So, is there proof of INTELLIGENT DESIGN?

I've been here for years and no one has ever shown empirical proof for the existence or not of a god.
So the universe popping into existence out of nothing and being wired to create beings that know and create doesn't qualify?
You'd have to show who made all that.
The universe popping into existence out of nothing and being wired to create beings that know and create is the empirical proof you are looking for.

Why wouldn't it be?
Because that statement doesn't prove a god.
You asked for the empirical evidence. There it is.
The universe popping into existence out of nothing and being wired to create beings that know and create is the empirical proof you are looking for.

Why isn't what was created empirical evidence for the creator? What else could there be that you are looking for, Taz? You need to study what was created to prove that God exists. Have at it.
You have yet to show who created your "creation".
You asked for empirical evidence of God, right? Creation is that empirical evidence. What other evidence do you believe exists?

Maybe you were just kidding and aren't really interested in discovering the empirical evidence for God's existence.
You're attributing the existence of the universe to an invisible god without any actual connection between the two. Like, look! There's a car. God must have made it. The car is proof of god.
Nope. I am explaining to you that the empirical evidence for God is what he created. It's all you have to study. Now go study it.
We don't know who or what or how the universe was created. That scares you so you attribute it to a friendly ghost. You're a Casperite. :meow:
Are you looking for empirical evidence or not?
You have none. Go away.
I've been here for years and no one has ever shown empirical proof for the existence or not of a god.
So the universe popping into existence out of nothing and being wired to create beings that know and create doesn't qualify?
You'd have to show who made all that.
The universe popping into existence out of nothing and being wired to create beings that know and create is the empirical proof you are looking for.

Why wouldn't it be?
Because that statement doesn't prove a god.
You asked for the empirical evidence. There it is.
The universe popping into existence out of nothing and being wired to create beings that know and create is the empirical proof you are looking for.

Why isn't what was created empirical evidence for the creator? What else could there be that you are looking for, Taz? You need to study what was created to prove that God exists. Have at it.
You have yet to show who created your "creation".
You asked for empirical evidence of God, right? Creation is that empirical evidence. What other evidence do you believe exists?

Maybe you were just kidding and aren't really interested in discovering the empirical evidence for God's existence.
You're attributing the existence of the universe to an invisible god without any actual connection between the two. Like, look! There's a car. God must have made it. The car is proof of god.
Nope. I am explaining to you that the empirical evidence for God is what he created. It's all you have to study. Now go study it.
We don't know who or what or how the universe was created. That scares you so you attribute it to a friendly ghost. You're a Casperite. :meow:
Are you looking for empirical evidence or not?
You have none. Go away.
It's all around you.
I've been here for years and no one has ever shown empirical proof for the existence or not of a god.
So the universe popping into existence out of nothing and being wired to create beings that know and create doesn't qualify?
You'd have to show who made all that.
The universe popping into existence out of nothing and being wired to create beings that know and create is the empirical proof you are looking for.

Why wouldn't it be?
Because that statement doesn't prove a god.
You asked for the empirical evidence. There it is.
The universe popping into existence out of nothing and being wired to create beings that know and create is the empirical proof you are looking for.

Why isn't what was created empirical evidence for the creator? What else could there be that you are looking for, Taz? You need to study what was created to prove that God exists. Have at it.
You have yet to show who created your "creation".
You asked for empirical evidence of God, right? Creation is that empirical evidence. What other evidence do you believe exists?

Maybe you were just kidding and aren't really interested in discovering the empirical evidence for God's existence.
You're attributing the existence of the universe to an invisible god without any actual connection between the two. Like, look! There's a car. God must have made it. The car is proof of god.
Nope. I am explaining to you that the empirical evidence for God is what he created. It's all you have to study. Now go study it.
We don't know who or what or how the universe was created. That scares you so you attribute it to a friendly ghost. You're a Casperite. :meow:
Are you looking for empirical evidence or not?
You have none. Go away.
I forgot to wish you to have a happy Juneteenth.
I've been here for years and no one has ever shown empirical proof for the existence or not of a god.
So the universe popping into existence out of nothing and being wired to create beings that know and create doesn't qualify?

Well, if Judaism and its offspring Christianity had come out in favor of anal sex with groups of strange men in filthy bathouses and raping little boys, there would be a lot fewer 'atheists' in here sniveling. They aren't here because they care about 'science n stuff', we know that for a fact.
Instead, Catholics came out in favor of Priests having anal sex with young boys. Maybe that’s why the sniveling religionists are celebrating.
Man isn't the designer and Creator of the Universe. Man is presently in a fallen state and from the time of Adam has been moving further away from GOD. Order cannot originate from disorder.

for that to be true, there has to be a god first

I've given you plenty of proof that GOD must exist. You simply have an ulterior motive to pretend that HE doesn't. You have not presented proof to the contrary.

there it is----again hahhahahah
..that has to be one of the most idiotic replies ever--that you believers use
no--YOU claimed it initially -YOU have to prove it's like in court--the prosecutor claims something, he has to prove it you haven't given any proof and no one can
..I can claim that jesus served me dinner on the moon--I guess you would believe that?!!? you can't prove it's not true

I have provided 6 YouTube lectures that demonstrate that there exist other possibilities and all you and Fort Fun Indiana, and Hollie can provide as rebuttals are, "That's a lie, You're an idiot, Evolution is true, You've got no proof, we got 200 years of evidence..." I would have to say frankly, that you guys are the one's without any convincing evidence. You've provided nothing accept for words, and you simply are disruptive and display typical bully tactics. The Bible speaks clearly when it reveals in Galatians 5:19-21 The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

You may claim that Jesus served you dinner; however, you and I both know that's a lie. I know it is a lie because the angels at the assumption of Jesus said that everyone would see Jesus when HE returned again.
You don't fool me and you certainly are not fooling GOD. about 10 sentences, give me the creation of man theory
..the bible is just a book of fairytales people disagreeing with you is ''disruptive''' hahhahahahhhahahah

I certainly wouldn't call you stupid or an idiot for trusting in evolution. I would attempt to show you that evolution has serious problems, ignores data and has far too much control in education without any contrary considerations being reviewed. It is not enough to tell a group of impressionable students that evolution is absolute fact. One must be willing to allow experimentation, mathematical consideration, and open discussion. The Bible is certainly not a book of fairy tales. Archaeology has proven much of what the Bible has recorded. The Bible is an historical document second to none.

I certainly wouldn't call you stupid or an idiot for trusting in creation/god/bible. I would attempt to show you that creation has serious problems, ignores data and has far too much control in education without any contrary considerations being reviewed., when are you going to post the theory of creation of man?
..they can't teach creation in schools because there is no theory!

The creation of man is found in the GOD's Word. One either accepts it or one does not.

Such an absolutist position has many problems. We don't have GOD's Word. We have written words of men, most of whom are unknown, who wrote hundreds of years after the alleged events. There are no original manuscripts and nothing to suggest that any impartial person should accept supernaturalism as a valid claim. Can you identify any evidence to suggest that a Bible written by the gods magically appeared in written form?

GOD often works through inspiration. It has already been demonstrated that the Bible speaks of things far beyond the capacity of ancient man to formulate, let alone comprehend. There are more prophecies in the Bible than in any other book and nearly every one has come to pass. Presently, we are still waiting for the catching away/rapture, the Anti-Christ, and Armageddon among other prophecies related to the end times. We have the Dead Sea Scrolls, and it is most apparent that little has changed in over 2 thousand years with what we now possess (and certainly nothing distracting from GOD's plan of salvation nor GOD's love) . That in and of itself is rather miraculous given the circumstances.

I think substituting the Bibles for magical crystal balls is the wrong position. Bible prophesies are notoriously contrived and simply rely on a predisposed willingness to want to believe them.
I've been here for years and no one has ever shown empirical proof for the existence or not of a god.
So the universe popping into existence out of nothing and being wired to create beings that know and create doesn't qualify?

Well, if Judaism and its offspring Christianity had come out in favor of anal sex with groups of strange men in filthy bathouses and raping little boys, there would be a lot fewer 'atheists' in here sniveling. They aren't here because they care about 'science n stuff', we know that for a fact.
Instead, Catholics came out in favor of Priests having anal sex with young boys. Maybe that’s why the sniveling religionists are celebrating.
And little girls too. Don't forget the little girls. I wouldn't want you to miss out on any of your hatefest for religionists.
I've been here for years and no one has ever shown empirical proof for the existence or not of a god.
So the universe popping into existence out of nothing and being wired to create beings that know and create doesn't qualify?

Well, if Judaism and its offspring Christianity had come out in favor of anal sex with groups of strange men in filthy bathouses and raping little boys, there would be a lot fewer 'atheists' in here sniveling. They aren't here because they care about 'science n stuff', we know that for a fact.
Instead, Catholics came out in favor of Priests having anal sex with young boys. Maybe that’s why the sniveling religionists are celebrating.
Richard Dawkins, “defends ‘mild pedophilia’ [saying] it does not cause ‘lasting harm’.”

Last edited:
I've been here for years and no one has ever shown empirical proof for the existence or not of a god.
So the universe popping into existence out of nothing and being wired to create beings that know and create doesn't qualify?

Well, if Judaism and its offspring Christianity had come out in favor of anal sex with groups of strange men in filthy bathouses and raping little boys, there would be a lot fewer 'atheists' in here sniveling. They aren't here because they care about 'science n stuff', we know that for a fact.
Instead, Catholics came out in favor of Priests having anal sex with young boys. Maybe that’s why the sniveling religionists are celebrating.
I am so glad that pieces of shit like yourself use the misfortune of others as fodder for their personal grudges because it just highlights how fucked up your belief system really is.

I've been here for years and no one has ever shown empirical proof for the existence or not of a god.
So the universe popping into existence out of nothing and being wired to create beings that know and create doesn't qualify?

Well, if Judaism and its offspring Christianity had come out in favor of anal sex with groups of strange men in filthy bathouses and raping little boys, there would be a lot fewer 'atheists' in here sniveling. They aren't here because they care about 'science n stuff', we know that for a fact.
Instead, Catholics came out in favor of Priests having anal sex with young boys. Maybe that’s why the sniveling religionists are celebrating.

What you meant to say is your pet homos infiltrate lots of professions and organizations that give them access to children, especially young boys, and we should be weeding them out of our schools and other organizations like the public menace they are, and stop pretending their apologists like you should be taken seriously. You are too dishonest to make the distnction between sicko faggots posing as 'priests' from real priests; that's because you're just another pagan sociopath who is incapable of admitting homosexual fetishists are mentally ill and a menace to children.
I've been here for years and no one has ever shown empirical proof for the existence or not of a god.
So the universe popping into existence out of nothing and being wired to create beings that know and create doesn't qualify?

Well, if Judaism and its offspring Christianity had come out in favor of anal sex with groups of strange men in filthy bathouses and raping little boys, there would be a lot fewer 'atheists' in here sniveling. They aren't here because they care about 'science n stuff', we know that for a fact.
Instead, Catholics came out in favor of Priests having anal sex with young boys. Maybe that’s why the sniveling religionists are celebrating.

What you meant to say is your pet homos infiltrate lots of professions and organizations that give them access to children, especially young boys, and we should be weeding them out of our schools and other organizations like the public menace they are, and stop pretending their apologists like you should be taken seriously. You are too dishonest to make the distnction between sicko faggots posing as 'priests' from real priests; that's because you're just another pagan sociopath who is incapable of admitting homosexual fetishists are mentally ill and a menace to children.
What you meant to write is that you can excuse the pedo priests because you can define them out of the priesthood as not “real priests”. The problem with that excuse is the long history of the Catholic Church managing that pedo-priest syndicate like a business.

Your screeching about sociopaths seems misplaced. It was your sociopath religious institution that ran a pedo-ring for the benefit of the priesthood.

How convenient you blame others for the crimes of the Church. .
It has already been demonstrated that the Bible speaks of things far beyond the capacity of ancient man to formulate, let alone comprehend.
No it hasn't. That's a ridiculous lie. The most obvious evidence of the bible being a steaming pile of crap is that, start to finish, it was obviously written by ignorant, terrified, superstitious people who knew nothing about anything.
I've been here for years and no one has ever shown empirical proof for the existence or not of a god.
So the universe popping into existence out of nothing and being wired to create beings that know and create doesn't qualify?
You'd have to show who made all that.
The universe popping into existence out of nothing and being wired to create beings that know and create is the empirical proof you are looking for.

Why wouldn't it be?
Because that statement doesn't prove a god.
You asked for the empirical evidence. There it is.
The universe popping into existence out of nothing and being wired to create beings that know and create is the empirical proof you are looking for.

Why isn't what was created empirical evidence for the creator? What else could there be that you are looking for, Taz? You need to study what was created to prove that God exists. Have at it.
You have yet to show who created your "creation".
You asked for empirical evidence of God, right? Creation is that empirical evidence. What other evidence do you believe exists?

Maybe you were just kidding and aren't really interested in discovering the empirical evidence for God's existence.
You're attributing the existence of the universe to an invisible god without any actual connection between the two. Like, look! There's a car. God must have made it. The car is proof of god.
Nope. I am explaining to you that the empirical evidence for God is what he created. It's all you have to study. Now go study it.
We don't know who or what or how the universe was created. That scares you so you attribute it to a friendly ghost. You're a Casperite. :meow:
Are you looking for empirical evidence or not?
You have none. Go away.
It's all around you.
Nothing proves that it was done by your invisible buddy.
I've been here for years and no one has ever shown empirical proof for the existence or not of a god.
So the universe popping into existence out of nothing and being wired to create beings that know and create doesn't qualify?

Well, if Judaism and its offspring Christianity had come out in favor of anal sex with groups of strange men in filthy bathouses and raping little boys, there would be a lot fewer 'atheists' in here sniveling. They aren't here because they care about 'science n stuff', we know that for a fact.
Instead, Catholics came out in favor of Priests having anal sex with young boys. Maybe that’s why the sniveling religionists are celebrating.

What you meant to say is your pet homos infiltrate lots of professions and organizations that give them access to children, especially young boys, and we should be weeding them out of our schools and other organizations like the public menace they are, and stop pretending their apologists like you should be taken seriously. You are too dishonest to make the distnction between sicko faggots posing as 'priests' from real priests; that's because you're just another pagan sociopath who is incapable of admitting homosexual fetishists are mentally ill and a menace to children.
There's a difference between pedophiles and plain homos. Now you know.
I've been here for years and no one has ever shown empirical proof for the existence or not of a god.
So the universe popping into existence out of nothing and being wired to create beings that know and create doesn't qualify?

Well, if Judaism and its offspring Christianity had come out in favor of anal sex with groups of strange men in filthy bathouses and raping little boys, there would be a lot fewer 'atheists' in here sniveling. They aren't here because they care about 'science n stuff', we know that for a fact.
Instead, Catholics came out in favor of Priests having anal sex with young boys. Maybe that’s why the sniveling religionists are celebrating.
I am so glad that pieces of shit like yourself use the misfortune of others as fodder for their personal grudges because it just highlights how fucked up your belief system really is.

I've been here for years and no one has ever shown empirical proof for the existence or not of a god.
So the universe popping into existence out of nothing and being wired to create beings that know and create doesn't qualify?
You'd have to show who made all that.
The universe popping into existence out of nothing and being wired to create beings that know and create is the empirical proof you are looking for.

Why wouldn't it be?
Because that statement doesn't prove a god.
You asked for the empirical evidence. There it is.
The universe popping into existence out of nothing and being wired to create beings that know and create is the empirical proof you are looking for.

Why isn't what was created empirical evidence for the creator? What else could there be that you are looking for, Taz? You need to study what was created to prove that God exists. Have at it.
You have yet to show who created your "creation".
You asked for empirical evidence of God, right? Creation is that empirical evidence. What other evidence do you believe exists?

Maybe you were just kidding and aren't really interested in discovering the empirical evidence for God's existence.
You're attributing the existence of the universe to an invisible god without any actual connection between the two. Like, look! There's a car. God must have made it. The car is proof of god.
Nope. I am explaining to you that the empirical evidence for God is what he created. It's all you have to study. Now go study it.
We don't know who or what or how the universe was created. That scares you so you attribute it to a friendly ghost. You're a Casperite. :meow:
Are you looking for empirical evidence or not?
You have none. Go away.
It's all around you.
Nothing proves that it was done by your invisible buddy.
You mean besides logic and reason.
I've been here for years and no one has ever shown empirical proof for the existence or not of a god.
So the universe popping into existence out of nothing and being wired to create beings that know and create doesn't qualify?

Well, if Judaism and its offspring Christianity had come out in favor of anal sex with groups of strange men in filthy bathouses and raping little boys, there would be a lot fewer 'atheists' in here sniveling. They aren't here because they care about 'science n stuff', we know that for a fact.
Instead, Catholics came out in favor of Priests having anal sex with young boys. Maybe that’s why the sniveling religionists are celebrating.

What you meant to say is your pet homos infiltrate lots of professions and organizations that give them access to children, especially young boys, and we should be weeding them out of our schools and other organizations like the public menace they are, and stop pretending their apologists like you should be taken seriously. You are too dishonest to make the distnction between sicko faggots posing as 'priests' from real priests; that's because you're just another pagan sociopath who is incapable of admitting homosexual fetishists are mentally ill and a menace to children.
There's a difference between pedophiles and plain homos. Now you know.
I would expect you would know.
I've been here for years and no one has ever shown empirical proof for the existence or not of a god.
So the universe popping into existence out of nothing and being wired to create beings that know and create doesn't qualify?

Well, if Judaism and its offspring Christianity had come out in favor of anal sex with groups of strange men in filthy bathouses and raping little boys, there would be a lot fewer 'atheists' in here sniveling. They aren't here because they care about 'science n stuff', we know that for a fact.
Instead, Catholics came out in favor of Priests having anal sex with young boys. Maybe that’s why the sniveling religionists are celebrating.
I am so glad that pieces of shit like yourself use the misfortune of others as fodder for their personal grudges because it just highlights how fucked up your belief system really is.

Sounds like an atheists utopia.

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