So Is EVERYONE Out To Get Trump?

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Without a google or search and after 8 years can you tell me what Obama's agenda was?

Trump's primary statement on agenda is "Make America Great Again."

I don't believe I ever heard Obama or Hillary say anything close.

His agenda as I see it is to reform Obamacare which we all know needs fixed.

Lower taxes to increase investments thus increase tax revenue

Rebuild the military to which Obama has destroyed

Provide everyone who wants a job a job, if they can work and don't want a job, welllllll.

Protect our borders while still maintaining LEGAL immigration

Allow America to heal without government interference. Allow the healing to happen naturally.
As I remember it.
Obama ran on stopping the nonsense of the previous far right Administration, which included the nonsense in Iraq, the foolish wars, etc.
He ran on closing Guantanamo, which the right stopped him.
He ran on healthcare, which they tried to stop him and lost.
Those are the three main promises I remember he ran on.
He did stop the stupid wars though, and reverse much of the stupid outrageous spending.

Obama ran on stopping the nonsense of the previous far right Administration, which included the nonsense in Iraq, the foolish wars, etc.

Wars that continue and that Hillary and Bill supported? You mean like creating the largest humanitarian crisis since WW2, as in Syria? If what you say was his objective then he did what all liberals do, say one thing and the result is exactly the opposite.

He ran on closing Guantanamo, which the right stopped him.

He could have done it at anytime being CinC. They even bought a prison for them which I assume just ended up being a political favor. None the less, another failure.

He ran on healthcare, which they tried to stop him and lost. And look at the mess we got. Yeah he got it passed on a partisan vote but it is still one huge failure.

Those are the three main promises I remember he ran on.
He did stop the stupid wars though, and reverse much of the stupid outrageous spending.

He didn't reduce spending at all and ballooned the national debt, far worse then any other president.

If you remember what his slogan was, was change. he ran on change. Calling the US a great nation that he wanted to change. Well in the regard he didn't fail. He certainly did change America, for the worse.
  • In the House chamber, Trump made that clear as he spoke briefly but tellingly on immigration. He began not by calling for new legislation — the usual subject matter of such presidential addresses — but by describing what he is doing and what is happening now. His unstated subtext: Facts on the ground have made the “comprehensive”

Read more at: Facts on the Ground Moving Immigration in Trump’s Direction

  • Jan 17, 2017

General Motors says it will invest $1 billion in its U.S. operations, covering a number of new advanced technology, vehicle, and component projects that will lead to 1,500 new and retained jobs.

How General Motors Plans to Create Thousands of U.S. Jobs

  • President Donald Trump on Monday congratulated Exxon Mobil Corporation on its newly-announced $20 billion investment program, which will create more than 45,000 construction and manufacturing jobs in the United States Gulf Coast region.

Trump Praises Exxon Mobil for Plan to Create 45,000 Jobs

  • Jan 23, 2017 ... President Donald Trump started the trend with Carrier, and we've put ... 10 Companies That Are Bringing Jobs Back to America. U.S. companies are responding to Trump with a series of American job announcements ... The company previously announced a $6.8 billion capital investment plan back in

10 Companies That Are Bringing Jobs Back to America

  • On the table was Bayer’s planned takeover of Monsanto Company (NYSE:MON).

After the meeting, Bayer representatives announced that as part of their purchase of Monsanto, they were committing to keeping Monsanto’s 9,000 U.S. jobs in the country, plus adding 3,000 new high-tech jobs for American workers.

The promises don’t stop there. In addition, Bayer says it will direct half of a planned $16 billion in agricultural research spending over the next six years to the U.S

  •, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN) put out a press release on Jan. 12 announcing it will be embarking on an ambitious hiring spree.

According to Amazon, it will be creating 100,000 new jobs for American workers over the next 18 months.

More importantly, these are not part-time or casual positions. Amazon says its hiring spree will add 100,000 full-time U.S. jobs, with full benefits. Positions will range from entry-level jobs at Amazon’s fulfillment centers to engineers and software developers, and they will be located all across the country.

  • Ford Motor Company (NYSE:F) had been planning to build a $1.6 billion factory in Mexico.

Instead, the company announced it was cancelling the Mexican car factory and added that it would invest $700 million to expand its Flat Rock Michigan factory. The money will go toward manufacturing high-tech electric, hybrid and autonomous cars and adds 700 U.S. jobs.

  • International Business Machines Corp. (NYSE:IBM) has spent years transitioning its business away from PCs and into IT services. Along the way, it has jettisoned thousands of U.S. workers in favor of hiring support staff based in countries where labor is cheap, such as India.

In May 2016 the company announced another round of U.S. layoffs, described by employees as “massive.”

But by the end of the year IBM’s strategy had changed, in dramatic fashion.

In December, IBM CEO Ginni Rometty announced her company had plans to invest $1 billion in the U.S. over the next four years, and that it will be filling 25,000 new U.S-based positions.

  • Wal-Mart Stores Inc (NYSE:WMT) claims to be the largest private employer in the country, with nearly 1.5 million American workers.

The company previously announced a $6.8 billion capital investment plan back in October, but this week — in the spirit of President Donald Trump’s calls to create U.S. jobs — Walmart put out a press release outlining details as part of its “2017 goals for American job growth and community investment.

Look for Walmart to hire 10,000 new retail employees. In addition, the company estimates that the construction or remodeling of stores, distribution centers and other facilities will support a further 24,000 construction-related jobs.

  • Sprint Corp (NYSE:S) has been rather vague about the details of its plans, but the company insists that it will be responsible for 5,000 new U.S. jobs.

Sprint made the initial announcement in December. It confirmed that the 5,000 new positions were in addition to 5,000 hires it had announced in April — that earlier deal included the opening of new stores plus a fleet of vehicles for delivering smartphones to customers.

It’s possible that some of these 5,000 positions will work for contractors instead of directly for Sprint, but whoever ultimately signs their paychecks, they will be American workers.

  • Count Lockheed Martin Corporation (NYSE:LMT) among the companies committing to hiring more American workers.

The CEO of the aerospace and defense contractor met with President Donald Trump last week. After the meeting, Lockheed Martin announced that besides lowering the cost of the F-35 fighter jet, the company will hire an additional 1,800 workers at the Texas plant where the airplane is built.

In addition to the direct hires, Lockheed Martin pointed out the ripple effect that it expects will create “thousands and thousands” of supply chain jobs across the U.S.

  • Yet another auto manufacturer is planning to hire more American workers in the near future, but this one’s a foreign company: Hyundai Motor Co (OTCMKTS:HYMLF).

The South Korean auto maker announced it will boost its spending in the U.S. by 50% over planned levels, spending $3.1 billion over the next five years.

That money will go to retooling Hyundai’s existing U.S. factories and research into high-tech systems such as autonomous vehicles. Hyundai said it is also considering building a new factory specifically to build premium vehicles for the U.S. market.

It also announced a $700 million investment in an existing Michigan plant to build more electric vehicles, creating 700 more jobs in the United States.

10 Companies That Are Bringing Jobs Back to America

Let me know when you want to cry "Uncle".
Trump is his own worst enemy and he doesn't see it. No one can stop him from tweeting.
Trump was his own worst enemy when he was running against 16 other Republicans for the nomination and then again when he ran against the most qualified and smartest candidate to run for public office since Pericles.

At some point you need insight and reflection.
Or, is it just that he's so unfit and unworthy of the job that he's making a total and complete mess of being a United States of American President?

It can't be both.

P.S. - Trump under investigation for Obstruction of Justice.

The narrative has been set by progressive idiots, so they have no choice but to drink the Kool-aid and go along with whatever new "scandal" pops up.

All they can hope for is one of them sticks, who cares if it hurts the country or not.
  • Following our laws regarding immigration
  • Bringing jobs back to the US
  • Building trust again with our allies
  • Building a wall on our Southern border
  • Tax reform
  • Nullifying NAFTA
  • Cutting the overreaching of the EPA
1. He just pissed on that today. Dreamers welcome.
2. Not working.
3. Just the opposite.
4. Useless and Mexico isn't paying for it.
5. Not gonna happen
6. Also not happening so far.
7. Overreach = you now can't drink the water again.
Provide your links.
When you do it first, Jackson. That is how it is played.
Gotcha! I just posted them...with quotes from the companies involved.
I believe the left is sabotaging his presidency with innuendo turning into investigations. To prove my point, just when did the left call for his impeachment? January 21, 2017!
the whole ''left'' or ONE PERSON on the left, maxine waters?
  • Following our laws regarding immigration
  • Bringing jobs back to the US
  • Building trust again with our allies
  • Building a wall on our Southern border
  • Tax reform
  • Nullifying NAFTA
  • Cutting the overreaching of the EPA
Immigration laws have been followed.
What jobs has he brought back?
The trust has been pretty much decimated under the Trump Administration
Good luck with that wall.
Tax reform? You mean give more money to the rich by taxing the poor? Good luck with that.
What does NAFTA do?
How is the EPA overreaching? Was it prudent to put someone in charge of it who doesn't even know what it does?
"Immigration laws have been followed."

CT Gov. Tells Officials Not to Follow Federal Immigration Law

CT Gov. Tells Officials Not to Follow Federal Immigration Law

Connecticut's governor has issued a memo to his state's authorities, asking them not to abide by federal law regarding illegal immigrants, the Hartford Courant reported.

Gov. Dannel Malloy, chairman of the Democratic Governors Association, told both school and law enforcement officials they may disregard federal procedures for handling illegal immigrants, in the wake of a recent executive order.

State agencies won’t enforce federal immigration laws, Inslee says

State agencies won’t enforce federal immigration laws, Inslee says

UPDATED: Thu., Feb. 23, 2017, 5:15 p.m.

State agencies won’t enforce federal immigration laws, Inslee says

'I’m not going to do it.' Police aren't eager to help Trump enforce immigration laws

'I’m not going to do it.' Police aren't eager to help Trump enforce immigration laws

Chicago Public School Officials Promise To Obstruct The Enforcement Of Trump's Immigration Law

Chicago Public School Officials Promise To Obstruct The Enforcement Of Trump's Immigration Law | Zero Hedge

So, I have provided about 13 links to dispel your nonsense. Each of them coming from the originator of the action...not a left wing fluff blog.

Now calmly get a hold of yourself (not literally) and apologize for being wrong.
MarcArl has left the building. He was denied any plausibility after links were provided proved him to be a brainwashed Snowflake. Now melt!
Or, is it just that he's so unfit and unworthy of the job that he's making a total and complete mess of being a United States of American President?

It can't be both.

P.S. - Trump under investigation for Obstruction of Justice.
Pay attention to what he's been able to accomplish so far even though he's being fought on every issue. Then notice how rabid the left has been to stop him and even broken almost every law on the books to do it. To be honest with all that they keep trying to spin on him while spewing such hateful rhetoric that's literally putting him in the cross hairs of every lunatic waiting to take a shot, I think it's awesome he's managed to get anything done at all.

But instead of talking about him, let's talk about what the Democrats have done:

1. They stopped Trump's travel ban which would stop would be terrorists from entering without proper vetting.

2. They continue to harbor illegals in Sanctuary Cities which is not to help them but rather to gain their votes in upcoming elections which they intend to rig like they did in the 2016 one.

3. They continue to do nothing except go after Trump and his team like it's their job to let all else slide and instead find something/anything they can to impeach them. That endeavor takes their full focus. How is that helping the American people?

4. All the criminality Comey has been guilty of that includes covering for Hillary, Loretta Lynch, and Obama which if not for him and the court system was legit, they'd no doubt be incarcerated today.

5. Given the fact much of Hillary and Obama's actions were downright treasonous, those two realistically could be facing the death penalty right now if anyone really gave a rat's ass about making sure justice is served.

5. The DNC has become so corrupt in fact they've now assembled a Kangaroo court to impeach Trump using Mueller who as it turned out is a personal friend of Comey's. Talk about a conflict of interest and an OBVIOUS SET UP! Anyone else with actual integrity wouldn't have even accepted the job. And in fact Mueller should actually be facing disbarment for doing so. That is again IF the system wasn't so corrupt.

Bottom line, the American people should be beyond frenzied about not only what the democrats and their biased media minions are doing which includes breaking the law, but also be livid with the GOP as well who should be fighting them but are instead standing idly by allowing Trump to fry. All of which is probably due to them getting even against the upstart that had the audacity to shove them aside and take the presidency away from them.

Due to all of this, the average American has become so frustrated that it really is no wonder some are becoming unhinged and therefore hitting the streets to take the law into their own hands. If something isn't done soon to stop the democrats, more will copy that nut job Hodgkinson until the country is engaged in a civil war which no doubt would have Obama grinning from ear to ear since that's obviously been his goal all along.
Last edited:
Or, is it just that he's so unfit and unworthy of the job that he's making a total and complete mess of being a United States of American President?

It can't be both.

P.S. - Trump under investigation for Obstruction of Justice.
Pay attention to what he's been able to accomplish so far even though he's being fought on every issue. Then notice how rabid the left has been to stop him and even broken almost every law on the books to do it. To be honest with all that they keep trying to spin on him while spewing such hateful rhetoric that's literally putting him in the cross hairs of every lunatic waiting to take a shot, I think it's awesome he's managed to get anything done at all.

But instead of talking about him, let's talk about what the Democrats have done:

1. They stopped Trump's travel ban which would stop would be terrorists from entering without proper vetting.

2. They continue to harbor illegals in Sanctuary Cities which is not to help them but rather to gain their votes in upcoming elections which they intend to rig like they did in the 2016 one.

3. They continue to do nothing except go after Trump and his team like it's their job to let all else slide and instead find something/anything they can to impeach them. That endeavor takes their full focus. How is that helping the American people?

4. All the criminality Comey has been guilty of that includes covering for Hillary, Loretta Lynch, and Obama which if not for him and the court system was legit, they'd no doubt be incarcerated today.

5. Given the fact much of Hillary and Obama's actions were downright treasonous, those two realistically could be facing the death penalty right now if anyone really gave a rat's ass about making sure justice is served.

5. The DNC has become so corrupt in fact they've now assembled a Kangaroo court to impeach Trump using Mueller who as it turned out is a personal friend of Comey's. Talk about a conflict of interest and an OBVIOUS SET UP! Anyone else with actual integrity wouldn't have even accepted the job. And in fact Mueller should actually be facing disbarment for doing so that is, IF the system wasn't so corrupt.

Bottom line, the American people should be beyond frenzied about not only what the democrats and their biased media minions are doing which includes breaking the law, but also be livid with the GOP as well who should be fighting them but are instead standing idly by allowing Trump to fry. All of which is probably due to them getting even against the upstart that had the audacity to shove them aside and take the presidency away from them.

Due to all of this, the average American has become so frustrated that it really is no wonder some are becoming unhinged and therefore hitting the streets to take the law into their own hands. If something isn't done soon to stop the democrats, more will copy that nut job Hodgkinson until the country is engaged in a civil war which no doubt would have Obama grinning from ear to ear since that's obviously been his goal all along.
That is a well thought out post. Thank you for the insight. Most snowflakes won't be moved, but those who are more independent will be, Thank you.
It's possible that the left isn't satisfied with "getting" Trump in a political sense but the wild crazy cool-aid drinking left wing assassins might be planning something far more sinister. Why else would Schumer allow the N.Y. left wing elites to put on a (taxpayer funded) play designed for the masses in Central Park that depicts the graphic murder of the President?
No, OP, the guy wants to work and to get the things done.

You, liberals, are the the mess of America and all your "leaders" are just crooks and enemies of your country and all mankind.
He wants to work huh?

Can you tell me his agenda?
SCOTUS appoited, revenue up in tax collection. more people working with real income jobs, why revenues are up. corps are staying in US. yelling at the GOP to pass his tax and healthcare bill. regs all lifted for corporations to hire.
Trump is out to get himself. He doesnt need anyones help,

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