So if a private business owner says one has to be vaxxed to work there

What can the employee do? As of today? At will employment says all power is with the employer.

This is a complex topic

But basically you want to force them to accept liability for any bad outcomes

How to do that exactly in the most rational way I'm not sure. There are waivers and things you can bring to them. I've heard them talked about but never looked into the details.

You can also tell your employer you tried to get vaccinated. But the doctors/adminstrators of the test would not accept liability. SO you couldn't get the shot. But again the legality of that is unclear. EUA makes this murkier than usual
But you can't quantify 'less likely', which destroys your argument, vaccinated people are still a threat to public health, which in turn means that forcing the vaccine on everyone won't change a thing. Yet most are still pretending by limiting attendance in places of business or other public places to only vaccinated people is somehow going to make a difference. And we also ignore that it has a survivability rate of 99%+, because if we actually admit that, then common sense tells you that there is no need for people to run out and get an experimental vaccine. Why do you want children and young, healthy adults to take an experimental injection when their odds of being harmed by covid are practically zero, but we don't know what long term effects the vaccine will have on their health? And now knowing that you can still spread it with the vaccine, it makes the decision to not get the vaccine quite clear.
Well THAT was not your assertion. You asserted the vaccines did not prevent transmission of the virus from a vaccinated individual. That was false at least before Delta variant. It APPEARS that the vaccine does not prevent transmission from an asymptomatic person who was vaccinated. And that's why the CDC now says we all need to wear masks, and that is a change from what they said weeks ago.

But the FACT is that still if you are vaccinated you are less likely to get the virus and YOU HAVE TO HAVE IT TO PASS IT ON. NOW you say that the effectiveness of the vaccines on the delta variant are not known. BUT THEY ARE.

ill the COVID-19 vaccines protect me from the Delta variant?​

Yes, though at a slightly reduced level than against other versions of the coronavirus. And if you got a vaccine that requires two doses — in the U.S., that means the ones made by Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna — you need to have gotten both shots and then waited two weeks to reach full immunity.

A study based on real-world data from the U.K. found that two doses of the Pfizer vaccine were 88% effective at preventing COVID-19 as a result of an infection with the Delta variant. That's just a notch down from the 95% efficacy it demonstrated in clinical trials against earlier, less transmissible strains.

If you don't want to get vaccinated, it is your choice. Although businesses may exclude you. But don't pretend your choice is based on proven facts.
All sorts of laws being broken and policies being created with no legal backing and in fact legal prohibition
This is what happens when the government creates a panic, mishandles and misadvertises what a vaccination will do, scrambles and redoubles their already failed efforts, and passes the buck downhill to tens of thousands of town councils.

All to put the American public under an experimental thumb of compliance .
Excellent first phase communism.
Your employer has always been able to fire you for any reason, unless you have a contract.
I think I will take a picture of mine and run off a small copy to carry in my wallet and keep the real card at home. Then at least if I really, REALLY need to prove anything in the future just to shut some nut up, I can always pull that out and if they don't like it, they can get stuffed, or if it gets damaged, no big loss.
A couple of months ago Office Depot was offering free laminates of vaccination cards. I got one for myself and wife. We only used it a couple times to get free drinks and a meal. We were schedule for a Cruse in July and we checked with the cruise line and they said the laminated copies would be acceptable. In most states you can get proof of vaccination it loose the care. If you are traveling outside the US, good luck. Every country seems to have different requirements.
Well THAT was not your assertion. You asserted the vaccines did not prevent transmission of the virus from a vaccinated individual. That was false at least before Delta variant. It APPEARS that the vaccine does not prevent transmission from an asymptomatic person who was vaccinated. And that's why the CDC now says we all need to wear masks, and that is a change from what they said weeks ago.

But the FACT is that still if you are vaccinated you are less likely to get the virus and YOU HAVE TO HAVE IT TO PASS IT ON. NOW you say that the effectiveness of the vaccines on the delta variant are not known. BUT THEY ARE.

ill the COVID-19 vaccines protect me from the Delta variant?​

Yes, though at a slightly reduced level than against other versions of the coronavirus. And if you got a vaccine that requires two doses — in the U.S., that means the ones made by Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna — you need to have gotten both shots and then waited two weeks to reach full immunity.

A study based on real-world data from the U.K. found that two doses of the Pfizer vaccine were 88% effective at preventing COVID-19 as a result of an infection with the Delta variant. That's just a notch down from the 95% efficacy it demonstrated in clinical trials against earlier, less transmissible strains.

If you don't want to get vaccinated, it is your choice. Although businesses may exclude you. But don't pretend your choice is based on proven facts.

Businesses may exclude me based on what facts??? That I'm 'more likely' to spread the virus because I'm not vaccinated? What is 'more likely'??? What is the number??? 2 times, 3 times, etc... Why can't you answer that question?? What right does anyone have excluding anyone from anything without hard FACTS and NUMBERS??

And speaking of numbers, the CDC quit counting breakthrough cases on May 1st, so we have NO CLUE how many vaccinated people are out spreading the virus because they QUIT COUNTING! So where are they getting the 'less likely' comment from?? You don't know, and you have no idea how 'less likely' you are to spread it over an unvaccinated person. Yet you're advocating to force people to get an experimental vaccine for the so called 'public health' when you don't even know the numbers. Are you crazy?
You all love to embellish tge false “private ... can do anything they want”
In Texas they can. If you were terminated for no cause however, you are entitled to receive unemployment benefit, assuming you worked there long enough.
Businesses may exclude me based on what facts??? That I'm 'more likely' to spread the virus because I'm not vaccinated? What is 'more likely'??? What is the number??? 2 times, 3 times, etc... Why can't you answer that question?? What right does anyone have excluding anyone from anything without hard FACTS and NUMBERS??

And speaking of numbers, the CDC quit counting breakthrough cases on May 1st, so we have NO CLUE how many vaccinated people are out spreading the virus because they QUIT COUNTING! So where are they getting the 'less likely' comment from?? You don't know, and you have no idea how 'less likely' you are to spread it over an unvaccinated person. Yet you're advocating to force people to get an experimental vaccine for the so called 'public health' when you don't even know the numbers. Are you crazy?
Most all of it is unsupportable guesswork , ever changing bullshit
The real hoot will come after they try and force us all into boxcars again for round two of “vaccinations”
In Texas they can. If you were terminated for no cause however, you are entitled to receive unemployment benefit, assuming you worked there long enough.
Bull shit. Terminate me because I’m black, gay, Republican, Christian, Muslim, and enough other situations to fill the rest of this page
Most all of it is unsupportable guesswork , ever changing bullshit
The real hoot will come after they try and force us all into boxcars again for round two of “vaccinations”

It's just ridiculous that you have people blindly advocating to terminate the rights and liberties of their fellow citizens based on such little or no information. And they won't even admit that's exactly what they're doing. How many more times is he going to use 'less likely' without any quantification of what the hell that even means?? Insane.
It's just ridiculous that you have people blindly advocating to terminate the rights and liberties of their fellow citizens based on such little or no information. And they won't even admit that's exactly what they're doing. How many more times is he going to use 'less likely' without any quantification of what the hell that even means?? Insane.
Part of the plot is to use very flexible and specifically undefinable terms to further the confusion and thus fright
Doesn’t work on thinkers.
The government can't "mandate" anything like this.

It will be in the courts for a long long time.
It depends on what government you're talking about. State governments have wide discretionary powers in a healthcare emergency. In some states those powers are enumerated in law in others it's just a general statement. In Washington State, the governor just announced that any county that does not enforce the mask mandate in public schools will have both state and federal funds withheld which would in effect shutdown that school district. And in Florida, the governor announced that funds would be withheld from any county that mandated masks in schools.

Federal mandates are a different matter. Unless the power is enumerated in the constitution, it is a state matter.

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