...so, if the evidence is there -- should we try DTrump?...

The charges against Trump are Fake, and when the man is exonerated the sound of millions of liberal brains exploding would render the rest of us deaf.

Not a good idea.

You underestimate the amount of hatred for the 74 million Little Trumpsters out there.
I don't hate trumpsters. I hate the lying bastards that convinced them that all those lies were true.
Until you come to the realization that people voted mainly AGAINST Trump, it's you that should Don the straightjacket (pun intended).
And, bingo.

This has never been about Trump, and the rubes are only manipulated pawns.

This has been about those who have enabled and advanced this cult of personality.
It has always rubbed libs raw that trump was elected president

And libs are liars if they say they dont deeply resent trump voters also
It has always rubbed libs raw that trump was elected president

And libs are liars if they say they dont deeply resent trump voters also
I resent Trump cheerleaders in the way you resent the person ahead of you with more than ten items in the express lane or drives 10 under the speed limit. They think we should respect their right to selfishness.
I resent Trump cheerleaders in the way you resent the person ahead of you with more than ten items in the express lane or drives 10 under the speed limit. They think we should respect their right to selfishness.
I dont care what your excuse is

The result is the same

Libs hate trump and trump voters

And there us no limit to how far some of you will go to banish your inner demons
":Washington Post" and "thoughtful opinion piece" are mutually exclusive terms.
There are simply no rules or standards for them at this point. They think they're fighting evil, so anything goes, and they'll forgive and ignore anything that advances that agenda.

This is a religious, paranoid rage that most of us will probably never fully understand. That's why we still don't know how to address it.
The Democrats are deranged Nazis, yes.
Trump's cult thinks he is above the law of man and God. There is no possible evidence that can compel them to the realization that they have been had.
Says one of Obama's biggest ass swabs.

Good grief, are you moonbats some awesome tragicomics! :laugh2:
In this morning's Washington Post there is a thoughtful opinion piece by a law professor out of university of Iowa --- Maya Stenitz.

Now look, Professor Stenitz ain't some college prof from corn country.
I love the gratuitous expression of Democratic contempt for middle America in a post supposedly advocating for healing.
She was raised in Israel, served at the Hague and on staffs for trials in Rwanda and in South Sudan. She has seen the international legal system address big and bad actors.
A trial of Trump would not be international. It would be an internal political show, that the world's input would not be needed for.
For the United States, at this time in our political zeitgeist....she posits this, in her own words:

"Some 30 years of research in transitional justice — the multidisciplinary study of how societies can constructively emerge from conflict and assert or reassert democratic values — provides evidence that, contrary to the understandable worry that a trial would be divisive, trials can instead help heal. In fact, they are considered one of the main methods to bring about “truth and reconciliation.”
Sure, when a ruthless dictator has been controlling the press in their country, it is good for the truth to finally come out when the dictator is brought down. Are you seriously claiming that Trump was a ruthless dictator who controlled the press during his time in office?
"Examples of such “transitional trials” include the prosecutions of Slobodan Milosevic in the aftermath of the Balkan wars, and of Augusto Pinochet for human rights violations committed during his presidency of Chile.
Comparing them to Trump is ridiculous that this lady has no credibility anymore.
In a less dramatic example of alleged corruption (rather than human-rights violations and war crimes), former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu is facing criminal charges in a deeply divided Israel. In Italy, former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi has been convicted of tax fraud."
Those are more comparable to Trump. A former leader's opponents are still butthurt even after winning an election, so they go after him with ginned up criminal charges.
"The reasons trials help promote reconciliation are many. Trials are a performative affair. They are, among other things, a drama in which conflict is enacted and resolved. As such, they can compel attention in a way that pierces the disinformation bubble that has contributed to this era’s divisiveness."
Well, she got that part right. The Democrats understood that with their Jan 6 TDS committee show trial. They produced it as a scripted show. They handpicked both the Democrats and the "Republicans" on that committee. But there is just one little problem with that, if you apply the same to a criminal trial. In a criminal trial, the defendent gets what the DNC/DOJ/FBI have been able to deny Trump for seven years: due process. After the prosecution presents its evidence, Trump can take as long as he likes presenting his and calling whatever witnesses he wants.

It's pointless to talk about how badly that would go for the TDS folk, because the TDS folk would never let that happen. No indictment after seven years of fishing tells a smart person that no indictment is coming.
"Trials are about the establishment of truth through evidence, beyond reasonable doubt. The truth gathered and amplified through the drama of a trial creates a historical record and shapes the collective memory. Trials are a stage upon which individuals with firsthand knowledge can be compelled to testify about what they know, and must do so truthfully under penalty of perjury. Trials are as much about educating the public about wrongs that have been done as they are about seeking retribution for harms done (though they are about that as well)."

"At trial, the defendant gets to testify and be heard, and has the opportunity to compel the testimony of others. Milosevic, for instance, used his stage at The Hague to great effect.."


I offer the above because it serves as a reflective and rationale view that ---if the evidence exists ---- then we must not offer 'protections' for criminal wrongdoing to political leaders that the man-on-the-street American is not afforded.

And, in the context of some of the more screechy postings we read on this venue.....it offers America a view that 'civil war', 'armed rebellion by MAGA and QAnon' is not inevitable and not the only course to address America's divisiveness-du-jour.

Your silly lady got that part only half-right, and being half-right is worse in this case than being all wrong.

"Beyond reasonable doubt" is the standard the prosecution would have to meet, not Donald Trump. All Trump would have to do is raise a reasonable doubt and he's found not guilty by law. And that reasonable doubt only has to arise in the mind of one juror, while the prosecution has to convince all twelve jurors. In a criminal trial the rules favor the defense, as a way to balance out the fact that pre-trial, the prosecution holds all the cards.

That's why Operation Get Trump has stayed and will always stay, in the pre-trial phase. There can be no trial. If you think there should be a trial convince Merrick Garland, not Republicans, because he can easily make that happen.

The prosecution (will it be Meuller again, you think?), can come out after losing and snivel that Trump is still "not exonerated," but to his supporters he certainly will be, and right in time for 2024.

You may look forward to a show criminal trial for Trump, but you should have realized by now that this is the one anti-Trump proceding that the Democratic activists on the DOJ/FBI payroll will never give you.
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She offers a cogent and credible rationale that if the evidence is there in sufficient quantity and quality then putting Don Trump on trial would offer the country the opportunity to heal.
Like all the other scam impeachments and investigations that came up with no evidence after empty promises? She makes a great point--extrapolated out, if it does not exist, we should move on and heal. Democrats want domination--not healing.

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