So I was asked how I became a Libertarian from being a former Progressive.

Libertarians make a lot of good points. But their philosophy only addresses a small portion of what it takes to run a country. So eventually all "libertarians" must eventually choose a side between Republicans and Democrats.

You really don't know much about Libertarians. Libertarians have thought about everything it takes to run a country, and the result of all that thinking is called the United States of America. Correction, that was the result before the assholes stepped in and decided the government is supposed to prevent us from making bad choices.
Progressives turn *libertarian*I when they realize fascism is hard to force upon others without a weapon. I've noticed a lot of "libertarians* these days are just armed progressives.
I was saying that Libertarians make some good points. But their philosophy only addresses a small portion of what it takes to run a country. The world would be a better place if every nation on the planet could live in harmony with each other because they were governed by Libertarian ideals. Unfortunately Libertarian ideals do not exist.

Trust me I would love for Libertarianism to work. But if it did it would be happening somewhere by now.

Tell me what areas you think libertarianism has forgotten to address, and I will find a libertarian that has addressed them. You really should stop blaming other people for your ignorance.
Also I don't know how or why you entered the power of the central government into this conversation.

It's also a misread of the always.

The 10th is a "catch all" meant to leave it up to the states to deal with things like policing their citizens or deciding whether or not to have gambling.

And the second wasn't meant to be a "guard" against tyranny, at least not the way they think it was meant to have a decentralized military populated by citizens..and not professional soldiers. Having a standing army of professionals under the control of the federal government was dangerous in the view of many of the founders.

I realize that these Progressives are masters, and mean to be masters, and nothing else.
And when you finally realize that the GOP is also?

THEN, my friend, you will finally realize what a freaking mess this nation is really in.

Did you read the OP? I did, and I didn't see anything in there about becoming a Republican.
Libertarians make a lot of good points. But their philosophy only addresses a small portion of what it takes to run a country. So eventually all "libertarians" must eventually choose a side between Republicans and Democrats.

Circular thinking. Give yourself an F for the day.
I realize that these Progressives are masters, and mean to be masters, and nothing else.

And when you finally realize that the GOP is also?

THEN, my friend, you will finally realize what a freaking mess this nation is really in.

I consider most of the GOP to be progressives, masquerading as Libertarians. For instance, the GOP assault on the First Amendment, trying to legislate their religion on my fellow citizens (abortion).

The leaders of the GOP honestly couldn't care less about abortion, they are using it to test the ABSTRACT limitations and flexibilities of the first Amendment. Once the the Court finally provides them with the limits/flexibilities that they desire, they'll pass similar laws restricting free speech/assembly/press/internet.

Meanwhile, the Dems will taking your 2nd Amendment away. So the GOP and Dems will COMPROMISE:

GOP: We'll let you take away the 2nd Amendment if you let us take away the first Amendment

Dems: Sure Thing, we control the press anyway!

24 hours later: GOP and Dems having a secret party, since they both exist to accomplish the same thing.

Woke up on the cynical side of the bed this morn? :D
I wrote this rather heartfelt response, I didn't even need to compose a second draft:

To: bigrebnc1775

I am ashamed to admit that was a raving liberal until December. However, as I am a young man of 22 years of age, I can forgive myself of this sin. Being in a household that watched MSNBC for six years, I'm sure you could understand, while also going through a very liberal college experience.

That being said, I've always had a suspicion that Libertarianism was ... somehow ... correct.

[rambling nonsense snipped out]

The Bureaucracy is the autonomous form of government that controls all of us today, in thanks to FDR, the 4-term Emperor who sought to overpower the Supreme Court and succeeded.

Fair enough lead, and the first part of your close is very good.

Reaction to liberal upbringing excuses the nonsense about Roosevelt in the middle and at the end. The reason the servant has become the master is nutball Icon Ronald Reagan and his intellectual twin Junebug Bush expanded government spending - AND ITS POWERS - more than any peacetime presidents before them, including Roosevelt before WWII.

A final thought at least one poster above shared with you:

There is libertarianism and there is the nutball BizzaroWorld version fueled by Randian/ Papist horseshit.

The reality is that NO actual Libertarian believes ANY level of government should legislate reproductive choices, and ALL Libertarians worthy of the name accept public health and safety regulations on commerce and finance.
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There is libertarianism and there is the nutball BizzaroWorld version fueled by Randian/ Papist horseshit.

The reality is that NO actual Libertarian believes ANY level of government should legislate reproductive choices, and ALL Libertarians worthy of the name accept public health and safety regulations on commerce and finance.

So you don't think it's possible that Democrats will allow Republicans to legislate on abortion (attacking the 1st Amendment) in exchange for Republicans allowing Democrats to legislate on Gun Control (attack the 2nd Amendment)?

It appears that's exactly where we are headed.
I wrote this rather heartfelt response, I didn't even need to compose a second draft:

To: bigrebnc1775

I am ashamed to admit that was a raving liberal until December. However, as I am a young man of 22 years of age, I can forgive myself of this sin. Being in a household that watched MSNBC for six years, I'm sure you could understand, while also going through a very liberal college experience.

That being said, I've always had a suspicion that Libertarianism was ... somehow ... correct.

[rambling nonsense snipped out]

The Bureaucracy is the autonomous form of government that controls all of us today, in thanks to FDR, the 4-term Emperor who sought to overpower the Supreme Court and succeeded.

Fair enough lead, and the first part of your close is very good.

Reaction to liberal upbringing excuses the nonsense about Roosevelt in the middle and at the end. The reason the servant has become the master is nutball Icon Ronald Reagan and his intellectual twin Junebug Bush expanded government spending - AND ITS POWERS - more than any peacetime presidents before them, including Roosevelt before WWII.

A final thought at least one poster above shared with you:

There is libertarianism and there is the nutball BizzaroWorld version fueled by Randian/ Papist horseshit.

The reality is that NO actual Libertarian believes ANY level of government should legislate reproductive choices, and ALL Libertarians worthy of the name accept public health and safety regulations on commerce and finance.

Gawd, another supposed libertarian telling other people what they should think.

I expect you do not see the irony.
There is libertarianism and there is the nutball BizzaroWorld version fueled by Randian/ Papist horseshit.

The reality is that NO actual Libertarian believes ANY level of government should legislate reproductive choices, and ALL Libertarians worthy of the name accept public health and safety regulations on commerce and finance.

So you don't think it's possible that Democrats will allow Republicans to legislate on abortion (attacking the 1st Amendment) in exchange for Republicans allowing Democrats to legislate on Gun Control (attack the 2nd Amendment)?

It appears that's exactly where we are headed.

No. No it does not.
Libertarians make a lot of good points. But their philosophy only addresses a small portion of what it takes to run a country. So eventually all "libertarians" must eventually choose a side between Republicans and Democrats.

No, we don't.
Gawd, another supposed libertarian telling other people what they should think.

I expect you do not see the irony.

Can you tell me when I told anyone what to think? I merely copied and pasted an e-mail I wrote.

I quote:

"The reality is that NO actual Libertarian believes ANY level of government should legislate reproductive choices, and ALL Libertarians worthy of the name accept public health and safety regulations on commerce and finance."

Who the hell are you, the arbiter of the libertarian party line?

Take a break.
Libertarians make a lot of good points. But their philosophy only addresses a small portion of what it takes to run a country. So eventually all "libertarians" must eventually choose a side between Republicans and Democrats.

libertarians are terrific. randian idiots who try to pass themselves off as "libertarians" are morons.

and the o/p is full of it.

one does not call oneself a 'raving lunatic' months after changing their mind... one does not suddenly pretend that the 2ndamendment is so significant to them that they use it as their mic.

the o/p is a liar.

Could you give us an example of a libertarian you consider terrific, as opposed to a "randian idiot?"
I wrote this rather heartfelt response, I didn't even need to compose a second draft:

To: bigrebnc1775

I am ashamed to admit that was a raving liberal until December. However, as I am a young man of 22 years of age, I can forgive myself of this sin. Being in a household that watched MSNBC for six years, I'm sure you could understand, while also going through a very liberal college experience.

That being said, I've always had a suspicion that Libertarianism was ... somehow ... correct.

[rambling nonsense snipped out]

The Bureaucracy is the autonomous form of government that controls all of us today, in thanks to FDR, the 4-term Emperor who sought to overpower the Supreme Court and succeeded.

Fair enough lead, and the first part of your close is very good.

Reaction to liberal upbringing excuses the nonsense about Roosevelt in the middle and at the end. The reason the servant has become the master is nutball Icon Ronald Reagan and his intellectual twin Junebug Bush expanded government spending - AND ITS POWERS - more than any peacetime presidents before them, including Roosevelt before WWII.

A final thought at least one poster above shared with you:

There is libertarianism and there is the nutball BizzaroWorld version fueled by Randian/ Papist horseshit.

The reality is that NO actual Libertarian believes ANY level of government should legislate reproductive choices, and ALL Libertarians worthy of the name accept public health and safety regulations on commerce and finance.

Gawd, another supposed libertarian telling other people what they should think.

I expect you do not see the irony.

No. You are blocking my view.

It tickles me that you think me a Libertarian. Nothing in my post indicates anything more about me than an understanding of the original philosophy of libertarianism vis a vis the adolescent version filtered through Rand by evangelicals buying into papist horseshit and corporate shills like Friedman and Greenspan.

A good way to think about postmodern politics starts with this question:

IF you call a cow's tail a leg, how many legs does it have?

How an individual answers that question tells us a lot about them.
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