So It Begins, Facebook Censorship Underway

Delusional as usual. Crawl back into your woman's bathroom safe zone and leave the adults alone.
Ok, point out what he said that is wrong.
A. Companies cannot discriminate based upon religion.
B. Facebook is run and controlled by a leftist.

So simple even a child can even understand.
A. That's not a free speech issue....but point out where Facebook declined a membership or banned someone based on their religion.
B. So....a leftist should not be allowed to have companies to run?
A. You obviously didn't read his post.
B. Hilarious strawman.
I most certainly DID read his post...and yours. Yours is the Fail.
I've yet to see the FB TOS he violated.
Please, be the first.
Conservative hatred towards gay people. But you knew that.

Please list 3 things that conservatives in America have done that show hatred towards gays.

Seriously? Are you sure you aren't joking?

So you in fact can't list three things?
Religious damnation of gays, opposing gay marriage, opposing gay adoption, gay conversion therapy... oops that's 4. Should I keep going?
Supporting a thrice divorced government official who refused to do her paid job because it stuck it to gays.....that's 5.

Whilst all 5 of those are being an asshole, they don't rise to the level of hate.
Horseshit. FB is using the public internet to provide their "service". They profit from it and some of their subscribers also profit too by having access to 100s of millions of customers. They can't prevent a person from posting an opinion when it's Christian opinion of homosexuality. There is no other explanation FB changed its mind and reinstated the poster.

Yes, they can prevent whoever they like on their own website. That's the way it goes.

If I come on this site and jut start swearing all the time, I can be banned from this site.

What Facebook can't do is ban people based on race and things like that. However they can edit whatever they like on their own site.
Just as Christian businesses must now participate in gay weddings even though it is against their beliefs, Facebook is a public corporation and cannot ban me from using their service because my opinion is against their beliefs. You can't discriminate because of religion, remember? Why did FB reinstate the subscriber?
Only in the states that include sexual orientation in their PA laws.....while ALL states protect people based on religion. More special rights for religions.

BOOM you just hit the nail on the head. PA laws grant SPECIAL rights to certain groups and are thus UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

Thanks for joining the fight against unconstitutional laws.
Well, you are certainly welcome to challenge PA laws and their constitutionality.....but I think that's already been done.

I don't believe they have been challenged on the basis of being laws that grant special rights to some people , you DID however just admit that you agree they do give special rights to certain groups.

The law, if it exists at all, should properly read "no discrimination" and not include any qualifiers, but of course no one wants that because who would want to be forced to serve a smelly person, for example.

I'm not suggesting that people who actually would discriminate based on sex, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, or whatever aren't assholes, and TERRIBLE business people, I AM however saying that in THIS country, we have a right to be assholes and terrible businessmen if that's what we want to be.

If you allow a government to tell people who you think are assholes to stop being assholes, don't be too surprised when the government suddenly comes along and tells YOU to stop being an asshole. That's the problem with an over reaching government, it won't always be on your "side"
And yet if a business reserves the right to refuse service to anyone, and does, they get sued. huh.
This fails as a false comparison fallacy and a red herring fallacy.

It’s becoming more and more difficult to not come to the conclusion that ignorance and stupidity are indeed prerequisites for being a conservative, as your posts clearly illustrate.

In this case, as a consequence of your ignorance and stupidity, you’re confusing the doctrine of free speech with regard to First Amendment jurisprudence with that of public accommodations laws authorized by Commerce Clause jurisprudence, two legal realms one having nothing to do with the other.

Conservatism is indeed the bane of the American Nation.
Got it. Leftists can choose what to censor, Christians cannot.

Typical fascist blather.
You don't think Christians censor? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Please, link away. We need a good laugh.
Just looked up this message board/forum:

part of their TOS:
This is a best described as a "Christian only" message forum. To have a "Christians only" forum, we need to define who can post. Therefore, we need a set of criteria that clearly defines who a Christian is for the purposes of posting. This is not for any other reason. We are not speculating as to a person's salvation. We do not expect members to accept or affirm this as a Creed because recognizes no official Creed but the Bible. We do, however, expect members to agree with the content below only because it is based on the teachings of the Bible. You will not use any aspect of the Grace-Centered Forums to promote a religion, belief (or non-belief), faith or doctrine other than "Christianity" as stated in the Nicene Creed below). A post that merely provides information about a non-Christian belief is usually allowed for informational purposes only and as long as it is without promotion. Promotion is defined as encouragement of the progress, growth, or acceptance of something including advertising and publicity. For the purposes of this rule, atheism and witchcraft are to be considered faiths.

So....if I start talking about Paganism as a viable religion on that site (if I join), what do you think will happen?

Shortbus, employ all 32 of your IQ points and see if you can find where FaceBook defines themselves as a "homosexual only" forum?

Look, it's cool, Facebook is a private company and they don't want Christians using their service. Christians need to oblige them in their wishes.

So what big government agency do you think should be sent to correct them?

Did you really think sticking that ice pick in your ear would make you smarter?

Facebook is free to censor messages that fail to support their leftist agenda.

Now think what Facebook is, and see if you can comprehend whether a "Christians are not welcome on Facebook" email campaign just might have an impact?

If Facebook wants to be the MSNBC of the interwebz, they have latched on to a winning formula. :thup:

So what big government agency do you think should be sent to correct them?

Did you really think sticking that ice pick in your ear would make you smarter?

Facebook is free to censor messages that fail to support their leftist agenda.

Now think what Facebook is, and see if you can comprehend whether a "Christians are not welcome on Facebook" email campaign just might have an impact?

If Facebook wants to be the MSNBC of the interwebz, they have latched on to a winning formula. :thup:
Evangelical Christians have been butthurt about lots of companies for years. Let's see how they're "e-mail campaigns" have worked out...



Here Are The 379 Companies Urging The Supreme Court To Support Same-Sex Marriage

Damn those "e-mail campaigns" are really having an impact!
Evangelical Christians have been butthurt about lots of companies for years. Let's see how they're "e-mail campaigns" have worked out...



Here Are The 379 Companies Urging The Supreme Court To Support Same-Sex Marriage

Damn those "e-mail campaigns" are really having an impact!

You are a leftist, ergo not terribly bright.

WHEN the Christians mounted their campaigns, what vehicle did they use?

Oh yeah, Facebook... :eusa_whistle:
Yes evangelical Christians have no problem supporting the companies they hate by giving them their business. It's very strange.
Yeah, being concerned for the wellbeing of youth is evil to the freak.
Your evil results in suicides, turning to drugs, depression, etc.
See? The hater refuses to quote from the post what he calls evil.
Even he knows he's an idiot.
Look at my last post. Oops egg on your face.
Epic failure. You haven't even read his post. You're just a simpleton bigot.
Nope I posted examples. More egg on your face.
Yes, hatred of gays leads to depression, suicides, turning to drugs. But the post that was taken down wasn't a hateful rant against gays. Our local paper recently ran an op ed article on a pastor who is again actively seeking to overturn the legislation making gay marriage legal in our state. Then a week later they allowed him to publish an open letter defending his position. Some people have complained that he was allowed to defend his 'bigotry.' I agree with the paper that we all have a right to express our point of view, and he had a right to defend his stance. By that, I don't mean hate speech. We know what hate speech is, we read it here all the time. Their words are hurtful and lack any basis in rational thought. But unless I read it wrong, the post in question was not like that. Even a private enterprise like Facebook should allow that; they've got millions -- maybe billions -- of readers. Hard to call it "private."
Your evil results in suicides, turning to drugs, depression, etc.
See? The hater refuses to quote from the post what he calls evil.
Even he knows he's an idiot.
Look at my last post. Oops egg on your face.
Epic failure. You haven't even read his post. You're just a simpleton bigot.
Nope I posted examples. More egg on your face.
Yes, hatred of gays leads to depression, suicides, turning to drugs. But the post that was taken down wasn't a hateful rant against gays. Our local paper recently ran an op ed article on a pastor who is again actively seeking to overturn the legislation making gay marriage legal in our state. Then a week later they allowed him to publish an open letter defending his position. Some people have complained that he was allowed to defend his 'bigotry.' I agree with the paper that we all have a right to express our point of view, and he had a right to defend his stance. By that, I don't mean hate speech. We know what hate speech is, we read it here all the time. Their words are hurtful and lack any basis in rational thought. But unless I read it wrong, the post in question was not like that. Even a private enterprise like Facebook should allow that; they've got millions -- maybe billions -- of readers. Hard to call it "private."
Just because someone says something in a polite way doesn't mean it's not hate speech. I'm sure you'll also be shocked to know the post is up on Facebook as we speak and there is no grand Facebook conspiracy against Christians.
Yes evangelical Christians have no problem supporting the companies they hate by giving them their business. It's very strange.

Facebook has one purpose, social media. The very social media that memes and social movements exist on.


MySpace fell for less.
MySpace died because Facebook was way better. Not because a few old farts who are terrified of the 21st century were calling them anti-Christian.
GOOG and FB are the two major pillars of the Techno Surveillance Complex.

Their big objective is to work with Big Government to put free people under the yoke of censorship, approved propaganda and constant surveillance.
Saturday, April 16 a Christian author posted his views on homosexuality and the impact it can have on youth. You can read the post yourself (reinstated after complaints) on the link below.

Facebook is not the government, they can delete whatever they want. But they are a major social network, and the CEO of Facebook is publicly taking political sides on key issues in America. What gets censored will only increase now.

As has been noted before, the left simply hate free speech and are extremely intolerant.
Hell I am on my 3rd 30 day ban in about 6 months on kikebook. Its funny. Its why I have multiple accounts.
I often find it rather ironic, that most of the people who are so concerned about religious freedom. think it should only apply to Christianity, which they have demonstrated to have a very little understanding of the foundation of Christianity. (Please note all the threads/posts bashing the Pope for repeating what the Bible actually says.)
Saturday, April 16 a Christian author posted his views on homosexuality and the impact it can have on youth. You can read the post yourself (reinstated after complaints) on the link below.

Facebook is not the government, they can delete whatever they want. But they are a major social network, and the CEO of Facebook is publicly taking political sides on key issues in America. What gets censored will only increase now.

As has been noted before, the left simply hate free speech and are extremely intolerant.
Hell I am on my 3rd 30 day ban in about 6 months on kikebook. Its funny. Its why I have multiple accounts.
Can't imagine what you'd have to say to get banned here. Probably don't want to.
Saturday, April 16 a Christian author posted his views on homosexuality and the impact it can have on youth. You can read the post yourself (reinstated after complaints) on the link below.

Facebook is not the government, they can delete whatever they want. But they are a major social network, and the CEO of Facebook is publicly taking political sides on key issues in America. What gets censored will only increase now.

As has been noted before, the left simply hate free speech and are extremely intolerant.
As is the far right.

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