So, how many leftists will admit socialism failed Venezuela?

Actually corruption ruined Ven.

When will Cons admit that Venezuela “socialism “ has nothing to do with the democratic socialist ideas we have in America.

This is what denial looks like.

As I recall, these people were praising socialism all the way... until it failed again. Same is in store for US.

I realize you fools need to keep explanations simple, one word or less, but Venezuela's problems aren't "socialism", but mis-management, corruption, an economic model dependant on the price stability of its one export: oil.

It is the oil based economy of Venezuela which is most responsible for the mess they're in - that and generations of corruption on both the right and the left.

But all of this is WAY too complicated for Republicans, who must always blame liberals for everything, so its "socialism". Because the abject idiocy of basing your entire economy on the price of oil is a really good idea.
Leftarded MORONS must be leftared because they are MORONS. In your case, you defend Venezuela because it reflects poorly on what you would do to the US.

Even the socialist that the V's elected to manage their socialism admitted it is the economic model that failed so miserably in Venezuela but then, WTF does he know, eh Comrade D?

Socialist Venezuela Falling Apart As President Maduro Shockingly Blames Party

News flash! Socialism in poor, closed-door economies is a failure. So says Nicolas Maduro, who happens to be the president of one: the biggest failed state in the Americas, poor ol’ Venezuela.

In a surprising twist on Monday, Maduro went against the Socialists United (PSUV) playbook of blaming Washington (especially the CIA) for Venezuela’s troubles.

“The production models we’ve tried so far have failed, and the responsibility is ours—mine and yours,” Maduro told the PSUV party congress.

Venezuela’s economy is a disaster. The country faces a massive brain drain, with middle-class people leaving in droves to Madrid and Miami. Lower-income Venezuelans are trekking across borders into Colombia and Brazil.

Inflation is off the charts, up thousands of percentage points over the last few years, and up hundreds of percent this year alone. The currency is useless. Some towns have taken to bartering.
yep it has nothing to do with US sanctions making it impossible for them to sell their oil
anywhere now LOL, super duper dupe. Man our whole media sucks sometimes... Not just your ridiculous propaganda machine....
FFS, can you read? Venezuela's El Presidente admitted that which you can't ... that the socialist economic model failed in V as it has everywhere else it was imposed.

I would say the question posited by the OP - "So, how many leftists will admit socialism failed Venezuela?" - has been answered with a resounding "NOT ONE."
because it is stupid bulshit propaganda, dumbass dupe Cold War dinosaur brain-washed functional moron, no matter how many thousands of times your bought off ex Coke head high school grad pundits say it.
Sounds like Trump and McConnell
Do you feel oppressed, Snowflake? Need another tissue?

What he really needs is an industrial size drum of:

View attachment 265589
The single greatest regret in my life is not having bought stock in Boudreaux on Nov 9, 2016.
You gotta know when to hold em know when to fold em You've been dealt a bad hand and won't throw your cards in Your choice
I'm no quitter and still do reasonably well for an old retired guy but I could have bought a large yacht had I had the foresight to buy stock in butt-crack cream in 2016. Did you?
No but I did buy aapl msft and FB
This is what denial looks like.

As I recall, these people were praising socialism all the way... until it failed again. Same is in store for US.

I realize you fools need to keep explanations simple, one word or less, but Venezuela's problems aren't "socialism", but mis-management, corruption, an economic model dependant on the price stability of its one export: oil.

It is the oil based economy of Venezuela which is most responsible for the mess they're in - that and generations of corruption on both the right and the left.

But all of this is WAY too complicated for Republicans, who must always blame liberals for everything, so its "socialism". Because the abject idiocy of basing your entire economy on the price of oil is a really good idea.
Leftarded MORONS must be leftared because they are MORONS. In your case, you defend Venezuela because it reflects poorly on what you would do to the US.

Even the socialist that the V's elected to manage their socialism admitted it is the economic model that failed so miserably in Venezuela but then, WTF does he know, eh Comrade D?

Socialist Venezuela Falling Apart As President Maduro Shockingly Blames Party

News flash! Socialism in poor, closed-door economies is a failure. So says Nicolas Maduro, who happens to be the president of one: the biggest failed state in the Americas, poor ol’ Venezuela.

In a surprising twist on Monday, Maduro went against the Socialists United (PSUV) playbook of blaming Washington (especially the CIA) for Venezuela’s troubles.

“The production models we’ve tried so far have failed, and the responsibility is ours—mine and yours,” Maduro told the PSUV party congress.

Venezuela’s economy is a disaster. The country faces a massive brain drain, with middle-class people leaving in droves to Madrid and Miami. Lower-income Venezuelans are trekking across borders into Colombia and Brazil.

Inflation is off the charts, up thousands of percentage points over the last few years, and up hundreds of percent this year alone. The currency is useless. Some towns have taken to bartering.
yep it has nothing to do with US sanctions making it impossible for them to sell their oil
anywhere now LOL, super duper dupe. Man our whole media sucks sometimes... Not just your ridiculous propaganda machine....
FFS, can you read? Venezuela's El Presidente admitted that which you can't ... that the socialist economic model failed in V as it has everywhere else it was imposed.

I would say the question posited by the OP - "So, how many leftists will admit socialism failed Venezuela?" - has been answered with a resounding "NOT ONE."
because it is stupid bulshit propaganda, dumbass dupe Cold War dinosaur brain-washed functional moron, no matter how many thousands of times your bought off ex Coke head high school grad pundits say it.
Wait ... so you are saying Venezuela Prez lied when he admitted his country's socialist economic model has failed miserably? That it was just propaganda?
Do you think the che guevera worshipers are able to admit that?
All of them. Now find me a single Democrat who claimed they wanted to emulate Venezuela?
I don't know if they see a distinction between Venezuela/Cuba and Germany/Finland.

I'm not kidding. To them it's just all one big socialist commie thing.
Just check out the bogus political Spectrum the GOP propaganda machine is foisting on the world. On it, right-wing is a libertarian Utopia close to anarchy, while the left-wing is socialists Communists Nazis and totalitarians of all kinds. Because Nazis are socialists you know LOL. They believe all right wing propaganda, even the Nazis'. Venezuela is failing because of GOP interference and sanctions ever since Hugo got elected.... But now Trump has made it impossible for them to sell their oil anywhere. And the bulshit machine blames socialism, they have a whole other planet. . And the rest of our media is doing a crap job the cowards.
They still have not acknowledged it. Lol
Because it's simply not true. Their economy failed just as badly, if not worse, under capitalism...
No it didn't and of all the silly socialist shit you have posted, that is about the silliest. Their economy was fine but their governance lacked integrity and when the people were promised "free" stuff they took the bait. The result was predictable.

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury." - Alexander Fraser Tytler - Wikiquote

Once again, you simply complex things to two word meanings having little to no basis in reality: "free stuff".

If their economy was "fine", and the regular people weren't suffering under right wing rule, they would not have voted to change the status quo. Here's a time line:

Venezuela profile - Timeline
Do you think the che guevera worshipers are able to admit that?
They still blame it on imperial political and interference with local economics.
One way we can test out what systems are more sustainable:
Allow each party to fund and run its own programs for its own members.

It could be the "prosocialist" include more people who are not financially independent yet,
so they could run their programs like a school system, with work-study benefits on campus sites,
and paid internships where people learn work skills while they earn their education.

While the "capitalist" model represents more experienced business people with knowledge in financial
independence. So this group could provide mentorships and volunteer investors in business plans.
Instead of taxing the rich as a punitive or collective policy, REWARD wealthy business leaders and investors
with tax breaks for mentoring future leaders how to manage grants and loans properly,
paying them back by following solid business plans for development. Not relying on handouts
where they don't learn business skills for becoming self governing and sustaining.
None of you conservatives meatheads can explain what the Dems are doing that will turn us into Venezuela?
I'm no quitter and still do reasonably well for an old retired guy but I could have bought a large yacht had I had the foresight to buy stock in butt-crack cream in 2016. Did you?
No but I did buy aapl msft and FB
Soooo, you admit capitalism is good, eh Comrade E?
Good capitalism is good, GOP capitalism is bad, only bulshit propaganda and idiots like you make it possible. No one admires Che Guevara or calls each other comrade unless they have a gun to their head in North Korea. We now have the same covert operation idiot GOP in charge that was totally behind Bautista and screwing over Cubans. Or Venezuelan oligarchs and screwing over Venezuelans. At any rate that has nothing to do with American politics, just ridiculous GOP is almost time for the GOP to stop screwing around with other countries, it has always been a total disaster. Stupidest party, stupidest voters in the world.
Do you think the che guevera worshipers are able to admit that?
All of them. Now find me a single Democrat who claimed they wanted to emulate Venezuela?
Have you not been listening to the Democrat Socialist Party's 2020 presidential candidates?

Where do you think socialism ends, Comrade?

Hint: the first letter is a "V."
It ends where it ends for most social Democracies.... as a social Democracy. Sweden, Holland, Belgium, France, Japan, Germany, Norway, etc, etc, not exactly hellholes. Yet over and over we hear Venezuela and Communist Russia as the thing the Democrats want. Guess what there are many examples of countries that manage to both be Democratic and have decent social security.
They still have not acknowledged it. Lol
Because it's simply not true. Their economy failed just as badly, if not worse, under capitalism...
No it didn't and of all the silly socialist shit you have posted, that is about the silliest. Their economy was fine but their governance lacked integrity and when the people were promised "free" stuff they took the bait. The result was predictable.

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury." - Alexander Fraser Tytler - Wikiquote

Once again, you simply complex things to two word meanings having little to no basis in reality: "free stuff".

If their economy was "fine", and the regular people weren't suffering under right wing rule, they would not have voted to change the status quo. Here's a time line:

Venezuela profile - Timeline
So you figured out how to move goalposts in an effort to appear less ignorant. You said "Their economy failed just as badly, if not worse, under capitalism..." which was a LIE intended to support your socialist narrative.

Venezuela's economy has been in freefall since socialism was imposed.

Read it this time and please stop pretending it will work here, Comrade D:

Socialist Venezuela Falling Apart As President Maduro Shockingly Blames Party

“The production models we’ve tried so far have failed, and the responsibility is ours—mine and yours,” Maduro told the PSUV party congress.

Venezuela’s economy is a disaster. The country faces a massive brain drain, with middle-class people leaving in droves to Madrid and Miami. Lower-income Venezuelans are trekking across borders into Colombia and Brazil.

Inflation is off the charts, up thousands of percentage points over the last few years, and up hundreds of percent this year alone. The currency is useless. Some towns have taken to bartering.
Do you think the che guevera worshipers are able to admit that?
They still blame it on imperial political and interference with local economics.
One way we can test out what systems are more sustainable:
Allow each party to fund and run its own programs for its own members.

It could be the "prosocialist" include more people who are not financially independent yet,
so they could run their programs like a school system, with work-study benefits on campus sites,
and paid internships where people learn work skills while they earn their education.

While the "capitalist" model represents more experienced business people with knowledge in financial
independence. So this group could provide mentorships and volunteer investors in business plans.
Instead of taxing the rich as a punitive or collective policy, REWARD wealthy business leaders and investors
with tax breaks for mentoring future leaders how to manage grants and loans properly,
paying them back by following solid business plans for development. Not relying on handouts
where they don't learn business skills for becoming self governing and sustaining.

Another idiotic "what-if" scenario brought to you by the party which has no solutions to any problem, and which has stubbornly refused to consider any legislation proposed by Democrats for the past 9 years now, while the problems of the nation have worsened The party which blocked Obama's judging appointments for 8 years as the courts descended into chaos with no one to hear cases, is now busily ramming through an army of unqualified Trump appointees, without even properly vetting them.
Do you think the che guevera worshipers are able to admit that?
They still blame it on imperial political and interference with local economics.
One way we can test out what systems are more sustainable:
Allow each party to fund and run its own programs for its own members.

It could be the "prosocialist" include more people who are not financially independent yet,
so they could run their programs like a school system, with work-study benefits on campus sites,
and paid internships where people learn work skills while they earn their education.

While the "capitalist" model represents more experienced business people with knowledge in financial
independence. So this group could provide mentorships and volunteer investors in business plans.
Instead of taxing the rich as a punitive or collective policy, REWARD wealthy business leaders and investors
with tax breaks for mentoring future leaders how to manage grants and loans properly,
paying them back by following solid business plans for development. Not relying on handouts
where they don't learn business skills for becoming self governing and sustaining.

Another idiotic "what-if" scenario brought to you by the party which has no solutions to any problem, and which has stubbornly refused to consider any legislation proposed by Democrats for the past 9 years now, while the problems of the nation have worsened The party which blocked Obama's judging appointments for 8 years as the courts descended into chaos with no one to hear cases, is now busily ramming through an army of unqualified Trump appointees, without even properly vetting them.
Dept of Transportation thief married to pos McConnell making her family richer
Do you think the che guevera worshipers are able to admit that?
They still blame it on imperial political and interference with local economics.
One way we can test out what systems are more sustainable:
Allow each party to fund and run its own programs for its own members.

It could be the "prosocialist" include more people who are not financially independent yet,
so they could run their programs like a school system, with work-study benefits on campus sites,
and paid internships where people learn work skills while they earn their education.

While the "capitalist" model represents more experienced business people with knowledge in financial
independence. So this group could provide mentorships and volunteer investors in business plans.
Instead of taxing the rich as a punitive or collective policy, REWARD wealthy business leaders and investors
with tax breaks for mentoring future leaders how to manage grants and loans properly,
paying them back by following solid business plans for development. Not relying on handouts
where they don't learn business skills for becoming self governing and sustaining.

Another idiotic "what-if" scenario brought to you by the party which has no solutions to any problem, and which has stubbornly refused to consider any legislation proposed by Democrats for the past 9 years now, while the problems of the nation have worsened The party which blocked Obama's judging appointments for 8 years as the courts descended into chaos with no one to hear cases, is now busily ramming through an army of unqualified Trump appointees, without even properly vetting them.

Why do you think we should give a shit about what you think? You're a hack and nothin else.
I'm glad you are happy up there, you NEED the Gov to take care of you, we don't.
I realize you fools need to keep explanations simple, one word or less, but Venezuela's problems aren't "socialism", but mis-management, corruption, an economic model dependant on the price stability of its one export: oil.

It is the oil based economy of Venezuela which is most responsible for the mess they're in - that and generations of corruption on both the right and the left.

But all of this is WAY too complicated for Republicans, who must always blame liberals for everything, so its "socialism". Because the abject idiocy of basing your entire economy on the price of oil is a really good idea.
Leftarded MORONS must be leftared because they are MORONS. In your case, you defend Venezuela because it reflects poorly on what you would do to the US.

Even the socialist that the V's elected to manage their socialism admitted it is the economic model that failed so miserably in Venezuela but then, WTF does he know, eh Comrade D?

Socialist Venezuela Falling Apart As President Maduro Shockingly Blames Party

News flash! Socialism in poor, closed-door economies is a failure. So says Nicolas Maduro, who happens to be the president of one: the biggest failed state in the Americas, poor ol’ Venezuela.

In a surprising twist on Monday, Maduro went against the Socialists United (PSUV) playbook of blaming Washington (especially the CIA) for Venezuela’s troubles.

“The production models we’ve tried so far have failed, and the responsibility is ours—mine and yours,” Maduro told the PSUV party congress.

Venezuela’s economy is a disaster. The country faces a massive brain drain, with middle-class people leaving in droves to Madrid and Miami. Lower-income Venezuelans are trekking across borders into Colombia and Brazil.

Inflation is off the charts, up thousands of percentage points over the last few years, and up hundreds of percent this year alone. The currency is useless. Some towns have taken to bartering.
yep it has nothing to do with US sanctions making it impossible for them to sell their oil
anywhere now LOL, super duper dupe. Man our whole media sucks sometimes... Not just your ridiculous propaganda machine....
FFS, can you read? Venezuela's El Presidente admitted that which you can't ... that the socialist economic model failed in V as it has everywhere else it was imposed.

I would say the question posited by the OP - "So, how many leftists will admit socialism failed Venezuela?" - has been answered with a resounding "NOT ONE."
because it is stupid bulshit propaganda, dumbass dupe Cold War dinosaur brain-washed functional moron, no matter how many thousands of times your bought off ex Coke head high school grad pundits say it.
Wait ... so you are saying Venezuela Prez lied when he admitted his country's socialist economic model has failed miserably? That it was just propaganda?
Link to that garbage propaganda?
Do you think the che guevera worshipers are able to admit that?
They still blame it on imperial political and interference with local economics.
One way we can test out what systems are more sustainable:
Allow each party to fund and run its own programs for its own members.

It could be the "prosocialist" include more people who are not financially independent yet,
so they could run their programs like a school system, with work-study benefits on campus sites,
and paid internships where people learn work skills while they earn their education.

While the "capitalist" model represents more experienced business people with knowledge in financial
independence. So this group could provide mentorships and volunteer investors in business plans.
Instead of taxing the rich as a punitive or collective policy, REWARD wealthy business leaders and investors
with tax breaks for mentoring future leaders how to manage grants and loans properly,
paying them back by following solid business plans for development. Not relying on handouts
where they don't learn business skills for becoming self governing and sustaining.

Another idiotic "what-if" scenario brought to you by the party which has no solutions to any problem, and which has stubbornly refused to consider any legislation proposed by Democrats for the past 9 years now, while the problems of the nation have worsened The party which blocked Obama's judging appointments for 8 years as the courts descended into chaos with no one to hear cases, is now busily ramming through an army of unqualified Trump appointees, without even properly vetting them.

Why do you think we should give a shit about what you think? You're a hack and nothin else.
I'm glad you are happy up there, you NEED the Gov to take care of you, we don't.
We don't?? ask the farmers if they received their welfare checks yet
Bernie Sanders's socialism was the symbolic middle tine of the ambiguous trident (wiki, blivet). Some see it correctly the first time (Indigenes, for example), others do not.

'The working-class struggle puts the function of the law of value in definitive crisis, not only in the sense that its practices determine and reinforce the functioning of the law of the tendential fall of the rate of profit, but in the even more profound sense of destabilizing the very term on which the law holds, in other words, taking away the meaning of the relation between necessary labor and surplus labor. (which as Marx says is in the final instant, the foundation of everything). At this very moment, socialism becomes impossible. Socialism and all of the socialist utopias try to put forth the actual realization of the law of value, which amounts to saying the complete real subsumption of social labor into capital. This is possible, however, only in terms of the dialectic of the classes, only as a moment of class struggle.'
(Hardt and Negri, Labor of Dionysus: A Critique of the State Form)
I ask about Venezuela and these fuckers predictably bring up the wonderful successes of the Nordic countries. The only countries with a higher density of whites than here. What fucking racists.

That is number one. Not to mention the myth that those countries are actually the type of socialism they espouse.

You fucking ignorant leftist cocksuckers. Try changing the subject just a little more you fucking idiots.

Also, how many countries under a free market enterprise have been taken over by a tyrant? When?

This is where they will now attempt to convince us that the National Socialist Workers Party (NAZI) really was not socialism. Ever wonder why they get so insecure about that? Fucking losers.

Which country with a free market have been taken over by a dictator?

Why did staunch democrats like sean penn, oliver stone among others fully support chavez in Venezuela all to loud cheers of left wing American losers?

Why did that fat disgusting fuck michael moore, who is worth about 50 million with a giant fucking mansion thanks to this country, shit all over it while he praised cuba's style of government?

Yet you fuckers deny Venezuela socialists led to a fucking tyranny?

YOU FUCKING LOSERS. I have more joy wiping my ass than listening to or reading your funky fucking ignorant blather.

Fuck you all. My thread proves us right again. You are all fucking losers.

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