So is Trump allowed to pull the clearance of Mueller and his team?

If a President is allowed to pull clearances on a whim

Why not pull Muellers to block his access to classified information?

Because he knew Mueller was dirty and would have no credibility; and, we see that's true. You dope-addled parrots are just being played for idiots, but now you're stuck. lol Trump is running circles around you losers.
Mueller has a stellar public record
He is an American Patriot doing a critical job for his country

He's a Bush servant, and pulls tens of millions of bucks out of sweetheart govt. contracts. He's merely whining because his no longer necessary security clearances made him a lot of money, is all. Trump shit in his gravy bowl, and rightly so.
Trump now at war with the "Intelligence" where past officials are circling the wagons around Brennan who's being vilified by Trump relentlessly! Attacking Mueller, Brennan, or anyone else isn't going to change the exposure of his criminal acts! :19:

lol total BS. Even the anti-Trump stooges at PBS News, David Brooks and the fat little short guy who looks constipated all the time, forget his name, are saying this isn't any big deal and nothing they care about. You shitbirds are brainless dope-addled gimps, is all; nobody is 'circling the wagons' except a few scumbags raiding the public Treasury.
Seems like his next course of action
Oh, I hope Trump DOES pull the security clearances of Robert Mueller and his team.


Because the resulting Cans of Popular and Congressional Whoopass would dwarf Mount Everest.

Do that, Creature, and you're toast - politically.
Clearances of any individual not currently employed by a company or government entity requiring clearances should be immediately deactivated. I don't understand why only Brennan's was deactivated ALL OF THEM should be deactivated per National Security protocol.

It's not "nationanal security protocol", dope.
But neither is someone using their position and clearance to create profit and to also undermine the Presidency of the United States

He is using his long and prestigious reputation to create profit

His clearance enables him to access classified data
Which he has no need to know. Thus, no clearance is required

Mueller has a stellar public record
He is an American Patriot doing a critical job for his country

No doubt by the corrupt amoral Clintonista standards you Democrats have; to the rest of us he's just another lying weasel shilling for Hillary and has his own millions invested in Russian deals himself. he's also never once shown any 'collusion', just loads of innuendo and gossip, same as yourself for going on two years now.

You gimps are going to lose in the mid-terms; best you can do is break even, which of course is a Trump win. Live with it; none of your BS is believed by anybody., not even you losers.
Why is the word "allowed" so foreign to the left?

Ah, because the left want to control every aspect of your life. What you think, say, eat, drink, drive, even how much water you can use to flush your toilet.
Who you can marry. Who you can't marry.
Who can bake cakes and who shall be persecuted! You people are pure evil.

The baker who won his SCOTUS case, where a 7-2 majority decision smacked down these militant gays, they are back attacking the baker again like a pack of rabid dogs.
That is a rabid response, an untrue one. Nothing was 'smacked down', the ruling was sent back for further consideration.
Best post of the day: "Firing Sessions or Rosenstein or removing Mueller would be political suicide. His [Trump's] diminishing base would stay with him. Trump's base would stay with him if he murdered Mother Theresa. Everyone else would desert him, moderate Republicans, independents, libertarians, and, of course, every Democrat in the country. The Republicans in Congress would be forced to go along or find a new line of work."
Clearances of any individual not currently employed by a company or government entity requiring clearances should be immediately deactivated. I don't understand why only Brennan's was deactivated ALL OF THEM should be deactivated per National Security protocol.

It's not "nationanal security protocol", dope.
But neither is someone using their position and clearance to create profit and to also undermine the Presidency of the United States

He is using his long and prestigious reputation to create profit

His clearance enables him to access classified data
Which he has no need to know. Thus, no clearance is required

Seriously why is this such a hard concept for the Left?
Best post of the day: "Firing Sessions or Rosenstein or removing Mueller would be political suicide. His [Trump's] diminishing base would stay with him. Trump's base would stay with him if he murdered Mother Theresa. Everyone else would desert him, moderate Republicans, independents, libertarians, and, of course, every Democrat in the country. The Republicans in Congress would be forced to go along or find a new line of work."
She dead!
Best post of the day: "Firing Sessions or Rosenstein or removing Mueller would be political suicide. His [Trump's] diminishing base would stay with him. Trump's base would stay with him if he murdered Mother Theresa. Everyone else would desert him, moderate Republicans, independents, libertarians, and, of course, every Democrat in the country. The Republicans in Congress would be forced to go along or find a new line of work."
Is Trump bright enough to know better?

I think things will get ugly once the investigation gets closer
The Alt Marxists are dead in the mid-terms; they will even lose in Minnesota, one of their Commie bulwark states, hence their wave of spam and fake news over Brennan, mostly rubbish designed to keep their amoral Alt Marxist parrots in spam and deflect from their mid-term failures and Ellison, one of the DNC's top degenerates getting outed as a woman beating Islamo-fascist and refusing to step down. If it wasn't for fake outrage over Brennan they would have to running around making excuses for one of their most prominent violent misogynist fascists all day.
Best post of the day: "Firing Sessions or Rosenstein or removing Mueller would be political suicide. His [Trump's] diminishing base would stay with him. Trump's base would stay with him if he murdered Mother Theresa. Everyone else would desert him, moderate Republicans, independents, libertarians, and, of course, every Democrat in the country. The Republicans in Congress would be forced to go along or find a new line of work."
Is Trump bright enough to know better?

I think things will get ugly once the investigation gets closer

Well, he's more than bright enough to run circles around your hack media, so how is that making you look? You feeling 'bright n Speshul 'today, are you?

It is funny watching you two console each other, though; are you grabbing each other's pussies?
Peter Strzok and Lisa Page and Bruce and Nelly Ohr are the bonnie and clyde of Collusion!
In a little more than a month, Mueller's first October surprise for Trump will be released.

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