So Is EVERYONE Out To Get Trump?

Are You Still A Trump Supporter?

  • Yes, I supported him from the beginning, and still support him now

    Votes: 5 22.7%
  • Yes, I didn't before, but I'm supporting him now

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • No, I I supported him in the beginning, but not anymore

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, I didn't support him in the begging, and I don't support him now

    Votes: 16 72.7%

  • Total voters
I just wonder how long Trump and his supporters are going to continue to blame everyone else?
Coyote, I agree that Trump has perpetuated some of this grief by tweeting. But it has gone too far. Just when are the congressmen going to do the country's work for their own safety and prosperity.

Most of Trumps wounds are self-inflicted - he's his own worst enemy. I'll just point out that both Bush and Obama have been the victims of horrible character attacks, investigations etc. Both kept their heads down and continued doing their jobs. If Trump had done that, and allowed the investigations to wind up to their conclusions, half this mess would be nonexistent.
that seems to imply the man likes what he's doing eh?

You mean stirring things up like that?
yep. he continues doing it right? again, I have no issue with him tweeting.

I think it's because he lacks impulse control and has to reflexively fire back. The problem is - it creates chaos and uncertainty and he's focus'ing on a twitter storm instead of doing his job. To me - it makes me uncomfortable because I expect a president to be in personal control of himself, and to be aware that he is in a position of power and his words matter, even off the cuff. For someone like Trump, twitter is the absolutely worst medium because it's so instantaneous there is no time to think about whether he should sit and think about it first. Twitter has been getting a lot of public figures in trouble lately...
Trump is like a foreign object in America's body and it is pushing him out it's rectum.

The last time I looked at the Drudge web site was ten years ago. It still looks like a web site from 2001.
Coyote, I agree that Trump has perpetuated some of this grief by tweeting. But it has gone too far. Just when are the congressmen going to do the country's work for their own safety and prosperity.

Most of Trumps wounds are self-inflicted - he's his own worst enemy. I'll just point out that both Bush and Obama have been the victims of horrible character attacks, investigations etc. Both kept their heads down and continued doing their jobs. If Trump had done that, and allowed the investigations to wind up to their conclusions, half this mess would be nonexistent.
that seems to imply the man likes what he's doing eh?

You mean stirring things up like that?
yep. he continues doing it right? again, I have no issue with him tweeting.

I think it's because he lacks impulse control and has to reflexively fire back. The problem is - it creates chaos and uncertainty and he's focus'ing on a twitter storm instead of doing his job. To me - it makes me uncomfortable because I expect a president to be in personal control of himself, and to be aware that he is in a position of power and his words matter, even off the cuff. For someone like Trump, twitter is the absolutely worst medium because it's so instantaneous there is no time to think about whether he should sit and think about it first. Twitter has been getting a lot of public figures in trouble lately...
it is who he is. I've accepted it. what other choice do I have. he likes it. he thinks he is offering his base news he doesn't think reaches them through the MSM. I'm ok with that.
Trump is like a foreign object in America's body and it is pushing him out it's rectum.

The last time I looked at the Drudge web site was ten years ago. It still looks like a web site from 2001.
don't go near it.
Most of Trumps wounds are self-inflicted - he's his own worst enemy. I'll just point out that both Bush and Obama have been the victims of horrible character attacks, investigations etc. Both kept their heads down and continued doing their jobs. If Trump had done that, and allowed the investigations to wind up to their conclusions, half this mess would be nonexistent.
that seems to imply the man likes what he's doing eh?

You mean stirring things up like that?
yep. he continues doing it right? again, I have no issue with him tweeting.

I think it's because he lacks impulse control and has to reflexively fire back. The problem is - it creates chaos and uncertainty and he's focus'ing on a twitter storm instead of doing his job. To me - it makes me uncomfortable because I expect a president to be in personal control of himself, and to be aware that he is in a position of power and his words matter, even off the cuff. For someone like Trump, twitter is the absolutely worst medium because it's so instantaneous there is no time to think about whether he should sit and think about it first. Twitter has been getting a lot of public figures in trouble lately...
it is who he is. I've accepted it. what other choice do I have. he likes it. he thinks he is offering his base news he doesn't think reaches them through the MSM. I'm ok with that.
That's true we never knew about his covfefe before...
Or, is it just that he's so unfit and unworthy of the job that he's making a total and complete mess of being a United States of American President?

It can't be both.

P.S. - Trump under investigation for Obstruction of Justice.
The left is working overtime trying to find out what to investigations they can dream up next.
Please. This coming from the party of open ended fishing expeditions? Besides, the Dems are the minority party. They can't initiate any investigations.
We don't know what we don't know,

but we do know that there's been an awful lot of closed door sessions related to this Russia/Trump investigation.

We may never know what has been discovered in those sessions.

It sure seems that while the Republicans were initially uninterested in this investigation, recently they've been very serious about it.

If the President has committed a heinous crime, would congress protect the integrity of the Presidency and/or the election system by only publicly charging the president with the least crime that would still validate impeachment?

Until this investigation is over, we know little about what is known by Congress - and perhaps not even then.
  • Following our laws regarding immigration
  • Bringing jobs back to the US
  • Building trust again with our allies
  • Building a wall on our Southern border
  • Tax reform
  • Nullifying NAFTA
  • Cutting the overreaching of the EPA
Immigration laws have been followed.
What jobs has he brought back?
The trust has been pretty much decimated under the Trump Administration
Good luck with that wall.
Tax reform? You mean give more money to the rich by taxing the poor? Good luck with that.
What does NAFTA do?
How is the EPA overreaching? Was it prudent to put someone in charge of it who doesn't even know what it does?

Wow you are absolutely relentless in your hate mongering. I'm guessing you also aren't willing to admit every issue Trump has tried to address, Obama's corrupt judges have managed to put a monkey wrench in keeping them bound tight in courts either huh? You know like the travel ban which is probably THE most important one because it won't matter how many jobs and factories are brought back to the states if all the employees and buildings are blown up anyway, right?

Then there's the voting against his modification of Obamacare which we knew would happen seeing how rabid the left is about that subject.

Also liberals are continuing to fight Trump erecting any kind of walls or borders because they want the U.S. wide open while they keep bringing in those intent on killing us.

At the present I don't think anyone knows where Trump is on the issue of taxes or anything else for that matter although I know he went to Miami and they're singing his praises there, so more will be coming about that soon. But maybe not because a lot of things Trump's doing isn't being televised which is by BY DESIGN because leftist media refuses to say anything good about him. Between that, everything tied up in courts, and him dodging hate filled progressives that have him in their cross hairs, I'm surprised he can accomplish too much at all.

Bottom line which I even stated during the campaign, "A vote for Trump would be a vote AGAINST the corruption and tyranny of the left who would continue to destroy and decay the nation. Even if he get's zero, nada, nothing, or squat accomplished, it would still be better than the status quo who would continue to degrade the U.S. even more." And I still stand by that statement.
Or, is it just that he's so unfit and unworthy of the job that he's making a total and complete mess of being a United States of American President?

It can't be both.

P.S. - Trump under investigation for Obstruction of Justice.
No offense, but I don't really agree with the options, so I didn't do the poll. Trump got elected. He's potus for 4 years. I don't like it, but there it is.

I think at the end of the day we'll see he and his associates did some very odd biz deals with the Ruskies and other non-democratic countries. (Putin kills journalists and even opposition pols, so I don't see Russia as a democracy in terms of free elections)

The dumbest thing the Orange Clown did was fire Comey. If the moves against Rosenstien and Mueller .... I don't see Ryan having the stones to impeach him, but the gop will lose the house and possibly not increase their senate numbers.
Trump is his own worst enemy and he doesn't see it. No one can stop him from tweeting.
thats what i say too.....he doesnt know when to keep his mouth shut.....
he's brilliant.
whats he brilliant at....being an ass?....if so,yea he sure is....
you're demonstrating it. thanks.
dont worry trump has everyone beat at being an ass.....the guy doesnt know when to keep his mouth shut...

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