So if a private business owner says one has to be vaxxed to work there

Here's an idea for people who don't like their employer requiring vaccines.

Sign a waiver with your employer that says if you don't get a vaccine and you then get other coworkers sick that you will pay for their sick leave and also the lost revenue.
You would also need to take on the tort responsibilities for other damages like long term health effects, or death.
We're at 72% vaxxed nationwide, 61% fully vaxxed. We're at more than 80% in our area. You can get vaxxed at your doctor's office now. Canada is also looking at vaccine mandates for government workers, and most places restrict admissions to the vaccinated and the masked.

I fail to understand the howls of rage at continuing to wear masks. I hate them too, but they're not costing me anything, and they're not doing anyone any harm. The rights you people are prepared to fight to the death over, are ridiculous. Picking your battles over stupid shit like masks, just makes you look ill-informed and dangerous to yourself and other.
WTF are you talking about? Do you have any idea what the conversation was about? I don't care what your vaccination rate is, I don't care if you wear or don't wear a mask, I wear one all the time, big woopy do, do you want a cookie? What is ill-informed is you on my opinion. Why don't you make yourself look smart and quit lying about me? It's obvious you can't back up your lies. I hate dishonest right and left winger, and you are a dishonest left winger.
It wasn't an exact law. Though I wouldn't be surprised if the rulings were at least partially based on the "right to work" laws.

A Texas conservative judge appointed by Ronald Reagan ruled that a private business can mandate that a person be vaccinated or they can be fired.

Here is part of his ruling:

"The public's interest in having a hospital capable of caring for patients during a pandemic far outweighs protecting the vaccination preferences of 116 employees," Hughes wrote. "The plaintiffs are not just jeopardizing their own health; they are jeopardizing the health of doctors, nurses, support staff, patients and their families."

Then there is the judge in Indiana who ruled that the University of Indiana can mandate vaccinations. The plaintiffs are appealing the ruling.

Here is part of that ruling:

Federal Judge Damon Leichty denied a request for an injunction, writingthat Indiana University was within its right to create the policy in the “interest of public health” for staff and students.

Then there is the over 100 year ruling by the Supreme Court giving states the right to mandate vaccines with the small pox vaccination.

Finally if people didn't spend so many decades fighting to kill unions, strip worker's rights and give a lot more power to private business people might not be in this situation now.
Thank you for the links, however none of them force you to take the vaccine, you may lose a job however you can't be forced, big difference.
There has always been a threat of communicable disease transmission in any restaurant, nothing has changed and the elimination of risk is impossible and thus not subject to suit.
The only question then is are we currently in a demonstrable and probable more defined and proven dangerous infection probability situation right now. That answer is unknown and unproven and abundance of caution is repression bullshit
Room full of coughing people, odds go up . Room full of normal people equals normal odds.
Thank you for the links, however none of them force you to take the vaccine, you may lose a job however you can't be forced, big difference.
The supreme court has long held that people need to give informed consent to any medical procedure, including vaccination. They can't be forced to undergo even life saving medical procedures.

But.... that doesn't mean they are held harmless from the consequences of that decision.
The supreme court has long held that people need to give informed consent to any medical procedure, including vaccination. They can't be forced to undergo even life saving medical procedures.

But.... that doesn't mean they are held harmless from the consequences of that decision.
Yeah, that is what I wrote.
There has always been a threat of communicable disease transmission in any restaurant, nothing has changed and the elimination of risk is impossible and thus not subject to suit.

These are tangential issues and not relevant to case at hand
It is well known that dress codes and hairstyles in employment are 3rd rail issues and virtually never touched
Really? Ever worked in a law office, or medical office, or in sales, or in person customer service?
Then fire someone because they say Jesus is Lord and wear a necklace so stating
Or a high school coach for praying before a football game?

Deflection of not answering question.
That's a famous case where the schools firing the coach was upheld.

Joe Kennedy, who was fired in 2015 after he refused to stop saying prayers on the field while acting as a public school coach, told "Fox & Friends" on Wednesday that he plans to take his case to the Supreme Court after he lost his latest appeal.

Again.Apples snd oranges. Not hepatitis nor food poisoning
Really? Ever worked in a law office, or medical office, or in sales, or in person customer service?
You cant tell your Rasta guy he must cut his dreds in order to continue to be a salesman at your car business. Does not matter if customers object to his hair, their racism is on them.

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