So is Ted Cruz the "Face of the GOP"?

Rafael Cruz is the face of Joe McCarthy.....

So you think like McCarthy Cruz will be demonized even though he was dead on correct?

Twenty years ago, Switzerland had a system very similar to America’s–private insurers, private providers–with very similar problems. People didn’t buy insurance but ended up in emergency rooms, insurers screened out people with pre-existing conditions, and costs were rising fast. The country came to the conclusion that to make health care work, everyone had to buy insurance. So the Swiss passed an individual mandate and reformed their system along lines very similar to Obamacare. The result two decades later: quality of care remains very high, everyone has access, and costs have moderated. Switzerland spends 11% of its GDP on health care, compared with 17% in the U.S. Overall satisfaction with the system is high.

Health Insurance is for Everyone | Fareed Zakaria
Oh have democrats chosed Ted Cruz to be the republican leader today? They chose Rand Paul just a few days ago.

I love to see democrats pissing themselves trying to roll over these young dynamic republicans when all they have are old has beens.
Rafael Cruz is the face of Joe McCarthy.....

So you think like McCarthy Cruz will be demonized even though he was dead on correct?

Twenty years ago, Switzerland had a system very similar to America’s–private insurers, private providers–with very similar problems. People didn’t buy insurance but ended up in emergency rooms, insurers screened out people with pre-existing conditions, and costs were rising fast. The country came to the conclusion that to make health care work, everyone had to buy insurance. So the Swiss passed an individual mandate and reformed their system along lines very similar to Obamacare. The result two decades later: quality of care remains very high, everyone has access, and costs have moderated. Switzerland spends 11% of its GDP on health care, compared with 17% in the U.S. Overall satisfaction with the system is high.

Health Insurance is for Everyone | Fareed Zakaria
I am going to guess since you dodged my question with nonsensical socialist drivel that you agree with it.
Conservatives do not need a political leader. We can think on our own, draw from different sources of information, make our own decisions.

Most progressives feel much more comfortable being subjugated by a 'Dear Leader'. Its why the rabid left has always immortalized their leaders: Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Che Obama.

We may support a politician like Cruz, because he is certainly preferable to a progressive shitbag, but it doesn't mean we look up to him as our leader the same way you bed wetters do for Obama.

My first good laugh of the day.

And your second will be when your butt boy's bent prick tickles the back of your throat.

STFU, moron.

What is it with your fascination (or obsession) with the penises of black men? :confused: And how would you know if it was bent?
Maybe this video will help you out some sense you think conservatives needs a leader.

Bill Whittle - Racism - Democrats and Republicans switch sides? - YouTube

Ten seconds into that video proved you to be an idiot....

I am shocked you figured out how to even start the video.

Bed wetters like him can't allow themselves to be exposed to information that challenges their programming.

They're devoted to ignorance.
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So you think like McCarthy Cruz will be demonized even though he was dead on correct?

Robert Kennedy worked side by side with McCarthy, but the bed wetters like to pretend the coke addled murderer Teddy Kennedy represents what his brothers stood for.

Why do you assume he didnt?

RFK and JFK were very anti-communist. They may have been liberals, but modern liberals would consider them "right wing" nazis.

Teddy was a piece of shit compared to his older brothers.

Actually he was a piece of shit period, but that's beside the point.
Robert Kennedy worked side by side with McCarthy, but the bed wetters like to pretend the coke addled murderer Teddy Kennedy represents what his brothers stood for.

Why do you assume he didnt?

RFK and JFK were very anti-communist. They may have been liberals, but modern liberals would consider them "right wing" nazis.

Teddy was a piece of shit compared to his older brothers.

Actually he was a piece of shit period, but that's beside the point.

Yes like Nazi they were very anti communist......Two fighting socialists does not mean one of them has to be good. Anyone who trusted any Kennedy even knowing how the family made their wealth is a bit stupid. Crooks are crooks no matter how you paint them or how they steal.
Rafael Cruz is the face of Joe McCarthy.....

So you think like McCarthy Cruz will be demonized even though he was dead on correct?

Twenty years ago, Switzerland had a system very similar to America’s–private insurers, private providers–with very similar problems. People didn’t buy insurance but ended up in emergency rooms, insurers screened out people with pre-existing conditions, and costs were rising fast. The country came to the conclusion that to make health care work, everyone had to buy insurance. So the Swiss passed an individual mandate and reformed their system along lines very similar to Obamacare. The result two decades later: quality of care remains very high, everyone has access, and costs have moderated. Switzerland spends 11% of its GDP on health care, compared with 17% in the U.S. Overall satisfaction with the system is high.

Health Insurance is for Everyone | Fareed Zakaria

If Switzerland had the same demographics as the United States, the Swiss example would be valid.

But it does not therefore it is not.
Why do you assume he didnt?

RFK and JFK were very anti-communist. They may have been liberals, but modern liberals would consider them "right wing" nazis.

Teddy was a piece of shit compared to his older brothers.

Actually he was a piece of shit period, but that's beside the point.

Yes like Nazi they were very anti communist......Two fighting socialists does not mean one of them has to be good. Anyone who trusted any Kennedy even knowing how the family made their wealth is a bit stupid. Crooks are crooks no matter how you paint them or how they steal.

I've got to agree there. I don't think the JFK/RFK were good guys, they were merely better than the sorts of assholes we're stuck with now.
So you think like McCarthy Cruz will be demonized even though he was dead on correct?

Twenty years ago, Switzerland had a system very similar to America’s–private insurers, private providers–with very similar problems. People didn’t buy insurance but ended up in emergency rooms, insurers screened out people with pre-existing conditions, and costs were rising fast. The country came to the conclusion that to make health care work, everyone had to buy insurance. So the Swiss passed an individual mandate and reformed their system along lines very similar to Obamacare. The result two decades later: quality of care remains very high, everyone has access, and costs have moderated. Switzerland spends 11% of its GDP on health care, compared with 17% in the U.S. Overall satisfaction with the system is high.

Health Insurance is for Everyone | Fareed Zakaria

If Switzerland had the same demographics as the United States, the Swiss example would be valid.

But it does not therefore it is not.

Demographics, culture, economy and standards in Switzerland are all very different. Yet bed wetters think that just because someone else is doing something they like means we should too.

I just wonder if the bed wetters would like us to have the same sort of gun laws, you know, where every able person keeps a fully automatic weapon at home?


Probably not.
poor Rush must be crushed, they said he was the leader of the gop..

now they are onto someone else to hate on...damn how do they keep up?

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