So how will the free education be paid ? Uhhh, (stammer) uhhhh, (stammer)

This twit needs to cease organizing and start attending an economic class. She's dumber than a sack of hammers
It's very simple. The cost of higher education will be so inexpensive that it would be nothing for the taxpayers to pick up. The professors and administration will all work for free as part of "giving back" to the community.
I may add that an educated populace would make more money and raise the standard of living. Having seasoned adults take pride in confusing a college kid is pretty sad. :laugh:
Maybe some job training could be part of high school or a first year free.

Higher education should be earned not a given. High graders, dedication and hard work are requited. College should not be free to all. Free college should not be free to stage anarchy and protest without having studied all sides and details of an issue. College is a place of learning. Protest on your own time off campus.
Maybe some job training could be part of high school or a first year free.

Higher education should be earned not a given. High graders, dedication and hard work are requited. College should not be free to all. Free college should not be free to stage anarchy and protest without having studied all sides and details of an issue. College is a place of learning. Protest on your own time off campus.
The only thing you should have to do to earn a higher education is be willing to commit to the process of learning and using those skills to better humanity.
How about having free education for those who will be employable. Courses titled The Fashion of Kanye West, Lady Gaga in popular culture, Crafts of the Middle Ages and Transsexuals in Pre Columbian South America charges double!
Meet Ms. Clueless:

White right wing people make everything difficult. Used to be civilizations encouraged students and provided free education.

then why do the liberal teachers unions want more money? eVerything is the white people right wing people go look at the chicago teacher union and tell me who they are.

The teachers were also taken care of back then. Not so much now which results in uneducated people like you.
The WAS a way to pay for the Student Debt but she was too dumb or inexperienced to know of it.

All you have to say is "The Banks got a Bailout to the tune of 7.7 Trillion Dollars. Why can't students get a bailout of 1.3 Trillion?"
Maybe some job training could be part of high school or a first year free.

Higher education should be earned not a given. High graders, dedication and hard work are requited. College should not be free to all. Free college should not be free to stage anarchy and protest without having studied all sides and details of an issue. College is a place of learning. Protest on your own time off campus.
The only thing you should have to do to earn a higher education is be willing to commit to the process of learning and using those skills to better humanity.

A work study program is good. You get four years of education and serve four year where you are needed for a preset pay, acceding to the job. If you don't serve you behave to pay in full the cost of your education when you graduate, or leave school.
Maybe some job training could be part of high school or a first year free.

Higher education should be earned not a given. High graders, dedication and hard work are requited. College should not be free to all. Free college should not be free to stage anarchy and protest without having studied all sides and details of an issue. College is a place of learning. Protest on your own time off campus.
The only thing you should have to do to earn a higher education is be willing to commit to the process of learning and using those skills to better humanity.

A work study program is good. You get four years of education and serve four year where you are needed for a preset pay, acceding to the job. If you don't serve you behave to pay in full the cost of your education when you graduate, or leave school.
Sounds good to me.

We'll ride our unicorns to the Magical Money Trees and just take the money off the branches.
"So how will the free education be paid ? Uhhh, (stammer) uhhhh, (stammer)"

This illustrates well the wrongheaded right.

Rather than engaging in constructive dialogue as to how we might make it possible for any American who wants to go to college to indeed do so, where lack of financial resources is no longer a barrier, conservatives instead only ridicule and belittle, adhering blindly to failed rightist dogma which dictates that higher education should be only for those who can afford it.
"So how will the free education be paid ? Uhhh, (stammer) uhhhh, (stammer)"

This illustrates well the wrongheaded right.

Rather than engaging in constructive dialogue as to how we might make it possible for any American who wants to go to college to indeed do so, where lack of financial resources is no longer a barrier, conservatives instead only ridicule and belittle, adhering blindly to failed rightist dogma which dictates that higher education should be only for those who can afford it.
The right wing hates education. It is there enemy.

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