So how much did Trump pay in Federal Taxes?

What about $100 million for cruise missiles fired into Syria, and $14 million for a MOAB into Afghanistan.

That's more than the 20 worst ways combined.
How about paying for secret service in NY with Melainea and DC with dump then down to florida ? This pos cost almost in 90 days what obama spent in a half year or more And his golf charges went up too
Why? He's donating his salary. He owns Mar largo so no expense for flamboyant hotels as Obama did! What costs are there involved? Flying down to Fl? peanuts compared to flying to Hawaii as Obama did frequently!

LOL every fn time he takes a trip to Mar-a-Lago he directly pockets many times the poultry President's salary.

Mar-a-Lago dues are the price of access to Trump
the man besides being a degenerate liar is a con man supreme
you want the IRS to illegally leak Trump's tax returns??

if there was anything illegal in his returns, it would already have been leaked. This is the same IRS that illegally attacked conservative organizations. Remember Lois Lerner? She should be in jail, and may yet end up there.

Having business interests with foreign nations is not illegal. But it can cause a conflict of interests if you or your family can make tens of millions off of official US policy changes

Trump is tearing up our trade deals and making whole new ones. Doesn't America deserve to know what is in it for him?

Sure, we do. But you won't get that from his tax returns. Did you ask the same questions about the Clinton foundation? Duh, no. Wonder why.

Yes we will
We will find out where his investment income is coming from

Yes, we did get the same information about the Clinton foundation. Republicans investigated it for years and found nothing. We can't even get a tax return out of Trump

bullshit. we found out that the Clinton foundation was nothing but a money laundering operation putting millions in the Clinton personal bank accounts. They were using it to sell influence while she was SecState.

Yes, his returns would show which stocks he owns, BFD. Everyone with money has some international stock holdings. You are grasping at straws and catching only air.
They actually gave huge sums to charity,, aids etc The pos

What about $100 million for cruise missiles fired into Syria, and $14 million for a MOAB into Afghanistan.

That's more than the 20 worst ways combined.
How about paying for secret service in NY with Melainea and DC with dump then down to florida ? This pos cost almost in 90 days what obama spent in a half year or more And his golf charges went up too
Why? He's donating his salary. He owns Mar largo so no expense for flamboyant hotels as Obama did! What costs are there involved? Flying down to Fl? peanuts compared to flying to Hawaii as Obama did frequently!

LOL every fn time he takes a trip to Mar-a-Lago he directly pockets many times the poultry President's salary.

Mar-a-Lago dues are the price of access to Trump
the man besides being a degenerate liar is a con man supreme
And any republican that can't figure out that he's hiding something ,,,,,,,is either stupid or a degenerate republican........could be both

What about $100 million for cruise missiles fired into Syria, and $14 million for a MOAB into Afghanistan.

That's more than the 20 worst ways combined.
How about paying for secret service in NY with Melainea and DC with dump then down to florida ? This pos cost almost in 90 days what obama spent in a half year or more And his golf charges went up too
Why? He's donating his salary. He owns Mar largo so no expense for flamboyant hotels as Obama did! What costs are there involved? Flying down to Fl? peanuts compared to flying to Hawaii as Obama did frequently!

LOL every fn time he takes a trip to Mar-a-Lago he directly pockets many times the poultry President's salary.

Mar-a-Lago dues are the price of access to Trump
the man besides being a degenerate liar is a con man supreme

I don't know about con man supreme.
Obama certainly filled the bill when HE TOLD YOU IN his 1995'S AUTOBIOGRAPHY that he depended on "tricks" tactics" to fool people and evidently you and
others like you never read where he was telling you he was not who he was!

What about $100 million for cruise missiles fired into Syria, and $14 million for a MOAB into Afghanistan.

That's more than the 20 worst ways combined.
How about paying for secret service in NY with Melainea and DC with dump then down to florida ? This pos cost almost in 90 days what obama spent in a half year or more And his golf charges went up too
Why? He's donating his salary. He owns Mar largo so no expense for flamboyant hotels as Obama did! What costs are there involved? Flying down to Fl? peanuts compared to flying to Hawaii as Obama did frequently!

LOL every fn time he takes a trip to Mar-a-Lago he directly pockets many times the poultry President's salary.

Mar-a-Lago dues are the price of access to Trump
the man besides being a degenerate liar is a con man supreme

I don't know about con man supreme.
Obama certainly filled the bill when HE TOLD YOU IN his 1995'S AUTOBIOGRAPHY that he depended on "tricks" tactics" to fool people and evidently you and
others like you never read where he was telling you he was not who he was!

View attachment 122230
If I was a black man I'd be angry too Tell me you don't believe they get a raw deal looking for jobs loans homes etc etc ? And fyi Obama was a great president and a great man
How about paying for secret service in NY with Melainea and DC with dump then down to florida ? This pos cost almost in 90 days what obama spent in a half year or more And his golf charges went up too
Why? He's donating his salary. He owns Mar largo so no expense for flamboyant hotels as Obama did! What costs are there involved? Flying down to Fl? peanuts compared to flying to Hawaii as Obama did frequently!

LOL every fn time he takes a trip to Mar-a-Lago he directly pockets many times the poultry President's salary.

Mar-a-Lago dues are the price of access to Trump
the man besides being a degenerate liar is a con man supreme

I don't know about con man supreme.
Obama certainly filled the bill when HE TOLD YOU IN his 1995'S AUTOBIOGRAPHY that he depended on "tricks" tactics" to fool people and evidently you and
others like you never read where he was telling you he was not who he was!

View attachment 122230
If I was a black man I'd be angry too Tell me you don't believe they get a raw deal looking for jobs loans homes etc etc ? And fyi Obama was a great president and a great man
That is such bull shit! Raw deals?
Hey... I had a black cousin in Iowa in the 50s! A black business partner in Dallas in the 70s. And worked for and with blacks all my life.
They are the FIRST to tell you at least the ones I worked with that this is bullshit perpetuated by people that are just too stupid to know better.
Obama was first and foremost a liar who hired people who actually called people like you the "And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really really critical for the thing to pass" in passing ACA!
Do you really like to be known as being STUPID for voting for Obama which is what Gruber said and remember Obama evidently feels the same way or why else
hire a guy who has that attitude.
Remember Obama was also the guy who told the enemy our "military air raid villages, killing civilians"! And you think that is great? This "great" Obama tells Americans
he wants higher gas prices, utilities to go bankrupt and ultimately put 1,400 companies out of business that employ over half million people AND these companies
he wanted to put out of business pay over $100 billion a year in taxes! And YOU voted and think Obama is a "great president?
One final thought about this "great man"...
How about paying for secret service in NY with Melainea and DC with dump then down to florida ? This pos cost almost in 90 days what obama spent in a half year or more And his golf charges went up too
Why? He's donating his salary. He owns Mar largo so no expense for flamboyant hotels as Obama did! What costs are there involved? Flying down to Fl? peanuts compared to flying to Hawaii as Obama did frequently!

LOL every fn time he takes a trip to Mar-a-Lago he directly pockets many times the poultry President's salary.

Mar-a-Lago dues are the price of access to Trump
the man besides being a degenerate liar is a con man supreme

I don't know about con man supreme.
Obama certainly filled the bill when HE TOLD YOU IN his 1995'S AUTOBIOGRAPHY that he depended on "tricks" tactics" to fool people and evidently you and
others like you never read where he was telling you he was not who he was!

View attachment 122230
If I was a black man I'd be angry too Tell me you don't believe they get a raw deal looking for jobs loans homes etc etc ? And fyi Obama was a great president and a great man

Obama was Jimmy Carter on steroids. He was the worst president in modern history.
if there was anything illegal in his returns, it would already have been leaked. This is the same IRS that illegally attacked conservative organizations. Remember Lois Lerner? She should be in jail, and may yet end up there.

Having business interests with foreign nations is not illegal. But it can cause a conflict of interests if you or your family can make tens of millions off of official US policy changes

Trump is tearing up our trade deals and making whole new ones. Doesn't America deserve to know what is in it for him?

Sure, we do. But you won't get that from his tax returns. Did you ask the same questions about the Clinton foundation? Duh, no. Wonder why.
This thread is about Donald Trump keeping his tax returns a secret from the American public, not the Clintons or the Obamas.

The law entitles Trump to privacy, it guarantees his rights not to have idiot liberals poking around in his private life.
Mr. Trump volunteered for public office.

And the sky is blue and Trump never volunteered to give up his rights under the law.
if there was anything illegal in his returns, it would already have been leaked. This is the same IRS that illegally attacked conservative organizations. Remember Lois Lerner? She should be in jail, and may yet end up there.

Having business interests with foreign nations is not illegal. But it can cause a conflict of interests if you or your family can make tens of millions off of official US policy changes

Trump is tearing up our trade deals and making whole new ones. Doesn't America deserve to know what is in it for him?

Sure, we do. But you won't get that from his tax returns. Did you ask the same questions about the Clinton foundation? Duh, no. Wonder why.
This thread is about Donald Trump keeping his tax returns a secret from the American public, not the Clintons or the Obamas.

The law entitles Trump to privacy, it guarantees his rights not to have idiot liberals poking around in his private life.
People in public office do not enjoy the same privacy as Anthony, the family plumber.

Go ahead post a link to the law that requires Trump to release his tax returns, you can't because no such law exists. That's why idiot liberals are freaking out.
Having business interests with foreign nations is not illegal. But it can cause a conflict of interests if you or your family can make tens of millions off of official US policy changes

Trump is tearing up our trade deals and making whole new ones. Doesn't America deserve to know what is in it for him?

Sure, we do. But you won't get that from his tax returns. Did you ask the same questions about the Clinton foundation? Duh, no. Wonder why.
This thread is about Donald Trump keeping his tax returns a secret from the American public, not the Clintons or the Obamas.

The law entitles Trump to privacy, it guarantees his rights not to have idiot liberals poking around in his private life.
Mr. Trump volunteered for public office.

And the sky is blue and Trump never volunteered to give up his rights under the law.
But trump did volunteer to show us his tax returns, over and over and over and over and over again....
Having business interests with foreign nations is not illegal. But it can cause a conflict of interests if you or your family can make tens of millions off of official US policy changes

Trump is tearing up our trade deals and making whole new ones. Doesn't America deserve to know what is in it for him?

Sure, we do. But you won't get that from his tax returns. Did you ask the same questions about the Clinton foundation? Duh, no. Wonder why.
This thread is about Donald Trump keeping his tax returns a secret from the American public, not the Clintons or the Obamas.

The law entitles Trump to privacy, it guarantees his rights not to have idiot liberals poking around in his private life.
Mr. Trump volunteered for public office.

And the sky is blue and Trump never volunteered to give up his rights under the law.
Public office is still not private office. Congress can simply, "make some laws".
Sure, we do. But you won't get that from his tax returns. Did you ask the same questions about the Clinton foundation? Duh, no. Wonder why.
This thread is about Donald Trump keeping his tax returns a secret from the American public, not the Clintons or the Obamas.

The law entitles Trump to privacy, it guarantees his rights not to have idiot liberals poking around in his private life.
Mr. Trump volunteered for public office.

And the sky is blue and Trump never volunteered to give up his rights under the law.
But trump did volunteer to show us his tax returns, over and over and over and over and over again....
just one of his many lies But republicans don't care He's one of them
Having business interests with foreign nations is not illegal. But it can cause a conflict of interests if you or your family can make tens of millions off of official US policy changes

Trump is tearing up our trade deals and making whole new ones. Doesn't America deserve to know what is in it for him?

Sure, we do. But you won't get that from his tax returns. Did you ask the same questions about the Clinton foundation? Duh, no. Wonder why.
This thread is about Donald Trump keeping his tax returns a secret from the American public, not the Clintons or the Obamas.

The law entitles Trump to privacy, it guarantees his rights not to have idiot liberals poking around in his private life.
People in public office do not enjoy the same privacy as Anthony, the family plumber.

Go ahead post a link to the law that requires Trump to release his tax returns, you can't because no such law exists. That's why idiot liberals are freaking out.
No-one claimed that Donald Trump is breaking the law by keeping his tax returns top secret from the American people only that he is the first president to do so since Gerald Ford. People smell a rat.
Sure, we do. But you won't get that from his tax returns. Did you ask the same questions about the Clinton foundation? Duh, no. Wonder why.
This thread is about Donald Trump keeping his tax returns a secret from the American public, not the Clintons or the Obamas.

The law entitles Trump to privacy, it guarantees his rights not to have idiot liberals poking around in his private life.
People in public office do not enjoy the same privacy as Anthony, the family plumber.

Go ahead post a link to the law that requires Trump to release his tax returns, you can't because no such law exists. That's why idiot liberals are freaking out.
No-one claimed that Donald Trump is breaking the law by keeping his tax returns top secret from the American people only that he is the first president to do so since Gerald Ford. People smell a rat.
how can he pass a tax reform bill if he won't show if he'll benefit from it? Nixon had to release 5 years and had to pay back taxes He cheated his ass off What makes repubs think Trump who makes Nixon look like a shoplifter isn't a thief too?
Sure, we do. But you won't get that from his tax returns. Did you ask the same questions about the Clinton foundation? Duh, no. Wonder why.
This thread is about Donald Trump keeping his tax returns a secret from the American public, not the Clintons or the Obamas.

The law entitles Trump to privacy, it guarantees his rights not to have idiot liberals poking around in his private life.
Mr. Trump volunteered for public office.

And the sky is blue and Trump never volunteered to give up his rights under the law.
But trump did volunteer to show us his tax returns, over and over and over and over and over again....

He changed his mind after he found out what assholes liberals are.
Sure, we do. But you won't get that from his tax returns. Did you ask the same questions about the Clinton foundation? Duh, no. Wonder why.
This thread is about Donald Trump keeping his tax returns a secret from the American public, not the Clintons or the Obamas.

The law entitles Trump to privacy, it guarantees his rights not to have idiot liberals poking around in his private life.
Mr. Trump volunteered for public office.

And the sky is blue and Trump never volunteered to give up his rights under the law.
Public office is still not private office. Congress can simply, "make some laws".

LOL go ahead win an election if you can and make some laws. (points and laughs) :laugh:
Sure, we do. But you won't get that from his tax returns. Did you ask the same questions about the Clinton foundation? Duh, no. Wonder why.
This thread is about Donald Trump keeping his tax returns a secret from the American public, not the Clintons or the Obamas.

The law entitles Trump to privacy, it guarantees his rights not to have idiot liberals poking around in his private life.
People in public office do not enjoy the same privacy as Anthony, the family plumber.

Go ahead post a link to the law that requires Trump to release his tax returns, you can't because no such law exists. That's why idiot liberals are freaking out.
No-one claimed that Donald Trump is breaking the law by keeping his tax returns top secret from the American people only that he is the first president to do so since Gerald Ford. People smell a rat.

Call us when you explain why Obama kept his college records private, you know something that actually speaks to your qualifications to be president. OH SNAP!
This thread is about Donald Trump keeping his tax returns a secret from the American public, not the Clintons or the Obamas.

The law entitles Trump to privacy, it guarantees his rights not to have idiot liberals poking around in his private life.
People in public office do not enjoy the same privacy as Anthony, the family plumber.

Go ahead post a link to the law that requires Trump to release his tax returns, you can't because no such law exists. That's why idiot liberals are freaking out.
No-one claimed that Donald Trump is breaking the law by keeping his tax returns top secret from the American people only that he is the first president to do so since Gerald Ford. People smell a rat.
how can he pass a tax reform bill if he won't show if he'll benefit from it? Nixon had to release 5 years and had to pay back taxes He cheated his ass off What makes repubs think Trump who makes Nixon look like a shoplifter isn't a thief too?

Did you flunk US Government in school? Trump can't pass a tax reform bill, or any bill, that's the job of congress.
The law entitles Trump to privacy, it guarantees his rights not to have idiot liberals poking around in his private life.
People in public office do not enjoy the same privacy as Anthony, the family plumber.

Go ahead post a link to the law that requires Trump to release his tax returns, you can't because no such law exists. That's why idiot liberals are freaking out.
No-one claimed that Donald Trump is breaking the law by keeping his tax returns top secret from the American people only that he is the first president to do so since Gerald Ford. People smell a rat.
how can he pass a tax reform bill if he won't show if he'll benefit from it? Nixon had to release 5 years and had to pay back taxes He cheated his ass off What makes repubs think Trump who makes Nixon look like a shoplifter isn't a thief too?

Did you flunk US Government in school? Trump can't pass a tax reform bill, or any bill, that's the job of congress.
But bills do not become law until the president decides he wants to sign it.
The law entitles Trump to privacy, it guarantees his rights not to have idiot liberals poking around in his private life.
People in public office do not enjoy the same privacy as Anthony, the family plumber.

Go ahead post a link to the law that requires Trump to release his tax returns, you can't because no such law exists. That's why idiot liberals are freaking out.
No-one claimed that Donald Trump is breaking the law by keeping his tax returns top secret from the American people only that he is the first president to do so since Gerald Ford. People smell a rat.
how can he pass a tax reform bill if he won't show if he'll benefit from it? Nixon had to release 5 years and had to pay back taxes He cheated his ass off What makes repubs think Trump who makes Nixon look like a shoplifter isn't a thief too?

Did you flunk US Government in school? Trump can't pass a tax reform bill, or any bill, that's the job of congress.
I know blue But doesn't the ah have a majority everywhere? Could it be that some of his own people detest him too?? BTW you are a legend only in your own mind lol
Why? He's donating his salary. He owns Mar largo so no expense for flamboyant hotels as Obama did! What costs are there involved? Flying down to Fl? peanuts compared to flying to Hawaii as Obama did frequently!

LOL every fn time he takes a trip to Mar-a-Lago he directly pockets many times the poultry President's salary.

Mar-a-Lago dues are the price of access to Trump
the man besides being a degenerate liar is a con man supreme

I don't know about con man supreme.
Obama certainly filled the bill when HE TOLD YOU IN his 1995'S AUTOBIOGRAPHY that he depended on "tricks" tactics" to fool people and evidently you and
others like you never read where he was telling you he was not who he was!

View attachment 122230
If I was a black man I'd be angry too Tell me you don't believe they get a raw deal looking for jobs loans homes etc etc ? And fyi Obama was a great president and a great man
That is such bull shit! Raw deals?
Hey... I had a black cousin in Iowa in the 50s! A black business partner in Dallas in the 70s. And worked for and with blacks all my life.
They are the FIRST to tell you at least the ones I worked with that this is bullshit perpetuated by people that are just too stupid to know better.
Obama was first and foremost a liar who hired people who actually called people like you the "And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really really critical for the thing to pass" in passing ACA!
Do you really like to be known as being STUPID for voting for Obama which is what Gruber said and remember Obama evidently feels the same way or why else
hire a guy who has that attitude.
Remember Obama was also the guy who told the enemy our "military air raid villages, killing civilians"! And you think that is great? This "great" Obama tells Americans
he wants higher gas prices, utilities to go bankrupt and ultimately put 1,400 companies out of business that employ over half million people AND these companies
he wanted to put out of business pay over $100 billion a year in taxes! And YOU voted and think Obama is a "great president?
One final thought about this "great man"...
View attachment 122236

Wow you one rambling fuckign idiot.

Grubber is NOT Obama and does not speak for Obama anymore than he speaks for Romney (Yep that Romney, the one you voted for) . He was an architect for Romneycare and subsequently Obamacare because it was based on Romneycare.

Under Obama we've had very CHEAP gasoline and 11 million jobs created, which is THREE TIMES the job growth of the last two Republican presidents COMBINED. Somehow that SUPREMELY RELEVANT piece of information as to the quality of Obama's presidency is entirely missing from your diarrhea-of-the-mouth assessment.
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