So I was asked how I became a Libertarian from being a former Progressive.

Libertarians make a lot of good points. But their philosophy only addresses a small portion of what it takes to run a country. So eventually all "libertarians" must eventually choose a side between Republicans and Democrats.

No Not really. I'm holding out for a third party.

All we need is a viable party that can get enough members voted in so as to avoid a one party controlled house.

If we can do that then no bill will be passed unless it truly is non partisan
Libertarians make a lot of good points. But their philosophy only addresses a small portion of what it takes to run a country. So eventually all "libertarians" must eventually choose a side between Republicans and Democrats.

You really don't know much about Libertarians. Libertarians have thought about everything it takes to run a country, and the result of all that thinking is called the United States of America. Correction, that was the result before the assholes stepped in and decided the government is supposed to prevent us from making bad choices.

So it was the libertarians who decided that only men of property could vote, that slaves were counted as 3/5 human, was it?

Doesn't remotely sound libertarian to me, QW.
All this over the fear of having background checks without loopholes.


One, the criminals will NOT follow any of these regulations. Nor shall the crazies.


Ultimately registration will let the government know who owns guns and what guns they own. History provides the outcome: confiscation. And a people disarmed is a people in danger.

What is this in reference to?

Firearms registration lists, moreover, wer
e used to identify gun owners. When the SS arrived, more than the gun would disappear — the owner would never to be seen [sic] again. These policies were promulgated in every country conquered by Hitler, and with the same results.

From the Jews for the Preservation of Fire Arms Ownership (JPFO):

The hardest lesson of the Holocaust—for Jews and Gentiles alike, and one yet to be learned—is that ‘gun control’ is a lethal policy.

Three: Returning back to number one. Since the government is very well aware that criminals and crazies will not abide by their rules, then what are they trying to accomplish with their legislation? Obviously Number 2.

Is it about criminals and crazies or liberty? Your 2nd amendment argument just took a turn......headed straight for Hacktown.
Nonsense. The division of labor and capitalism are in no way "every man for himself."

Leave me alone and let everyone take care of their own problems

political Darwinism

Yes, take care of your own problems, political Darwinism, the bane of the back community huh?

Libertarian ideals are easy to define

They want a government that provides the programs they need

Those programs that they don't use get the......"Take care of your own problems" treatment
Libertarians make a lot of good points. But their philosophy only addresses a small portion of what it takes to run a country. So eventually all "libertarians" must eventually choose a side between Republicans and Democrats.

No Not really. I'm holding out for a third party.

All we need is a viable party that can get enough members voted in so as to avoid a one party controlled house.

If we can do that then no bill will be passed unless it truly is non partisan

I don't get to agree with you often, but you got my vote on this idea. What will the new parties name be and where do I sign up?
Libertarians make a lot of good points. But their philosophy only addresses a small portion of what it takes to run a country. So eventually all "libertarians" must eventually choose a side between Republicans and Democrats.

No Not really. I'm holding out for a third party.

All we need is a viable party that can get enough members voted in so as to avoid a one party controlled house.

If we can do that then no bill will be passed unless it truly is non partisan

I don't get to agree with you often, but you got my vote on this idea. What will the new parties name be and where do I sign up?

The goal is to have only bills that are non-partisan? That sounds dreamy! Will consensus be built via meaningful debate or via lobbyist payoffs? Hmmmmm?
So it was the libertarians who decided that only men of property could vote, that slaves were counted as 3/5 human, was it?

Doesn't remotely sound libertarian to me, QW.

If you did the slightest bit a research into the creation of our current Constitution, you would realize that there were a set of evil compromises that had to be made, otherwise the colonies would have dissolved completely and never united under any type of central government.

However, are you saying the First Amendment is not a Libertarian ideal?

Or the Second?

Or the Third?

Or the Fourth?

Or the Fifth?


Oh, I think you get it now.

There is a good book for you to read:

The Miracle at Philadelphia, by Catherine Drinker Bowen

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Moyers: Rampant Capitalism Has Created a Social Disaster -- How Do We Right the Ship?

The public rescued the One Percenters after the financial crisis and now their wealth is skyrocketing once again. But what about the rest of us?

Economist Richard Wolff joins Bill to shine light on the disaster left behind in capitalism’s wake, and to discuss the fight for economic justice, including a fair minimum wage. A Professor of Economics Emeritus at the University of Massachusetts, and currently Visiting Professor in the Graduate Program in International Affairs of the New School, Wolff has written many books on the effects of rampant capitalism, including Capitalism Hits the Fan: The Global Economic Meltdown and What to Do About It.

Much More: Moyers: Rampant Capitalism Has Created a Social Disaster -- How Do We Right the Ship? | Alternet

Let me correct you before people actually believe the misinformation you're spreading.

Bailing out the 1% with taxpayer dollars is not capitalism; it's socialism.

There is no redistribution of wealth under capitalism.
Let me correct you before people actually believe the misinformation you're spreading.

Bailing out the 1% with taxpayer dollars is not capitalism; it's socialism.

There is no redistribution of wealth under capitalism.

You are correct. However, since the Progressives created the Federal Reserve, Income Tax and adopted the Fiat Currency System, capitalism has been dead since 1913.
Let me correct you before people actually believe the misinformation you're spreading.

Bailing out the 1% with taxpayer dollars is not capitalism; it's socialism.

There is no redistribution of wealth under capitalism.

You are correct. However, since the Progressives created the Federal Reserve, Income Tax and adopted the Fiat Currency System, capitalism has been dead since 1913.

Thats odd

The US economy has taken off since 1913
Let me correct you before people actually believe the misinformation you're spreading.

Bailing out the 1% with taxpayer dollars is not capitalism; it's socialism.

There is no redistribution of wealth under capitalism.

You are correct. However, since the Progressives created the Federal Reserve, Income Tax and adopted the Fiat Currency System, capitalism has been dead since 1913.


Which is why I shake my head every time I hear a progressive/liberal blame "capitalism" for our economic pickle.

No, lefties.. Our problem is your socialism.
Let me correct you before people actually believe the misinformation you're spreading.

Bailing out the 1% with taxpayer dollars is not capitalism; it's socialism.

There is no redistribution of wealth under capitalism.

You are correct. However, since the Progressives created the Federal Reserve, Income Tax and adopted the Fiat Currency System, capitalism has been dead since 1913.

Thats odd

The US economy has taken off since 1913

And it's doing fantastic right now! Right?

You libs are fascinating.
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You are correct. However, since the Progressives created the Federal Reserve, Income Tax and adopted the Fiat Currency System, capitalism has been dead since 1913.

Thats odd

The US economy has taken off since 1913

And it's doing fantastic right now! Right?

You libs are fascinating.

How many libs use "Rightwinger" as their SN?
I believe he meant compared to any other 100 year period.
Thats odd

The US economy has taken off since 1913

And it's doing fantastic right now! Right?

You libs are fascinating.

Compared to pre 1913?

It is booming

Because of technological advances. The question is not whether the economy is doing better or worse, its who is in control of the economy. Under Capitalism, the people are in control, the economic parties and factions compete with each other for dominance. Under the 1913 system, the government controls it. It chooses who the winners are, and who the losers are.

Also, are you really a right winger?
And it's doing fantastic right now! Right?

You libs are fascinating.

Compared to pre 1913?

It is booming

Because of technological advances. The question is not whether the economy is doing better or worse, its who is in control of the economy. Under Capitalism, the people are in control, the economic parties and factions compete with each other for dominance. Under the 1913 system, the government controls it. It chooses who the winners are, and who the losers are.

Also, are you really a right winger?

Prior to 1913, Big Business operated with no checks or restrictions. Anything goes, survival of the fittest

If you think unchecked capitalism is benificial, you are crazy. A role of government is to ensure a level playing field. We did not have that back then

Todays capitalism works much better and we became an economic superpower because of it
A role of government is to ensure a level playing field.

Please find me any Found Father or anyone else associated with them who supported that claim or any similar claim.

The answer to unchecked capitalism is simple LABOR UNIONS. Labor Unions are good things.

Also, there's nothing wrong with very light types of regulation, like anti-trust laws. However, creating the Federal Reserve at the behest of the RICH to control the flow of money is NOT capitalism. In only made the richer richer, and the poor, poorer. And the poor had no recourse, and still have no recourse, and never will have any recourse until the Fed Reserve is abolished, something that will never happen without the bloodiest revolution in all of history.
A role of government is to ensure a level playing field.

Please find me any Found Father or anyone else associated with them who supported that claim or any similar claim.

The answer to unchecked capitalism is simple LABOR UNIONS. Labor Unions are good things.

Also, there's nothing wrong with very light types of regulation, like anti-trust laws. However, creating the Federal Reserve at the behest of the RICH to control the flow of money is NOT capitalism. In only made the richer richer, and the poor, poorer. And the poor had no recourse, and still have no recourse, and never will have any recourse until the Fed Reserve is abolished, something that will never happen without the bloodiest revolution in all of history.

Hmm. Not sure if I agree with you on labor unions..

It takes away the incentive to work hard from employees as they'd be paid the same regardless. I personally wouldn't like to be part of a labor union, as I'd like to do my own pay negotiations. In other words, let my work speak for itself. And not be stuck at the same salary as everyone else.

And as a business owner, I wouldn't like to deal with union workers either. What if I get stuck with an unproductive employee that I can't get rid of?

I believe the time for unions has passed.

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