So, how many leftists will admit socialism failed Venezuela?

Riddle me this: which are of these are heavily controlled by the government and which is relatively capitalist?

View attachment 265572

Let's see.

Healthcare......HMOs are Capitalists.
Tuition.....outside of a community college, controlled by Capitalists
New Cars.......Just how capitalist can you get.
Overall....... All of these are trying to make the highest profit they can. And that makes them Capitalistic in nature.
'Capitalism' is just another way of saying 'social Darwinism'. As in all of nature the strong survive and prosper and the weak don't.
Basic reality on planet earth.
Humans are just another life form.

In your own way, you are right. If you allow Capitalism to rule then it does become social darwinism. Until the ONE rises to the top and rules all the rest. One Company, One Boss and everyone works and obeys that one boss. Do you know what you call that type of society for everyone except the one?
You just spew without ever thinking. Capitalism, like socialism, is not a form of governance and does not rule.

View attachment 265575

I am answering the rightwingnutjob spews that claims that a country can be ruled by socialism. No it can't. Anymore than a country can be ruled by capitalism. I just pointed out what would happen if a country was ruled by capitalism...
I see. So that wasn't you who posted "If you allow Capitalism to rule then it does become social darwinism."

How can "you allow Capitalism to rule" and thereby "become social darwinism" if, by your own admission, it cannot rule ay all?

Either your communication skills are poor or you don't understand the subject matter ... or both.

Let's see.

Healthcare......HMOs are Capitalists.
Tuition.....outside of a community college, controlled by Capitalists
New Cars.......Just how capitalist can you get.
Overall....... All of these are trying to make the highest profit they can. And that makes them Capitalistic in nature.
'Capitalism' is just another way of saying 'social Darwinism'. As in all of nature the strong survive and prosper and the weak don't.
Basic reality on planet earth.
Humans are just another life form.

In your own way, you are right. If you allow Capitalism to rule then it does become social darwinism. Until the ONE rises to the top and rules all the rest. One Company, One Boss and everyone works and obeys that one boss. Do you know what you call that type of society for everyone except the one?
You just spew without ever thinking. Capitalism, like socialism, is not a form of governance and does not rule.

View attachment 265575

I am answering the rightwingnutjob spews that claims that a country can be ruled by socialism. No it can't. Anymore than a country can be ruled by capitalism. I just pointed out what would happen if a country was ruled by capitalism...
I see. So that wasn't you who posted "If you allow Capitalism to rule then it does become social darwinism."

How can "you allow Capitalism to rule" and thereby "become social darwinism" if, by your own admission, it cannot rule ay all?

Either your communication skills are poor or you don't understand the subject matter ... or both.

View attachment 265592

You are just playing with post editing. It's called taking things out of context. So you have nothing I care to read anymore. Time to thin the gene pool.
So we're still pretending that what they're after is a Venezuela-style socialism, with government ownership and control of production and distribution. We can pretend anything, but I don't know if anyone actually thinks this is what they're after. Who knows, maybe talk radio has really convinced some that this is the goal.
That is the typically disingenuous pap of a Democrat Socialist who knows what his Party is about and knows that it's still gonna be a tough sell in America. The facade has been lifted Comrade Mac, the agenda is clear, and no amount of semantics, obfuscation, or pussyfooting will get the worms back into the can:

View attachment 265591
So is that a "yes", you think the Dems want to emulate Venezuela?
Actually corruption ruined Ven.

When will Cons admit that Venezuela “socialism “ has nothing to do with the democratic socialist ideas we have in America.

This is what denial looks like.

As I recall, these people were praising socialism all the way... until it failed again. Same is in store for US.

I realize you fools need to keep explanations simple, one word or less, but Venezuela's problems aren't "socialism", but mis-management, corruption, an economic model dependant on the price stability of its one export: oil.

It is the oil based economy of Venezuela which is most responsible for the mess they're in - that and generations of corruption on both the right and the left.

But all of this is WAY too complicated for Republicans, who must always blame liberals for everything, so its "socialism". Because the abject idiocy of basing your entire economy on the price of oil is a really good idea.
Leftarded MORONS must be leftared because they are MORONS. In your case, you defend Venezuela because it reflects poorly on what you would do to the US.

Even the socialist that the V's elected to manage their socialism admitted it is the economic model that failed so miserably in Venezuela but then, WTF does he know, eh Comrade D?

Socialist Venezuela Falling Apart As President Maduro Shockingly Blames Party

News flash! Socialism in poor, closed-door economies is a failure. So says Nicolas Maduro, who happens to be the president of one: the biggest failed state in the Americas, poor ol’ Venezuela.

In a surprising twist on Monday, Maduro went against the Socialists United (PSUV) playbook of blaming Washington (especially the CIA) for Venezuela’s troubles.

“The production models we’ve tried so far have failed, and the responsibility is ours—mine and yours,” Maduro told the PSUV party congress.

Venezuela’s economy is a disaster. The country faces a massive brain drain, with middle-class people leaving in droves to Madrid and Miami. Lower-income Venezuelans are trekking across borders into Colombia and Brazil.

Inflation is off the charts, up thousands of percentage points over the last few years, and up hundreds of percent this year alone. The currency is useless. Some towns have taken to bartering.
yep it has nothing to do with US sanctions making it impossible for them to sell their oil
anywhere now LOL, super duper dupe. Man our whole media sucks sometimes... Not just your ridiculous propaganda machine....
FFS, can you read? Venezuela's El Presidente admitted that which you can't ... that the socialist economic model failed in V as it has everywhere else it was imposed.

I would say the question posited by the OP - "So, how many leftists will admit socialism failed Venezuela?" - has been answered with a resounding "NOT ONE."
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So we're still pretending that what they're after is a Venezuela-style socialism, with government ownership and control of production and distribution. We can pretend anything, but I don't know if anyone actually thinks this is what they're after. Who knows, maybe talk radio has really convinced some that this is the goal.
That is the typically disingenuous pap of a Democrat Socialist who knows what his Party is about and knows that it's still gonna be a tough sell in America. The facade has been lifted Comrade Mac, the agenda is clear, and no amount of semantics, obfuscation, or pussyfooting will get the worms back into the can:

View attachment 265591
So is that a "yes", you think the Dems want to emulate Venezuela?

Ah, more post editing and taking things out of context.
And if you allow politicians and thugs to rule instead of Free Markets and Free Individuals, you will end up with Tyranny.
Sounds like Trump and McConnell
Do you feel oppressed, Snowflake? Need another tissue?

What he really needs is an industrial size drum of:

View attachment 265589
The single greatest regret in my life is not having bought stock in Boudreaux on Nov 9, 2016.
Last edited:
So we're still pretending that what they're after is a Venezuela-style socialism, with government ownership and control of production and distribution. We can pretend anything, but I don't know if anyone actually thinks this is what they're after. Who knows, maybe talk radio has really convinced some that this is the goal.
That is the typically disingenuous pap of a Democrat Socialist who knows what his Party is about and knows that it's still gonna be a tough sell in America. The facade has been lifted Comrade Mac, the agenda is clear, and no amount of semantics, obfuscation, or pussyfooting will get the worms back into the can:

View attachment 265591
So is that a "yes", you think the Dems want to emulate Venezuela?
Having watched their post-2016 hysteria the last 31 months I am convinced that the party and its lemmings would not only cut off their own noses to spite Trump, they would much prefer the US crash & burn than succeed & prosper with him as the POTUS.
So we're still pretending that what they're after is a Venezuela-style socialism, with government ownership and control of production and distribution. We can pretend anything, but I don't know if anyone actually thinks this is what they're after. Who knows, maybe talk radio has really convinced some that this is the goal.
That is the typically disingenuous pap of a Democrat Socialist who knows what his Party is about and knows that it's still gonna be a tough sell in America. The facade has been lifted Comrade Mac, the agenda is clear, and no amount of semantics, obfuscation, or pussyfooting will get the worms back into the can:

View attachment 265591
So is that a "yes", you think the Dems want to emulate Venezuela?

Ah, more post editing and taking things out of context.

Just asking for clarity. It was a question, not a statement.

So what's the answer?
So we're still pretending that what they're after is a Venezuela-style socialism, with government ownership and control of production and distribution. We can pretend anything, but I don't know if anyone actually thinks this is what they're after. Who knows, maybe talk radio has really convinced some that this is the goal.
That is the typically disingenuous pap of a Democrat Socialist who knows what his Party is about and knows that it's still gonna be a tough sell in America. The facade has been lifted Comrade Mac, the agenda is clear, and no amount of semantics, obfuscation, or pussyfooting will get the worms back into the can:

View attachment 265591
So is that a "yes", you think the Dems want to emulate Venezuela?
Having watched their post-2016 hysteria the last 31 months I am convinced that the party and its lemmings would not only cut off their own noses to spite Trump, they would much prefer the US crash & burn than succeed & prosper with him as the POTUS.
Well, given the condition of our current political climate, I can't necessarily argue. Who knows.
'Capitalism' is just another way of saying 'social Darwinism'. As in all of nature the strong survive and prosper and the weak don't.
Basic reality on planet earth.
Humans are just another life form.

In your own way, you are right. If you allow Capitalism to rule then it does become social darwinism. Until the ONE rises to the top and rules all the rest. One Company, One Boss and everyone works and obeys that one boss. Do you know what you call that type of society for everyone except the one?
You just spew without ever thinking. Capitalism, like socialism, is not a form of governance and does not rule.

View attachment 265575

I am answering the rightwingnutjob spews that claims that a country can be ruled by socialism. No it can't. Anymore than a country can be ruled by capitalism. I just pointed out what would happen if a country was ruled by capitalism...
I see. So that wasn't you who posted "If you allow Capitalism to rule then it does become social darwinism."

How can "you allow Capitalism to rule" and thereby "become social darwinism" if, by your own admission, it cannot rule ay all?

Either your communication skills are poor or you don't understand the subject matter ... or both.

View attachment 265592

You are just playing with post editing. It's called taking things out of context. So you have nothing I care to read anymore. Time to thin the gene pool.
Don't jump, Comrade D, just don't procreate. :D
They still have not acknowledged it.


Because it's simply not true. Their economy failed just as badly, if not worse, under capitalism. And it took the murder of every leftist leader in the country to keep it capitalist. And yes, that capitalistic turn was as a direct result of the foreign policies of Richard Nixon. In South America, Ford is a dirty word. Because Ford made a fantastic deal to supply government cars to all of the right wing regimes in the 1970's. If a Ford car was parked outside your house when you got home, you'd best run like hell. The secret police who "disappeared" people, all drove Fords.

Across Central and South America in the 1970's, right wing regimes "disappeared" over 150,000 liberals and leftist leaders. It was the only way to get people to buy into the IMF's monetary policies for lending to third world economies: cut all social programs; privatize and sell off their state owned assets (usually at rock bottom prices, and to American owned companies); eliminate all wage and price controls. Such policies invariably increased extreme poverty and death among the working classes, but since all of their leaders had been murdered, and those who were still walking the streets knew that if they so much as uttered a word of protest at the local barber shop, one of the Blue Fords would come for them too.

It took generation of brutal rule by anti-communist dictators, for working class South Americans to have any voice at all. You bet they voted leftist at that point.
So we're still pretending that what they're after is a Venezuela-style socialism, with government ownership and control of production and distribution. We can pretend anything, but I don't know if anyone actually thinks this is what they're after. Who knows, maybe talk radio has really convinced some that this is the goal.
That is the typically disingenuous pap of a Democrat Socialist who knows what his Party is about and knows that it's still gonna be a tough sell in America. The facade has been lifted Comrade Mac, the agenda is clear, and no amount of semantics, obfuscation, or pussyfooting will get the worms back into the can:

View attachment 265591
So is that a "yes", you think the Dems want to emulate Venezuela?
Shuuuuuuut uuuuuuuuuup!!!
They still have not acknowledged it. Lol
Because it's simply not true. Their economy failed just as badly, if not worse, under capitalism...
No it didn't and of all the silly socialist shit you have posted, that is about the silliest. Their economy was fine but their governance lacked integrity and when the people were promised "free" stuff they took the bait. The result was predictable.

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury." - Alexander Fraser Tytler - Wikiquote
And if you allow politicians and thugs to rule instead of Free Markets and Free Individuals, you will end up with Tyranny.
Sounds like Trump and McConnell
Do you feel oppressed, Snowflake? Need another tissue?

What he really needs is an industrial size drum of:

View attachment 265589
The single greatest regret in my life is not having bought stock in Boudreaux on Nov 9, 2016.
You gotta know when to hold em know when to fold em You've been dealt a bad hand and won't throw your cards in Your choice
And if you allow politicians and thugs to rule instead of Free Markets and Free Individuals, you will end up with Tyranny.
Sounds like Trump and McConnell
Do you feel oppressed, Snowflake? Need another tissue?

What he really needs is an industrial size drum of:

View attachment 265589
The single greatest regret in my life is not having bought stock in Boudreaux on Nov 9, 2016.
You gotta know when to hold em know when to fold em You've been dealt a bad hand and won't throw your cards in Your choice
I'm no quitter and still do reasonably well for an old retired guy but I could have bought a large yacht had I had the foresight to buy stock in butt-crack cream in 2016. Did you?

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