So, is there proof of INTELLIGENT DESIGN?

How does it come about that elementary particles so altogether different otherwise as the proton and electron possess the same numerical charge? How is it that the proton is exactly as plus-charged as the electron is minus-charged?

It may help to accept this as a legitimate scientific question to know that in 1959 two of our most distinguished astrophysicists, Lyttleton and Bondi, proposed that in fact the proton and electron differ in charge by the almost infinitesimal amount, 2 x 10 -18e -- two billion billionths e, in which e is the already tiny charge on either the proton or electron. The reason they made that proposal is that, given that nearly infinitesimal difference in charge, all the matter in the universe would be charged, and in the same sense, plus or minus. Since like charges repel one another, all the matter in the universe would repel all the other matter, and so the universe would expand, just as it is believed to do. The trouble with that idea is that yes, the universe would expand, but -- short of extraordinary special dispensations - it would not do anything else. Even so small a difference in electric charge would be enough to overwhelm the forces of gravitation that bring matter together; and so we should have no planets, no stars, no galaxies -- and, worst of all, no physicists.

No need to worry, however. Shortly after Lyttleton and Bondi’s proposal, John King and his group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology began to test experimentally whether the proton and electron differ in charge, and found that the charges appear to be wholly identical. That is an extraordinary fact, and not made easier to understand by the present belief that, though the electron is a single, apparently indivisible particle, the proton is made up of three quarks, to of them with charges of +2/3 e, and one with a charge of -1/3 e.

To summarize, if the proton and neutron did not have enormously greater mass than the electron, all matter would be fluid; and if the proton and electron did not possess exactly the same electric charge, no matter would aggregate. These are primary conditions for the existence of life in the universe.

Now, to leave the elementary particles and go on to atoms, to elements. Of the 92 natural elements, ninety-nine percent of the living matter we know is composed of just four: hydrogen (H), oxygen (O), nitrogen (N), and carbon (C). That is bound to be true wherever life exists in the universe, for only those four elements possess the unique properties upon which life depends.

Their unique position in chemistry can be stated in a sentence: They -- in the order given -- are the lightest elements that achieve stable electronic configurations (i.e., those mimicking the inert gases) by gaining respectively one, two, three, and four electrons. Gaining electrons, in the sense of sharing them with other atoms, is the mechanism of forming chemical bonds, hence molecules. The lightest elements make not only the tightest bonds, hence the most stable molecules, but introduce a unique property crucial for life: of all the natural elements, only oxygen, nitrogen and carbon regularly form double and triple bonds with one another, so saturating all their tendencies to combine further.

These four elements, Hydrogen, carbon, oxygen and nitrogen, also provide an example of the astonishing togetherness of our universe. They make up the “organic” molecules that constitute living organisms on a planet, and the nuclei of these same elements interact to generate the light of its star. Then the organisms on the planet come to depend wholly on that starlight, as they must if life is to persist. So it is that all life on the Earth runs on sunlight. I do not need spiritual enlightenment to know that I am one with the universe -- that is just good physics.

Now let’s go up a step, to molecules. By far the most important molecule for living organisms is water. I think we can feel sure that if there is no liquid water, there is no life, anywhere in the universe. Water also happens to be the strangest molecule in all chemistry; and its strangest property is that ice floats. If ice did not float, I doubt that life would exist in the universe.

Virtually everything contracts on cooling. That is how we make thermometers: a bit of red-dyed alcohol, mercury if you can afford it, put in a capillary tube contracts on cooling, and you read the temperature. Everything does this. So does water, down to four degrees centigrade. But between four and zero degrees centigrade, where it freezes, it expands, so rapidly that the ice that forms is less dense than liquid water. The complete hydrogen bonding among the water molecules in ice holds them more widely spaced than in liquid water, so ice floats.

Nothing else does that. But what if water behaved like virtually everything else, and continued to contract on cooling? Then the increasingly dense water would constantly be sinking to the bottom, and freezing would begin at the bottom, , not as now at the top, and would end by freezing the water solidly. A really large mass of ice takes forever to melt, even at higher temperatures.

If ice did not float, it is hard to see how any life could survive a cold spell. On any planet in the universe, if a freeze occurred even once in many millions of years, that would probably be enough to block the rise of life, and to kill any life that had arisen.

And now another step up, to stars. The first generation of stars began as hydrogen, and lived by fusing it to helium. A hydrogen atom is composed of a proton as nucleus and one electron moving about it; but at temperatures of about five million degrees they are driven apart, and one is dealing with naked protons, hydrogen nuclei. Now four such protons, each of mass 1, begin to fuse to a helium nucleus of about mass 4, but in this process a very small amount of mass is lost -- four protons have a slightly larger mass than a helium nucleus -- and this tiny loss of mass is converted into radiation according to Einstein’s equation, E=mc2. Even so small a loss of mass yields a huge amount of radiation, and that flood of radiation pours out in the interior of what had been a collapsing mass of gas and stops its further collapse, stabilizing it, and is also the source of starlight.

Eventually, though, this process runs every star short of hydrogen. With that, it generates less energy and so begins to collapse again, and as it collapses it heats up some more. When the temperature in its deep interior reaches about one hundred million degrees, the helium nuclei begin to fuse. Two helium nuclei, each of mass 4, fuse to make beryllium, of mass 8, a nucleus so unstable as to disintegrate within 10-16 second (ten million billionths of a second).Yet in these enormous masses of material and at such high temperatures there are always a few beryllium nuclei, and here and there one of them adds another helium: 8 and 4 make 12, the mass of carbon. That is how carbon comes into the universe. Then a carbon nucleus can add another helium: 12 plus 4 make 16, the mass of oxygen, and that is how oxygen enters the universe. Also carbon, even at somewhat lower temperatures, can add hydrogens, and carbon-12 plus two hydrogens make 14, the mass of nitrogen. That is how nitrogen enters the universe.

These new processes, together with its heating by collapse, have by now puffed up our star to enormous size. It has become a Red Giant, a dying star. In its dying, it has made the elements of which life is composed. It is a moving realization that stars must die before organisms can live.

These Red Giants are in a delicate condition, and by distillation and in such stellar catastrophes as flares, novas, and supernovas they spew their substance out to become part of the great masses of gases and dust that fill all interstellar space. Over eons of time, great masses of those gases and dust are drawn together by their mutual gravitation to form new generations of stars. But such latecomers, unlike the first generation of stars made wholly of hydrogen and helium, contain also carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen. And we know that our Sun is such a later-generation star because we are here, because the Earth is one of those planets in the universe that supports life.

Finally, we have a cosmic principle: To have such a universe as this requires an extraordinary balance between two great cosmic forces: that of dispersion (expansion), powered by the Big Bang, and that of aggregation, powered by gravitation. If the forces of expansion were dominant, that would yield an isotropically dispersed universe lacking local clusters, galaxies or planetary systems; all the matter would be flying apart, and there would be no large solid bodies, hence no place for life. If, on the contrary, gravitation were dominant, the initial expansion produced by the Big Bang would have slowed up and come to an end, followed by a universal collapse, perhaps in preparation for the next Big Bang. There would be no time for life to arise, or it would be quickly destroyed.

We live in a universe in which it has just lately been realized that those two forces are in exact balance, so that the universe as a whole is expanding wherever one looks, everything very distant is going away from us, but locally there are so-called local groups and clusters, where whole clusters of galaxies are held together by gravitation. Our own relatively small cluster contains, in addition to the Milky Way, the Andromeda galaxy (M31). It is very much like our galaxy, but a little smaller, and there is also a still smaller galaxy, all part of our local group. Most of you have probably heard that we measure the expansion of the universe by the so-called red shift. The further one looks out into space, the redder the light is, compared to the same sources on earth. That is interpeted as an expression of the Doppler Effect, and taken to mean that the more distant an astronomical body, the faster it is receding from us. But the first such color shift ever to be discovered, by the astronomer Slipher back in 1912, was not a red shift by a blue shift. He was looking at our sister galaxy, Andromeda, and observed a blue shift because, far from receding, the Andromeda galaxy is coming toward us at about 125 miles per second. It is just this exact balance between the steady expansion of the universe as a whole and its stability locally that affords both enormous reaches of time and countless sites for the development of life.

This is a life‑breeding universe precisely in order eventually to bring forth creatures that ask and attempt to answer such questions.
This is a life‑breeding universe precisely in order eventually to bring forth creatures that ask and attempt to answer such questions.
you are a joke bing - your religion, all three desert religions condemn such inquisitiveness - according to you a&e are sinners ...

not to mention -


the universe is not exactly a bed of roses.
This is a life‑breeding universe precisely in order eventually to bring forth creatures that ask and attempt to answer such questions.
you are a joke bing - your religion, all three desert religions condemn such inquisitiveness - according to you a&e are sinners ...

not to mention -

View attachment 355628

the universe is not exactly a bed of roses.
Stop being ridiculous. You are the one who condemns such inquisitiveness. Militant atheists are the ones who condemn such inquisitiveness. My faith teaches me that God can be known through human reason. It's in the catechism for crying out loud. :lol:

We are so called "sinners" for no other reason than we are in a material form with material needs. Read some Maimonides for crying out loud. The original sin is failing to take accountability and acknowledge our sins.

Existence is good. Everything God created is good. You have made your own "bed of roses." Stop blaming God for it.
This is a life‑breeding universe precisely in order eventually to bring forth creatures that ask and attempt to answer such questions.
you are a joke bing - your religion, all three desert religions condemn such inquisitiveness - according to you a&e are sinners ...

not to mention -

View attachment 355628

the universe is not exactly a bed of roses.
Stop being ridiculous. You are the one who condemns such inquisitiveness. Militant atheists are the ones who condemn such inquisitiveness. My faith teaches me that God can be known through human reason. It's in the catechism for crying out loud. :lol:

We are so called "sinners" for no other reason than we are in a material form with material needs. Read some Maimonides for crying out loud. The original sin is failing to take accountability and acknowledge our sins.

Existence is good. Everything God created is good. You have made your own "bed of roses." Stop blaming God for it.
Existence is good. Everything God created is good. You have made your own "bed of roses." Stop blaming God for it.
again you are a joke ... the Almighty distinguishes between the two - good vs evil - for them, only one complete spirit kind is given the opportunity for remission to the Everlasting.

you condemn a&e for being inquisitive, manipulated by a serpent than their own recognizance and condemn humanity to hereditary sin from birth.

and have been persecuting and victimizing the innocent since your makebelieve 4th century, need a messiah, religion instead of the actual reason for existence as prescribed, the religion of antiquity to free ones spirit for life's fulfillment.
again you are a joke ... the Almighty distinguishes between the two - good vs evil - for them, only one complete spirit kind is given the opportunity for remission to the Everlasting.
Everything God made is good. God does not destroy what he creates because it is good. Evil is the absence of good.

" It must be admitted as a fact that it cannot be said of God that He directly creates evil, or He has the direct intention to produce evil; this is impossible His works are all perfectly good. He only produces existence, and all existence is good. God is perfect goodness, and that all that comes from Him is absolutely good. Consequently the true work of God is all good, since it is existence. ALL the great evils which men cause to each other because of certain intentions, desires, opinions, or religious principles, are likewise due to non-existence, because they originate in ignorance, which is absence of wisdom. The numerous evils to which individual persons are exposed are due to the defects existing in the persons themselves. We suffer from the evils which we, by our own free will, inflict on ourselves and ascribe them to God, who is far from being connected with them. Man himself is the author of this class of evils. The error of the ignorant goes so far as to say that God's power is insufficient, because He has given to this Universe the properties which they imagine cause these great evils. "

you condemn a&e for being inquisitive, manipulated by a serpent than their own recognizance and condemn humanity to hereditary sin from birth.
I don't condemn anyone. You are describing yourself.

It is not possible for man to not sin.
  1. The Material Element in Man Prevents him from Attaining Perfection.
  2. God is not the Creator of Evil.
  3. Man is the Cause of his own Misfortunes.
  4. There are Three Kinds of'Evil : (1) That caused by the Nature "of Man" ; (2) Caused by Man to Man ; (3) Caused by Man to himself.
  5. Every Individual Member of Mankind enjoys the Influence of Divine Providence in proportion to his Intellectual Perfection.
Original sin is failing to be accountable for not doing good. Not, not doing good. This is so far over your head that you can't comprehend this. But in no sense of the word am I condemning humanity to hereditary sin from birth or mentioning a serpent. That is just your ignorance speaking.
and have been persecuting and victimizing the innocent since your makebelieve 4th century, need a messiah, religion instead of the actual reason for existence as prescribed, the religion of antiquity to free ones spirit for life's fulfillment.
You are being ridiculous. I have not persecuted anyone; innocent or otherwise. Yes, I do need Jesus Christ. He is my personal savior; my personal flotation device so to speak. He is my calm through the storm; He is my strength; He is my friend. And I have a relationship with the Father and the Holy Spirit as well. But Jesus is my personal connection because He is fully human and fully God.

You know, you talk a lot about the Almighty but only to criticize Christianity. You don't really describe what the Almighty does for you. It appears the only thing the Almighty is good for - when it comes to you - is to attack the religious beliefs of others. So the only one doing any persecuting here is YOU.

By any objective measure Christianity has been a force for good. You aren't objective and you can't articulate anything about the Almighty. You need a new playbook.
you condemn a&e for being inquisitive, manipulated by a serpent than their own recognizance and condemn humanity to hereditary sin from birth.
I don't condemn anyone. You are describing yourself.

It is not possible for man to not sin.
  1. The Material Element in Man Prevents him from Attaining Perfection.
  2. God is not the Creator of Evil.
  3. Man is the Cause of his own Misfortunes.
  4. There are Three Kinds of'Evil : (1) That caused by the Nature "of Man" ; (2) Caused by Man to Man ; (3) Caused by Man to himself.
  5. Every Individual Member of Mankind enjoys the Influence of Divine Providence in proportion to his Intellectual Perfection.
Original sin is failing to be accountable for not doing good. Not, not doing good. This is so far over your head that you can't comprehend this. But in no sense of the word am I condemning humanity to hereditary sin from birth or mentioning a serpent. That is just your ignorance speaking.
It is not possible for man to not sin.

there is a time in everyon's life to make that decission - to sin no longer, and for them hopefully they have not comitted any that are not redeemable but on their own accord earn their way through triumph over evil for admission to the Everlasting. 1st century religion of antiquity.
you condemn a&e for being inquisitive, manipulated by a serpent than their own recognizance and condemn humanity to hereditary sin from birth.
I don't condemn anyone. You are describing yourself.

It is not possible for man to not sin.
  1. The Material Element in Man Prevents him from Attaining Perfection.
  2. God is not the Creator of Evil.
  3. Man is the Cause of his own Misfortunes.
  4. There are Three Kinds of'Evil : (1) That caused by the Nature "of Man" ; (2) Caused by Man to Man ; (3) Caused by Man to himself.
  5. Every Individual Member of Mankind enjoys the Influence of Divine Providence in proportion to his Intellectual Perfection.
Original sin is failing to be accountable for not doing good. Not, not doing good. This is so far over your head that you can't comprehend this. But in no sense of the word am I condemning humanity to hereditary sin from birth or mentioning a serpent. That is just your ignorance speaking.
It is not possible for man to not sin.

there is a time in everyon's life to make that decission - to sin no longer, and for them hopefully they have not comitted any that are not redeemable but on their own accord earn their way through triumph over evil for admission to the Everlasting. 1st century religion of antiquity.
They are all redeemable except blaspheme of the Holy Spirit.
and have been persecuting and victimizing the innocent since your makebelieve 4th century, need a messiah, religion instead of the actual reason for existence as prescribed, the religion of antiquity to free ones spirit for life's fulfillment.
You are being ridiculous. I have not persecuted anyone; innocent or otherwise. Yes, I do need Jesus Christ. He is my personal savior; my personal flotation device so to speak. He is my calm through the storm; He is my strength; He is my friend. And I have a relationship with the Father and the Holy Spirit as well. But Jesus is my personal connection because He is fully human and fully God.

You know, you talk a lot about the Almighty but only to criticize Christianity. You don't really describe what the Almighty does for you. It appears the only thing the Almighty is good for - when it comes to you - is to attack the religious beliefs of others. So the only one doing any persecuting here is YOU.

By any objective measure Christianity has been a force for good. You aren't objective and you can't articulate anything about the Almighty. You need a new playbook.
You don't really describe what the Almighty does for you.
the metaphysical forces are only concerned those that return from whence they came are competent against encroachment from evil ... it's up to each spirit to accomplish the stated goal for remission. otherwise ... reincarnation for the almost madeits. .:eusa_hand:
and have been persecuting and victimizing the innocent since your makebelieve 4th century, need a messiah, religion instead of the actual reason for existence as prescribed, the religion of antiquity to free ones spirit for life's fulfillment.
You are being ridiculous. I have not persecuted anyone; innocent or otherwise. Yes, I do need Jesus Christ. He is my personal savior; my personal flotation device so to speak. He is my calm through the storm; He is my strength; He is my friend. And I have a relationship with the Father and the Holy Spirit as well. But Jesus is my personal connection because He is fully human and fully God.

You know, you talk a lot about the Almighty but only to criticize Christianity. You don't really describe what the Almighty does for you. It appears the only thing the Almighty is good for - when it comes to you - is to attack the religious beliefs of others. So the only one doing any persecuting here is YOU.

By any objective measure Christianity has been a force for good. You aren't objective and you can't articulate anything about the Almighty. You need a new playbook.
You don't really describe what the Almighty does for you.
the metaphysical forces are only concerned those that return from whence they came are competent against encroachment from evil ... it's up to each spirit to accomplish the stated goal for remission. otherwise ... reincarnation for the almost madeits. .:eusa_hand:
What religion believes that? Got a link?
you condemn a&e for being inquisitive, manipulated by a serpent than their own recognizance and condemn humanity to hereditary sin from birth.
I don't condemn anyone. You are describing yourself.

It is not possible for man to not sin.
  1. The Material Element in Man Prevents him from Attaining Perfection.
  2. God is not the Creator of Evil.
  3. Man is the Cause of his own Misfortunes.
  4. There are Three Kinds of'Evil : (1) That caused by the Nature "of Man" ; (2) Caused by Man to Man ; (3) Caused by Man to himself.
  5. Every Individual Member of Mankind enjoys the Influence of Divine Providence in proportion to his Intellectual Perfection.
Original sin is failing to be accountable for not doing good. Not, not doing good. This is so far over your head that you can't comprehend this. But in no sense of the word am I condemning humanity to hereditary sin from birth or mentioning a serpent. That is just your ignorance speaking.
It is not possible for man to not sin.

there is a time in everyon's life to make that decission - to sin no longer, and for them hopefully they have not comitted any that are not redeemable but on their own accord earn their way through triumph over evil for admission to the Everlasting. 1st century religion of antiquity.
They are all redeemable except blaspheme of the Holy Spirit.
They are all redeemable except blaspheme of the Holy Spirit.
no, murder is irredeemable - a person can not bring another person back to life - sin no more and hope the metaphysical parole board finds leniency for your cause.

- or justified is possible

your issue is being born in sin - 4th century is a sin ... no sinning - no 4th century: your choice.
you condemn a&e for being inquisitive, manipulated by a serpent than their own recognizance and condemn humanity to hereditary sin from birth.
I don't condemn anyone. You are describing yourself.

It is not possible for man to not sin.
  1. The Material Element in Man Prevents him from Attaining Perfection.
  2. God is not the Creator of Evil.
  3. Man is the Cause of his own Misfortunes.
  4. There are Three Kinds of'Evil : (1) That caused by the Nature "of Man" ; (2) Caused by Man to Man ; (3) Caused by Man to himself.
  5. Every Individual Member of Mankind enjoys the Influence of Divine Providence in proportion to his Intellectual Perfection.
Original sin is failing to be accountable for not doing good. Not, not doing good. This is so far over your head that you can't comprehend this. But in no sense of the word am I condemning humanity to hereditary sin from birth or mentioning a serpent. That is just your ignorance speaking.
It is not possible for man to not sin.

there is a time in everyon's life to make that decission - to sin no longer, and for them hopefully they have not comitted any that are not redeemable but on their own accord earn their way through triumph over evil for admission to the Everlasting. 1st century religion of antiquity.
They are all redeemable except blaspheme of the Holy Spirit.
They are all redeemable except blaspheme of the Holy Spirit.
no, murder is irredeemable - a person can not bring another person back to life - sin no more and hope the metaphysical parole board finds leniency for your cause.

- or justified is possible

your issue is being born in sin - 4th century is a sin ... no sinning - no 4th century: your choice.
Not according to Jesus. I hope you don't mind if I go with Jesus over some anonymous internet poster whose only objective seems to be criticizing Christianity.

I really really appreciate you telling me what my issues are, hobelim er I mean breezewood. I think I got your anti-Christian position from your other 9,450 posts though.

Persecute on Almighty soldier. I can't breath. Hands up. Don't shoot. Christian lives matter.

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