So if a private business owner says one has to be vaxxed to work there

The CDC says it traps the virus globules that people exhale, and are thus effective in controlling the spread.
CDC says masks trap ordinary moisture exhalation but virus is transmitted by other means of distribution that mask can’t get.
My filter traps small rocks but not the sand surrounding it, same thing here.
The howls of rage are because the CDC itself admits that ordinary store bought masks have too large of a mesh to trap the virus.

Bullshit. Use your head for more than a hat rack, and stop believing everything that supports your political biases.

The blue and white surgical masks being handed out in stores are the same masks used in operating rooms. If, as you claim, they don't work, does it seem logical that they would be wearing them in operating rooms?

Stop treating the pandemic as a political attack on Republicans, and start thinking of it as something that attacks stupid people - regardless of political affiliation.

The "left" isn't defending anything.

They're simply acknowledging facts of employment law and policy conservatives have fought to implement for more than 40 years, and the hypocrisy common to most on the right.
Of course, of course. It's different.
If the state or local government has ordered a vaccine mandate, an employer can not exclude employees unless there healthcare reasons why the employee can not be vaccinated. If the employer mandates that his employees be vaccinated, then the employer makes the rules limited only by laws or contracts.

My question is what data is the vaccine mandate based on?
The howls of rage are because the CDC itself admits that ordinary store bought masks have too large of a mesh to trap the virus.
"the CDC itself admits that ordinary store bought masks have too large of a mesh to trap the virus"
How about a link to support your statement.
Why don't you try googling "can an employer have a dress code?"
These are tangential issues and not relevant to case at hand
It is well known that dress codes and hairstyles in employment are 3rd rail issues and virtually never touched
Virtue signaling false compliance data only
Exactly, the criteria for implementing anything for a virus with a 99%+ survival rate should have much higher standards and based in numerical facts before individual freedom and liberties are trampled on.
Im not aware of any law that states a company can force you to take an injection. Perhaps you could point this out for me?

It wasn't an exact law. Though I wouldn't be surprised if the rulings were at least partially based on the "right to work" laws.

A Texas conservative judge appointed by Ronald Reagan ruled that a private business can mandate that a person be vaccinated or they can be fired.

Here is part of his ruling:

"The public's interest in having a hospital capable of caring for patients during a pandemic far outweighs protecting the vaccination preferences of 116 employees," Hughes wrote. "The plaintiffs are not just jeopardizing their own health; they are jeopardizing the health of doctors, nurses, support staff, patients and their families."

Then there is the judge in Indiana who ruled that the University of Indiana can mandate vaccinations. The plaintiffs are appealing the ruling.

Here is part of that ruling:

Federal Judge Damon Leichty denied a request for an injunction, writingthat Indiana University was within its right to create the policy in the “interest of public health” for staff and students.

Then there is the over 100 year ruling by the Supreme Court giving states the right to mandate vaccines with the small pox vaccination.

Finally if people didn't spend so many decades fighting to kill unions, strip worker's rights and give a lot more power to private business people might not be in this situation now.
No it does not and the mesh is not even close to being fine enough
It does trap bacteria and moisture but the virus itself is transmitted with more deliveries than just those two methods.
People don't exhale individual viruses, they are expelled in globules, mostly large enough to be caught in even home made masks.
Here's an idea for people who don't like their employer requiring vaccines.

Sign a waiver with your employer that says if you don't get a vaccine and you then get other coworkers sick that you will pay for their sick leave and also the lost revenue.
Not really, i mean, I've never seen a company mandate that getting a flu vaccine is condition of employment.

Perhaps they could, but they never did. This is different. Many employers will likely push this.

Most hospitals require their employees to get flu shots and tetanus shots every year. And some require Hep C vaccinations.

This is not new.

I was required to have the polio vaccine when I started school in 1966.
What can the employee do? As of today? At will employment says all power is with the employer.
Many options:

1. Claim a religious exemption.
2. Claim a disability which prevents you from getting vaccinated. Perhaps a prior reaction to a vaccine which has an ingredient in the COVID vaccine would qualify...
3. Beg your employer for an accommodation such as working from home or another position.
4. Sue. You'll probably lose, but maybe your employer will cave or give you a conditional severance to avoid a lawsuit...
5. Wait for the courts to finally decide...
6. Find a new job.
7. Get vaccinated. You'll probably have to sign a waiver stating that you are getting vaccinated voluntarily and give up your rights to sue for any damages received from getting vaxed.

In Wisconsin, the Republicans in your legislature are trying to protect the freedom of people to make their own medical decisions with Assembly Bill 25...

It has passed the Assembly. Since your Senate is largely Republican majority, it may pass the Senate, but I would suspect your Dem governor to veto it.
Many of you likely don’t own property but there is a thing called a furnace filter . It traps some things. If you think it traps Covid then sit next to it 24/7 but don’t try and force me to do so.
Some states have now enacted political affiliation protections
You most certainly do have to state reason for termination or face the repercussions

In right to work states like Texas "employers can terminate employees who do not have a written employment contract for any non-discriminatory, non-retaliatory reason."
"the CDC itself admits that ordinary store bought masks have too large of a mesh to trap the virus"
How about a link to support your statement.
Go to CDC sponsored Worldometer and it’s referenced there.

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