So, is there proof of INTELLIGENT DESIGN?

If our existence was but a coincidence, what might be the odds of such a coincidence?

And next, we'll prove that God not only exists
but has a sadistic sense of humor:

Read just one thread in the Flame Zone.
Whoever created those clowns?
Voila! Q.E.D.

GOD doesn't have a sadistic humor. It is man who wishes to live life as a sadist and expel GOD from one's selected lifestyle orgies. Clearly, GOD hates the murder of innocent babies and actions that continuously places those HE loves in peril. GOD will not force HIMSELF on anyone and yet the alternative is eternal separation from GOD. All the horrible nations that were to be driven out or annihilated from the Promised land practiced barbaric sacrifices towards infants of the most horrific sort. They were often burned alive...

That’s odd. If the gods hate the murder of innocent babies, why the need to wipe those little Johnnies and Janies from the planet per the flood fable?

Maybe you should ask rylah

And I'll refer Hollie to the old "why wicked has it well, while the righteous suffers" question,
and the numerous examples of discussion on the question in the Jewish library.

Did you try to make a point?

Yes, but the point was with your buddy Hollie.

It’s ok that you look the other way.

To look the other way one has to be addressed,
Hollie is free to ask me.

Are you done trolling?

Not trolling. Look away.

Away from what?
Do try to make sense.

The reality of your allies.

What reality?

Your silence.

What about it?

I'm still waiting for you to make sense.

It speaks volumes.

Boy you sure know how to talk about nothing.

Tried a political career?

I hear Biden needs a double.

I’m confident you get the point despite your objection to the contrary.

I'm actually confident
you yourself don't know what you're blubbering about.

Darling, go shake someone else's tree.
If our existence was but a coincidence, what might be the odds of such a coincidence?

And next, we'll prove that God not only exists
but has a sadistic sense of humor:

Read just one thread in the Flame Zone.
Whoever created those clowns?
Voila! Q.E.D.

GOD doesn't have a sadistic humor. It is man who wishes to live life as a sadist and expel GOD from one's selected lifestyle orgies. Clearly, GOD hates the murder of innocent babies and actions that continuously places those HE loves in peril. GOD will not force HIMSELF on anyone and yet the alternative is eternal separation from GOD. All the horrible nations that were to be driven out or annihilated from the Promised land practiced barbaric sacrifices towards infants of the most horrific sort. They were often burned alive...

That’s odd. If the gods hate the murder of innocent babies, why the need to wipe those little Johnnies and Janies from the planet per the flood fable?

Maybe you should ask rylah

And I'll refer Hollie to the old "why wicked has it well, while the righteous suffers" question,
and the numerous examples of discussion on the question in the Jewish library.

Did you try to make a point?

Yes, but the point was with your buddy Hollie.

It’s ok that you look the other way.

To look the other way one has to be addressed,
Hollie is free to ask me.

Are you done trolling?

Not trolling. Look away.

Away from what?
Do try to make sense.

The reality of your allies.

What reality?

Your silence.

What about it?

I'm still waiting for you to make sense.

It speaks volumes.

Boy you sure know how to talk about nothing.

Tried a political career?

I hear Biden needs a double.

I’m confident you get the point despite your objection to the contrary.

I'm actually confident
you yourself don't know what you're blubbering about.

Darling, go shake someone else's tree.

The seed was planted.
...humans = intelligent???!!!! hahahahhahahah
genocide/murders/rape/etc etc etc
mistakes causing hundreds of lives

it takes a lot more work to find more ingenious ways
of destroying ourselves!

The solution starts with FORGIVING problems we caused ourselves
so we can THINK CLEARLY and solve these problems
(instead of fighting over blame while creating worse and worse)

When all our other possible avenues are exhausted,
when we get tired of fighting and never solving anything by political pressure,
we will EVENTUALLY figure it out harmonica
by TRIAL and ERROR or
Process of Elimination

That trying to force OTHER people or groups DOESN'T WORK
because they are trying to do the same, and these two opposing forces cancel out
and destroy what each other is trying to force which they both reject and block.

We will EVENTUALLY find that the only solutions
humanity will accept are by consent, by all groups
AGREEING on solutions so we AGREE to comply and cooperate.

Not by force, which doesn't work.
No human being wants to be forced or told what to do by others they oppose!

We will finally figure out to resolve conflicts by consensus
and support everyone in solving their own problems THEIR WAY.

Because humans run by free will and want our choice and consent
to be respected before we feel secure and protected equally.
...humans = intelligent???!!!! hahahahhahahah
genocide/murders/rape/etc etc etc
mistakes causing hundreds of lives

it takes a lot more work to find more ingenious ways
of destroying ourselves!

The solution starts with FORGIVING problems we caused ourselves
so we can THINK CLEARLY and solve these problems
(instead of fighting over blame while creating worse and worse)

When all our other possible avenues are exhausted,
when we get tired of fighting and never solving anything by political pressure,
we will EVENTUALLY figure it out harmonica
by TRIAL and ERROR or
Process of Elimination

That trying to force OTHER people or groups DOESN'T WORK
because they are trying to do the same, and these two opposing forces cancel out
and destroy what each other is trying to force which they both reject and block.

We will EVENTUALLY find that the only solutions
humanity will accept are by consent, by all groups
AGREEING on solutions so we AGREE to comply and cooperate.

Not by force, which doesn't work.
No human being wants to be forced or told what to do by others they oppose!

We will finally figure out to resolve conflicts by consensus
and support everyone in solving their own problems THEIR WAY.

Because humans run by free will and want our choice and consent
to be respected before we feel secure and protected equally.
there will always be wars/conflicts/murders/genocide/etc----you deny this?
..and there is not total free will
...humans = intelligent???!!!! hahahahhahahah
genocide/murders/rape/etc etc etc
mistakes causing hundreds of lives

it takes a lot more work to find more ingenious ways
of destroying ourselves!

The solution starts with FORGIVING problems we caused ourselves
so we can THINK CLEARLY and solve these problems
(instead of fighting over blame while creating worse and worse)

When all our other possible avenues are exhausted,
when we get tired of fighting and never solving anything by political pressure,
we will EVENTUALLY figure it out harmonica
by TRIAL and ERROR or
Process of Elimination

That trying to force OTHER people or groups DOESN'T WORK
because they are trying to do the same, and these two opposing forces cancel out
and destroy what each other is trying to force which they both reject and block.

We will EVENTUALLY find that the only solutions
humanity will accept are by consent, by all groups
AGREEING on solutions so we AGREE to comply and cooperate.

Not by force, which doesn't work.
No human being wants to be forced or told what to do by others they oppose!

We will finally figure out to resolve conflicts by consensus
and support everyone in solving their own problems THEIR WAY.

Because humans run by free will and want our choice and consent
to be respected before we feel secure and protected equally.
there will always be wars/conflicts/murders/genocide/etc----you deny this?
..and there is not total free will

Yes to always being conflicts.
No to always war and genocide.
That is NOT sustainable.
Conflicts can be resolved even though people will always have those!

@harmonic if you look at the reasons murder happens,
there are always causes involved that can either be PREVENTED ALTOGETHER
or in the case of criminal illness and mental incompetence,
diagnosed IN ADVANCE so the person is kept safe from harming others.

If you don't see how this is possible,
look into more research on spiritual diagnosis and therapy
that cures cases of mental and criminal illness, addictive or destructive disorders.

By understanding the dynamics of criminal minds that have been cured,
you can see that there are finite patterns and causes,
which can be identified, monitored for changes, and even cured.

Thus, with effective use of medical science,
the causes of abuse and crime, including rape and murder,
can be addressed, and the symptoms either reduced or eliminated
as a matter of time.

There are certain patterns to human behavior,
so once you understand how human psychology works,
what makes it get out of imbalance and
what restores the mind to be healthy and
the conscience to correct itself, then you can see
how more and more of human adverse conditions
can be corrected, prevented or cured.
Man isn't the designer and Creator of the Universe. Man is presently in a fallen state and from the time of Adam has been moving further away from GOD. Order cannot originate from disorder.

for that to be true, there has to be a god first

I've given you plenty of proof that GOD must exist. You simply have an ulterior motive to pretend that HE doesn't. You have not presented proof to the contrary.

there it is----again hahhahahah
..that has to be one of the most idiotic replies ever--that you believers use
no--YOU claimed it initially -YOU have to prove it's like in court--the prosecutor claims something, he has to prove it you haven't given any proof and no one can
..I can claim that jesus served me dinner on the moon--I guess you would believe that?!!? you can't prove it's not true

I have provided 6 YouTube lectures that demonstrate that there exist other possibilities and all you and Fort Fun Indiana, and Hollie can provide as rebuttals are, "That's a lie, You're an idiot, Evolution is true, You've got no proof, we got 200 years of evidence..." I would have to say frankly, that you guys are the one's without any convincing evidence. You've provided nothing accept for words, and you simply are disruptive and display typical bully tactics. The Bible speaks clearly when it reveals in Galatians 5:19-21 The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

You may claim that Jesus served you dinner; however, you and I both know that's a lie. I know it is a lie because the angels at the assumption of Jesus said that everyone would see Jesus when HE returned again.
You don't fool me and you certainly are not fooling GOD. about 10 sentences, give me the creation of man theory
..the bible is just a book of fairytales people disagreeing with you is ''disruptive''' hahhahahahhhahahah

I certainly wouldn't call you stupid or an idiot for trusting in evolution. I would attempt to show you that evolution has serious problems, ignores data and has far too much control in education without any contrary considerations being reviewed. It is not enough to tell a group of impressionable students that evolution is absolute fact. One must be willing to allow experimentation, mathematical consideration, and open discussion. The Bible is certainly not a book of fairy tales. Archaeology has proven much of what the Bible has recorded. The Bible is an historical document second to none.
Man isn't the designer and Creator of the Universe. Man is presently in a fallen state and from the time of Adam has been moving further away from GOD. Order cannot originate from disorder.

for that to be true, there has to be a god first

I've given you plenty of proof that GOD must exist. You simply have an ulterior motive to pretend that HE doesn't. You have not presented proof to the contrary.

there it is----again hahhahahah
..that has to be one of the most idiotic replies ever--that you believers use
no--YOU claimed it initially -YOU have to prove it's like in court--the prosecutor claims something, he has to prove it you haven't given any proof and no one can
..I can claim that jesus served me dinner on the moon--I guess you would believe that?!!? you can't prove it's not true

I have provided 6 YouTube lectures that demonstrate that there exist other possibilities and all you and Fort Fun Indiana, and Hollie can provide as rebuttals are, "That's a lie, You're an idiot, Evolution is true, You've got no proof, we got 200 years of evidence..." I would have to say frankly, that you guys are the one's without any convincing evidence. You've provided nothing accept for words, and you simply are disruptive and display typical bully tactics. The Bible speaks clearly when it reveals in Galatians 5:19-21 The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

You may claim that Jesus served you dinner; however, you and I both know that's a lie. I know it is a lie because the angels at the assumption of Jesus said that everyone would see Jesus when HE returned again.
You don't fool me and you certainly are not fooling GOD. about 10 sentences, give me the creation of man theory
..the bible is just a book of fairytales people disagreeing with you is ''disruptive''' hahhahahahhhahahah

I certainly wouldn't call you stupid or an idiot for trusting in evolution. I would attempt to show you that evolution has serious problems, ignores data and has far too much control in education without any contrary considerations being reviewed. It is not enough to tell a group of impressionable students that evolution is absolute fact. One must be willing to allow experimentation, mathematical consideration, and open discussion. The Bible is certainly not a book of fairy tales. Archaeology has proven much of what the Bible has recorded. The Bible is an historical document second to none.

I certainly wouldn't call you stupid or an idiot for trusting in creation/god/bible. I would attempt to show you that creation has serious problems, ignores data and has far too much control in education without any contrary considerations being reviewed., when are you going to post the theory of creation of man?
..they can't teach creation in schools because there is no theory!
...humans = intelligent???!!!! hahahahhahahah
genocide/murders/rape/etc etc etc
mistakes causing hundreds of lives

it takes a lot more work to find more ingenious ways
of destroying ourselves!

The solution starts with FORGIVING problems we caused ourselves
so we can THINK CLEARLY and solve these problems
(instead of fighting over blame while creating worse and worse)

When all our other possible avenues are exhausted,
when we get tired of fighting and never solving anything by political pressure,
we will EVENTUALLY figure it out harmonica
by TRIAL and ERROR or
Process of Elimination

That trying to force OTHER people or groups DOESN'T WORK
because they are trying to do the same, and these two opposing forces cancel out
and destroy what each other is trying to force which they both reject and block.

We will EVENTUALLY find that the only solutions
humanity will accept are by consent, by all groups
AGREEING on solutions so we AGREE to comply and cooperate.

Not by force, which doesn't work.
No human being wants to be forced or told what to do by others they oppose!

We will finally figure out to resolve conflicts by consensus
and support everyone in solving their own problems THEIR WAY.

Because humans run by free will and want our choice and consent
to be respected before we feel secure and protected equally.
there will always be wars/conflicts/murders/genocide/etc----you deny this?
..and there is not total free will

Yes to always being conflicts.
No to always war and genocide.
That is NOT sustainable.
Conflicts can be resolved even though people will always have those!

@harmonic if you look at the reasons murder happens,
there are always causes involved that can either be PREVENTED ALTOGETHER
or in the case of criminal illness and mental incompetence,
diagnosed IN ADVANCE so the person is kept safe from harming others.

If you don't see how this is possible,
look into more research on spiritual diagnosis and therapy
that cures cases of mental and criminal illness, addictive or destructive disorders.

By understanding the dynamics of criminal minds that have been cured,
you can see that there are finite patterns and causes,
which can be identified, monitored for changes, and even cured.

Thus, with effective use of medical science,
the causes of abuse and crime, including rape and murder,
can be addressed, and the symptoms either reduced or eliminated
as a matter of time.

There are certain patterns to human behavior,
so once you understand how human psychology works,
what makes it get out of imbalance and
what restores the mind to be healthy and
the conscience to correct itself, then you can see
how more and more of human adverse conditions
can be corrected, prevented or cured.
..there's a war going on now--the Syrian war
...humans have been murdering for how long?? centuries --and you think it's going to stop???!!!!
..humans murder--that's part of human nature:greed/hate/passion/power/etc
Man isn't the designer and Creator of the Universe. Man is presently in a fallen state and from the time of Adam has been moving further away from GOD. Order cannot originate from disorder.

for that to be true, there has to be a god first

I've given you plenty of proof that GOD must exist. You simply have an ulterior motive to pretend that HE doesn't. You have not presented proof to the contrary.

there it is----again hahhahahah
..that has to be one of the most idiotic replies ever--that you believers use
no--YOU claimed it initially -YOU have to prove it's like in court--the prosecutor claims something, he has to prove it you haven't given any proof and no one can
..I can claim that jesus served me dinner on the moon--I guess you would believe that?!!? you can't prove it's not true

I have provided 6 YouTube lectures that demonstrate that there exist other possibilities and all you and Fort Fun Indiana, and Hollie can provide as rebuttals are, "That's a lie, You're an idiot, Evolution is true, You've got no proof, we got 200 years of evidence..." I would have to say frankly, that you guys are the one's without any convincing evidence. You've provided nothing accept for words, and you simply are disruptive and display typical bully tactics. The Bible speaks clearly when it reveals in Galatians 5:19-21 The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

You may claim that Jesus served you dinner; however, you and I both know that's a lie. I know it is a lie because the angels at the assumption of Jesus said that everyone would see Jesus when HE returned again.
You don't fool me and you certainly are not fooling GOD. about 10 sentences, give me the creation of man theory
..the bible is just a book of fairytales people disagreeing with you is ''disruptive''' hahhahahahhhahahah

I certainly wouldn't call you stupid or an idiot for trusting in evolution. I would attempt to show you that evolution has serious problems, ignores data and has far too much control in education without any contrary considerations being reviewed. It is not enough to tell a group of impressionable students that evolution is absolute fact. One must be willing to allow experimentation, mathematical consideration, and open discussion. The Bible is certainly not a book of fairy tales. Archaeology has proven much of what the Bible has recorded. The Bible is an historical document second to none.

I certainly wouldn't call you stupid or an idiot for trusting in creation/god/bible. I would attempt to show you that creation has serious problems, ignores data and has far too much control in education without any contrary considerations being reviewed., when are you going to post the theory of creation of man?
..they can't teach creation in schools because there is no theory!

The creation of man is found in the GOD's Word. One either accepts it or one does not.
Man isn't the designer and Creator of the Universe. Man is presently in a fallen state and from the time of Adam has been moving further away from GOD. Order cannot originate from disorder.

for that to be true, there has to be a god first

I've given you plenty of proof that GOD must exist. You simply have an ulterior motive to pretend that HE doesn't. You have not presented proof to the contrary.

there it is----again hahhahahah
..that has to be one of the most idiotic replies ever--that you believers use
no--YOU claimed it initially -YOU have to prove it's like in court--the prosecutor claims something, he has to prove it you haven't given any proof and no one can
..I can claim that jesus served me dinner on the moon--I guess you would believe that?!!? you can't prove it's not true

I have provided 6 YouTube lectures that demonstrate that there exist other possibilities and all you and Fort Fun Indiana, and Hollie can provide as rebuttals are, "That's a lie, You're an idiot, Evolution is true, You've got no proof, we got 200 years of evidence..." I would have to say frankly, that you guys are the one's without any convincing evidence. You've provided nothing accept for words, and you simply are disruptive and display typical bully tactics. The Bible speaks clearly when it reveals in Galatians 5:19-21 The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

You may claim that Jesus served you dinner; however, you and I both know that's a lie. I know it is a lie because the angels at the assumption of Jesus said that everyone would see Jesus when HE returned again.
You don't fool me and you certainly are not fooling GOD. about 10 sentences, give me the creation of man theory
..the bible is just a book of fairytales people disagreeing with you is ''disruptive''' hahhahahahhhahahah

I certainly wouldn't call you stupid or an idiot for trusting in evolution. I would attempt to show you that evolution has serious problems, ignores data and has far too much control in education without any contrary considerations being reviewed. It is not enough to tell a group of impressionable students that evolution is absolute fact. One must be willing to allow experimentation, mathematical consideration, and open discussion. The Bible is certainly not a book of fairy tales. Archaeology has proven much of what the Bible has recorded. The Bible is an historical document second to none.

I certainly wouldn't call you stupid or an idiot for trusting in creation/god/bible. I would attempt to show you that creation has serious problems, ignores data and has far too much control in education without any contrary considerations being reviewed., when are you going to post the theory of creation of man?
..they can't teach creation in schools because there is no theory!

The creation of man is found in the GOD's Word. One either accepts it or one does not.

Such an absolutist position has many problems. We don't have GOD's Word. We have written words of men, most of whom are unknown, who wrote hundreds of years after the alleged events. There are no original manuscripts and nothing to suggest that any impartial person should accept supernaturalism as a valid claim. Can you identify any evidence to suggest that a Bible written by the gods magically appeared in written form?
Man isn't the designer and Creator of the Universe. Man is presently in a fallen state and from the time of Adam has been moving further away from GOD. Order cannot originate from disorder.

for that to be true, there has to be a god first

I've given you plenty of proof that GOD must exist. You simply have an ulterior motive to pretend that HE doesn't. You have not presented proof to the contrary.

there it is----again hahhahahah
..that has to be one of the most idiotic replies ever--that you believers use
no--YOU claimed it initially -YOU have to prove it's like in court--the prosecutor claims something, he has to prove it you haven't given any proof and no one can
..I can claim that jesus served me dinner on the moon--I guess you would believe that?!!? you can't prove it's not true

I have provided 6 YouTube lectures that demonstrate that there exist other possibilities and all you and Fort Fun Indiana, and Hollie can provide as rebuttals are, "That's a lie, You're an idiot, Evolution is true, You've got no proof, we got 200 years of evidence..." I would have to say frankly, that you guys are the one's without any convincing evidence. You've provided nothing accept for words, and you simply are disruptive and display typical bully tactics. The Bible speaks clearly when it reveals in Galatians 5:19-21 The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

You may claim that Jesus served you dinner; however, you and I both know that's a lie. I know it is a lie because the angels at the assumption of Jesus said that everyone would see Jesus when HE returned again.
You don't fool me and you certainly are not fooling GOD. about 10 sentences, give me the creation of man theory
..the bible is just a book of fairytales people disagreeing with you is ''disruptive''' hahhahahahhhahahah

I certainly wouldn't call you stupid or an idiot for trusting in evolution. I would attempt to show you that evolution has serious problems, ignores data and has far too much control in education without any contrary considerations being reviewed. It is not enough to tell a group of impressionable students that evolution is absolute fact. One must be willing to allow experimentation, mathematical consideration, and open discussion. The Bible is certainly not a book of fairy tales. Archaeology has proven much of what the Bible has recorded. The Bible is an historical document second to none.

We're back in that cul-de-sac of "teach the controversy" required by creationists. As to science having ''too much control in education without any contrary considerations being reviewed'', those contrary considerations are, and let's be honest, Christian fundamentalist considerations. If creationist want a discussion that includes ''experimentation, mathematical consideration, and open discussion'', they need to address how those elements apply to the supernatural environment. What experiments can you suggest to study supernaturalism? Until creationists can come up with a plausible means to investigate the method of supernatural creation, some tentative hypothesis, a beginnings of a framework, then what useful role can they have in advancement of knowledge?
I've been here for years and no one has ever shown empirical proof for the existence or not of a god.
I've been here for years and no one has ever shown empirical proof for the existence or not of a god.
So the universe popping into existence out of nothing and being wired to create beings that know and create doesn't qualify?
I've been here for years and no one has ever shown empirical proof for the existence or not of a god.
So the universe popping into existence out of nothing and being wired to create beings that know and create doesn't qualify?

Well, if Judaism and its offspring Christianity had come out in favor of anal sex with groups of strange men in filthy bathouses and raping little boys, there would be a lot fewer 'atheists' in here sniveling. They aren't here because they care about 'science n stuff', we know that for a fact.
I have provided 6 YouTube lectures that demonstrate that there exist other possibilities
No you haven't. Nor have you ever watched any of those videos. You couldn't state a single one of their arguments, if your life depended on it. If the youtube frauds had any valid, scientific ideas, they would publish research on them.
I've been here for years and no one has ever shown empirical proof for the existence or not of a god.
Because such a thing could not happen. That's the rub. Nobody could ever provide evidence for or against magic, inherently. Because it is magic. Evidence relies on determinism, physical laws, and materialism.
I've been here for years and no one has ever shown empirical proof for the existence or not of a god.
Because such a thing could not happen. That's the rub. Nobody could ever provide evidence for or against magic, inherently. Because it is magic. Evidence relies on determinism, physical laws, and materialism.
So the universe popping into existence out of nothing and being wired to create beings that know and create doesn't qualify?
I've been here for years and no one has ever shown empirical proof for the existence or not of a god.
Because such a thing could not happen. That's the rub. Nobody could ever provide evidence for or against magic, inherently. Because it is magic. Evidence relies on determinism, physical laws, and materialism.
So the universe popping into existence out of nothing and being wired to create beings that know and create doesn't qualify?
Of course not. What a silly question.
I've been here for years and no one has ever shown empirical proof for the existence or not of a god.
Because such a thing could not happen. That's the rub. Nobody could ever provide evidence for or against magic, inherently. Because it is magic. Evidence relies on determinism, physical laws, and materialism.
So the universe popping into existence out of nothing and being wired to create beings that know and create doesn't qualify?
Of course not. What a silly question.
Yes, I can see how a militant atheist would see it that way.

But why can't it be proof of God?

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