So how much did Trump pay in Federal Taxes?

But you'd like the tax reform bill passed?? So would I for that matter but how to do it without seeing how much that bill would benefit trump? And us ah's shouldn't want to know how much he owes russia or how much russia helped him?? I think the real pos the real morons with heads up trumps rump are those who DON"T WANT TO KNOW

why does it matter? Do you care how a tax bill would benefit Pelosi and her very rich husband?

Rich people always do well, that's just the way it is. The important thing is how a tax change would benefit the middle class and the economy as a whole. Trump has plenty of money. He isn't trying to change the tax code to benefit himself.
Yeah trump has plenty of money He doesn't charge the gov't agent's watching him and his family for rooms or the golf carts they use Bush Shit Once a thief always a thief

I really feel sorry for you, you have allowed Hillary's loss to destroy your mind.
Yes sure I feel bad about her losing BUT if I'm losing my mind red it's on this sick garbage we have in the WH now and all those supporting him Now he's bashing Canada ? Got to believe the smartest people in the WH now are Ivanka and her husband

Trump is the best thing to happen to this country in 20 years. In 3 months he has done more good for this country than Obama and Bush did in 16 years. He owes no favors to special interests, he understands how to create jobs and how to protect our borders. He has sent a message to the world that the USA is back and will not tolerate those who threaten our people or our allies.

He and his family have returned American class to the whitehouse.

But, he is not a politician, he says what is on his mind rather than political PC blather that means nothing. He talks like you and I talk. He is a real person, far from perfect, but with the country's best interests at the top of his priority list.

Hillary would have continued the slide into mediocrity that was started by Obama. The USA would not have survived 4 more years of left wing stupidity.
I know red all those job gains for 75 straight months were killing us and a 4.8 jobless rate was the bitter end And remember how bad China was in his eyes ? Money manipulators? Now help with NKorea and all is forgiven ? No favors?? Better offer a bunch to those opposing him in his own party or he'll get none of his main objectives passed And job gains? How ,,with all those robots and improved tech doing most of the work? and a workforce ill equipped educationally to handle whats left
But you'd like the tax reform bill passed?? So would I for that matter but how to do it without seeing how much that bill would benefit trump? And us ah's shouldn't want to know how much he owes russia or how much russia helped him?? I think the real pos the real morons with heads up trumps rump are those who DON"T WANT TO KNOW

why does it matter? Do you care how a tax bill would benefit Pelosi and her very rich husband?

Rich people always do well, that's just the way it is. The important thing is how a tax change would benefit the middle class and the economy as a whole. Trump has plenty of money. He isn't trying to change the tax code to benefit himself.
Yeah trump has plenty of money He doesn't charge the gov't agent's watching him and his family for rooms or the golf carts they use Bush Shit Once a thief always a thief

I really feel sorry for you, you have allowed Hillary's loss to destroy your mind.
Yes sure I feel bad about her losing BUT if I'm losing my mind red it's on this sick garbage we have in the WH now and all those supporting him Now he's bashing Canada ? Got to believe the smartest people in the WH now are Ivanka and her husband

Trump is the best thing to happen to this country in 20 years. In 3 months he has done more good for this country than Obama and Bush did in 16 years. He owes no favors to special interests, he understands how to create jobs and how to protect our borders. He has sent a message to the world that the USA is back and will not tolerate those who threaten our people or our allies.

He and his family have returned American class to the whitehouse.

But, he is not a politician, he says what is on his mind rather than political PC blather that means nothing. He talks like you and I talk. He is a real person, far from perfect, but with the country's best interests at the top of his priority list.

Hillary would have continued the slide into mediocrity that was started by Obama. The USA would not have survived 4 more years of left wing stupidity.
btw he's done more good??? Making enemies of our neighbors Mexico and now Canada is a good thing ?He's working on Italy and Germany now And more good?? Talk to me when HC reform, tax reform ,the wall is underway and the muslim ban or immigrant ban as repubs are fond of calling it is a done deal
why does it matter? Do you care how a tax bill would benefit Pelosi and her very rich husband?

Rich people always do well, that's just the way it is. The important thing is how a tax change would benefit the middle class and the economy as a whole. Trump has plenty of money. He isn't trying to change the tax code to benefit himself.
Yeah trump has plenty of money He doesn't charge the gov't agent's watching him and his family for rooms or the golf carts they use Bush Shit Once a thief always a thief

I really feel sorry for you, you have allowed Hillary's loss to destroy your mind.
Yes sure I feel bad about her losing BUT if I'm losing my mind red it's on this sick garbage we have in the WH now and all those supporting him Now he's bashing Canada ? Got to believe the smartest people in the WH now are Ivanka and her husband

Trump is the best thing to happen to this country in 20 years. In 3 months he has done more good for this country than Obama and Bush did in 16 years. He owes no favors to special interests, he understands how to create jobs and how to protect our borders. He has sent a message to the world that the USA is back and will not tolerate those who threaten our people or our allies.

He and his family have returned American class to the whitehouse.

But, he is not a politician, he says what is on his mind rather than political PC blather that means nothing. He talks like you and I talk. He is a real person, far from perfect, but with the country's best interests at the top of his priority list.

Hillary would have continued the slide into mediocrity that was started by Obama. The USA would not have survived 4 more years of left wing stupidity.
btw he's done more good??? Making enemies of our neighbors Mexico and now Canada is a good thing ?He's working on Italy and Germany now And more good?? Talk to me when HC reform, tax reform ,the wall is underway and the muslim ban or immigrant ban as repubs are fond of calling it is a done deal
You sound like a pussy whipped bitch
Yeah trump has plenty of money He doesn't charge the gov't agent's watching him and his family for rooms or the golf carts they use Bush Shit Once a thief always a thief

I really feel sorry for you, you have allowed Hillary's loss to destroy your mind.
Yes sure I feel bad about her losing BUT if I'm losing my mind red it's on this sick garbage we have in the WH now and all those supporting him Now he's bashing Canada ? Got to believe the smartest people in the WH now are Ivanka and her husband

Trump is the best thing to happen to this country in 20 years. In 3 months he has done more good for this country than Obama and Bush did in 16 years. He owes no favors to special interests, he understands how to create jobs and how to protect our borders. He has sent a message to the world that the USA is back and will not tolerate those who threaten our people or our allies.

He and his family have returned American class to the whitehouse.

But, he is not a politician, he says what is on his mind rather than political PC blather that means nothing. He talks like you and I talk. He is a real person, far from perfect, but with the country's best interests at the top of his priority list.

Hillary would have continued the slide into mediocrity that was started by Obama. The USA would not have survived 4 more years of left wing stupidity.
btw he's done more good??? Making enemies of our neighbors Mexico and now Canada is a good thing ?He's working on Italy and Germany now And more good?? Talk to me when HC reform, tax reform ,the wall is underway and the muslim ban or immigrant ban as repubs are fond of calling it is a done deal
You sound like a pussy whipped bitch
yo mama
why does it matter? Do you care how a tax bill would benefit Pelosi and her very rich husband?

Rich people always do well, that's just the way it is. The important thing is how a tax change would benefit the middle class and the economy as a whole. Trump has plenty of money. He isn't trying to change the tax code to benefit himself.
Yeah trump has plenty of money He doesn't charge the gov't agent's watching him and his family for rooms or the golf carts they use Bush Shit Once a thief always a thief

I really feel sorry for you, you have allowed Hillary's loss to destroy your mind.
Yes sure I feel bad about her losing BUT if I'm losing my mind red it's on this sick garbage we have in the WH now and all those supporting him Now he's bashing Canada ? Got to believe the smartest people in the WH now are Ivanka and her husband

Trump is the best thing to happen to this country in 20 years. In 3 months he has done more good for this country than Obama and Bush did in 16 years. He owes no favors to special interests, he understands how to create jobs and how to protect our borders. He has sent a message to the world that the USA is back and will not tolerate those who threaten our people or our allies.

He and his family have returned American class to the whitehouse.

But, he is not a politician, he says what is on his mind rather than political PC blather that means nothing. He talks like you and I talk. He is a real person, far from perfect, but with the country's best interests at the top of his priority list.

Hillary would have continued the slide into mediocrity that was started by Obama. The USA would not have survived 4 more years of left wing stupidity.
btw he's done more good??? Making enemies of our neighbors Mexico and now Canada is a good thing ?He's working on Italy and Germany now And more good?? Talk to me when HC reform, tax reform ,the wall is underway and the muslim ban or immigrant ban as repubs are fond of calling it is a done deal

keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Being respected by both will keep us safer. obozocare is history, the GOP screwed up the first attempt, but will get it right on the next one. Fixing a massive mess is not easy. Tax reform is coming, the wall is coming, illegal entry is the lowest its been in years, criminals are being deported, China is working with us to stop North Korea.

As to immigrants, LEGAL immigration makes us better, Illegal immigration destroys us. Mexico and Canada are not enemies, they are respected neighbors who understand that this country will enforce its laws and control its borders-------------just like Mexico and Canada do.
Something is rotten in the United States.

yes, there is. What's rotten is the liberal influx in both parties, coupled with massive ignorance from those on the far left, like you.

its unlikely that you are going to get to pick Trump's tax returns apart. The IRS already has and have found nothing but complete compliance with the tax laws.

Trump won, Hillary lost. Obama sucked. That is reality. Deal with it or move to Venezuela or north korea.
I readily accept that what Donald Trumps wants to keep a secret from the American public is of no concern to his supporters.

OK. for the final time. If Trump were to release his tax returns which consist of hundreds of pages of very complex financial transactions. What do you think would happen? Some left wing media puke would pull out one page, make up lies about what it said and then you other left wing assholes would keep ranting about it for weeks. It would dominate the biased media and cause Trump to waste hundreds of hours refuting those lies.

He should never release them. Never give you assholes anything. Screw you, you lost, Hillary lost. The American voters told you and her to STFU. Now deal with how you have allowed Obama and the Clintons to destroy the party of Kennedy and Truman. You put those criminals in office, you are responsible.
But you'd like the tax reform bill passed?? So would I for that matter but how to do it without seeing how much that bill would benefit trump? And us ah's shouldn't want to know how much he owes russia or how much russia helped him?? I think the real pos the real morons with heads up trumps rump are those who DON"T WANT TO KNOW
Who cares if a tax bill benefits Trump? It's more important how much it benefits the American economy.
Selling the American public on the idea that what is good for Trump's bank balance is identical to the interests of all is what Donald Trump would call public relations. He is a mentally unstable conman, remember.
I readily accept that what Donald Trumps wants to keep a secret from the American public is of no concern to his supporters.

OK. for the final time. If Trump were to release his tax returns which consist of hundreds of pages of very complex financial transactions. What do you think would happen? Some left wing media puke would pull out one page, make up lies about what it said and then you other left wing assholes would keep ranting about it for weeks. It would dominate the biased media and cause Trump to waste hundreds of hours refuting those lies.

He should never release them. Never give you assholes anything. Screw you, you lost, Hillary lost. The American voters told you and her to STFU. Now deal with how you have allowed Obama and the Clintons to destroy the party of Kennedy and Truman. You put those criminals in office, you are responsible.
But you'd like the tax reform bill passed?? So would I for that matter but how to do it without seeing how much that bill would benefit trump? And us ah's shouldn't want to know how much he owes russia or how much russia helped him?? I think the real pos the real morons with heads up trumps rump are those who DON"T WANT TO KNOW
Who cares if a tax bill benefits Trump? It's more important how much it benefits the American economy.
Knowing of his checkered past can you blame America for wanting to know how his decisions would benefit him?

"his checkered past" Shall we discuss the Clinton's past? or Obama's?
This topic is about Donald Trump and his TOP SECRET tax returns.
But you'd like the tax reform bill passed?? So would I for that matter but how to do it without seeing how much that bill would benefit trump? And us ah's shouldn't want to know how much he owes russia or how much russia helped him?? I think the real pos the real morons with heads up trumps rump are those who DON"T WANT TO KNOW

why does it matter? Do you care how a tax bill would benefit Pelosi and her very rich husband?

Rich people always do well, that's just the way it is. The important thing is how a tax change would benefit the middle class and the economy as a whole. Trump has plenty of money. He isn't trying to change the tax code to benefit himself.
Yeah trump has plenty of money He doesn't charge the gov't agent's watching him and his family for rooms or the golf carts they use Bush Shit Once a thief always a thief

I really feel sorry for you, you have allowed Hillary's loss to destroy your mind.
Yes sure I feel bad about her losing BUT if I'm losing my mind red it's on this sick garbage we have in the WH now and all those supporting him Now he's bashing Canada ? Got to believe the smartest people in the WH now are Ivanka and her husband

Trump is the best thing to happen to this country in 20 years. In 3 months he has done more good for this country than Obama and Bush did in 16 years. He owes no favors to special interests, he understands how to create jobs and how to protect our borders. He has sent a message to the world that the USA is back and will not tolerate those who threaten our people or our allies.

He and his family have returned American class to the whitehouse.

But, he is not a politician, he says what is on his mind rather than political PC blather that means nothing. He talks like you and I talk. He is a real person, far from perfect, but with the country's best interests at the top of his priority list.

Hillary would have continued the slide into mediocrity that was started by Obama. The USA would not have survived 4 more years of left wing stupidity.
So American class is measured by how to grab pussies, marry several times because a woman who has had a child is not sexually attractive, and being delusional, lying, paranoid, and boastfully narcissistic. Seriously?
Yeah trump has plenty of money He doesn't charge the gov't agent's watching him and his family for rooms or the golf carts they use Bush Shit Once a thief always a thief

I really feel sorry for you, you have allowed Hillary's loss to destroy your mind.
Yes sure I feel bad about her losing BUT if I'm losing my mind red it's on this sick garbage we have in the WH now and all those supporting him Now he's bashing Canada ? Got to believe the smartest people in the WH now are Ivanka and her husband

Trump is the best thing to happen to this country in 20 years. In 3 months he has done more good for this country than Obama and Bush did in 16 years. He owes no favors to special interests, he understands how to create jobs and how to protect our borders. He has sent a message to the world that the USA is back and will not tolerate those who threaten our people or our allies.

He and his family have returned American class to the whitehouse.

But, he is not a politician, he says what is on his mind rather than political PC blather that means nothing. He talks like you and I talk. He is a real person, far from perfect, but with the country's best interests at the top of his priority list.

Hillary would have continued the slide into mediocrity that was started by Obama. The USA would not have survived 4 more years of left wing stupidity.
btw he's done more good??? Making enemies of our neighbors Mexico and now Canada is a good thing ?He's working on Italy and Germany now And more good?? Talk to me when HC reform, tax reform ,the wall is underway and the muslim ban or immigrant ban as repubs are fond of calling it is a done deal

keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Being respected by both will keep us safer. obozocare is history, the GOP screwed up the first attempt, but will get it right on the next one. Fixing a massive mess is not easy. Tax reform is coming, the wall is coming, illegal entry is the lowest its been in years, criminals are being deported, China is working with us to stop North Korea.

As to immigrants, LEGAL immigration makes us better, Illegal immigration destroys us. Mexico and Canada are not enemies, they are respected neighbors who understand that this country will enforce its laws and control its borders-------------just like Mexico and Canada do.
So respected that when Trump said they'd pay for the wall they said KMA??
why does it matter? Do you care how a tax bill would benefit Pelosi and her very rich husband?

Rich people always do well, that's just the way it is. The important thing is how a tax change would benefit the middle class and the economy as a whole. Trump has plenty of money. He isn't trying to change the tax code to benefit himself.
Yeah trump has plenty of money He doesn't charge the gov't agent's watching him and his family for rooms or the golf carts they use Bush Shit Once a thief always a thief

I really feel sorry for you, you have allowed Hillary's loss to destroy your mind.
Yes sure I feel bad about her losing BUT if I'm losing my mind red it's on this sick garbage we have in the WH now and all those supporting him Now he's bashing Canada ? Got to believe the smartest people in the WH now are Ivanka and her husband

Trump is the best thing to happen to this country in 20 years. In 3 months he has done more good for this country than Obama and Bush did in 16 years. He owes no favors to special interests, he understands how to create jobs and how to protect our borders. He has sent a message to the world that the USA is back and will not tolerate those who threaten our people or our allies.

He and his family have returned American class to the whitehouse.

But, he is not a politician, he says what is on his mind rather than political PC blather that means nothing. He talks like you and I talk. He is a real person, far from perfect, but with the country's best interests at the top of his priority list.

Hillary would have continued the slide into mediocrity that was started by Obama. The USA would not have survived 4 more years of left wing stupidity.
So American class is measured by how to grab pussies, marry several times because a woman who has had a child is not sexually attractive, and being delusional, lying, paranoid, and boastfully narcissistic. Seriously?

compared to the Clintons and the obamas. yes.

Going back over the last several presidents, which ones showed class in your mind?

Obama, lying constantly to the American people, selling out to radical islam

Bush 43, faithful to his wife, but a bit nutty

Clinton, blow jobs in the oval office by a 19 year old intern, raping and groping women his entire life, married to the most corrupt human being ever to enter the whitehouse

Bush 41, also faithful to his wife, war hero, head of the CIA.

Carter, faithful to his wife, but very nutty

Reagan, Hollywood actor who became president. ended the cold war, brought Russia to its knees.






OK. for the final time. If Trump were to release his tax returns which consist of hundreds of pages of very complex financial transactions. What do you think would happen? Some left wing media puke would pull out one page, make up lies about what it said and then you other left wing assholes would keep ranting about it for weeks. It would dominate the biased media and cause Trump to waste hundreds of hours refuting those lies.

He should never release them. Never give you assholes anything. Screw you, you lost, Hillary lost. The American voters told you and her to STFU. Now deal with how you have allowed Obama and the Clintons to destroy the party of Kennedy and Truman. You put those criminals in office, you are responsible.
But you'd like the tax reform bill passed?? So would I for that matter but how to do it without seeing how much that bill would benefit trump? And us ah's shouldn't want to know how much he owes russia or how much russia helped him?? I think the real pos the real morons with heads up trumps rump are those who DON"T WANT TO KNOW
Who cares if a tax bill benefits Trump? It's more important how much it benefits the American economy.
Knowing of his checkered past can you blame America for wanting to know how his decisions would benefit him?

"his checkered past" Shall we discuss the Clinton's past? or Obama's?
This topic is about Donald Trump and his TOP SECRET tax returns.

What specifically do you expect to find in them? Tell us what you think he is hiding that the IRS cannot find in all their audits.

This is bullshit and you know it, its nothing but another far left attempt to take the attention away from his successful first 3 months and to create a media feeding frenzy when one of them makes up lies about what one page out of hundreds in his returns means.
View attachment 121999

Remember that biased statement "paid just $38 million"???

So Trump paid 25% i.e. $38 million.

Paid "just" $38 million. Not too much bias...
Just as a reminder what was promised in the Trump election "When Hillary releases all of her 33,000 deleted emails, Trump will release his tax returns". Has the slimy crooked sickly vagina ex-candidate, released her emails yet?
but trump the degenerate liar promised hillary promised nothing a lying degenerate in our wh is what you idiots gave america ,,,thats 2 for 2

Hillary did say she would release those transcripts if he released his taxes

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
View attachment 121999

Remember that biased statement "paid just $38 million"???

So Trump paid 25% i.e. $38 million.

Paid "just" $38 million. Not too much bias...
Just as a reminder what was promised in the Trump election "When Hillary releases all of her 33,000 deleted emails, Trump will release his tax returns". Has the slimy crooked sickly vagina ex-candidate, released her emails yet?
but trump the degenerate liar promised hillary promised nothing a lying degenerate in our wh is what you idiots gave america ,,,thats 2 for 2

Hillary did say she would release those transcripts if he released his taxes

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

how could she release something that has been destroyed? Just curious as to how that would work.
Something is rotten in the United States.

yes, there is. What's rotten is the liberal influx in both parties, coupled with massive ignorance from those on the far left, like you.

its unlikely that you are going to get to pick Trump's tax returns apart. The IRS already has and have found nothing but complete compliance with the tax laws.

Trump won, Hillary lost. Obama sucked. That is reality. Deal with it or move to Venezuela or north korea.
I readily accept that what Donald Trumps wants to keep a secret from the American public is of no concern to his supporters.

OK. for the final time. If Trump were to release his tax returns which consist of hundreds of pages of very complex financial transactions. What do you think would happen? Some left wing media puke would pull out one page, make up lies about what it said and then you other left wing assholes would keep ranting about it for weeks. It would dominate the biased media and cause Trump to waste hundreds of hours refuting those lies.

He should never release them. Never give you assholes anything. Screw you, you lost, Hillary lost. The American voters told you and her to STFU. Now deal with how you have allowed Obama and the Clintons to destroy the party of Kennedy and Truman. You put those criminals in office, you are responsible.
It could, "connect the dots" regarding foreign policy and conflicts of interest.

How, if you found that he owns foreign stocks? That he has businesses outside the USA? So fricken what? If you have a 401K you probably own foreign stocks. Doing business outside of this country is NOT illegal.

The man is a multi billionaire. He doesn't need to use US foreign policy to get richer. geez, people, think before posting this crap.
General policies should not be about specifics. Why claim no individual payments for the general welfare, but, individuals can be denied and disparaged in their Individual Liberty under merely the common defense, not the general defense.
yes, there is. What's rotten is the liberal influx in both parties, coupled with massive ignorance from those on the far left, like you.

its unlikely that you are going to get to pick Trump's tax returns apart. The IRS already has and have found nothing but complete compliance with the tax laws.

Trump won, Hillary lost. Obama sucked. That is reality. Deal with it or move to Venezuela or north korea.
I readily accept that what Donald Trumps wants to keep a secret from the American public is of no concern to his supporters.

OK. for the final time. If Trump were to release his tax returns which consist of hundreds of pages of very complex financial transactions. What do you think would happen? Some left wing media puke would pull out one page, make up lies about what it said and then you other left wing assholes would keep ranting about it for weeks. It would dominate the biased media and cause Trump to waste hundreds of hours refuting those lies.

He should never release them. Never give you assholes anything. Screw you, you lost, Hillary lost. The American voters told you and her to STFU. Now deal with how you have allowed Obama and the Clintons to destroy the party of Kennedy and Truman. You put those criminals in office, you are responsible.
It could, "connect the dots" regarding foreign policy and conflicts of interest.

How, if you found that he owns foreign stocks? That he has businesses outside the USA? So fricken what? If you have a 401K you probably own foreign stocks. Doing business outside of this country is NOT illegal.

The man is a multi billionaire. He doesn't need to use US foreign policy to get richer. geez, people, think before posting this crap.
General policies should not be about specifics. Why claim no individual payments for the general welfare, but, individuals can be denied and disparaged in their Individual Liberty under merely the common defense, not the general defense.

could you have someone translate that into English.
I readily accept that what Donald Trumps wants to keep a secret from the American public is of no concern to his supporters.

OK. for the final time. If Trump were to release his tax returns which consist of hundreds of pages of very complex financial transactions. What do you think would happen? Some left wing media puke would pull out one page, make up lies about what it said and then you other left wing assholes would keep ranting about it for weeks. It would dominate the biased media and cause Trump to waste hundreds of hours refuting those lies.

He should never release them. Never give you assholes anything. Screw you, you lost, Hillary lost. The American voters told you and her to STFU. Now deal with how you have allowed Obama and the Clintons to destroy the party of Kennedy and Truman. You put those criminals in office, you are responsible.
It could, "connect the dots" regarding foreign policy and conflicts of interest.

How, if you found that he owns foreign stocks? That he has businesses outside the USA? So fricken what? If you have a 401K you probably own foreign stocks. Doing business outside of this country is NOT illegal.

The man is a multi billionaire. He doesn't need to use US foreign policy to get richer. geez, people, think before posting this crap.
General policies should not be about specifics. Why claim no individual payments for the general welfare, but, individuals can be denied and disparaged in their Individual Liberty under merely the common defense, not the general defense.

could you have someone translate that into English.
Let's just ban persons where the poor, won't make any money, anyway.
OK. for the final time. If Trump were to release his tax returns which consist of hundreds of pages of very complex financial transactions. What do you think would happen? Some left wing media puke would pull out one page, make up lies about what it said and then you other left wing assholes would keep ranting about it for weeks. It would dominate the biased media and cause Trump to waste hundreds of hours refuting those lies.

He should never release them. Never give you assholes anything. Screw you, you lost, Hillary lost. The American voters told you and her to STFU. Now deal with how you have allowed Obama and the Clintons to destroy the party of Kennedy and Truman. You put those criminals in office, you are responsible.
It could, "connect the dots" regarding foreign policy and conflicts of interest.

How, if you found that he owns foreign stocks? That he has businesses outside the USA? So fricken what? If you have a 401K you probably own foreign stocks. Doing business outside of this country is NOT illegal.

The man is a multi billionaire. He doesn't need to use US foreign policy to get richer. geez, people, think before posting this crap.
General policies should not be about specifics. Why claim no individual payments for the general welfare, but, individuals can be denied and disparaged in their Individual Liberty under merely the common defense, not the general defense.

could you have someone translate that into English.
Let's just ban persons where the poor, won't make any money, anyway.

still doesn't make sense. Is English your second language?

The poor wont ever make money under liberal democrat rule, because liberal democrats need a dependent underclass that will vote for them to keep the free stuff coming.

The problem is that there will never be enough rich people to cover the cost of giving a free living to the poor.

A much more sane solution is to create an economy where there are jobs for every citizen who is able to work. That kind of economy can only come when free enterprise is allowed to operate.
View attachment 121999

Remember that biased statement "paid just $38 million"???

So Trump paid 25% i.e. $38 million.

Paid "just" $38 million. Not too much bias...
Just as a reminder what was promised in the Trump election "When Hillary releases all of her 33,000 deleted emails, Trump will release his tax returns". Has the slimy crooked sickly vagina ex-candidate, released her emails yet?
but trump the degenerate liar promised hillary promised nothing a lying degenerate in our wh is what you idiots gave america ,,,thats 2 for 2

Hillary did say she would release those transcripts if he released his taxes

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

how could she release something that has been destroyed? Just curious as to how that would work.

Is there a signed affidavit attesting to the fact the emails were destroyed? Also knowing the incompetence of Hillary
she probably thought it was "Wiping Email Server 'With A Cloth Or Something"
View attachment 121999

Remember that biased statement "paid just $38 million"???

So Trump paid 25% i.e. $38 million.

Paid "just" $38 million. Not too much bias...
Just as a reminder what was promised in the Trump election "When Hillary releases all of her 33,000 deleted emails, Trump will release his tax returns". Has the slimy crooked sickly vagina ex-candidate, released her emails yet?
but trump the degenerate liar promised hillary promised nothing a lying degenerate in our wh is what you idiots gave america ,,,thats 2 for 2

Hillary did say she would release those transcripts if he released his taxes

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

how could she release something that has been destroyed? Just curious as to how that would work.

Is there a signed affidavit attesting to the fact the emails were destroyed? Also knowing the incompetence of Hillary
she probably thought it was "Wiping Email Server 'With A Cloth Or Something"

they may very well exist. probably somewhere in Moscow or Beijing.
What they are referring to is an email chain in which the State Department IT staff decided to disable spam and anti-phishing filters on the State Department’s email system in order to make it compatible with Clinton’s personal server. Somehow this damning email chain was not among those turned over by Clinton after her staff deleted “personal” emails.
REPORT. Hillary Clinton Destroyed Official Emails Rather Than Reveal Them

If there EVER was an indictment of Hillary's either incompetence or her shady dealings this is certainly one!
Think about...OUR tax dollars used to disable spam and antiphishing filters in order to make it compatible with Hillary's server!

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