So how much did Trump pay in Federal Taxes?

Irrelevant. I don't obsess over others' personal finances. His taxes are his business. As long as he gets tax cuts done for the People, i'm good. I just want him to do his job.
So what you are saying is that it isn't enough to pay on money EARNED, even though the liberals here don't EARN money they get it from welfare. Then you should be taxed when you spend it, but some programs like EBT, no taxes on food items, so the liberals here don't pay on that either. Then you also want money handed down from the workers, should be taxed because their kids don't deserve that money, while a liberal here who has nothing, earns nothing, leaves their child(if not aborted) with nothing? Gee, see what I mean about liberalism and FAIRNESS. Everyone will be poor and miserable, then everyone is equal.

Take your "workers" bullshit elsewhere. Very few states collect estate taxes and Federal estate tax exemption is currently at 5 million for single filer and 10 million for joint.

I personally think it's too generous of an allowance, but the point is there is a way to tax inheritance without affecting those that are just passing their small middle class savings.

And PLEASE, spare me the stories of struggle of people who are pocketing their dady's millions.

taxing inheritance is double taxation. But I get it. Punish success and reward failure---the libtardian motto
what percent or our country is subject to the inheritance tax?

very small %, so why is it such a big issue with you libs? If the govt took 100% of it, it would not make a dent in the national debt. This is about jealousy and envy, nothing more
If the rich want to keep more of their money, they need to stop ballooning our deficits.

The poor would have no objection to the rich keeping their "legacy", with massive budget surpluses at the disposal of our Republic, for the poor.

Where do the rich keep more of their money? Do you know? I'm curious because it sounds like people like you think they bury it in backyard or put it under their mattresses!
Or wait... maybe just maybe they invest this money? Wow what concept! Their investments are in start up companies where they make a killing 1 out of 10 times.
So maybe not?
"Nine out of ten startups will fail. This is a hard and bleak truth, but one that you'd do well to meditate on. Entrepreneurs may even want to write their failure post-mortem before they launch their business.Jan 16, 2015"
90% Of Startups Fail: Here's What You Need To Know About The 10%
Or maybe they are BUYING those US treasuries? Earning very very low interest.
Or maybe they are buying yachts, mansions... you know things those filthy evil rich spend their money on!
But wait... someone has a job building yachts,mansions.... roads... etc...

So you'd like these evil wealthy people to take the entire wealth and pay off the national debt that was run up by idiots running the government that you defend
who spent on dumb things like these :

Swedish massages for rabbits: $387,000
The National Institutes of Health paid this six figure sum to the National Centerfor Complimentary and Alternative Medicine in order to discern whether Swedish massages would be helpful in recovering from an illness.

Teaching Mountain Lions to Ride a Treadmill: $856,000
The National Science Foundation shelled out nearly a million taxpayer dollars to determine if captive mountain lions could be trained to ride a treadmill.

Studying how many times “hangry” people stab a voodoo doll: $331,000
After teaching mountain lions about treadmills, the National Science Foundation also funded a study to come up with the self evident conclusion that hungry people tend to be more angry and aggressive.

Studying the gambling habits of monkeys: $171,000
Another NSF grant funded the study of gambling monkeys. Under the guise of studying the “hot-hand bias” in human gamblers, the University of Rochesterdevised a computer game, taught monkeys to play it, and studied how they responded to winning and losing.

Top 20 Worst Ways the Government Wasted Your Tax Dollars
Take your "workers" bullshit elsewhere. Very few states collect estate taxes and Federal estate tax exemption is currently at 5 million for single filer and 10 million for joint.

I personally think it's too generous of an allowance, but the point is there is a way to tax inheritance without affecting those that are just passing their small middle class savings.

And PLEASE, spare me the stories of struggle of people who are pocketing their dady's millions.

taxing inheritance is double taxation. But I get it. Punish success and reward failure---the libtardian motto
what percent or our country is subject to the inheritance tax?

very small %, so why is it such a big issue with you libs? If the govt took 100% of it, it would not make a dent in the national debt. This is about jealousy and envy, nothing more
If the rich want to keep more of their money, they need to stop ballooning our deficits.

The poor would have no objection to the rich keeping their "legacy", with massive budget surpluses at the disposal of our Republic, for the poor.

Where do the rich keep more of their money? Do you know? I'm curious because it sounds like people like you think they bury it in backyard or put it under their mattresses!
Or wait... maybe just maybe they invest this money? Wow what concept! Their investments are in start up companies where they make a killing 1 out of 10 times.
So maybe not?
"Nine out of ten startups will fail. This is a hard and bleak truth, but one that you'd do well to meditate on. Entrepreneurs may even want to write their failure post-mortem before they launch their business.Jan 16, 2015"
90% Of Startups Fail: Here's What You Need To Know About The 10%
Or maybe they are BUYING those US treasuries? Earning very very low interest.
Or maybe they are buying yachts, mansions... you know things those filthy evil rich spend their money on!
But wait... someone has a job building yachts,mansions.... roads... etc...

So you'd like these evil wealthy people to take the entire wealth and pay off the national debt that was run up by idiots running the government that you defend
who spent on dumb things like these :

Swedish massages for rabbits: $387,000
The National Institutes of Health paid this six figure sum to the National Centerfor Complimentary and Alternative Medicine in order to discern whether Swedish massages would be helpful in recovering from an illness.

Teaching Mountain Lions to Ride a Treadmill: $856,000
The National Science Foundation shelled out nearly a million taxpayer dollars to determine if captive mountain lions could be trained to ride a treadmill.

Studying how many times “hangry” people stab a voodoo doll: $331,000
After teaching mountain lions about treadmills, the National Science Foundation also funded a study to come up with the self evident conclusion that hungry people tend to be more angry and aggressive.

Studying the gambling habits of monkeys: $171,000
Another NSF grant funded the study of gambling monkeys. Under the guise of studying the “hot-hand bias” in human gamblers, the University of Rochesterdevised a computer game, taught monkeys to play it, and studied how they responded to winning and losing.

Top 20 Worst Ways the Government Wasted Your Tax Dollars
The poor would have no objection to the rich keeping their "legacy", with massive budget surpluses at the disposal of our Republic, for the poor.

don't complain American rich Persons; be Exceptional.
who tf cares? the man is a thief and con man and idiots voted for him ..yeah he released the only return probably that had him actually paying 2005,,,,, What happened to the thiefs other returns?

Ask the IRS they audit Trump constantly to make sure he pays his taxes. Tissue?
you want the IRS to illegally leak Trump's tax returns??

if there was anything illegal in his returns, it would already have been leaked. This is the same IRS that illegally attacked conservative organizations. Remember Lois Lerner? She should be in jail, and may yet end up there.

Having business interests with foreign nations is not illegal. But it can cause a conflict of interests if you or your family can make tens of millions off of official US policy changes

Trump is tearing up our trade deals and making whole new ones. Doesn't America deserve to know what is in it for him?

Sure, we do. But you won't get that from his tax returns. Did you ask the same questions about the Clinton foundation? Duh, no. Wonder why.

Yes we will
We will find out where his investment income is coming from

Yes, we did get the same information about the Clinton foundation. Republicans investigated it for years and found nothing. We can't even get a tax return out of Trump
You got no clue wtf you are saying, so take your little fantasies and shove up your ass...mmk?

1. He wrote off bank loss, not his personal loss

Loophole fixed in 2002, with Clinton vote no less:

Subchapter S corporation goes bankrupt, forcing the banks to write off $1 million in debt. The banks are out the $1 million, not you. Yet you get to claim an extra $1 million of losses on your individual return, which you can use to offset income from other sources for up to 20 years.

Windfall: The Best Explanation Of Donald Trump's $916 Million Tax Loss

2. I'm you worst nightmare - well paid liberal that pays a lot of taxes, so you can fuck off.

3. Here is Obama's taxes (in full) for that very same year, 2005, where he made just ONE-HUNDREDTH of Trump's income at 1.65M and paid out 545k in taxes, or 30%

so you don't like the way the tax laws treat rich people. Tell me how that is Trump's fault. Who wrote the tax laws? The dem members of congress in order to help their rich croinies who fund their campaigns
your problem is not with Trump, its with your own party. Wake up.

Where did I fault Trump for taking advantage of tax laws?

What I fault him and some other rich guys is self-dealing (see him looking to get rid of inheritance and Minimum Alternate tax) and refusing to put in place laws (see Buffet Rule) that will ensure they pay what they ought to in taxes.

who decides "what they ought to" pay in taxes? You? The answer is congress and if you don't like what they decided, take it up with them, not with people who legally comply with the tax laws to their advantage.

Yes me.

I have my opinion that it is fair to contribute higher % tax if you are making more.
I have my voice
and I have my vote.

And yes, as I ALREADY SAID, I never faulted people for paying what they legally owned and not more.

the top 5% pays almost half of the total taxes collected by the federal govt. How much more would you take?

Yes, you have your voice and your vote. So do I, and those who vote as I vote won in 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2016. Could it be that you are out of touch with the country? Maybe north korea would be a good choice for you. Everyone there is equally poor and equally miserable----------except the ruling elites. and you dumb f'n libs want that same system here.

They pay in a lot because THEY MAKE A LOT, but in that 5% there are people that get away with paying very little, while others that play it straight carry the burden.

We don't have to raise the tax rates, we just have to do a better job of ensuring people don't get around the system.
if there was anything illegal in his returns, it would already have been leaked. This is the same IRS that illegally attacked conservative organizations. Remember Lois Lerner? She should be in jail, and may yet end up there.

Having business interests with foreign nations is not illegal. But it can cause a conflict of interests if you or your family can make tens of millions off of official US policy changes

Trump is tearing up our trade deals and making whole new ones. Doesn't America deserve to know what is in it for him?

Sure, we do. But you won't get that from his tax returns. Did you ask the same questions about the Clinton foundation? Duh, no. Wonder why.
This thread is about Donald Trump keeping his tax returns a secret from the American public, not the Clintons or the Obamas.

For the last time:

1. did he do anything illegal in his returns? the IRS says no
2. what exactly are you looking for?
3. the IRS audits him every year, including the 8 Obama years. If he was cheating don't you think they would have found it during those years?
4. the tax code treats the very rich different than you and me. I think we all want that fixed.
5. this tax return thing is nothing but a diversion to compensate you libs for your massive losses over the last 4 elections.
Trump must have something amazingly embarrassing (not illegal) in his tax returns, perhaps the biggest scandal that ever hit the White House and going back to George Washington. Believe me, when the public find out, there will be a movement such as we have never seen to oust a sitting president.

Like what? What do you think you would find in his returns?

that he is a rich guy?
that he owns a lot of property?
that he trades a lot of stock?
that he has holdings all over the world?
that his businesses are in a blind trust over which he has no control?
that he paid millions in taxes?
that he complied with the tax code 100%?

What exactly do you think you would find that the IRS cannot find?
Donald Trump 1991 House hearing US Economic | User Clip |

he got what he wanted from Congress, and a couple of years later, he used the loophole congress put in for him....and took a tax write off for nearly a billion dollars for his bankruptcy, money that was never his in the first place...he borrowed the billion and owed the banks for the billion yet took the billion as a tax write off for the next 10 years as if it was money he had lost, but it was the bank that loaned him the money that lost the money through him declaring bankruptcy.... oh and not only did he get to write off the borrowed money that was never his, the bank got to write off the same money....

one whopper of a loophole.... thank Mr Trump for that going in to our tax code.

so he used congress to his advantage. Are you really so naïve that you think he is the only businessman ever to do that? Nothing he did was illegal. However, when the Clinton foundation took bribes from foreign interests in exchange for favorable state dept treatment that was illegal. But you don't care about that, right?
No-one claimed that keeping secrets from the American public is illegal.

no, but leaking classified data is illegal, and the record showed that Hillary was guilty of that crime.
If someone is preventing you from starting a thread about Hillary Clinton, I think that would be intolerable and I'm not afraid to say so here.

I explained why I brought up the Clintons, to expose you libs for your blatant hypocrisy. Sorry if you are too dumb to understand.
so you don't like the way the tax laws treat rich people. Tell me how that is Trump's fault. Who wrote the tax laws? The dem members of congress in order to help their rich croinies who fund their campaigns
your problem is not with Trump, its with your own party. Wake up.

Where did I fault Trump for taking advantage of tax laws?

What I fault him and some other rich guys is self-dealing (see him looking to get rid of inheritance and Minimum Alternate tax) and refusing to put in place laws (see Buffet Rule) that will ensure they pay what they ought to in taxes.

who decides "what they ought to" pay in taxes? You? The answer is congress and if you don't like what they decided, take it up with them, not with people who legally comply with the tax laws to their advantage.

Yes me.

I have my opinion that it is fair to contribute higher % tax if you are making more.
I have my voice
and I have my vote.

And yes, as I ALREADY SAID, I never faulted people for paying what they legally owned and not more.

the top 5% pays almost half of the total taxes collected by the federal govt. How much more would you take?

Yes, you have your voice and your vote. So do I, and those who vote as I vote won in 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2016. Could it be that you are out of touch with the country? Maybe north korea would be a good choice for you. Everyone there is equally poor and equally miserable----------except the ruling elites. and you dumb f'n libs want that same system here.

They pay in a lot because THEY MAKE A LOT, but in that 5% there are people that get away with paying very little, while others that play it straight carry the burden.

We don't have to raise the tax rates, we just have to do a better job of ensuring people don't get around the system.

you and I agree 100% on that. 100%, understand?

Now, who put those loopholes in the tax code? If you look up which party has controlled congress for most of the last 80 years, you will have your answer.
Ask the IRS they audit Trump constantly to make sure he pays his taxes. Tissue?
you want the IRS to illegally leak Trump's tax returns??

if there was anything illegal in his returns, it would already have been leaked. This is the same IRS that illegally attacked conservative organizations. Remember Lois Lerner? She should be in jail, and may yet end up there.

Having business interests with foreign nations is not illegal. But it can cause a conflict of interests if you or your family can make tens of millions off of official US policy changes

Trump is tearing up our trade deals and making whole new ones. Doesn't America deserve to know what is in it for him?

Sure, we do. But you won't get that from his tax returns. Did you ask the same questions about the Clinton foundation? Duh, no. Wonder why.

Yes we will
We will find out where his investment income is coming from

Yes, we did get the same information about the Clinton foundation. Republicans investigated it for years and found nothing. We can't even get a tax return out of Trump

bullshit. we found out that the Clinton foundation was nothing but a money laundering operation putting millions in the Clinton personal bank accounts. They were using it to sell influence while she was SecState.

Yes, his returns would show which stocks he owns, BFD. Everyone with money has some international stock holdings. You are grasping at straws and catching only air.
you want the IRS to illegally leak Trump's tax returns??

if there was anything illegal in his returns, it would already have been leaked. This is the same IRS that illegally attacked conservative organizations. Remember Lois Lerner? She should be in jail, and may yet end up there.

Having business interests with foreign nations is not illegal. But it can cause a conflict of interests if you or your family can make tens of millions off of official US policy changes

Trump is tearing up our trade deals and making whole new ones. Doesn't America deserve to know what is in it for him?

Sure, we do. But you won't get that from his tax returns. Did you ask the same questions about the Clinton foundation? Duh, no. Wonder why.
This thread is about Donald Trump keeping his tax returns a secret from the American public, not the Clintons or the Obamas.

The law entitles Trump to privacy, it guarantees his rights not to have idiot liberals poking around in his private life.
People in public office do not enjoy the same privacy as Anthony, the family plumber.
Where did I fault Trump for taking advantage of tax laws?

What I fault him and some other rich guys is self-dealing (see him looking to get rid of inheritance and Minimum Alternate tax) and refusing to put in place laws (see Buffet Rule) that will ensure they pay what they ought to in taxes.

who decides "what they ought to" pay in taxes? You? The answer is congress and if you don't like what they decided, take it up with them, not with people who legally comply with the tax laws to their advantage.

Yes me.

I have my opinion that it is fair to contribute higher % tax if you are making more.
I have my voice
and I have my vote.

And yes, as I ALREADY SAID, I never faulted people for paying what they legally owned and not more.

the top 5% pays almost half of the total taxes collected by the federal govt. How much more would you take?

Yes, you have your voice and your vote. So do I, and those who vote as I vote won in 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2016. Could it be that you are out of touch with the country? Maybe north korea would be a good choice for you. Everyone there is equally poor and equally miserable----------except the ruling elites. and you dumb f'n libs want that same system here.

They pay in a lot because THEY MAKE A LOT, but in that 5% there are people that get away with paying very little, while others that play it straight carry the burden.

We don't have to raise the tax rates, we just have to do a better job of ensuring people don't get around the system.

you and I agree 100% on that. 100%, understand?

Now, who put those loopholes in the tax code? If you look up which party has controlled congress for most of the last 80 years, you will have your answer.

I don't care so much about finger pointing, as I am about where we go from here.

The tax policies Trump has been proposing do nothing to ensure people don't get around paying taxes, and would reduce his personal tax liability.

Big example is the Alternate Minimal Tax that he has been against. For that 2005 Tax Return that would mean he would pay in not 25%, but 5%.
Last edited:
Donald Trump 1991 House hearing US Economic | User Clip |

he got what he wanted from Congress, and a couple of years later, he used the loophole congress put in for him....and took a tax write off for nearly a billion dollars for his bankruptcy, money that was never his in the first place...he borrowed the billion and owed the banks for the billion yet took the billion as a tax write off for the next 10 years as if it was money he had lost, but it was the bank that loaned him the money that lost the money through him declaring bankruptcy.... oh and not only did he get to write off the borrowed money that was never his, the bank got to write off the same money....

one whopper of a loophole.... thank Mr Trump for that going in to our tax code.

so he used congress to his advantage. Are you really so naïve that you think he is the only businessman ever to do that? Nothing he did was illegal. However, when the Clinton foundation took bribes from foreign interests in exchange for favorable state dept treatment that was illegal. But you don't care about that, right?
No-one claimed that keeping secrets from the American public is illegal.

no, but leaking classified data is illegal, and the record showed that Hillary was guilty of that crime.
If someone is preventing you from starting a thread about Hillary Clinton, I think that would be intolerable and I'm not afraid to say so here.

I explained why I brought up the Clintons, to expose you libs for your blatant hypocrisy. Sorry if you are too dumb to understand.
Actually you are attempting to deflect scrutiny of Trump's freeloading on the American people.
you want the IRS to illegally leak Trump's tax returns??

if there was anything illegal in his returns, it would already have been leaked. This is the same IRS that illegally attacked conservative organizations. Remember Lois Lerner? She should be in jail, and may yet end up there.

Having business interests with foreign nations is not illegal. But it can cause a conflict of interests if you or your family can make tens of millions off of official US policy changes

Trump is tearing up our trade deals and making whole new ones. Doesn't America deserve to know what is in it for him?

Sure, we do. But you won't get that from his tax returns. Did you ask the same questions about the Clinton foundation? Duh, no. Wonder why.

Yes we will
We will find out where his investment income is coming from

Yes, we did get the same information about the Clinton foundation. Republicans investigated it for years and found nothing. We can't even get a tax return out of Trump

bullshit. we found out that the Clinton foundation was nothing but a money laundering operation putting millions in the Clinton personal bank accounts. They were using it to sell influence while she was SecState.

Yes, his returns would show which stocks he owns, BFD. Everyone with money has some international stock holdings. You are grasping at straws and catching only air.

Republicans controlled Congress

If there was anything illegal about the Clinton foundation, they would have had Hillary up on charges in a minute

What about $100 million for cruise missiles fired into Syria, and $14 million for a MOAB into Afghanistan.

That's more than the 20 worst ways combined.
How about paying for secret service in NY with Melainea and DC with dump then down to florida ? This pos cost almost in 90 days what obama spent in a half year or more And his golf charges went up too
Why? He's donating his salary. He owns Mar largo so no expense for flamboyant hotels as Obama did! What costs are there involved? Flying down to Fl? peanuts compared to flying to Hawaii as Obama did frequently!

What about $100 million for cruise missiles fired into Syria, and $14 million for a MOAB into Afghanistan.

That's more than the 20 worst ways combined.
How about paying for secret service in NY with Melainea and DC with dump then down to florida ? This pos cost almost in 90 days what obama spent in a half year or more And his golf charges went up too
Why? He's donating his salary. He owns Mar largo so no expense for flamboyant hotels as Obama did! What costs are there involved? Flying down to Fl? peanuts compared to flying to Hawaii as Obama did frequently!
7 times already??? Look it up The pos has outspent all presidents in the first 90 days AND not by a little He receives money for housing the security that's watching over him This pos will leave the WH up billions Nothing but a con man,,,, and again how does he pass tax reform without america knowing how it'll benefit him?

What about $100 million for cruise missiles fired into Syria, and $14 million for a MOAB into Afghanistan.

That's more than the 20 worst ways combined.
How about paying for secret service in NY with Melainea and DC with dump then down to florida ? This pos cost almost in 90 days what obama spent in a half year or more And his golf charges went up too
Why? He's donating his salary. He owns Mar largo so no expense for flamboyant hotels as Obama did! What costs are there involved? Flying down to Fl? peanuts compared to flying to Hawaii as Obama did frequently!

LOL every fn time he takes a trip to Mar-a-Lago he directly pockets many times the poultry President's salary.

Mar-a-Lago dues are the price of access to Trump

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