So Is EVERYONE Out To Get Trump?

Are You Still A Trump Supporter?

  • Yes, I supported him from the beginning, and still support him now

    Votes: 5 22.7%
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    Votes: 1 4.5%
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    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, I didn't support him in the begging, and I don't support him now

    Votes: 16 72.7%

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I am looking for someone ro bring this country right side up again. I believe in his platform and still believe he can do it.
Another rightwinger who didn't directly answer the OP.

So since you brought up his platform.

Can you briefly tell me what it is?
  • Following our laws regarding immigration
  • Bringing jobs back to the US
  • Building trust again with our allies
  • Building a wall on our Southern border
  • Tax reform
  • Nullifying NAFTA
  • Cutting the overreaching of the EPA
The left is working overtime trying to find out what to investigations they can dream up next.
As usual, more vague and nonsensical claptrap for a resident rightwinger.

Is Mueller part of "the left?"
No, OP, the guy wants to work and to get the things done.

You, liberals, are the the mess of America and all your "leaders" are just crooks and enemies of your country and all mankind.
He wants to work huh?

Can you tell me his agenda?

His agenda is like a teenage girl that creates more drama daily by tweeting.
BTW he's going down to Miami today, probably end up golfing in between tweets.
Or on the phone convincing more companies to bring manufacturing back to America. They do have phones in Florida, don't they?
The left is working overtime trying to find out what to investigations they can dream up next.
As usual, more vague and nonsensical claptrap for a resident rightwinger.

Is Mueller part of "the left?"
Without a google or search and after 8 years can you tell me what Obama's agenda was?

Trump's primary statement on agenda is "Make America Great Again."

I don't believe I ever heard Obama or Hillary say anything close.

His agenda as I see it is to reform Obamacare which we all know needs fixed.

Lower taxes to increase investments thus increase tax revenue

Rebuild the military to which Obama has destroyed

Provide everyone who wants a job a job, if they can work and don't want a job, welllllll.

Protect our borders while still maintaining LEGAL immigration

Allow America to heal without government interference. Allow the healing to happen naturally.
  • Following our laws regarding immigration
  • Bringing jobs back to the US
  • Building trust again with our allies
  • Building a wall on our Southern border
  • Tax reform
  • Nullifying NAFTA
  • Cutting the overreaching of the EPA
Immigration laws have been followed.
What jobs has he brought back?
The trust has been pretty much decimated under the Trump Administration
Good luck with that wall.
Tax reform? You mean give more money to the rich by taxing the poor? Good luck with that.
What does NAFTA do?
How is the EPA overreaching? Was it prudent to put someone in charge of it who doesn't even know what it does?
The premise is wrong. Not all Americans are butt-hurt snowflakes.
The OP premise is what your current President has been espousing.

That everyone is out to get him.

He speaks it and tweets it every day, all day.

That's all he does practically, that and golf.

A witch hunt! Hilarious. Yes, he's off to Florida AGAIN today, ostensibly to conduct business. Big, fat-assed flaming bag of pus.
  • Following our laws regarding immigration
  • Bringing jobs back to the US
  • Building trust again with our allies
  • Building a wall on our Southern border
  • Tax reform
  • Nullifying NAFTA
  • Cutting the overreaching of the EPA
1. He just pissed on that today. Dreamers welcome.
2. Not working.
3. Just the opposite.
4. Useless and Mexico isn't paying for it.
5. Not gonna happen
6. Also not happening so far.
7. Overreach = you now can't drink the water again.
Or, is it just that he's so unfit and unworthy of the job that he's making a total and complete mess of being a United States of American President?

It can't be both.

P.S. - Trump under investigation for Obstruction of Justice.
The left is working overtime trying to find out what to investigations they can dream up next.

No need to work overtime. just read his tweets. He makes sure that everyone is aware of his latest prosecutable actions.
The left is working overtime trying to find out what to investigations they can dream up next.
As usual, more vague and nonsensical claptrap for a resident rightwinger.

Is Mueller part of "the left?"
No, OP, the guy wants to work and to get the things done.

You, liberals, are the the mess of America and all your "leaders" are just crooks and enemies of your country and all mankind.
He wants to work huh?

Can you tell me his agenda?

His agenda is like a teenage girl that creates more drama daily by tweeting.
BTW he's going down to Miami today, probably end up golfing in between tweets.
Or on the phone convincing more companies to bring manufacturing back to America. They do have phones in Florida, don't they?

He's going down to talk and squash Cuba ties then he'll play golf and tweet. Then this weekend fire Mueller and Rosenstein.
Without a google or search and after 8 years can you tell me what Obama's agenda was?

Trump's primary statement on agenda is "Make America Great Again."

I don't believe I ever heard Obama or Hillary say anything close.

His agenda as I see it is to reform Obamacare which we all know needs fixed.

Lower taxes to increase investments thus increase tax revenue

Rebuild the military to which Obama has destroyed

Provide everyone who wants a job a job, if they can work and don't want a job, welllllll.

Protect our borders while still maintaining LEGAL immigration

Allow America to heal without government interference. Allow the healing to happen naturally.
As I remember it.
Obama ran on stopping the nonsense of the previous far right Administration, which included the nonsense in Iraq, the foolish wars, etc.
He ran on closing Guantanamo, which the right stopped him.
He ran on healthcare, which they tried to stop him and lost.
Those are the three main promises I remember he ran on.
He did stop the stupid wars though, and reverse much of the stupid outrageous spending.
President Pence, while helping the GOP congressional right put its legislation in a program that will pass, does not threaten the basic institutions and values of American and the Constitution and its values.

Trump would if he can turn America into a totalitarian state.
The left is working overtime trying to find out what to investigations they can dream up next.
As usual, more vague and nonsensical claptrap for a resident rightwinger.

Is Mueller part of "the left?"
Without a google or search and after 8 years can you tell me what Obama's agenda was?

Trump's primary statement on agenda is "Make America Great Again."

I don't believe I ever heard Obama or Hillary say anything close.

His agenda as I see it is to reform Obamacare which we all know needs fixed.

Lower taxes to increase investments thus increase tax revenue

Rebuild the military to which Obama has destroyed

Provide everyone who wants a job a job, if they can work and don't want a job, welllllll.

Protect our borders while still maintaining LEGAL immigration

Allow America to heal without government interference. Allow the healing to happen naturally.
Trump's primary statement on agenda is "Make America Great Again."

I don't believe I ever heard Obama or Hillary say anything close.

Well, he went on an apology tour around the world. Denying anything positive about America.

Protect our borders while still maintaining LEGAL immigration

While the former president continually ignored the laws of the our land on immigration.
President Pence, while helping the GOP congressional right put its legislation in a program that will pass, does not threaten the basic institutions and values of American and the Constitution and its values.

Trump would if he can turn America into a totalitarian state.

"Institutions"...does that include ignoring our immigration laws?
  • Following our laws regarding immigration
  • Bringing jobs back to the US
  • Building trust again with our allies
  • Building a wall on our Southern border
  • Tax reform
  • Nullifying NAFTA
  • Cutting the overreaching of the EPA
1. He just pissed on that today. Dreamers welcome.
2. Not working.
3. Just the opposite.
4. Useless and Mexico isn't paying for it.
5. Not gonna happen
6. Also not happening so far.
7. Overreach = you now can't drink the water again.
Provide your links.
  • Following our laws regarding immigration
  • Bringing jobs back to the US
  • Building trust again with our allies
  • Building a wall on our Southern border
  • Tax reform
  • Nullifying NAFTA
  • Cutting the overreaching of the EPA
Immigration laws have been followed.
What jobs has he brought back?
The trust has been pretty much decimated under the Trump Administration
Good luck with that wall.
Tax reform? You mean give more money to the rich by taxing the poor? Good luck with that.
What does NAFTA do?
How is the EPA overreaching? Was it prudent to put someone in charge of it who doesn't even know what it does?

Immigration laws have been followed. So you are saying there are no illegals in the country? Even those who kill Americans are following the law? Really?

What jobs has he brought back?
Have you bought ANYTHING in the last year? If you have I seriously doubt it was made in the USA.

Tax reform? You mean give more money to the rich by taxing the poor? Good luck with that. Really, you think that Trump is going to lower taxes on the rich and tax the poor more? Are you really that jaded or just playing dumb? How does someone tax people who don't make money? How do you give a tax cut to those who don't make money?

What does NAFTA do?
Just as predicted when Clinton signed it, NAFTA created a giant sucking sound of jobs, Perot was correct.
  • Following our laws regarding immigration
  • Bringing jobs back to the US
  • Building trust again with our allies
  • Building a wall on our Southern border
  • Tax reform
  • Nullifying NAFTA
  • Cutting the overreaching of the EPA
1. He just pissed on that today. Dreamers welcome.
2. Not working.
3. Just the opposite.
4. Useless and Mexico isn't paying for it.
5. Not gonna happen
6. Also not happening so far.
7. Overreach = you now can't drink the water again.
Provide your links.
When you do it first, Jackson. That is how it is played.
Trump is his own worst enemy and he doesn't see it. No one can stop him from tweeting.

He knows what he is doing. He has been the tabloid King for years and lives for the negative attention he creates. He plays the victim because he knows it builds his base and it is like watching Wrestling with the fake taunts and knowing it is nothing but a joke!
Or, is it just that he's so unfit and unworthy of the job that he's making a total and complete mess of being a United States of American President?

It can't be both.

P.S. - Trump under investigation for Obstruction of Justice.

The left is working overtime trying to find out what to investigations they can dream up next.

We hired Darryll Issa as our Inquisitor, in several years and after a dozen or more committee hearings at the cost of million's of dollars he will dream up something. Maybe he can connect The Donald to Solyndra, or Behghzi or the Exxon Valdez?

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