So if a private business owner says one has to be vaxxed to work there

All sorts of laws being broken and policies being created with no legal backing and in fact legal prohibition
This is what happens when the government creates a panic, mishandles and misadvertises what a vaccination will do, scrambles and redoubles their already failed efforts, and passes the buck downhill to tens of thousands of town councils.

All to put the American public under an experimental thumb of compliance .
Excellent first phase communism.
That's great, that means that they can use whatever societal levers they want to force you do do whatever they want as long as they can claim increased public safety. Freedom and liberty are dead. What powers wouldn't you support in the name of 'public safety'? I just saw where they are requiring prisoners to get the vaccine if they want to have visitors. So no 'mandates' specifically for the vaccine are needed, only these levers that they control that can be used to force people to get them, these levers are literally woven into everything. So, why not just come out and mandate the vaccine, period. Why use these levers to do it? And if they're doing this for something that has a 99%+ survival rate, where the vaccine has been proven to be useless as far as spreading the virus to others (which is really the only concern that should be valid regarding 'public safety'), then what is next? Do you ever ask yourself that question, or do you only care that you're 'supporting' your supposed side of the political aisle?
How about starting a war over it? American blue states can bomb red states, and vice versa. The rest of the world wouldn't really care, and there would certainly be fewer virus spreaders!
If memory serves me right the left many years started with the anti vax. How times have changed, but it not all dems or republicans this time around, it's a mixture.
In point of fact, there's nothing ideological about the pandemic, or, necessarily, our response to it. It's just that in today's political climate, every. single. thing. devolves into a partisan pissing match. Or at least it does for the pissing partisans.
I do not agree with extending PA laws to gay folks UNLESS the product the gays want to buy isn't provided by another business. BUT there is a distinction. A person who refuses vaccination puts others in danger when he uses a PA. A gay person doesn't harm anyone.
PA laws are a ridiculous mis-use of government. I'd hope we could learn that from this experience. But, as a nation, we're not great at learning things.
the vaccine has been proven to be useless as far as spreading the virus to others (which is really

False. If one is vaccinated one has a lower chance of becoming infected in the first place, and unless one is infected, one cannot pass it on.

You can still catch it and you can still pass it, which means you are a threat to public health, how much lower is the 'chance'? Since you stated that, you obviously have something to back it up?
All sorts of laws being broken and policies being created with no legal backing and in fact legal prohibition
This is what happens when the government creates a panic, mishandles and misadvertises what a vaccination will do, scrambles and redoubles their already failed efforts, and passes the buck downhill to tens of thousands of town councils.

All to put the American public under an experimental thumb of compliance .
Excellent first phase communism.
Yes, social reform that could be related to 'communism'.

Americans can either adapt to 'socialist' policies or die.
And on a bright note, it's the extremist hillbillies that will die first!
PA laws are a ridiculous mis-use of government. I'd hope we could learn that from this experience. But, as a nation, we're not great at learning things.
Well, it would have been a good biz decision in the South in the early 60s to NOT serve blacks. So, PA laws were seen as necessary. THe not politically correct view - and one that cost Trent Lott his job - is that eventually corporations like KFC and Wal-Mart would have served everyone simply to make the most money
CDC reaching over into housing, where are they on my legal title and where did I subordinate title to their decrees?
This is just the beginning of government overreach and illegality as they bumble and stumble their way and redouble their already failed efforts and continue to try and vacate the public’s decision making rights all over a grossly hoaxed virus.
The light is really shown on it all when the CDC informs us the mask mesh will not trap the virus but governments insist upon masks as a form of compliance motivated by fake fear.
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COVID-19 vaccination will protect most people from getting sick with COVID-19.

A very small percentage of fully vaccinated people will still get COVID-19 if they are exposed to the COVID-19 virus. These are called vaccine breakthrough cases. Some people might not experience any symptoms and some people could become sick due to COVID-19.

However, vaccination might make illness less severe. If you are fully vaccinated, the overall risk of hospitalization and death due to COVID-19 is much lower than among unvaccinated people with similar risk factors.

'most people'
'very small percentage'
'overall risk... is much lower'

Why no numbers??? What are the numbers?

Why did they stop counting breakthrough positive tests? lol

The fact remains that vaccinated people can still spread covid and are a risk to public health, yet let's all put our heads in the sand and mandate everyone have one for 'public safety'.
CDC teaching over into housing, where are they on my legal title and where did I subordinate title to their decrees?
This is just the beginning of government overreach and illegality as they bumble and stumble their way and redouble their already failed efforts and continue to try and vacate the public’s decision making rights all over a grossly hoaxed virus.
The light is really shown on it all when the CDC informs us the mask mesh will not trap the virus but governments insist upon masks as a form of compliance motivated by fake fear.
Ah, the slippery slope argument the tinfoil hatters love so much. I imagine this one is about as valid as all of them. I.E., paranoid horseshit.
IF you owned a business and there was a sign on the door masks required, how many of you went in with out a mask stating personal freedom? where is the line between better for all and personal freedom. Under regulation & over regulated?
Ah, the slippery slope argument the tinfoil hatters love so much. I imagine this one is about as valid as all of them. I.E., paranoid horseshit.

You need to turn around and look back up the mountain, what would it take to convince you that there's nothing paranoid about it. As a matter of fact, I'd bet my entire life savings that if Trump were still in the Whitehouse and these same activities were going on, every leftist on this board would have the exact opposite reaction and be blaming Trump, saying he's fascist, going after those big, mean, bloated corps for forcing people to put something in their body, my body, my choice, blah, blah, blah... and ultimately refusing the vaccine, at least publicly.
Ah, the slippery slope argument the tinfoil hatters love so much. I imagine this one is about as valid as all of them. I.E., paranoid horseshit.
Facts that you can’t refute so go with the tinfoil deflection
Even worse now is after they rounded up over 100 million for “vaccination” they will now try to sell mandatory “boosters” because they got it wrong the first time so naturally and insanely do the same thing all over again expecting a different result .
The confusion was highlighted recently when, on May 18, 2021, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, (R-Ga) was asked whether she had been vaccinated, as she had refused to wear a mask on the House floor in breach of House rules. Greene told reporters that asking her about her vaccine status was a HIPAA violation, but this was not correct as HIPAA does not apply in such situations.

It would not be a HIPAA violation for an employer to ask an employee’s healthcare provider for proof of vaccination. It would however be a HIPAA violation for the employee’s healthcare provider to disclose that information to the employer unless the individual had provided authorization to do so. If an employer is running their own vaccination program and an employee chooses to have their vaccine privately, that individual may have to authorize their healthcare provider to disclose certain information about their vaccine to their employer as proof that they have been vaccinated.

Asking about vaccine status would not violate HIPAA but it is possible that other laws could be violated. For instance, requiring employees to disclose additional health information such as the reason why they are not vaccinated could potentially violate federal laws. Furthermore, several states have passed laws – or are considering laws – that prohibit employers in the public sector from asking employees about their vaccine status.
Wow...and you provided all of that information without ONE snide remark. Amazing how that works. Point made. Thank you BlindBoo!

COVID-19 vaccination will protect most people from getting sick with COVID-19.

A very small percentage of fully vaccinated people will still get COVID-19 if they are exposed to the COVID-19 virus. These are called vaccine breakthrough cases. Some people might not experience any symptoms and some people could become sick due to COVID-19.

However, vaccination might make illness less severe. If you are fully vaccinated, the overall risk of hospitalization and death due to COVID-19 is much lower than among unvaccinated people with similar risk factors.

'most people'
'very small percentage'
'overall risk... is much lower'

Why no numbers??? What are the numbers?

Why did they stop counting breakthrough positive tests?
if you are less likely to get sick in the first place, you are less likely to give it to others. Is this difficult for you? Seriously. This is like a simple logic question on a SAT.

What may have changed is that at least with the delta variant, studies that those referred to in the below two links may no longer be valid.

That is, while the two vaccines DID have some value in prevented transmission from a vaccinated person to another, that may not be true with the delta.
"Our vaccines are working exceptionally well," Walensky told CNN's Wolf Blitzer on Aug. 5. "They continue to work well for Delta, with regard to severe illness and death—they prevent it. But what they can't do anymore is prevent transmission."
if you are less likely to get sick in the first place, you are less likely to give it to others. Is this difficult for you? Seriously. This is like a simple logic question on a SAT.

What may have changed is that at least with the delta variant, studies that those referred to in the below two links may no longer be valid.

That is, while the two vaccines DID have some value in prevented transmission from a vaccinated person to another, that may not be true with the delta.
"Our vaccines are working exceptionally well," Walensky told CNN's Wolf Blitzer on Aug. 5. "They continue to work well for Delta, with regard to severe illness and death—they prevent it. But what they can't do anymore is prevent transmission."

But you can't quantify 'less likely', which destroys your argument, vaccinated people are still a threat to public health, which in turn means that forcing the vaccine on everyone won't change a thing. Yet most are still pretending by limiting attendance in places of business or other public places to only vaccinated people is somehow going to make a difference. And we also ignore that it has a survivability rate of 99%+, because if we actually admit that, then common sense tells you that there is no need for people to run out and get an experimental vaccine. Why do you want children and young, healthy adults to take an experimental injection when their odds of being harmed by covid are practically zero, but we don't know what long term effects the vaccine will have on their health? And now knowing that you can still spread it with the vaccine, it makes the decision to not get the vaccine quite clear.
Here is a unique concept
I take care of my health and you take care of yours
That’s good enough for every thinking conservative’s not enough for the fear faked blubbering libs who want to control their health and have yours/mine controlled by the methods they choose to employ

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