So, how many leftists will admit socialism failed Venezuela?

Do you think the che guevera worshipers are able to admit that?
They still blame it on imperial political and interference with local economics.
One way we can test out what systems are more sustainable:
Allow each party to fund and run its own programs for its own members.

It could be the "prosocialist" include more people who are not financially independent yet,
so they could run their programs like a school system, with work-study benefits on campus sites,
and paid internships where people learn work skills while they earn their education.

While the "capitalist" model represents more experienced business people with knowledge in financial
independence. So this group could provide mentorships and volunteer investors in business plans.
Instead of taxing the rich as a punitive or collective policy, REWARD wealthy business leaders and investors
with tax breaks for mentoring future leaders how to manage grants and loans properly,
paying them back by following solid business plans for development. Not relying on handouts
where they don't learn business skills for becoming self governing and sustaining.

Another idiotic "what-if" scenario brought to you by the party which has no solutions to any problem, and which has stubbornly refused to consider any legislation proposed by Democrats for the past 9 years now, while the problems of the nation have worsened The party which blocked Obama's judging appointments for 8 years as the courts descended into chaos with no one to hear cases, is now busily ramming through an army of unqualified Trump appointees, without even properly vetting them.

Why do you think we should give a shit about what you think? You're a hack and nothin else.
I'm glad you are happy up there, you NEED the Gov to take care of you, we don't.

40 million on food stamps, 20% of the population on MedicAid, 45,000 people dying every year from lack of access to quality medical care, 27th ranked education system in the world, 75,000 people a year dying from opioid abuse.

American workers are so disgusted with being screwed over, they’ve twice voted for politicians with little to no government experience, trying to get someone to take up their plight.

Your government takes care of the rich. It focuses on opportunities for the rich, and on supply side economics, rewarding capitalists at the expense of workers. Tax dollars go to the military. What a waste!

My government provides its people with the health care, education, financial stability and support to allow us to maximize our potential.
Do you think the che guevera worshipers are able to admit that?
They still blame it on imperial political and interference with local economics.
One way we can test out what systems are more sustainable:
Allow each party to fund and run its own programs for its own members.

It could be the "prosocialist" include more people who are not financially independent yet,
so they could run their programs like a school system, with work-study benefits on campus sites,
and paid internships where people learn work skills while they earn their education.

While the "capitalist" model represents more experienced business people with knowledge in financial
independence. So this group could provide mentorships and volunteer investors in business plans.
Instead of taxing the rich as a punitive or collective policy, REWARD wealthy business leaders and investors
with tax breaks for mentoring future leaders how to manage grants and loans properly,
paying them back by following solid business plans for development. Not relying on handouts
where they don't learn business skills for becoming self governing and sustaining.

Another idiotic "what-if" scenario brought to you by the party which has no solutions to any problem, and which has stubbornly refused to consider any legislation proposed by Democrats for the past 9 years now, while the problems of the nation have worsened The party which blocked Obama's judging appointments for 8 years as the courts descended into chaos with no one to hear cases, is now busily ramming through an army of unqualified Trump appointees, without even properly vetting them.

Why do you think we should give a shit about what you think? You're a hack and nothin else.
I'm glad you are happy up there, you NEED the Gov to take care of you, we don't.

40 million on food stamps, 20% of the population on MedicAid, 45,000 people dying every year from lack of access to quality medical care, 27th ranked education system in the world, 75,000 people a year dying from opioid abuse.

American workers are so disgusted with being screwed over, they’ve twice voted for politicians with little to no government experience, trying to get someone to take up their plight.

Your government takes care of the rich. It focuses on opportunities for the rich, and on supply side economics, rewarding capitalists at the expense of workers. Tax dollars go to the military. What a waste!

My government provides its people with the health care, education, financial stability and support to allow us to maximize our potential.

??? Dear Dragonlady
I've been working with GREEN PARTY members on
ways of making social programs SUSTAINABLE.

That's why I support fellow advocates for
I've found the most cost-effective sustainable solutions
don't rely on govt or politics, but allow people to invest
their labor and resources DIRECTLY into developing and
OWNING their own health programs and facilities. Not
paying taxes or donations to politicians ripping them off.

It sounds like you still believe the two-party propaganda
that only the "left or right" have solutions that are "either or".

The REAL solutions don't depend on either one.
Sorry, but whatever Kool-Aid you drink, no thanks!
Do you think the che guevera worshipers are able to admit that?
They still blame it on imperial political and interference with local economics.
One way we can test out what systems are more sustainable:
Allow each party to fund and run its own programs for its own members.

It could be the "prosocialist" include more people who are not financially independent yet,
so they could run their programs like a school system, with work-study benefits on campus sites,
and paid internships where people learn work skills while they earn their education.

While the "capitalist" model represents more experienced business people with knowledge in financial
independence. So this group could provide mentorships and volunteer investors in business plans.
Instead of taxing the rich as a punitive or collective policy, REWARD wealthy business leaders and investors
with tax breaks for mentoring future leaders how to manage grants and loans properly,
paying them back by following solid business plans for development. Not relying on handouts
where they don't learn business skills for becoming self governing and sustaining.

Another idiotic "what-if" scenario brought to you by the party which has no solutions to any problem, and which has stubbornly refused to consider any legislation proposed by Democrats for the past 9 years now, while the problems of the nation have worsened The party which blocked Obama's judging appointments for 8 years as the courts descended into chaos with no one to hear cases, is now busily ramming through an army of unqualified Trump appointees, without even properly vetting them.

Why do you think we should give a shit about what you think? You're a hack and nothin else.
I'm glad you are happy up there, you NEED the Gov to take care of you, we don't.

40 million on food stamps, 20% of the population on MedicAid, 45,000 people dying every year from lack of access to quality medical care, 27th ranked education system in the world, 75,000 people a year dying from opioid abuse.

American workers are so disgusted with being screwed over, they’ve twice voted for politicians with little to no government experience, trying to get someone to take up their plight.

Your government takes care of the rich. It focuses on opportunities for the rich, and on supply side economics, rewarding capitalists at the expense of workers. Tax dollars go to the military. What a waste!

My government provides its people with the health care, education, financial stability and support to allow us to maximize our potential.

??? Dear Dragonlady
I've been working with GREEN PARTY members on
ways of making social programs SUSTAINABLE.

That's why I support fellow advocates for
I've found the most cost-effective sustainable solutions
don't rely on govt or politics, but allow people to invest
their labor and resources DIRECTLY into developing and
OWNING their own health programs and facilities. Not
paying taxes or donations to politicians ripping them off.

It sounds like you still believe the two-party propaganda
that only the "left or right" have solutions that are "either or".

The REAL solutions don't depend on either one.
Sorry, but whatever Kool-Aid you drink, no thanks!
The interesting thing is we have not actually had a TWO PARTY SYSTEM in God knows how long.

Oh, the PROFESSIONAL POLISHED POLITICIANS have had our heads moving left and right like we have been watching a tennis match, but we are all duped. We have not had anyone truly representing WE THE PEOPLE for a long long time. We have had a few that threatened the ESTABLISHMENT like Allen West, who was gerrymandered by his own party. When they are not PLAYING BALL so to speak, Washington gets rid of them. They have their usual sure fire tactics and safety nets that Strzok talked about.

While I have reservations about Trump, the one thing I don't doubt is he has THIS COUNTRY'S best interest in mind. Most millionaires or billionaires who have not been involved in professional politics would NEVER EXPOSE themselves or their families to such wickedness.

When we see the propaganda hyenas actually desperately trying to make Trump out to be hitler? When actual Jews in this country actually make that comparison? All while he has a train station named after him in Israel? A nation that the left (including the American Jews) DESPERATELY HATE?

Yeah, we have all been duped and we ALL have a person in there was this country's best interest at heart.

Those fuckers can laugh at that they want. They still believe Trump is a moron, but was somehow smart enough to steal an election from that pathetic bitch and the democrats, all while never having any connection to any government agency.

Unfucking believable.
I ask about Venezuela and these fuckers predictably bring up the wonderful successes of the Nordic countries. The only countries with a higher density of whites than here. What fucking racists.

That is number one. Not to mention the myth that those countries are actually the type of socialism they espouse.

You fucking ignorant leftist cocksuckers. Try changing the subject just a little more you fucking idiots.

Also, how many countries under a free market enterprise have been taken over by a tyrant? When?

This is where they will now attempt to convince us that the National Socialist Workers Party (NAZI) really was not socialism. Ever wonder why they get so insecure about that? Fucking losers.

Which country with a free market have been taken over by a dictator?

Why did staunch democrats like sean penn, oliver stone among others fully support chavez in Venezuela all to loud cheers of left wing American losers?

Why did that fat disgusting fuck michael moore, who is worth about 50 million with a giant fucking mansion thanks to this country, shit all over it while he praised cuba's style of government?

Yet you fuckers deny Venezuela socialists led to a fucking tyranny?

YOU FUCKING LOSERS. I have more joy wiping my ass than listening to or reading your funky fucking ignorant blather.

Fuck you all. My thread proves us right again. You are all fucking losers.

We don’t deny that Venezuela socialists led to the current mess. We deny that “socialism”, as a form of government, is responsible for
I ask about Venezuela and these fuckers predictably bring up the wonderful successes of the Nordic countries. The only countries with a higher density of whites than here. What fucking racists.

That is number one. Not to mention the myth that those countries are actually the type of socialism they espouse.

You fucking ignorant leftist cocksuckers. Try changing the subject just a little more you fucking idiots.

Also, how many countries under a free market enterprise have been taken over by a tyrant? When?

This is where they will now attempt to convince us that the National Socialist Workers Party (NAZI) really was not socialism. Ever wonder why they get so insecure about that? Fucking losers.

Which country with a free market have been taken over by a dictator?

Why did staunch democrats like sean penn, oliver stone among others fully support chavez in Venezuela all to loud cheers of left wing American losers?

Why did that fat disgusting fuck michael moore, who is worth about 50 million with a giant fucking mansion thanks to this country, shit all over it while he praised cuba's style of government?

Yet you fuckers deny Venezuela socialists led to a fucking tyranny?

YOU FUCKING LOSERS. I have more joy wiping my ass than listening to or reading your funky fucking ignorant blather.

Fuck you all. My thread proves us right again. You are all fucking losers.

Another highly biased and inherently extreme right wing take on economics.

Institute of Economic Affairs - SourceWatch

You people cannot find anyone from a moderate or even a centre right group to support your biased and totally unsupported economic theories.
Do you think the che guevera worshipers are able to admit that?

Thats not democratic socialism in Venezuela, that is a dictatorship. Democratic socialism is what you find in Western Europe, and it's working fine, much better than the predatory capitalism that exists in the U.S..

I wouldn't expect you to understand.
There are no socialist countries in Western Europe, jackass.
I ask about Venezuela and these fuckers predictably bring up the wonderful successes of the Nordic countries. The only countries with a higher density of whites than here. What fucking racists.

That is number one. Not to mention the myth that those countries are actually the type of socialism they espouse.

You fucking ignorant leftist cocksuckers. Try changing the subject just a little more you fucking idiots.

Also, how many countries under a free market enterprise have been taken over by a tyrant? When?

This is where they will now attempt to convince us that the National Socialist Workers Party (NAZI) really was not socialism. Ever wonder why they get so insecure about that? Fucking losers.

Which country with a free market have been taken over by a dictator?

Why did staunch democrats like sean penn, oliver stone among others fully support chavez in Venezuela all to loud cheers of left wing American losers?

Why did that fat disgusting fuck michael moore, who is worth about 50 million with a giant fucking mansion thanks to this country, shit all over it while he praised cuba's style of government?

Yet you fuckers deny Venezuela socialists led to a fucking tyranny?

YOU FUCKING LOSERS. I have more joy wiping my ass than listening to or reading your funky fucking ignorant blather.

Fuck you all. My thread proves us right again. You are all fucking losers.

We don’t deny that Venezuela socialists led to the current mess. We deny that “socialism”, as a form of government, is responsible for
I ask about Venezuela and these fuckers predictably bring up the wonderful successes of the Nordic countries. The only countries with a higher density of whites than here. What fucking racists.

That is number one. Not to mention the myth that those countries are actually the type of socialism they espouse.

You fucking ignorant leftist cocksuckers. Try changing the subject just a little more you fucking idiots.

Also, how many countries under a free market enterprise have been taken over by a tyrant? When?

This is where they will now attempt to convince us that the National Socialist Workers Party (NAZI) really was not socialism. Ever wonder why they get so insecure about that? Fucking losers.

Which country with a free market have been taken over by a dictator?

Why did staunch democrats like sean penn, oliver stone among others fully support chavez in Venezuela all to loud cheers of left wing American losers?

Why did that fat disgusting fuck michael moore, who is worth about 50 million with a giant fucking mansion thanks to this country, shit all over it while he praised cuba's style of government?

Yet you fuckers deny Venezuela socialists led to a fucking tyranny?

YOU FUCKING LOSERS. I have more joy wiping my ass than listening to or reading your funky fucking ignorant blather.

Fuck you all. My thread proves us right again. You are all fucking losers.

Another highly biased and inherently extreme right wing take on economics.

Institute of Economic Affairs - SourceWatch

You people cannot find anyone from a moderate or even a centre right group to support your biased and totally unsupported economic theories.

Socialism has never worked in all of history. Fact
Do you think the che guevera worshipers are able to admit that?
They still blame it on imperial political and interference with local economics.
One way we can test out what systems are more sustainable:
Allow each party to fund and run its own programs for its own members.

It could be the "prosocialist" include more people who are not financially independent yet,
so they could run their programs like a school system, with work-study benefits on campus sites,
and paid internships where people learn work skills while they earn their education.

While the "capitalist" model represents more experienced business people with knowledge in financial
independence. So this group could provide mentorships and volunteer investors in business plans.
Instead of taxing the rich as a punitive or collective policy, REWARD wealthy business leaders and investors
with tax breaks for mentoring future leaders how to manage grants and loans properly,
paying them back by following solid business plans for development. Not relying on handouts
where they don't learn business skills for becoming self governing and sustaining.

Another idiotic "what-if" scenario brought to you by the party which has no solutions to any problem, and which has stubbornly refused to consider any legislation proposed by Democrats for the past 9 years now, while the problems of the nation have worsened The party which blocked Obama's judging appointments for 8 years as the courts descended into chaos with no one to hear cases, is now busily ramming through an army of unqualified Trump appointees, without even properly vetting them.

Why do you think we should give a shit about what you think? You're a hack and nothin else.
I'm glad you are happy up there, you NEED the Gov to take care of you, we don't.

40 million on food stamps, 20% of the population on MedicAid, 45,000 people dying every year from lack of access to quality medical care, 27th ranked education system in the world, 75,000 people a year dying from opioid abuse.

American workers are so disgusted with being screwed over, they’ve twice voted for politicians with little to no government experience, trying to get someone to take up their plight.

Your government takes care of the rich. It focuses on opportunities for the rich, and on supply side economics, rewarding capitalists at the expense of workers. Tax dollars go to the military. What a waste!

My government provides its people with the health care, education, financial stability and support to allow us to maximize our potential.

I readan article today Canada is fed up with your current government.
Do you think the che guevera worshipers are able to admit that?
You and other dishonest rightists need to stop with the moronic lies about ‘leftists’ advocating for ‘socialism’ – they don’t; you and others on the right only make yourselves look ridiculous and stupid.
Do you think the che guevera worshipers are able to admit that?
They still blame it on imperial political and interference with local economics.
One way we can test out what systems are more sustainable:
Allow each party to fund and run its own programs for its own members.

It could be the "prosocialist" include more people who are not financially independent yet,
so they could run their programs like a school system, with work-study benefits on campus sites,
and paid internships where people learn work skills while they earn their education.

While the "capitalist" model represents more experienced business people with knowledge in financial
independence. So this group could provide mentorships and volunteer investors in business plans.
Instead of taxing the rich as a punitive or collective policy, REWARD wealthy business leaders and investors
with tax breaks for mentoring future leaders how to manage grants and loans properly,
paying them back by following solid business plans for development. Not relying on handouts
where they don't learn business skills for becoming self governing and sustaining.

Another idiotic "what-if" scenario brought to you by the party which has no solutions to any problem, and which has stubbornly refused to consider any legislation proposed by Democrats for the past 9 years now, while the problems of the nation have worsened The party which blocked Obama's judging appointments for 8 years as the courts descended into chaos with no one to hear cases, is now busily ramming through an army of unqualified Trump appointees, without even properly vetting them.

Why do you think we should give a shit about what you think? You're a hack and nothin else.
I'm glad you are happy up there, you NEED the Gov to take care of you, we don't.

40 million on food stamps, 20% of the population on MedicAid, 45,000 people dying every year from lack of access to quality medical care, 27th ranked education system in the world, 75,000 people a year dying from opioid abuse.

American workers are so disgusted with being screwed over, they’ve twice voted for politicians with little to no government experience, trying to get someone to take up their plight.

Your government takes care of the rich. It focuses on opportunities for the rich, and on supply side economics, rewarding capitalists at the expense of workers. Tax dollars go to the military. What a waste!

My government provides its people with the health care, education, financial stability and support to allow us to maximize our potential.
Which explains why so many Americans are so desperate to emigrate to Canada. Oh wait ... no they aren't but your life in The North is evidently so boring that you have nothing to do but obsess about the US and hate our prez. Very sad.

Meanwhile despite what you believe we are doing pretty well and waste no time obsessing about Canada or your PM:

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

No wonder you bitter, bitter leftards are so hysterical. Anything good for America and Americans you consider to be bad.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D
How would Venezuela have done under unrestrained capitalism?
Would the people have been better off?

Venezuela had an economy based entirely on oil. When oil was booming, the Venezuelan economy was the best in South America
Once oil went bust, so did the economy

What part in the capitalist economy would have saved the Venezuelan people?
Do you think the che guevera worshipers are able to admit that?
You and other dishonest rightists need to stop with the moronic lies about ‘leftists’ advocating for ‘socialism’ – they don’t; you and others on the right only make yourselves look ridiculous and stupid.
You whistle past the Dem boneyard but you fool only yourself ... that cat is out of the bag.

The Democrat Socialist 2020 hopefuls are tripping over themselves and each other promising "free" stuff - stuff paid for by others - in exchange for votes. Liz Warren doubled her support (from 8% to 15%) among the lemmings in just a month by promising 42 million Americans with college debt up to $50,000 each of OPC (Other People's Cash). Some nervous Dems are quietly expressing concern that the socialism being proudly promoted by nearly all the candidates will end in a 2020 electoral disaster for the party and with good reason.

An Icon of the Left Tells Democrats: Don’t Go Socialist
Last edited:
What aspects of capitalism would have shielded Venezuela from economic collapse?

How would capitalist have dealt with millions of starving poor people?
How would Venezuela have done under unrestrained capitalism?
Would the people have been better off?
Venezuela had an economy based entirely on oil. When oil was booming, the Venezuelan economy was the best in South America
Once oil went bust, so did the economy
What part in the capitalist economy would have saved the Venezuelan people?
Another lame leftared apologist. No one knows how V would have faired had they not embraced that wrecker of economies and oppressor of people ... socialism ... but the result of having done so is evident and so undeniable even their socialist prez admitted their socialist economic model has FAILED.

If he can be honest about Venezuela's socialism, why can't you?

Did you say it's because the truth hurts you?
Do you think the che guevera worshipers are able to admit that?
They still blame it on imperial political and interference with local economics.
One way we can test out what systems are more sustainable:
Allow each party to fund and run its own programs for its own members.

It could be the "prosocialist" include more people who are not financially independent yet,
so they could run their programs like a school system, with work-study benefits on campus sites,
and paid internships where people learn work skills while they earn their education.

While the "capitalist" model represents more experienced business people with knowledge in financial
independence. So this group could provide mentorships and volunteer investors in business plans.
Instead of taxing the rich as a punitive or collective policy, REWARD wealthy business leaders and investors
with tax breaks for mentoring future leaders how to manage grants and loans properly,
paying them back by following solid business plans for development. Not relying on handouts
where they don't learn business skills for becoming self governing and sustaining.

Another idiotic "what-if" scenario brought to you by the party which has no solutions to any problem, and which has stubbornly refused to consider any legislation proposed by Democrats for the past 9 years now, while the problems of the nation have worsened The party which blocked Obama's judging appointments for 8 years as the courts descended into chaos with no one to hear cases, is now busily ramming through an army of unqualified Trump appointees, without even properly vetting them.

Why do you think we should give a shit about what you think? You're a hack and nothin else.
I'm glad you are happy up there, you NEED the Gov to take care of you, we don't.

40 million on food stamps, 20% of the population on MedicAid, 45,000 people dying every year from lack of access to quality medical care, 27th ranked education system in the world, 75,000 people a year dying from opioid abuse.

American workers are so disgusted with being screwed over, they’ve twice voted for politicians with little to no government experience, trying to get someone to take up their plight.

Your government takes care of the rich. It focuses on opportunities for the rich, and on supply side economics, rewarding capitalists at the expense of workers. Tax dollars go to the military. What a waste!

My government provides its people with the health care, education, financial stability and support to allow us to maximize our potential.
Which explains why so many Americans are so desperate to emigrate to Canada. Oh wait ... no they aren't but your life in The North is evidently so boring that you have nothing to do but obsess about the US and hate our prez. Very sad.

Meanwhile despite what you believe we are doing pretty well and waste no time obsessing about Canada or your PM:

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

No wonder you bitter, bitter leftards are so hysterical. Anything good for America and Americans you consider to be bad.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D
And our fed is considering anywhere from 1 to 3 rate cuts Why is that?
How would Venezuela have done under unrestrained capitalism?
Would the people have been better off?
Venezuela had an economy based entirely on oil. When oil was booming, the Venezuelan economy was the best in South America
Once oil went bust, so did the economy
What part in the capitalist economy would have saved the Venezuelan people?
Another lame leftared apologist. No one knows how V would have faired had they not embraced that wrecker of economies and oppressor of people ... socialism ... but the result of having done so is evident and so undeniable even their socialist prez admitted their socialist economic model has FAILED.

If he can be honest about Venezuela's socialism, why can't you?

Did you say it's because the truth hurts you?
Again, it is all revisionist history from Conservatives

They use economic failures as a way to condemn the socialist economy but offer no explanation of how things would have been different under unrestrained capitalism

Venezuela built an economy around oil production. When oil collapsed in Venezuela, capitalists would have bailed and abandoned the country

How would that have made the plight of the people better?
Capitalist or Socialist, Venezuela suffered from inept and corrupt government.

There is nothing about Capitalism that discourages either
Actually corruption ruined Ven.

When will Cons admit that Venezuela “socialism “ has nothing to do with the democratic socialist ideas we have in America.

You're such a dumb fuck timmy.
You think politics are crooked now? Implement socialism where there are no checks and balances.
Kinda like Calipornia voting against same sex marriage yet the powers that be gave the Calipornia voters a big FU and implemented it anyway.
If you cant see the implications you're dumber than a box of rocks.

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