So It Begins, Facebook Censorship Underway

Last I heard Facebook was a private company that can restrict what is and what is not posted on its site.

That's weird. I know of several people recently who have dumped Facebook. They said it was because they were sick of all the rude comments but it makes me wonder if ...hmm....

Oh well...Facebook comes and Facebook goes. One thing I've seen across the internet with just regular posting boards is that the millisecond free speech of any kind is clamped down on, except just blatant vulgarity and strings of profanity, it dies a very quick death.

Facebook can enact any rules it likes. Likewise, users of Facebook can enact any preference of social media they like and drop Facebook like a hot potato..
Saturday, April 16 a Christian author posted his views on homosexuality and the impact it can have on youth. You can read the post yourself (reinstated after complaints) on the link below.

Facebook is not the government, they can delete whatever they want. But they are a major social network, and the CEO of Facebook is publicly taking political sides on key issues in America. What gets censored will only increase now.

As has been noted before, the left simply hate free speech and are extremely intolerant.

Last I heard Facebook was a private company that can restrict what is and what is not posted on its site.
Thanks for repeating what I said.
What you said was ignorant, wrong, and a lie.

The doctrine of free speech concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed, not between or among private persons or organizations.

Facebook is a private company, as such it cannot ‘violate’ the free speech of anyone; only government has the potential of violating free speech when it acts contrary to First Amendment jurisprudence.

Consequently, any reference to ‘free speech’ on your part is ignorant idiocy and a lie – the issue has nothing to do with ‘free speech.’

And the notion that ‘the left’ ‘hates’ free speech is a moronic lie as well; liberals have always been staunch advocates and defenders of free speech and the right of Americans to express themselves.

It’s also a lie that Facebook ‘represents’ ‘the left.’
Delusional as usual. Crawl back into your woman's bathroom safe zone and leave the adults alone.
Ok, point out what he said that is wrong.
Saturday, April 16 a Christian author posted his views on homosexuality and the impact it can have on youth. You can read the post yourself (reinstated after complaints) on the link below.

Facebook is not the government, they can delete whatever they want. But they are a major social network, and the CEO of Facebook is publicly taking political sides on key issues in America. What gets censored will only increase now.

As has been noted before, the left simply hate free speech and are extremely intolerant.

Last I heard Facebook was a private company that can restrict what is and what is not posted on its site.
Thanks for repeating what I said.
What you said was ignorant, wrong, and a lie.

The doctrine of free speech concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed, not between or among private persons or organizations.

Facebook is a private company, as such it cannot ‘violate’ the free speech of anyone; only government has the potential of violating free speech when it acts contrary to First Amendment jurisprudence.

Consequently, any reference to ‘free speech’ on your part is ignorant idiocy and a lie – the issue has nothing to do with ‘free speech.’

And the notion that ‘the left’ ‘hates’ free speech is a moronic lie as well; liberals have always been staunch advocates and defenders of free speech and the right of Americans to express themselves.

It’s also a lie that Facebook ‘represents’ ‘the left.’
Delusional as usual. Crawl back into your woman's bathroom safe zone and leave the adults alone.
Ok, point out what he said that is wrong.
A. Companies cannot discriminate based upon religion.
B. Facebook is run and controlled by a leftist.

So simple even a child can even understand.
Saturday, April 16 a Christian author posted his views on homosexuality and the impact it can have on youth. You can read the post yourself (reinstated after complaints) on the link below.

Facebook is not the government, they can delete whatever they want. But they are a major social network, and the CEO of Facebook is publicly taking political sides on key issues in America. What gets censored will only increase now.

As has been noted before, the left simply hate free speech and are extremely intolerant.

Last I heard Facebook was a private company that can restrict what is and what is not posted on its site.
Thanks for repeating what I said.
What you said was ignorant, wrong, and a lie.

The doctrine of free speech concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed, not between or among private persons or organizations.

Facebook is a private company, as such it cannot ‘violate’ the free speech of anyone; only government has the potential of violating free speech when it acts contrary to First Amendment jurisprudence.

Consequently, any reference to ‘free speech’ on your part is ignorant idiocy and a lie – the issue has nothing to do with ‘free speech.’

And the notion that ‘the left’ ‘hates’ free speech is a moronic lie as well; liberals have always been staunch advocates and defenders of free speech and the right of Americans to express themselves.

It’s also a lie that Facebook ‘represents’ ‘the left.’

And yet if a business reserves the right to refuse service to anyone, and does, they get sued. huh. us where Facebook is required to follow PA laws. I would love to see the connection.
Last I heard Facebook was a private company that can restrict what is and what is not posted on its site.
Thanks for repeating what I said.
What you said was ignorant, wrong, and a lie.

The doctrine of free speech concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed, not between or among private persons or organizations.

Facebook is a private company, as such it cannot ‘violate’ the free speech of anyone; only government has the potential of violating free speech when it acts contrary to First Amendment jurisprudence.

Consequently, any reference to ‘free speech’ on your part is ignorant idiocy and a lie – the issue has nothing to do with ‘free speech.’

And the notion that ‘the left’ ‘hates’ free speech is a moronic lie as well; liberals have always been staunch advocates and defenders of free speech and the right of Americans to express themselves.

It’s also a lie that Facebook ‘represents’ ‘the left.’
Delusional as usual. Crawl back into your woman's bathroom safe zone and leave the adults alone.
Ok, point out what he said that is wrong.
A. Companies cannot discriminate based upon religion.
B. Facebook is run and controlled by a leftist.

So simple even a child can even understand.
A. That's not a free speech issue....but point out where Facebook declined a membership or banned someone based on their religion.
B. So....a leftist should not be allowed to have companies to run? Has leftist Facebook declined membership or banned RWrs? (that would be strange how many of my Friends have gotten thru that banning)
Last edited:
Saturday, April 16 a Christian author posted his views on homosexuality and the impact it can have on youth. You can read the post yourself (reinstated after complaints) on the link below.

Facebook is not the government, they can delete whatever they want. But they are a major social network, and the CEO of Facebook is publicly taking political sides on key issues in America. What gets censored will only increase now.

As has been noted before, the left simply hate free speech and are extremely intolerant.

Last I heard Facebook was a private company that can restrict what is and what is not posted on its site.
Thanks for repeating what I said.
What you said was ignorant, wrong, and a lie.

The doctrine of free speech concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed, not between or among private persons or organizations.

Facebook is a private company, as such it cannot ‘violate’ the free speech of anyone; only government has the potential of violating free speech when it acts contrary to First Amendment jurisprudence.

Consequently, any reference to ‘free speech’ on your part is ignorant idiocy and a lie – the issue has nothing to do with ‘free speech.’

And the notion that ‘the left’ ‘hates’ free speech is a moronic lie as well; liberals have always been staunch advocates and defenders of free speech and the right of Americans to express themselves.

It’s also a lie that Facebook ‘represents’ ‘the left.’

Correct , the COTUS only dictates what rights the GOVERNMENT can't violate. So explain to me again how liberals believe the COTUS prohibits BUSINESSES from discriminating???

See that's the problem with liberal doctrine, the ONLY way to get there is through sheer hypocrisy.
Thanks for repeating what I said.
What you said was ignorant, wrong, and a lie.

The doctrine of free speech concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed, not between or among private persons or organizations.

Facebook is a private company, as such it cannot ‘violate’ the free speech of anyone; only government has the potential of violating free speech when it acts contrary to First Amendment jurisprudence.

Consequently, any reference to ‘free speech’ on your part is ignorant idiocy and a lie – the issue has nothing to do with ‘free speech.’

And the notion that ‘the left’ ‘hates’ free speech is a moronic lie as well; liberals have always been staunch advocates and defenders of free speech and the right of Americans to express themselves.

It’s also a lie that Facebook ‘represents’ ‘the left.’
Delusional as usual. Crawl back into your woman's bathroom safe zone and leave the adults alone.
Ok, point out what he said that is wrong.
A. Companies cannot discriminate based upon religion.
B. Facebook is run and controlled by a leftist.

So simple even a child can even understand.
A. That's not a free speech issue....but point out where Facebook declined a membership or banned someone based on their religion.
B. So....a leftist should not be allowed to have companies to run?
A. You obviously didn't read his post.
B. Hilarious strawman.
Saturday, April 16 a Christian author posted his views on homosexuality and the impact it can have on youth. You can read the post yourself (reinstated after complaints) on the link below.

Facebook is not the government, they can delete whatever they want. But they are a major social network, and the CEO of Facebook is publicly taking political sides on key issues in America. What gets censored will only increase now.

As has been noted before, the left simply hate free speech and are extremely intolerant.

Last I heard Facebook was a private company that can restrict what is and what is not posted on its site.
Thanks for repeating what I said.
What you said was ignorant, wrong, and a lie.

The doctrine of free speech concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed, not between or among private persons or organizations.

Facebook is a private company, as such it cannot ‘violate’ the free speech of anyone; only government has the potential of violating free speech when it acts contrary to First Amendment jurisprudence.

Consequently, any reference to ‘free speech’ on your part is ignorant idiocy and a lie – the issue has nothing to do with ‘free speech.’

And the notion that ‘the left’ ‘hates’ free speech is a moronic lie as well; liberals have always been staunch advocates and defenders of free speech and the right of Americans to express themselves.

It’s also a lie that Facebook ‘represents’ ‘the left.’
Incorrect, the left only applies free speech to those who agree with them. Everyone else they try to shut down. That's a fact Jack.
So Facebook is a private company and can regulate speech right? But a private baker cannot refuse to make a cake. Right?

Oh the left! Hypocrisy!
Incorrect, the left only applies free speech to those who agree with them. Everyone else they try to shut down. That's a fact Jack.
I've been posting on internet boards for...way too long now...a couple of decades I guess...and I can assure you that leftie boards will shut you down with lightening speed at the tiniest peep of polite disagreement with their dogma. But more conservative boards will let you go on but just gang up on you more often than other posters is all. But leftie boards tolerate not one iota of insurrection.
Saturday, April 16 a Christian author posted his views on homosexuality and the impact it can have on youth. You can read the post yourself (reinstated after complaints) on the link below.

Facebook is not the government, they can delete whatever they want. But they are a major social network, and the CEO of Facebook is publicly taking political sides on key issues in America. What gets censored will only increase now.

As has been noted before, the left simply hate free speech and are extremely intolerant.
I've never been on facebook, but I have to say, I can't believe they deleted THAT. Are you sure that's the post? You and I don't agree on much, but I'm with you on this one--that was ridiculous.
Saturday, April 16 a Christian author posted his views on homosexuality and the impact it can have on youth. You can read the post yourself (reinstated after complaints) on the link below.

Facebook is not the government, they can delete whatever they want. But they are a major social network, and the CEO of Facebook is publicly taking political sides on key issues in America. What gets censored will only increase now.

As has been noted before, the left simply hate free speech and are extremely intolerant.
Good for Facebook :thup:
Maybe the USMB mods should censure your posts.
Some have. And I wasn't even spewing evil like that asshole on Facebook.
Saturday, April 16 a Christian author posted his views on homosexuality and the impact it can have on youth. You can read the post yourself (reinstated after complaints) on the link below.

Facebook is not the government, they can delete whatever they want. But they are a major social network, and the CEO of Facebook is publicly taking political sides on key issues in America. What gets censored will only increase now.

As has been noted before, the left simply hate free speech and are extremely intolerant.
Good for Facebook :thup:
Maybe the USMB mods should censure your posts.
Some have. And I wasn't even spewing evil like that asshole on Facebook.
Saturday, April 16 a Christian author posted his views on homosexuality and the impact it can have on youth. You can read the post yourself (reinstated after complaints) on the link below.

Facebook is not the government, they can delete whatever they want. But they are a major social network, and the CEO of Facebook is publicly taking political sides on key issues in America. What gets censored will only increase now.

As has been noted before, the left simply hate free speech and are extremely intolerant.
Good for Facebook :thup:
Maybe the USMB mods should censure your posts.
Some have. And I wasn't even spewing evil like that asshole on Facebook.
Yeah, being concerned for the wellbeing of youth is evil to the freak.
Saturday, April 16 a Christian author posted his views on homosexuality and the impact it can have on youth. You can read the post yourself (reinstated after complaints) on the link below.

Facebook is not the government, they can delete whatever they want. But they are a major social network, and the CEO of Facebook is publicly taking political sides on key issues in America. What gets censored will only increase now.

As has been noted before, the left simply hate free speech and are extremely intolerant.
Good for Facebook :thup:
Maybe the USMB mods should censure your posts.
Some have. And I wasn't even spewing evil like that asshole on Facebook.
Saturday, April 16 a Christian author posted his views on homosexuality and the impact it can have on youth. You can read the post yourself (reinstated after complaints) on the link below.

Facebook is not the government, they can delete whatever they want. But they are a major social network, and the CEO of Facebook is publicly taking political sides on key issues in America. What gets censored will only increase now.

As has been noted before, the left simply hate free speech and are extremely intolerant.
I've never been on facebook, but I have to say, I can't believe they deleted THAT. Are you sure that's the post? You and I don't agree on much, but I'm with you on this one--that was ridiculous.
Just a sign of things to come.
Saturday, April 16 a Christian author posted his views on homosexuality and the impact it can have on youth. You can read the post yourself (reinstated after complaints) on the link below.

Facebook is not the government, they can delete whatever they want. But they are a major social network, and the CEO of Facebook is publicly taking political sides on key issues in America. What gets censored will only increase now.

As has been noted before, the left simply hate free speech and are extremely intolerant.
Good for Facebook :thup:
Maybe the USMB mods should censure your posts.
Some have. And I wasn't even spewing evil like that asshole on Facebook.
He refuses to quote what is "evil" to him.
Saturday, April 16 a Christian author posted his views on homosexuality and the impact it can have on youth. You can read the post yourself (reinstated after complaints) on the link below.

Facebook is not the government, they can delete whatever they want. But they are a major social network, and the CEO of Facebook is publicly taking political sides on key issues in America. What gets censored will only increase now.

As has been noted before, the left simply hate free speech and are extremely intolerant.
Good for Facebook :thup:
Maybe the USMB mods should censure your posts.
Some have. And I wasn't even spewing evil like that asshole on Facebook.
Saturday, April 16 a Christian author posted his views on homosexuality and the impact it can have on youth. You can read the post yourself (reinstated after complaints) on the link below.

Facebook is not the government, they can delete whatever they want. But they are a major social network, and the CEO of Facebook is publicly taking political sides on key issues in America. What gets censored will only increase now.

As has been noted before, the left simply hate free speech and are extremely intolerant.
Good for Facebook :thup:
Maybe the USMB mods should censure your posts.
Some have. And I wasn't even spewing evil like that asshole on Facebook.
Yeah, being concerned for the wellbeing of youth is evil to the freak.
Your evil results in suicides, turning to drugs, depression, etc.
Saturday, April 16 a Christian author posted his views on homosexuality and the impact it can have on youth. You can read the post yourself (reinstated after complaints) on the link below.

Facebook is not the government, they can delete whatever they want. But they are a major social network, and the CEO of Facebook is publicly taking political sides on key issues in America. What gets censored will only increase now.

As has been noted before, the left simply hate free speech and are extremely intolerant.
Good for Facebook :thup:
Maybe the USMB mods should censure your posts.
Some have. And I wasn't even spewing evil like that asshole on Facebook.
He refuses to quote what is "evil" to him.
Conservative hatred towards gay people. But you knew that.

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