So how much did Trump pay in Federal Taxes?

Sure, we do. But you won't get that from his tax returns. Did you ask the same questions about the Clinton foundation? Duh, no. Wonder why.
This thread is about Donald Trump keeping his tax returns a secret from the American public, not the Clintons or the Obamas.

The law entitles Trump to privacy, it guarantees his rights not to have idiot liberals poking around in his private life.
People in public office do not enjoy the same privacy as Anthony, the family plumber.

Go ahead post a link to the law that requires Trump to release his tax returns, you can't because no such law exists. That's why idiot liberals are freaking out.
No-one claimed that Donald Trump is breaking the law by keeping his tax returns top secret from the American people only that he is the first president to do so since Gerald Ford. People smell a rat.
Maybe you're just used to the Odor of Rats?
This thread is about Donald Trump keeping his tax returns a secret from the American public, not the Clintons or the Obamas.

The law entitles Trump to privacy, it guarantees his rights not to have idiot liberals poking around in his private life.
People in public office do not enjoy the same privacy as Anthony, the family plumber.

Go ahead post a link to the law that requires Trump to release his tax returns, you can't because no such law exists. That's why idiot liberals are freaking out.
No-one claimed that Donald Trump is breaking the law by keeping his tax returns top secret from the American people only that he is the first president to do so since Gerald Ford. People smell a rat.
Maybe you're just used to the Odor of Rats?
Something is rotten in the United States.
The law entitles Trump to privacy, it guarantees his rights not to have idiot liberals poking around in his private life.
People in public office do not enjoy the same privacy as Anthony, the family plumber.

Go ahead post a link to the law that requires Trump to release his tax returns, you can't because no such law exists. That's why idiot liberals are freaking out.
No-one claimed that Donald Trump is breaking the law by keeping his tax returns top secret from the American people only that he is the first president to do so since Gerald Ford. People smell a rat.
Maybe you're just used to the Odor of Rats?
Something is rotten in the United States.

yes, there is. What's rotten is the liberal influx in both parties, coupled with massive ignorance from those on the far left, like you.

its unlikely that you are going to get to pick Trump's tax returns apart. The IRS already has and have found nothing but complete compliance with the tax laws.

Trump won, Hillary lost. Obama sucked. That is reality. Deal with it or move to Venezuela or north korea.
Al Sharpton owes 4 million is back income taxes. Which of you resident liberals think he should be prosecuted and jailed?

If so, why? If not, why?
People in public office do not enjoy the same privacy as Anthony, the family plumber.

Go ahead post a link to the law that requires Trump to release his tax returns, you can't because no such law exists. That's why idiot liberals are freaking out.
No-one claimed that Donald Trump is breaking the law by keeping his tax returns top secret from the American people only that he is the first president to do so since Gerald Ford. People smell a rat.
Maybe you're just used to the Odor of Rats?
Something is rotten in the United States.

yes, there is. What's rotten is the liberal influx in both parties, coupled with massive ignorance from those on the far left, like you.

its unlikely that you are going to get to pick Trump's tax returns apart. The IRS already has and have found nothing but complete compliance with the tax laws.

Trump won, Hillary lost. Obama sucked. That is reality. Deal with it or move to Venezuela or north korea.

You don't know what you talking about, IRS does not announce compliance, so you can possibly know if he was or was not in "complete compliance".

You don't know what pull foreign interests have on him. You don't know taxes he evaded or underpaid.

And the thing is YOU ACTUALLY WOULD KNOW if that car salesman would just come clean with his returns.
Go ahead post a link to the law that requires Trump to release his tax returns, you can't because no such law exists. That's why idiot liberals are freaking out.
No-one claimed that Donald Trump is breaking the law by keeping his tax returns top secret from the American people only that he is the first president to do so since Gerald Ford. People smell a rat.
Maybe you're just used to the Odor of Rats?
Something is rotten in the United States.

yes, there is. What's rotten is the liberal influx in both parties, coupled with massive ignorance from those on the far left, like you.

its unlikely that you are going to get to pick Trump's tax returns apart. The IRS already has and have found nothing but complete compliance with the tax laws.

Trump won, Hillary lost. Obama sucked. That is reality. Deal with it or move to Venezuela or north korea.

You don't know what you talking about, IRS does not announce compliance, so you can possibly know if he was or was not in "complete compliance".

You don't know what pull foreign interests have on him. You don't know taxes he evaded or underpaid.

And the thing is YOU ACTUALLY WOULD KNOW if that car salesman would just come clean with his returns.

people like Trump (and Pelosi, Oprah, Gates, Zuckerman, Kochs) get audited every year. They have teams of lawyers and accountants prepare their returns, they work closely with IRS lawyers to insure that everything is in full compliance with the law. If Trump, or any other rich person, was violating law the IRS would issue a judgement against them which would be public--------------like the one against Sharpton. Do you care that Sharpton owes 4 million is unpaid federal income taxes?

Foreign interests? Do you have any idea who funded the Clinton foundation and what they expected in return? Taxes evaded or unpaid? You are either very ignorant or stupidly partisan.
No-one claimed that Donald Trump is breaking the law by keeping his tax returns top secret from the American people only that he is the first president to do so since Gerald Ford. People smell a rat.
Maybe you're just used to the Odor of Rats?
Something is rotten in the United States.

yes, there is. What's rotten is the liberal influx in both parties, coupled with massive ignorance from those on the far left, like you.

its unlikely that you are going to get to pick Trump's tax returns apart. The IRS already has and have found nothing but complete compliance with the tax laws.

Trump won, Hillary lost. Obama sucked. That is reality. Deal with it or move to Venezuela or north korea.

You don't know what you talking about, IRS does not announce compliance, so you can possibly know if he was or was not in "complete compliance".

You don't know what pull foreign interests have on him. You don't know taxes he evaded or underpaid.

And the thing is YOU ACTUALLY WOULD KNOW if that car salesman would just come clean with his returns.

people like Trump (and Pelosi, Oprah, Gates, Zuckerman, Kochs) get audited every year.

No they don't, stop making shit up out of thin air.

They are more likely to be audited, but it is far from certainty. And if they are audited and something is found they get smacked with penalties, of which you would know nothing unless it's jail time.
LOL every fn time he takes a trip to Mar-a-Lago he directly pockets many times the poultry President's salary.

Mar-a-Lago dues are the price of access to Trump
the man besides being a degenerate liar is a con man supreme

I don't know about con man supreme.
Obama certainly filled the bill when HE TOLD YOU IN his 1995'S AUTOBIOGRAPHY that he depended on "tricks" tactics" to fool people and evidently you and
others like you never read where he was telling you he was not who he was!

View attachment 122230
If I was a black man I'd be angry too Tell me you don't believe they get a raw deal looking for jobs loans homes etc etc ? And fyi Obama was a great president and a great man
That is such bull shit! Raw deals?
Hey... I had a black cousin in Iowa in the 50s! A black business partner in Dallas in the 70s. And worked for and with blacks all my life.
They are the FIRST to tell you at least the ones I worked with that this is bullshit perpetuated by people that are just too stupid to know better.
Obama was first and foremost a liar who hired people who actually called people like you the "And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really really critical for the thing to pass" in passing ACA!
Do you really like to be known as being STUPID for voting for Obama which is what Gruber said and remember Obama evidently feels the same way or why else
hire a guy who has that attitude.
Remember Obama was also the guy who told the enemy our "military air raid villages, killing civilians"! And you think that is great? This "great" Obama tells Americans
he wants higher gas prices, utilities to go bankrupt and ultimately put 1,400 companies out of business that employ over half million people AND these companies
he wanted to put out of business pay over $100 billion a year in taxes! And YOU voted and think Obama is a "great president?
One final thought about this "great man"...
View attachment 122236

Wow you one rambling fuckign idiot.

Grubber is NOT Obama and does not speak for Obama anymore than he speaks for Romney (Yep that Romney, the one you voted for) . He was an architect for Romneycare and subsequently Obamacare because it was based on Romneycare.

Under Obama we've had very CHEAP gasoline and 11 million jobs created, which is THREE TIMES the job growth of the last two Republican presidents COMBINED. Somehow that SUPREMELY RELEVANT piece of information as to the quality of Obama's presidency is entirely missing from your diarrhea-of-the-mouth assessment.

Obama hired Gruber. Obama didn't hire people who didn't hold the same views as Obama.
Remember these are the words directly from Obama's mouth... I'm not making these words up!
And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations Obama Obama on small-town Pa.: Clinging to religion, guns, xenophobia

Obama has ALWAYS thought he was smarter then anyone else... again his words..
In 2006, [Obama] the senator gave him a warning: I think I could probably do every job on the campaign better than the people I’ll hire to do it…It’s hard to give up control when that’s all I’ve known. Obama's Narcissism on Parade - A Hollywood Republican
Go ahead post a link to the law that requires Trump to release his tax returns, you can't because no such law exists. That's why idiot liberals are freaking out.
No-one claimed that Donald Trump is breaking the law by keeping his tax returns top secret from the American people only that he is the first president to do so since Gerald Ford. People smell a rat.
Maybe you're just used to the Odor of Rats?
Something is rotten in the United States.

yes, there is. What's rotten is the liberal influx in both parties, coupled with massive ignorance from those on the far left, like you.

its unlikely that you are going to get to pick Trump's tax returns apart. The IRS already has and have found nothing but complete compliance with the tax laws.

Trump won, Hillary lost. Obama sucked. That is reality. Deal with it or move to Venezuela or north korea.

You don't know what you talking about, IRS does not announce compliance, so you can possibly know if he was or was not in "complete compliance".

You don't know what pull foreign interests have on him. You don't know taxes he evaded or underpaid.

And the thing is YOU ACTUALLY WOULD KNOW if that car salesman would just come clean with his returns.

Unlike you, since there has been no evidence over the last several decades that any of this is true, I'll assume it is not.
People in public office do not enjoy the same privacy as Anthony, the family plumber.

Go ahead post a link to the law that requires Trump to release his tax returns, you can't because no such law exists. That's why idiot liberals are freaking out.
No-one claimed that Donald Trump is breaking the law by keeping his tax returns top secret from the American people only that he is the first president to do so since Gerald Ford. People smell a rat.
how can he pass a tax reform bill if he won't show if he'll benefit from it? Nixon had to release 5 years and had to pay back taxes He cheated his ass off What makes repubs think Trump who makes Nixon look like a shoplifter isn't a thief too?

Did you flunk US Government in school? Trump can't pass a tax reform bill, or any bill, that's the job of congress.
But bills do not become law until the president decides he wants to sign it.

Wrong again dummy. What happens when a president veto's a bill and congress overrides his veto?
People in public office do not enjoy the same privacy as Anthony, the family plumber.

Go ahead post a link to the law that requires Trump to release his tax returns, you can't because no such law exists. That's why idiot liberals are freaking out.
No-one claimed that Donald Trump is breaking the law by keeping his tax returns top secret from the American people only that he is the first president to do so since Gerald Ford. People smell a rat.
how can he pass a tax reform bill if he won't show if he'll benefit from it? Nixon had to release 5 years and had to pay back taxes He cheated his ass off What makes repubs think Trump who makes Nixon look like a shoplifter isn't a thief too?

Did you flunk US Government in school? Trump can't pass a tax reform bill, or any bill, that's the job of congress.
I know blue But doesn't the ah have a majority everywhere? Could it be that some of his own people detest him too?? BTW you are a legend only in your own mind lol

My left pinky is more famous than you lib, bow to the BluesLegend!
So how much did Trump pay in Federal Taxes?

Trump paid barely any Federal Income taxes for a long time as his 1997 tax-return with huge loss write off (that he personally didn't actually take, but a loophole allowed him to claim anyway) show.

There is only one person in the world (other than Maddow, who got big ratings) had any interest in releasing CLIENT COPY of just two pages of Trump's 2005 tax return...TRUMP himself. Remaining pages would have shown who he owns money to.

And the ONLY reason Trump even paid 25% in that year was due to Alternate Minimum tax provision, which he wants to get rid of as part of the tax reform. Without that provision his tax would be right about 5%.

Trump is a tax-dodger with a closet full of shady wheeling and dealing with foreign interests - a classic case of what is wrong with American tax policy and a clear reason why we need such disclosure from Presidential candidates.
Dodger? Hardly. Trump paid the tax he was required to pay. That's not dodging taxes. Tax dodgers are democrats like Al Sharpton and Tim Geithner, who just refused to pay what they owed.
Maybe you're just used to the Odor of Rats?
Something is rotten in the United States.

yes, there is. What's rotten is the liberal influx in both parties, coupled with massive ignorance from those on the far left, like you.

its unlikely that you are going to get to pick Trump's tax returns apart. The IRS already has and have found nothing but complete compliance with the tax laws.

Trump won, Hillary lost. Obama sucked. That is reality. Deal with it or move to Venezuela or north korea.

You don't know what you talking about, IRS does not announce compliance, so you can possibly know if he was or was not in "complete compliance".

You don't know what pull foreign interests have on him. You don't know taxes he evaded or underpaid.

And the thing is YOU ACTUALLY WOULD KNOW if that car salesman would just come clean with his returns.

people like Trump (and Pelosi, Oprah, Gates, Zuckerman, Kochs) get audited every year.

No they don't, stop making shit up out of thin air.

They are more likely to be audited, but it is far from certainty. And if they are audited and something is found they get smacked with penalties, of which you would know nothing unless it's jail time.

If Trump was cheating on his taxes the IRS under Obama would have found a way to leak that to the left wing media. If you don't understand that, you are even dumber than you seem to be.
Something is rotten in the United States.

yes, there is. What's rotten is the liberal influx in both parties, coupled with massive ignorance from those on the far left, like you.

its unlikely that you are going to get to pick Trump's tax returns apart. The IRS already has and have found nothing but complete compliance with the tax laws.

Trump won, Hillary lost. Obama sucked. That is reality. Deal with it or move to Venezuela or north korea.

You don't know what you talking about, IRS does not announce compliance, so you can possibly know if he was or was not in "complete compliance".

You don't know what pull foreign interests have on him. You don't know taxes he evaded or underpaid.

And the thing is YOU ACTUALLY WOULD KNOW if that car salesman would just come clean with his returns.

people like Trump (and Pelosi, Oprah, Gates, Zuckerman, Kochs) get audited every year.

No they don't, stop making shit up out of thin air.

They are more likely to be audited, but it is far from certainty. And if they are audited and something is found they get smacked with penalties, of which you would know nothing unless it's jail time.

If Trump was cheating on his taxes the IRS under Obama would have found a way to leak that to the left wing media. If you don't understand that, you are even dumber than you seem to be.

More made up bullshit - your specialty it seems.
yes, there is. What's rotten is the liberal influx in both parties, coupled with massive ignorance from those on the far left, like you.

its unlikely that you are going to get to pick Trump's tax returns apart. The IRS already has and have found nothing but complete compliance with the tax laws.

Trump won, Hillary lost. Obama sucked. That is reality. Deal with it or move to Venezuela or north korea.

You don't know what you talking about, IRS does not announce compliance, so you can possibly know if he was or was not in "complete compliance".

You don't know what pull foreign interests have on him. You don't know taxes he evaded or underpaid.

And the thing is YOU ACTUALLY WOULD KNOW if that car salesman would just come clean with his returns.

people like Trump (and Pelosi, Oprah, Gates, Zuckerman, Kochs) get audited every year.

No they don't, stop making shit up out of thin air.

They are more likely to be audited, but it is far from certainty. And if they are audited and something is found they get smacked with penalties, of which you would know nothing unless it's jail time.

If Trump was cheating on his taxes the IRS under Obama would have found a way to leak that to the left wing media. If you don't understand that, you are even dumber than you seem to be.

More made up bullshit - your specialty it seems.
that and projecting on to others.
People in public office do not enjoy the same privacy as Anthony, the family plumber.

Go ahead post a link to the law that requires Trump to release his tax returns, you can't because no such law exists. That's why idiot liberals are freaking out.
No-one claimed that Donald Trump is breaking the law by keeping his tax returns top secret from the American people only that he is the first president to do so since Gerald Ford. People smell a rat.
Maybe you're just used to the Odor of Rats?
Something is rotten in the United States.

yes, there is. What's rotten is the liberal influx in both parties, coupled with massive ignorance from those on the far left, like you.

its unlikely that you are going to get to pick Trump's tax returns apart. The IRS already has and have found nothing but complete compliance with the tax laws.

Trump won, Hillary lost. Obama sucked. That is reality. Deal with it or move to Venezuela or north korea.
I readily accept that what Donald Trumps wants to keep a secret from the American public is of no concern to his supporters.
Go ahead post a link to the law that requires Trump to release his tax returns, you can't because no such law exists. That's why idiot liberals are freaking out.
No-one claimed that Donald Trump is breaking the law by keeping his tax returns top secret from the American people only that he is the first president to do so since Gerald Ford. People smell a rat.
how can he pass a tax reform bill if he won't show if he'll benefit from it? Nixon had to release 5 years and had to pay back taxes He cheated his ass off What makes repubs think Trump who makes Nixon look like a shoplifter isn't a thief too?

Did you flunk US Government in school? Trump can't pass a tax reform bill, or any bill, that's the job of congress.
But bills do not become law until the president decides he wants to sign it.

Wrong again dummy. What happens when a president veto's a bill and congress overrides his veto?
You did not write anything about Congress overriding a presidential veto in your original post. I also wrote nothing about a president vetoing a bill in my response. I did say, correctly as you will remember from your government class in high school, that a bill does not become a law until the president decides to sign it.
Go ahead post a link to the law that requires Trump to release his tax returns, you can't because no such law exists. That's why idiot liberals are freaking out.
No-one claimed that Donald Trump is breaking the law by keeping his tax returns top secret from the American people only that he is the first president to do so since Gerald Ford. People smell a rat.
Maybe you're just used to the Odor of Rats?
Something is rotten in the United States.

yes, there is. What's rotten is the liberal influx in both parties, coupled with massive ignorance from those on the far left, like you.

its unlikely that you are going to get to pick Trump's tax returns apart. The IRS already has and have found nothing but complete compliance with the tax laws.

Trump won, Hillary lost. Obama sucked. That is reality. Deal with it or move to Venezuela or north korea.
I readily accept that what Donald Trumps wants to keep a secret from the American public is of no concern to his supporters.

OK. for the final time. If Trump were to release his tax returns which consist of hundreds of pages of very complex financial transactions. What do you think would happen? Some left wing media puke would pull out one page, make up lies about what it said and then you other left wing assholes would keep ranting about it for weeks. It would dominate the biased media and cause Trump to waste hundreds of hours refuting those lies.

He should never release them. Never give you assholes anything. Screw you, you lost, Hillary lost. The American voters told you and her to STFU. Now deal with how you have allowed Obama and the Clintons to destroy the party of Kennedy and Truman. You put those criminals in office, you are responsible.
Go ahead post a link to the law that requires Trump to release his tax returns, you can't because no such law exists. That's why idiot liberals are freaking out.
No-one claimed that Donald Trump is breaking the law by keeping his tax returns top secret from the American people only that he is the first president to do so since Gerald Ford. People smell a rat.
Maybe you're just used to the Odor of Rats?
Something is rotten in the United States.

yes, there is. What's rotten is the liberal influx in both parties, coupled with massive ignorance from those on the far left, like you.

its unlikely that you are going to get to pick Trump's tax returns apart. The IRS already has and have found nothing but complete compliance with the tax laws.

Trump won, Hillary lost. Obama sucked. That is reality. Deal with it or move to Venezuela or north korea.
I readily accept that what Donald Trumps wants to keep a secret from the American public is of no concern to his supporters.

Were Obama's secrets of any concern to you? His sealed college records, his Conn SS number, his trips to Pakistan when travel there was banned for americans, his ties to Rezko, Ayers, Wright, Soros? Why his grandmother (who said he was born in Kenya) died two days after he visited her in Hawaii. Did you care that his number one assistant, Valarie Jarrett was a muslim from Iran?

No, you didn't, because your head was so far up his ass that all you saw was shit.

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