So if a private business owner says one has to be vaxxed to work there

File a law suit for discrimination?
Discrimination is only a violation if you're a member of a protected class, and your tort is based on the action being taken only because you were a member of that class.

If you violate workplace rules or requirements, you would have to show those requirements were meant to discriminate against a protected class.
Discrimination is only a violation if you're a member of a protected class, and your tort is based on the action being taken only because you were a member of that class.

If you violate workplace rules or requirements, you would have to show those requirements were meant to discriminate against a protected class.
Is people who can think and be responsible a protected class?
More likely it’s a breed being forced to extinction.
Bull shit. Terminate me because I’m black, gay, Republican, Christian, Muslim, and enough other situations to fill the rest of this page
They don't have to list a reason.

Nice try though "Republican" is not a protected class. (neither is Democrat)
They don't have to list a reason.

Nice try though "Republican" is not a protected class. (neither is Democrat)
Some states have now enacted political affiliation protections
You most certainly do have to state reason for termination or face the repercussions
As of right now, the employee has two options, either be vaccinated, or find a new job.

The government just gave all employers unfettered ability to force their employees to be vaccinated.

Employers have ALWAYS had that right, and they're using it because the government holds employers accountable for having a "safe workplace". If you get sick because your employer hires people are aren't vaccinated, they you can sue your employer for failing to provide you with a safe workplace.

Republicans have tried to remove an employee's right to sue over health and safety reasons. McConnell refused to provide covid relief unless a waiver on workplace safety was included and the Democrats stood firm on not lifting these employer regulations.

You're damn Skippy employers are going to want to provide a safe environment for both their customers and their staff. Law suits cost money - win, lose or draw. And they take time and attention away from running your business. Vaxxed and masked - for everyone's safety.
How about starting a war over it? American blue states can bomb red states, and vice versa. The rest of the world wouldn't really care, and there would certainly be fewer virus spreaders!

So the United States has just over 50% vaccinated and the rest of the world is at 29% but you go ahead with your irrational BS that you like spew.
Is people who can think and be responsible a protected class?
More likely it’s a breed being forced to extinction.
They have defined protected classes, with a general rule being you can't be discriminated because of factors you were born with, or that you have no control over.

You are responsible for decisions you make after that. And if you take a position in violation of the work rules or requirements an employer has, he is not forced to continue to employ you.
It depends on what government you're talking about. State governments have wide discretionary powers in a healthcare emergency. In some states those powers are enumerated in law in others it's just a general statement. In Washington State, the governor just announced that any county that does not enforce the mask mandate in public schools will have both state and federal funds withheld which would in effect shutdown that school district. And in Florida, the governor announced that funds would be withheld from any county that mandated masks in schools.

Federal mandates are a different matter. Unless the power is enumerated in the constitution, it is a state matter.

Excellent clarifying point.
Employers have ALWAYS had that right, and they're using it because the government holds employers accountable for having a "safe workplace". If you get sick because your employer hires people are aren't vaccinated, they you can sue your employer for failing to provide you with a safe workplace.

Republicans have tried to remove an employee's right to sue over health and safety reasons. McConnell refused to provide covid relief unless a waiver on workplace safety was included and the Democrats stood firm on not lifting these employer regulations.

You're damn Skippy employers are going to want to provide a safe environment for both their customers and their staff. Law suits cost money - win, lose or draw. And they take time and attention away from running your business. Vaxxed and masked - for everyone's safety.
Can you link this info please?
They have defined protected classes, with a general rule being you can't be discriminated because of factors you were born with, or that you have no control over.

You are responsible for decisions you make after that. And if you take a position in violation of the work rules or requirements an employer has, he is not forced to continue to employ you.
Style of hair wearing is a personal choice, you are not “born that way” In almost all cases you cannot be mandated to change it.
You all love to embellish tge false “private ... can do anything they want”
An employer can generally fire an employee for any reason or for no reason at all. However, employers cannot terminate employees for reasons that would violate federal, state, or local anti-discrimination laws.
From the link;

"Forcing Someone To Choose Between Getting Jabbed With An Experimental Gene Therapy With Known Side Effects Or Losing Their Job Is Absolute Tyranny

Posted on August 4, 2021
Try that with me?
Here’s these,

And here’s these.

Have fun trying to keep your machines running."
You think you're the only one who can turn a wrench?

It ain't rocket surgery
It will never hold up Constitutionally.
It can hold up if the discrimination is based purely of voter registration, and not on behavior common to a certain political party.

Such as wanting to post Trump "conspiracy theories of election stealing" being protected because you're a republican, is certainly NOT protected.

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