funky fucking ignorant blather.

Fuck you all. My thread proves us right again. You are all fucking losers.

We don’t deny that Venezuela socialists led to the current mess. We deny that “socialism”, as a form of government, is responsible for
I ask about Venezuela and these fuckers predictably bring up the wonderful successes of the Nordic countries. The only countries with a higher density of whites than here. What fucking racists.

That is number one. Not to mention the myth that those countries are actually the type of socialism they espouse.

You fucking ignorant leftist cocksuckers. Try changing the subject just a little more you fucking idiots.

Also, how many countries under a free market enterprise have been taken over by a tyrant? When?

This is where they will now attempt to convince us that the National Socialist Workers Party (NAZI) really was not socialism. Ever wonder why they get so insecure about that? Fucking losers.

Which country with a free market have been taken over by a dictator?

Why did staunch democrats like sean penn, oliver stone among others fully support chavez in Venezuela all to loud cheers of left wing American losers?

Why did that fat disgusting fuck michael moore, who is worth about 50 million with a giant fucking mansion thanks to this country, shit all over it while he praised cuba's style of government?

Yet you fuckers deny Venezuela socialists led to a fucking tyranny?

YOU FUCKING LOSERS. I have more joy wiping my ass than listening to or reading your funky fucking ignorant blather.

Fuck you all. My thread proves us right again. You are all fucking losers.

Another highly biased and inherently extreme right wing take on economics.

Institute of Economic Affairs - SourceWatch

You people cannot find anyone from a moderate or even a centre right group to support your biased and totally unsupported economic theories.

Socialism has never worked in all of history. Fact

Capitalism "died in 1929" and socialism has been bailing us our ever since.

the Proof is, Government solves all problems for the right wing. i agree that the US practices "gunboat" diplomacy with our larger economy and causes smaller economies to fail.

Oh so that's why Cuba and Venezuela each have economies larger than the USA

where is Texas or California?
Socialism fails when it dominates over Capitalism. Socialism necessarily kills off the Middle Class. Socialism locks in a true 1 percent elite while the rest are simply , “ the masses.”
where do you guys get your propaganda and rhetoric? socialism fails because it requires social morals for free not a capital profit motive.

raising the minimum wage and health care reform can help the least wealthy afford our first world economy.

Market-driven high wages and healthcare reform help the least wealthy. Arbitrary and artificial mandates by way of Socialism causes failure. My propaganda is rooted in Econ 101 and historical analysis. And your propaganda is “social morality”? Who or what is the authority on that?

Being Least wealthy currently in the US means rent, food, healthcare, cell phones, big screen TVs, premium tv service? Where else - what socialist country - would the Least wealthy rather be?

Capitalism works better than Socialism.
Not when it really really matters. Besides, Government seems to solve all problems for the right wing, not market economics.

Our Space Race and moon landing was socialism commanding capitalism to do it. The private sector is still looking for a profit motive.

Nothing but repeal has never been a solution nor have mere tax cuts for the wealthiest.

You people keep saying “tax cuts for the wealthy” as a continual basis for tapping into class envy so that the US economic system can be transformed from Capitalistinc to Socialist. There are multiple flaws in this approach. First, you have yet to consistently define “wealthy” yet somehow includes The Middle Class. Further, you don’t go after the wealthy you go after income earners which by and large are Middle Class. If you truly went after the wealthy, there is no way Pelosi, Kerry, and other wealthy liberal elites would sign off unless they were exempt.

Liberals need to be held accountable for defining what wealthy is and provide empirical basis for why and how taxing/ taking further without cutting spending is good for US.

Tapping into class envy is a tired approach.
it is not envy in my case; it is more a form of frustration with the right wing. Equal protection of the law is expressed in our federal and State Constitutions; yet, according to the right wing, the Poor are not really worth equal protection of the law.

In the US, we could have solved simple poverty when due to a mere lack of income that would otherwise be obtained from participation in the market for labor. Only Capital must circulate under capitalism. Yet, the right wing insists on a social work ethic from the Age of Iron, in modern information age times.

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