So if a private business owner says one has to be vaxxed to work there

An employer can generally fire an employee for any reason or for no reason at all. However, employers cannot terminate employees for reasons that would violate federal, state, or local anti-discrimination laws.
You contradicted yourself by saying then can and then listing how they cant
Discrimination is only a violation if you're a member of a protected class, and your tort is based on the action being taken only because you were a member of that class.

If you violate workplace rules or requirements, you would have to show those requirements were meant to discriminate against a protected class.
Well, 'anti-vaxers' are definitely not a protected class, though one might be able to argues US citizens with Constitutional rights be one...

My wife lashes me a lot
Yours? Mine is unbelievable. A human complaint factory. The latest, wants a new car, refuses to discuss options on the model she wants...gets the new car...then complains about it not having the options she wants. Unbelievable.
So the United States has just over 50% vaccinated and the rest of the world is at 29% but you go ahead with your irrational BS that you like spew.

We're at 72% vaxxed nationwide, 61% fully vaxxed. We're at more than 80% in our area. You can get vaxxed at your doctor's office now. Canada is also looking at vaccine mandates for government workers, and most places restrict admissions to the vaccinated and the masked.

I fail to understand the howls of rage at continuing to wear masks. I hate them too, but they're not costing me anything, and they're not doing anyone any harm. The rights you people are prepared to fight to the death over, are ridiculous. Picking your battles over stupid shit like masks, just makes you look ill-informed and dangerous to yourself and other.
Style of hair wearing is a personal choice, you are not “born that way” In almost all cases you cannot be mandated to change it.
Yes you can. If it is an employment requirement.

The case of people who couldn't shave for medical or religious reasons, vs a safety requirement in order to wear a respirator.

It basically held that excepting them wasn't "reasonable" accommodation under ADA.

Your hair style example is easier, since the employer were merely require a hair net.
We're at 72% vaxxed nationwide, 61% fully vaxxed. We're at more than 80% in our area. You can get vaxxed at your doctor's office now. Canada is also looking at vaccine mandates for government workers, and most places restrict admissions to the vaccinated and the masked.

I fail to understand the howls of rage at continuing to wear masks. I hate them too, but they're not costing me anything, and they're not doing anyone any harm. The rights you people are prepared to fight to the death over, are ridiculous. Picking your battles over stupid shit like masks, just makes you look ill-informed and dangerous to yourself and other.
The howls of rage are because the CDC itself admits that ordinary store bought masks have too large of a mesh to trap the virus.
Yeah, and now the left is all in on defending the rights of business to discriminate. Flaming hypocrites all around, near as I can tell.

The "left" isn't defending anything.

They're simply acknowledging facts of employment law and policy conservatives have fought to implement for more than 40 years, and the hypocrisy common to most on the right.
Businesses may exclude me based on what facts??? That I'm 'more likely' to spread the virus because I'm not vaccinated? What is 'more likely'??? What is the number??? 2 times, 3 times, etc... Why can't you answer that question?? What right does anyone have excluding anyone from anything without hard FACTS and NUMBERS??

And speaking of numbers, the CDC quit counting breakthrough cases on May 1st, so we have NO CLUE how many vaccinated people are out spreading the virus because they QUIT COUNTING! So where are they getting the 'less likely' comment from?? You don't know, and you have no idea how 'less likely' you are to spread it over an unvaccinated person. Yet you're advocating to force people to get an experimental vaccine for the so called 'public health' when you don't even know the numbers. Are you crazy?
If the state or local government has ordered a vaccine mandate, an employer can not exclude employees unless there healthcare reasons why the employee can not be vaccinated. If the employer mandates that his employees be vaccinated, then the employer makes the rules limited only by laws or contracts.
Yes you can. If it is an employment requirement.

The case of people who couldn't shave for medical or religious reasons, vs a safety requirement in order to wear a respirator.

It basically held that excepting them wasn't "reasonable" accommodation under ADA.

Your hair style example is easier, since the employer were merely require a hair net.
Very limited restrictions on hair style because it is considered a freedom of expression. About only circumstance is if hair is long enough to drop onto or into food. Then a hairnet. You cant be told to cut it or fired.
We're at 72% vaxxed nationwide, 61% fully vaxxed. We're at more than 80% in our area. You can get vaxxed at your doctor's office now. Canada is also looking at vaccine mandates for government workers, and most places restrict admissions to the vaccinated and the masked.

I fail to understand the howls of rage at continuing to wear masks. I hate them too, but they're not costing me anything, and they're not doing anyone any harm. The rights you people are prepared to fight to the death over, are ridiculous. Picking your battles over stupid shit like masks, just makes you look ill-informed and dangerous to yourself and other.
imo it is mainly political. Trump supporters believe, and probably correctly, that without covid he'd have been reelected with mandate to do whatever he wanted.

And Trump did initially call for a temporary sheltering in place, but he simply couldn't resist backing off and declaring covid was basically a "cold" and bleach was effective. So now, to his supporters, masks and vaccines are just "conspiracy theories" that were never necessary and only designed by (fill in) to destroy Trump.

And healthy young people don't seem to see a need. I've read in several places in the last two days that it just hasn't moved people's behavior to tell them "get vaccinated so you don't give this to your grandmother or whoever is vulnerable and whom you love." I don't see why people are that way, but they are. And that's why we're seeing mandates.
The howls of rage are because the CDC itself admits that ordinary store bought masks have too large of a mesh to trap the virus.
The CDC says it traps the virus globules that people exhale, and are thus effective in controlling the spread.
I do not agree with extending PA laws to gay folks UNLESS the product the gays want to buy isn't provided by another business. BUT there is a distinction. A person who refuses vaccination puts others in danger when he uses a PA. A gay person doesn't harm anyone.
If we're going to have "PA laws", I see no reason gays shouldn't be protected too. All of us should, and that's the problem.
Very limited restrictions on hair style because it is considered a freedom of expression. About only circumstance is if hair is long enough to drop onto or into food. Then a hairnet. You cant be told to cut it or fired.
Your employer doesn't have to offer you freedom of expression, unless there's a state law or a contract.
The CDC says it traps the virus globules that people exhale, and are thus effective in controlling the spread.
No it does not and the mesh is not even close to being fine enough
It does trap bacteria and moisture but the virus itself is transmitted with more deliveries than just those two methods.
Very limited restrictions on hair style because it is considered a freedom of expression. About only circumstance is if hair is long enough to drop onto or into food. Then a hairnet. You cant be told to cut it or fired.
Hairstyle holds in many circumstances. Such as if it can get caught in the machinery. Again a hair net would be the usual solution.
If we're going to have "PA laws", I see no reason gays shouldn't be protected too. All of us should, and that's the problem.
I don't know. I dont' have any problem with no discrimmination for race or creed. Imo gays are a little different. I think every family "has one."

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