So I was asked how I became a Libertarian from being a former Progressive.

Fair enough lead, and the first part of your close is very good.

Reaction to liberal upbringing excuses the nonsense about Roosevelt in the middle and at the end. The reason the servant has become the master is nutball Icon Ronald Reagan and his intellectual twin Junebug Bush expanded government spending - AND ITS POWERS - more than any peacetime presidents before them, including Roosevelt before WWII.

A final thought at least one poster above shared with you:

There is libertarianism and there is the nutball BizzaroWorld version fueled by Randian/ Papist horseshit.

The reality is that NO actual Libertarian believes ANY level of government should legislate reproductive choices, and ALL Libertarians worthy of the name accept public health and safety regulations on commerce and finance.

Gawd, another supposed libertarian telling other people what they should think.

I expect you do not see the irony.

No. You are blocking my view.

It tickles me that you think me a Libertarian. Nothing in my post indicates anything more about me than an understanding of the original philosophy of libertarianism vis a vis the adolescent version filtered through Rand by evangelicals buying into papist horseshit and corporate shills like Friedman and Greenspan.

A good way to think about postmodern politics starts with this question:

IF you call a cow's tail a leg, how many legs does a cow have?

How an individual answers that question tells us a lot about them.

It tickles me that you believe you have an " understanding of the original philosophy of libertarianism."

I am afraid that you do not.

The only thing I can ascertain about you is that you have an adolesecent, know-it-all atitude and mistakenly believe that killing unborn children is a tenet of libertarianism.

That's pretty much certain.

Feel free to fill in the blanks as you go along.
Gawd, another supposed libertarian telling other people what they should think.

I expect you do not see the irony.

No. You are blocking my view.

It tickles me that you think me a Libertarian. Nothing in my post indicates anything more about me than an understanding of the original philosophy of libertarianism vis a vis the adolescent version filtered through Rand by evangelicals buying into papist horseshit and corporate shills like Friedman and Greenspan.

A good way to think about postmodern politics starts with this question:

IF you call a cow's tail a leg, how many legs does a cow have?

How an individual answers that question tells us a lot about them.

It tickles me that you believe you have an " understanding of the original philosophy of libertarianism."

I am afraid that you do not.

The only thing I can ascertain about you is that you have an adolesecent, know-it-all atitude and mistakenly believe that killing unborn children is a tenet of libertarianism.

That's pretty much certain.

Feel free to fill in the blanks as you go along.

Pretty hard to disprove a negative, there, sport. Likely you are the intellectual leader of your trailer park, but that falls a little bit short of the mark on my playground.

Either post what the philosophy is or keep windbagging it to the legions of monkeys hanging on your every word. Generosity of spirit impels me to provide one - okay, TWO - clues:
1. Real Libertarianism involves keeping your fucking nose out of my personal business.
2. Nothing ever written by me implies REAL Libertarianism takes positions on either side of private personal choices.
On Edit: and you never did answer the question about the cow. Are you calling Pope Ron Paul's research team for the official answer?

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Gawd, another supposed libertarian telling other people what they should think.

I expect you do not see the irony.

Can you tell me when I told anyone what to think? I merely copied and pasted an e-mail I wrote.

I quote:

"The reality is that NO actual Libertarian believes ANY level of government should legislate reproductive choices, and ALL Libertarians worthy of the name accept public health and safety regulations on commerce and finance."

Who the hell are you, the arbiter of the libertarian party line?

Take a break.

Except I never wrote that, another poster did. ???????

The poster is named:
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Libertarians make a lot of good points. But their philosophy only addresses a small portion of what it takes to run a country. So eventually all "libertarians" must eventually choose a side between Republicans and Democrats.


Once you understand the principles , you never go back.
If you do not believe Dems and Reps will compromise on those two issues, than I ask the following:

1) Do you believe that Democrats will eventually succeed in their efforts to curtail the 2nd Amendment?

2) Do you believe the Republicans will eventually succeed in their efforts to alter the limitations upon the 1st Amendment?

3) If you believe that Dems will succeed, and Reps will fail, how do you think that Reps will allow the Dems to succeed, or in which way do you think the Reps will be defeated by the Dems?

4) If you believe that Reps will succeed, and Dems will fail, how do you think that Dems will allow the Reps to succeed, or in which way do you think the Dems will be defeated by the Reps?

5) If you believe that NEITHER will succeed, do you think this will because they both defeat each by raising popular opinion against the other? If so, is it because they had the people's interests at heart, or the parties interested at heart?

6) If you believe that BOTH will succeed, will it be because of a compromise, or they will succeed during separate political eras, but neither will reverse the successes of the other?

Also, I have a question for Libertarians, do you support the idea of Labor Unions? Just like the 2nd Amendment, you could NEVER convince me that Labor Unions are a bad thing. I see Labor Unions as being necessary to protect employees. Labor Unions to me, are like federalism in the Constitution. They distribute powers in a large workforce. They create factions, and those factions compete for their interests, while they all wish to see the company remain alive and healthy, because if not, they all fail together.
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Nothing wrong with libertarianism

It is just a simplistic system of every man for himself. That is why it appeals to idiots

Ever wonder why no nation on earth is based on Libertarianism?
Nothing wrong with libertarianism

It is just a simplistic system of every man for himself. That is why it appeals to idiots

Ever wonder why no nation on earth is based on Libertarianism?

Nonsense. The division of labor and capitalism are in no way "every man for himself."
Nothing wrong with libertarianism

It is just a simplistic system of every man for himself. That is why it appeals to idiots

Ever wonder why no nation on earth is based on Libertarianism?

Nonsense. The division of labor and capitalism are in no way "every man for himself."

Leave me alone and let everyone take care of their own problems

political Darwinism
Nothing wrong with libertarianism

It is just a simplistic system of every man for himself. That is why it appeals to idiots

Ever wonder why no nation on earth is based on Libertarianism?

Because in every country the parasites always constitute a majority hence they will always overwhelm Constitutions in favor of fascism/socialism.

Next question. please.

Moyers: Rampant Capitalism Has Created a Social Disaster -- How Do We Right the Ship?

The public rescued the One Percenters after the financial crisis and now their wealth is skyrocketing once again. But what about the rest of us?

Economist Richard Wolff joins Bill to shine light on the disaster left behind in capitalism’s wake, and to discuss the fight for economic justice, including a fair minimum wage. A Professor of Economics Emeritus at the University of Massachusetts, and currently Visiting Professor in the Graduate Program in International Affairs of the New School, Wolff has written many books on the effects of rampant capitalism, including Capitalism Hits the Fan: The Global Economic Meltdown and What to Do About It.

Much More: Moyers: Rampant Capitalism Has Created a Social Disaster -- How Do We Right the Ship? | Alternet
All this over the fear of having background checks without loopholes.


One, the criminals will NOT follow any of these regulations. Nor shall the crazies.


Ultimately registration will let the government know who owns guns and what guns they own. History provides the outcome: confiscation. And a people disarmed is a people in danger.

What is this in reference to?

Firearms registration lists, moreover, wer
e used to identify gun owners. When the SS arrived, more than the gun would disappear — the owner would never to be seen [sic] again. These policies were promulgated in every country conquered by Hitler, and with the same results.

From the Jews for the Preservation of Fire Arms Ownership (JPFO):

The hardest lesson of the Holocaust—for Jews and Gentiles alike, and one yet to be learned—is that ‘gun control’ is a lethal policy.

Three: Returning back to number one. Since the government is very well aware that criminals and crazies will not abide by their rules, then what are they trying to accomplish with their legislation? Obviously Number 2.
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Nothing wrong with libertarianism

It is just a simplistic system of every man for himself. That is why it appeals to idiots

Ever wonder why no nation on earth is based on Libertarianism?

Our Constitution was founded on Libertarianism, save a few compromises (ie the 3/5 clause).

It is the pressure of the Legislative and Executive branches exerted upon the Supreme Court that has coerced them to abandon these principals over time.

The ultimate failure of the Constitution was that the Supreme Court lacked an enforcement mechanism. This was seen as early as Marbury vs Madison. It forced Justice Marshal to make a ruling against his conscious, in order for the Supreme Court to survive as an institution at all.
I was a liberal back in my youth. I cast my first presidential vote for Jimmy Carter.

I've never been a progressive, nor a Republican. I have been registered Democrat and registered Republican depending on how I wanted to affect the eventual outcome of the primaries, but in ideology, I've been fully neither.

I've been a Libertarian since before I knew there was such a thing. I haven't changed my mind politically since college. I could also be called a classical liberal.

It won't be long before the government pays google and every other major search engine to say that our quotes of the founding fathers and other great leaders are fake. They've already paid them to say every Pro-Gun-Control Nazi quote was fake. They've even gone so far to say that Hitler was "pro-gun" and relaxed gun laws.

SO...when you are confronted with truth and facts that don't fit your dogma, or the ignorant NRA Hitler propaganda...

Nothing wrong with libertarianism

It is just a simplistic system of every man for himself. That is why it appeals to idiots

Ever wonder why no nation on earth is based on Libertarianism?

Nonsense. The division of labor and capitalism are in no way "every man for himself."

Leave me alone and let everyone take care of their own problems

political Darwinism

Yes, take care of your own problems, political Darwinism, the bane of the back community huh?
I was a liberal back in my youth. I cast my first presidential vote for Jimmy Carter.

I've never been a progressive, nor a Republican. I have been registered Democrat and registered Republican depending on how I wanted to affect the eventual outcome of the primaries, but in ideology, I've been fully neither.

I've been a Libertarian since before I knew there was such a thing. I haven't changed my mind politically since college. I could also be called a classical liberal.

It won't be long before the government pays google and every other major search engine to say that our quotes of the founding fathers and other great leaders are fake. They've already paid them to say every Pro-Gun-Control Nazi quote was fake. They've even gone so far to say that Hitler was "pro-gun" and relaxed gun laws.

SO...when you are confronted with truth and facts that don't fit your dogma, or the ignorant NRA Hitler propaganda...


Are you saying that Nazi Germany armed Jews?

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