So, is there proof of INTELLIGENT DESIGN?

Yes, I can see how a militant atheist would see it that way.
I can see why a thin skinned, magical thinker like you would think he is irritating someone, instead of just embarrassing himself.

Why cant it be proof of God? You want me to repeat myself? No ding. Please just pay attention.
Yes, I can see how a militant atheist would see it that way.
I can see why a thin skinned, magical thinker like you would think he is irritating someone, instead of just embarrassing himself.

Why cant it be proof of God? You want me to repeat myself? No ding. Please just pay attention.
You never explained it in the first place. Why can't the universe popping into existence from nothing and being hardwired to create beings that know and create be proof of God's existence?
It seems like a fair question.

Why can't the universe popping into existence from nothing and being hardwired to create beings that know and create be proof of God's existence?
fortfun pees his pants.gif
SO, atheists want scientific theory from a physicist. Well here is a physicist who looks at Einstein's theory of Relativity and noted something odd in regards to time.

There are lots of misunderstandings in that video.

Lets start with the bible.

At the time Rashi and the others rabbis studied the Torah, the ancient knowledge was already lost. What those rabbis did was to provide their opinions. Their comments enjoy lots of common sense but lack of wisdom. About the songs in a religious ceremony, that means nothing but the following of a doctrine, like songs about the Virgin Mary in a Catholic mass on Sunday.

Lets see about science.

1960s with an eternal universe, an idea perturbed by the discovery of an "echo" of microwaves in the cosmos of unknown origin. The opinion of scientists was that such background microwaves comes from the big bang. The big bang is a theory about a microscopic particle in the middle of nothing which suddenly started to expand. This microscopic particle is assumed to have inside in condensate and concentrate state the whole matter you see in the universe before expanding, to later start forming, galaxies, nebulae, stars, everything. This is to say, that theory is a complete lunacy.

The background microwaves are not proving any big bang by the simple fact that its "age" can't be measured, as demanding by the scientific method to validate such a claim. The whole thing is just beliefs. And what scientists proclaim is not related at all with the biblical account but in one word: Beginning.

However, the paths of religion and science are different, both have started from the same place, but both are going in different directions. Both carry lots of opinions and not a single fact. When I say fact, I mean a solid evidence which can be observed, measured with accuracy, capable to be tested, etc.

There is no a reconciliation between religion and a theory of science just because both mention a beginning of the universe.
And so this is leading to the reality that while the Bible is presenting a view that it says is trustworthy ---- that truth rest assuredly came to people who could have had no clue of such a magnitude of their own volition.

This part of the video is filled up with pure babbling of golden apples and silver dishes, that old ancient cheap philosophy which sounds nice to the ear but no wisdom to the soul.

The separation of the six days with the rest of days is a conclusion obtained by pure ignorance of why the writer put those words in the narration.

And this is the common denominator in most reviewers of the scriptures, the just can't see the point of view of the writer. When you listen the video you hear the opinion of the narrator from his own interpretation.

To understand the bible one must go well beyond those books, this is not about understanding the narration itself only but also understanding the writer.

Definitively, no wisdom.
Man isn't the designer and Creator of the Universe. Man is presently in a fallen state and from the time of Adam has been moving further away from GOD. Order cannot originate from disorder.

Oh, here is the stupidity flowering from the whole set of videos, this dude is promoting the retarded of Einstein.

To start, time is not absolute, it not physical but just a measure. Time appears mentioned in the bible when the "luminaries" are mentioned at day fourth, and it appears as a measurement. God instructed the use of the measure called time by using the stars. The method is comparing the period of earth rotation with the daily duties (Unit of time measurement: Day). God teaches to use the orbit period of earth around the Sun with its seasons to compare it and plan the cultivation and harvest of plants. (Unit of time measurement: Year) God teaches the use of the moon orbit around the earth to have a more easy monitoring of the seasons. (Unit of time measurement: month)

Einstein didn't believe in the bible, neither in creation. Einstein followed a different religion which is not related at all with the god of the bible. For poor Albert. his god has no characteristics of a person, not a personal caregiver, not a divinity asking to be worshiped. Albert believed in a cosmic god.

The dude from the video is deceiving you, trying to make you believe in crap.

Relativity is a fantasy invented by Einstein based on the conventional idea that time exists and "flows". Poor Albert just added to that idea that time was flexible like bubblegum, a complete stupidity.

Enjoy the science fiction videos, however, if you are a religious person, then beware, because Einstein didn't believe in the god of the bible but in the god of Baruch Spinoza. This is what he said of the believers in the bible, characterized in his opinion when he mentioned the Jewish people

" "For me the Jewish religion like all others is an incarnation of the most childish superstitions. And the Jewish people to whom I gladly belong and with whose mentality I have a deep affinity have no different quality for me than all other people. As far as my experience goes, they are also no better than other human groups, although they are protected from the worst cancers by a lack of power. Otherwise I cannot see anything 'chosen' about them. "

My suggestion is just disregard the videos. I can't understand the author of those videos being so a masochist praising a dude (Einstein) who have talked so much sh*t about the biblical narration. Lol

And more funny, a poster here who started this topic and seems to be very impressed of the lunacies invented by Einstein. ha ha ha ha
Man isn't the designer and Creator of the Universe. Man is presently in a fallen state and from the time of Adam has been moving further away from GOD. Order cannot originate from disorder.

for that to be true, there has to be a god first

I've given you plenty of proof that GOD must exist. You simply have an ulterior motive to pretend that HE doesn't. You have not presented proof to the contrary.

there it is----again hahhahahah
..that has to be one of the most idiotic replies ever--that you believers use
no--YOU claimed it initially -YOU have to prove it's like in court--the prosecutor claims something, he has to prove it you haven't given any proof and no one can
..I can claim that jesus served me dinner on the moon--I guess you would believe that?!!? you can't prove it's not true

I have provided 6 YouTube lectures that demonstrate that there exist other possibilities and all you and Fort Fun Indiana, and Hollie can provide as rebuttals are, "That's a lie, You're an idiot, Evolution is true, You've got no proof, we got 200 years of evidence..." I would have to say frankly, that you guys are the one's without any convincing evidence. You've provided nothing accept for words, and you simply are disruptive and display typical bully tactics. The Bible speaks clearly when it reveals in Galatians 5:19-21 The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

You may claim that Jesus served you dinner; however, you and I both know that's a lie. I know it is a lie because the angels at the assumption of Jesus said that everyone would see Jesus when HE returned again.
You don't fool me and you certainly are not fooling GOD. about 10 sentences, give me the creation of man theory
..the bible is just a book of fairytales people disagreeing with you is ''disruptive''' hahhahahahhhahahah

I certainly wouldn't call you stupid or an idiot for trusting in evolution. I would attempt to show you that evolution has serious problems, ignores data and has far too much control in education without any contrary considerations being reviewed. It is not enough to tell a group of impressionable students that evolution is absolute fact. One must be willing to allow experimentation, mathematical consideration, and open discussion. The Bible is certainly not a book of fairy tales. Archaeology has proven much of what the Bible has recorded. The Bible is an historical document second to none.

I certainly wouldn't call you stupid or an idiot for trusting in creation/god/bible. I would attempt to show you that creation has serious problems, ignores data and has far too much control in education without any contrary considerations being reviewed., when are you going to post the theory of creation of man?
..they can't teach creation in schools because there is no theory!

The creation of man is found in the GOD's Word. One either accepts it or one does not.

Such an absolutist position has many problems. We don't have GOD's Word. We have written words of men, most of whom are unknown, who wrote hundreds of years after the alleged events. There are no original manuscripts and nothing to suggest that any impartial person should accept supernaturalism as a valid claim. Can you identify any evidence to suggest that a Bible written by the gods magically appeared in written form?

GOD often works through inspiration. It has already been demonstrated that the Bible speaks of things far beyond the capacity of ancient man to formulate, let alone comprehend. There are more prophecies in the Bible than in any other book and nearly every one has come to pass. Presently, we are still waiting for the catching away/rapture, the Anti-Christ, and Armageddon among other prophecies related to the end times. We have the Dead Sea Scrolls, and it is most apparent that little has changed in over 2 thousand years with what we now possess (and certainly nothing distracting from GOD's plan of salvation nor GOD's love) . That in and of itself is rather miraculous given the circumstances.
Man isn't the designer and Creator of the Universe. Man is presently in a fallen state and from the time of Adam has been moving further away from GOD. Order cannot originate from disorder.

Oh, here is the stupidity flowering from the whole set of videos, this dude is promoting the retarded of Einstein.

To start, time is not absolute, it not physical but just a measure. Time appears mentioned in the bible when the "luminaries" are mentioned at day fourth, and it appears as a measurement. God instructed the use of the measure called time by using the stars. The method is comparing the period of earth rotation with the daily duties (Unit of time measurement: Day). God teaches to use the orbit period of earth around the Sun with its seasons to compare it and plan the cultivation and harvest of plants. (Unit of time measurement: Year) God teaches the use of the moon orbit around the earth to have a more easy monitoring of the seasons. (Unit of time measurement: month)

Einstein didn't believe in the bible, neither in creation. Einstein followed a different religion which is not related at all with the god of the bible. For poor Albert. his god has no characteristics of a person, not a personal caregiver, not a divinity asking to be worshiped. Albert believed in a cosmic god.

The dude from the video is deceiving you, trying to make you believe in crap.

Relativity is a fantasy invented by Einstein based on the conventional idea that time exists and "flows". Poor Albert just added to that idea that time was flexible like bubblegum, a complete stupidity.

Enjoy the science fiction videos, however, if you are a religious person, then beware, because Einstein didn't believe in the god of the bible but in the god of Baruch Spinoza. This is what he said of the believers in the bible, characterized in his opinion when he mentioned the Jewish people

" "For me the Jewish religion like all others is an incarnation of the most childish superstitions. And the Jewish people to whom I gladly belong and with whose mentality I have a deep affinity have no different quality for me than all other people. As far as my experience goes, they are also no better than other human groups, although they are protected from the worst cancers by a lack of power. Otherwise I cannot see anything 'chosen' about them. "

My suggestion is just disregard the videos. I can't understand the author of those videos being so a masochist praising a dude (Einstein) who have talked so much sh*t about the biblical narration. Lol

And more funny, a poster here who started this topic and seems to be very impressed of the lunacies invented by Einstein. ha ha ha ha

Unlike GOD (who doesn't change), most --- if not all men change their opinions from time to time. People very often forget what they once said and contradict themselves. That is another proof of the Bible. It doesn't contradict itself. When people get upset, they say stupid things. When people are angry, they say stupid things. And when people are conceited, they say stupid things. Einstein was brilliant as well as stupid ------ because he was only human like everyone else... That's just another reason not to believe everything atheists have to say. They are often very intelligent to the point of being brilliant, but often lack common sense. They say GOD doesn't speak to them, but have they ever ask GOD a question? And if the atheist gets his answer via some ordinary simple Christian, did he (the atheist) ever ponder the fact that even simple people who are chose of GOD may at time speak for GOD. Moses himself was fearful of speaking publicly, and yet he did.
I find it peculiar from an evolutionist's perspective, that it apparently took the corona virus more time to evolve so as to be able to infect humans (and remain a virus), than it did for man to evolve up from the primordial slime ------ at least how evolutionists seem to tell it... Or is it that man fabricated this change and now is left holding Pandora's box. In either case, this would seem to undermine and not uplift the theory of evolution.
Man isn't the designer and Creator of the Universe. Man is presently in a fallen state and from the time of Adam has been moving further away from GOD. Order cannot originate from disorder.

for that to be true, there has to be a god first

I've given you plenty of proof that GOD must exist. You simply have an ulterior motive to pretend that HE doesn't. You have not presented proof to the contrary.

there it is----again hahhahahah
..that has to be one of the most idiotic replies ever--that you believers use
no--YOU claimed it initially -YOU have to prove it's like in court--the prosecutor claims something, he has to prove it you haven't given any proof and no one can
..I can claim that jesus served me dinner on the moon--I guess you would believe that?!!? you can't prove it's not true

I have provided 6 YouTube lectures that demonstrate that there exist other possibilities and all you and Fort Fun Indiana, and Hollie can provide as rebuttals are, "That's a lie, You're an idiot, Evolution is true, You've got no proof, we got 200 years of evidence..." I would have to say frankly, that you guys are the one's without any convincing evidence. You've provided nothing accept for words, and you simply are disruptive and display typical bully tactics. The Bible speaks clearly when it reveals in Galatians 5:19-21 The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

You may claim that Jesus served you dinner; however, you and I both know that's a lie. I know it is a lie because the angels at the assumption of Jesus said that everyone would see Jesus when HE returned again.
You don't fool me and you certainly are not fooling GOD. about 10 sentences, give me the creation of man theory
..the bible is just a book of fairytales people disagreeing with you is ''disruptive''' hahhahahahhhahahah

I certainly wouldn't call you stupid or an idiot for trusting in evolution. I would attempt to show you that evolution has serious problems, ignores data and has far too much control in education without any contrary considerations being reviewed. It is not enough to tell a group of impressionable students that evolution is absolute fact. One must be willing to allow experimentation, mathematical consideration, and open discussion. The Bible is certainly not a book of fairy tales. Archaeology has proven much of what the Bible has recorded. The Bible is an historical document second to none.

I certainly wouldn't call you stupid or an idiot for trusting in creation/god/bible. I would attempt to show you that creation has serious problems, ignores data and has far too much control in education without any contrary considerations being reviewed., when are you going to post the theory of creation of man?
..they can't teach creation in schools because there is no theory!

The creation of man is found in the GOD's Word. One either accepts it or one does not.

Such an absolutist position has many problems. We don't have GOD's Word. We have written words of men, most of whom are unknown, who wrote hundreds of years after the alleged events. There are no original manuscripts and nothing to suggest that any impartial person should accept supernaturalism as a valid claim. Can you identify any evidence to suggest that a Bible written by the gods magically appeared in written form?

GOD often works through inspiration. It has already been demonstrated that the Bible speaks of things far beyond the capacity of ancient man to formulate, let alone comprehend. There are more prophecies in the Bible than in any other book and nearly every one has come to pass. Presently, we are still waiting for the catching away/rapture, the Anti-Christ, and Armageddon among other prophecies related to the end times. We have the Dead Sea Scrolls, and it is most apparent that little has changed in over 2 thousand years with what we now possess (and certainly nothing distracting from GOD's plan of salvation nor GOD's love) . That in and of itself is rather miraculous given the circumstances.

but there is no god.......''''god works......''''' your whole post is just your opinion/belief
Man isn't the designer and Creator of the Universe. Man is presently in a fallen state and from the time of Adam has been moving further away from GOD. Order cannot originate from disorder.

for that to be true, there has to be a god first

I've given you plenty of proof that GOD must exist. You simply have an ulterior motive to pretend that HE doesn't. You have not presented proof to the contrary.

there it is----again hahhahahah
..that has to be one of the most idiotic replies ever--that you believers use
no--YOU claimed it initially -YOU have to prove it's like in court--the prosecutor claims something, he has to prove it you haven't given any proof and no one can
..I can claim that jesus served me dinner on the moon--I guess you would believe that?!!? you can't prove it's not true

I have provided 6 YouTube lectures that demonstrate that there exist other possibilities and all you and Fort Fun Indiana, and Hollie can provide as rebuttals are, "That's a lie, You're an idiot, Evolution is true, You've got no proof, we got 200 years of evidence..." I would have to say frankly, that you guys are the one's without any convincing evidence. You've provided nothing accept for words, and you simply are disruptive and display typical bully tactics. The Bible speaks clearly when it reveals in Galatians 5:19-21 The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

You may claim that Jesus served you dinner; however, you and I both know that's a lie. I know it is a lie because the angels at the assumption of Jesus said that everyone would see Jesus when HE returned again.
You don't fool me and you certainly are not fooling GOD. about 10 sentences, give me the creation of man theory
..the bible is just a book of fairytales people disagreeing with you is ''disruptive''' hahhahahahhhahahah

I certainly wouldn't call you stupid or an idiot for trusting in evolution. I would attempt to show you that evolution has serious problems, ignores data and has far too much control in education without any contrary considerations being reviewed. It is not enough to tell a group of impressionable students that evolution is absolute fact. One must be willing to allow experimentation, mathematical consideration, and open discussion. The Bible is certainly not a book of fairy tales. Archaeology has proven much of what the Bible has recorded. The Bible is an historical document second to none.

I certainly wouldn't call you stupid or an idiot for trusting in creation/god/bible. I would attempt to show you that creation has serious problems, ignores data and has far too much control in education without any contrary considerations being reviewed., when are you going to post the theory of creation of man?
..they can't teach creation in schools because there is no theory!

The creation of man is found in the GOD's Word. One either accepts it or one does not.

Such an absolutist position has many problems. We don't have GOD's Word. We have written words of men, most of whom are unknown, who wrote hundreds of years after the alleged events. There are no original manuscripts and nothing to suggest that any impartial person should accept supernaturalism as a valid claim. Can you identify any evidence to suggest that a Bible written by the gods magically appeared in written form?

GOD often works through inspiration. It has already been demonstrated that the Bible speaks of things far beyond the capacity of ancient man to formulate, let alone comprehend. There are more prophecies in the Bible than in any other book and nearly every one has come to pass. Presently, we are still waiting for the catching away/rapture, the Anti-Christ, and Armageddon among other prophecies related to the end times. We have the Dead Sea Scrolls, and it is most apparent that little has changed in over 2 thousand years with what we now possess (and certainly nothing distracting from GOD's plan of salvation nor GOD's love) . That in and of itself is rather miraculous given the circumstances.

but there is no god.......''''god works......''''' your whole post is just your opinion/belief

Maybe you can answer this question because everyone else has run away from it.

Why can't the universe popping into existence from nothing and being hardwired to create beings that know and create be proof of God's existence?
I've been here for years and no one has ever shown empirical proof for the existence or not of a god.
So the universe popping into existence out of nothing and being wired to create beings that know and create doesn't qualify?
You'd have to show who made all that.
The Messiah did:
“By the word of the Lord the heavens were made, And all the host of them by the breath of His mouth. For He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast” (Psalm 33:6-9). We see the meaning of this when we consider the miracles of Jesus during His earthly ministry. All the miracles occurred instantly—at His Word. He instantly turned water into wine in His very first miracle, which “revealed His glory” as the Creator (John 2:1–11; John 1:1–3, 14, 18). It was the instant calming of the wind and the waves that convinced His disciples that He was no mere man. So it was with all His miracles (Mark 4:35–41). He did not speak and wait for days, weeks, months, or years for things to happen. He spoke and it was done. So, when He said, “Let there be . . .” in Genesis 1, it did not take long ages for things to come into existence.

We also know that Jesus is in fact called the Word: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made” (John 1:1–3).

Jesus, who is the Word, created everything by simply speaking things into existence.

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