So is Ted Cruz the "Face of the GOP"?

its amazing how the media leads folks by the nose, wendy davis gets loads of great press , but, shes a nincompoop, she doesn't even know her own subject but hey, the media agrees with her stance, so she gets set up as speaking truth to power and cruz, gets trashed, for what< wanting to defund a bill that our own president and biggest sppter. ( along with his minions how helped, unions et al) has to help massage becasue its a mess.....and, in the end, over 50% of the 'people' don't think its viable, but hey, how cares, you folks only care about that when you va play it your way like the iraq war, how many polls I saw showing poor sppt., etc. and that was the people speaking to bush a telling them to back off, here?

The sheep bleat on cue.
there really is no one face of any party. by default the president is usually considered the leader, however, to claim that there is only person who is the face of a party is to show how naive you are about politics.
Thanatos still does not understand that he is in fact an online windup toy of the far right.
Rafael Cruz is the face of Joe McCarthy.....

Eat a dick, racist.....
Rafael Cruz is the face of Joe McCarthy.....

Eat a dick, racist.....

The dictionary and the Obama administration are the only two places where success comes before work....

You have one post with so few words and so many lies. In your avatar, you say being president was Obama's first "real" job. Even though he worked as a kid at a soda counter, he worked on Wall Street. And one wonders if you ever went to college. Because Obama not only graduated with honors, he taught constitutional law at the university level for 10 years. That's why I don't think you've ever been to college. Ignorant right wingers imagine that all college is, is drinking and mindless sex and wasted money. It's why they think education is for snobs. And since they've never been there, they will always see college in that way.

Cruz IS the new face of McCarthy. He even says we need a hundred Jesse Helms in the Senate.

Success comes before work? Only if you earned your money the old fashioned way, you inherited it. Like so many right wing heroes.
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Rafael Cruz is the face of Joe McCarthy.....

Eat a dick, racist.....

The dictionary and the Obama administration are the only two places where success comes before work....

You have one post with so few words and so many lies. In your avatar, you say being president was Obama's first "real" job. Even though he worked as a kid at a soda counter, he worked on Wall Street. And one wonders if you ever went to college. Because Obama not only graduated with honors, he taught constitutional law at the university level for 10 years. That's why I don't think you've ever been to college. Ignorant right wingers imagine that all college is, is drinking and mindless sex and wasted money. It's why they think education is for snobs. And since they've never been there, they will always see college in that way.

Cruz IS the new face of McCarthy. He even says we need a hundred Jesse Helms in the Senate.

Success comes before work? Only if you earned your money the old fashioned way, you inherited it. Like so many right wing heroes.

Get all of Obama's records unsealed to prove all this stuff you're saying.... :thup:

I'll give you an example of "success before work", what work did Obama put in to win the Nobel Peace Prize? The "famous" speech in Cairo? :lol: How's that working out?

You cult of personality bedwetters set the bar so low for this guy, if he wipes his ass well enough to not have skidmarks in his underwear, it's the greatest accomplishment ever. If he does get skidmarks, that's cool too, just demonize Charmin ........:thup:
I have a never ending quest to find out who the REAL leader is of the GOP. Someone the whole party can unite behind. But I'm beginning to think the ENTIRE GOP party is nothing but RINO's since every time I bring up a name that's what my conservative friends call him or her.

But now we see REAL leadership from Ted Cruz. He's the darling of at least some of the GOP and ALL of the Tea Party (who think they are the only REAL Republicans). Can he be the one????

"They have allowed Ted Cruz to be their face, write their charter, and steer their ship," said senior White House adviser Dan Pfeiffer. "That is a decision that has real consequences for how the American people view the Republican Party as we head into this debate."

Still, if the White House is eager to stitch Cruz' name to the Republican Party banner, many Senate Republicans were doing their best to distance themselves from the Texan and his aggressive tactics.

Obama's no-negotiation stance setting new tone

Ted Cruz is the face of Ted Cruz, unlike the attached-at-the-hip libtardian democrats, republicans think for themselves, have personal credibility, and stand up for their personal beliefs.

Just like the founders of this nation. While the democrats are more like the founders of North Korea.
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Can Democrats NOT WIN unless they are SLANDERING PEOPLE?

They went and dug up, McCarthy to LABEL people are a sad bunch of sheep
Can Democrats NOT WIN unless they are SLANDERING PEOPLE?

They went and dug up, McCarthy to LABEL people are a sad bunch of sheep

Wow. You're serious, aren't you?

Like saying Obama was not born in the US (even though he showed his birth certificate), is a Muslim, a Kenyon and Rush playing "Barrack The Magic Negro" on his radio program is not slander?

Your fake outrage is duly noted. :doubt:
Can Democrats NOT WIN unless they are SLANDERING PEOPLE?

They went and dug up, McCarthy to LABEL people are a sad bunch of sheep

Wow. You're serious, aren't you?

Like saying Obama was not born in the US (even though he showed his birth certificate), is a Muslim, a Kenyon and Rush playing "Barrack The Magic Negro" on his radio program is not slander?

Your fake outrage is duly noted. :doubt:

like we aren't TALKING about your dear Leader...
but you might need some cheese

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