So, is there proof of INTELLIGENT DESIGN?

We owe our shortcomings to Adam Fall ----- listening to Satan's lies. Prior to that everything about Adam was GOOD. And if no one ever told you that before, shame on them.
So if god created everything in the universe, why did he create satan?
I'm going to say that Richard Dawkins was affected, and frankly any Christian parent or not would have been up in arms had they known what such trusted "professors" were doing to children under their tutelage.
And how would that scientifically tie into an invisible person?
Because at that moment before the universe, everything that now is ------- was invisible. The invisible created the visible.
So if god created everything in the universe, why did he create satan?
GOD didn't create Satan. GOD created a perfect and beautiful being and placed him in charge of material things ----- who then of his own free will became Satan because of his own desire to control, manipulate and command. Satan did this through deceit, lies and half-truths. Satan as a result became the inventor of LYING, CHEATING, STEALING, and eventually instigated MURDER. This would lead to worse and worse misappropriation of GOD's plan in an attempt to assume total control...
Let's see if you're smart enough to scientifically prove the link between the universe and your invisible friend.

We owe our shortcomings to Adam Fall ----- listening to Satan's lies. Prior to that everything about Adam was GOOD. And if no one ever told you that before, shame on them.
No, “we” don’t owe our shortcomings to “Adam’s Fall”. Firstly, that’s a Christian based precept so curb your willingness toimpose your religious beliefs on others. A large portion of the planet doesn’t share the self-hate that afflicts those burdened by the Christian presumption of carrying the sins of a mythical figure and believing themselves to be base and corrupt.

Humans are a mixture of selfishness and cooperation. That’s the price we pay for human emotions.

I’m not evil and base, therefore, not in need of a savior produced as a product of myth and legend. I also don’t carry the burden of self-hate as punishment for the sin of a mythical character who angered some alleged angry, vindictive deity.

Thanks, but living in trembling fear before angry gods is not for me.
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So, is there proof of INTELLIGENT DESIGN?

No, obviously.

The fact that there is not a single, verifiable, testable shred of evidence that anything in the natural world has supernatural origins answers the question.
What you meant to say is your pet homos infiltrate lots of professions and organizations that give them access to children, especially young boys, and we should be weeding them out of our schools and other organizations like the public menace they are, and stop pretending their apologists like you should be taken seriously. You are too dishonest to make the distnction between sicko faggots posing as 'priests' from real priests; that's because you're just another pagan sociopath who is incapable of admitting homosexual fetishists are mentally ill and a menace to children.
does that include everyone sicko - your love of celibacy -

The practice of priestly celibacy began to spread in the Western Church in the early Middle Ages. ... The Church was a thousand years old before it definitively took a stand in favor of celibacy in the twelfth century at the Second Lateran Council held in 1139, when a rule was approved forbidding priests to marry.

the real reason the policy was adopted, do you have a clue. why they construed the people that would then become "priests" ...
Because at that moment before the universe, everything that now is ------- was invisible. The invisible created the visible.
But where's your scientific proof? How can we know what was before the universe?
GOD didn't create Satan. GOD created a perfect and beautiful being and placed him in charge of material things ----- who then of his own free will became Satan because of his own desire to control, manipulate and command. Satan did this through deceit, lies and half-truths. Satan as a result became the inventor of LYING, CHEATING, STEALING, and eventually instigated MURDER. This would lead to worse and worse misappropriation of GOD's plan in an attempt to assume total control...
So why does god let this happen? He have no power?

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