So it Looks Like MLK Jr Was Quite The Pervert


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Seems the good preacher had a penchant for orgies, affairs and sex shows

lol, He took "We shall overcome" to a whole new level


"Orgies, Affairs, Sex Shows": Secret FBI Analysis Of MLK Jr. Exposed In Latest Release Of JFK Files

by Tyler Durden
Nov 4, 2017 9:29 AM

In keeping with President Trump's demands...

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... The National Archives and Records Administration on Friday afternoon released hundreds more documents related to the assassination of former President John F. Kennedy.

The documents can be found here.

As CBS reports, this latest batch of 676 records could yield more interesting results than last week's release, as they are the ones intelligence agencies requested more time to review, citing national security concerns.

The majority of records from Friday's batch - 553 of them - are from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Those records were previously denied in their entirety, according to NARA.

CBS points out some interesting findings...

Oswald contacts Soviet embassy in search of visa

On Sept. 27, 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald called the Soviet embassy in search of a visa to visit Odessa, according to the files. Eventually, the Soviet Embassy says they have received no answer from Washington, and such a request will take four to five months. Oswald says he belongs to a pro-Cuban organization and can't get a Cuban visa without first getting a Russian visa. The next day, Sept. 28, 1963, Oswald calls the Soviet embassy to ask for news from Washington.

Roofer told resident after JFK assassination: "I'm the man"

The Pentagon received a letter from a Betty Joe Dodge of Lubbock, Texas, in September 1978. The letter, addressed to General Westmoreland, noted that an ex-Green Baret named Robert H. Doty had stayed in Dodge's home that summer while he worked as a roofer. On the evening the assassination news was reported, he seemed uneasy, Dodge said. When Dodge asked what difference it made, Doty told her, "I'm the man."

"I was afraid to ask any questions," Dodge wrote. "I could never tell whether he was testing my reaction to a wild statement or actually telling me the truth."

Officials thought Oswald was "odd" in 1960

One U.S. official, Thomas B. Casasin, recalls that he thought Oswald's behavior struck him as "odd" and "unusual" after reading a dispatch on him following Oswald's return to the United States from the USSR. The official told his subordinates something along the lines of, "Don't push too hard to get the information we need, because this individual looks odd." The official remembers being particularly interested in what Oswald could provide on the Minsk factory where he had been employed.

However, perhaps the most interesting document released was a March 12th, 1968 FBI analysis of Martin Luther King Jr - just 3 weeks before he was assassinated - portraying the civil rights leader in a negative light.

The 20-page document released on Friday attempts to tie the civil rights leader to various communist influences and alleges financial improprieties at the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, the African-American civil rights organisation founded by King, reports CNN. The document also contains insinuations and assertions about King's personal life, including extramarital affairs and other sexual improprieties. However, it was not clear whether the authors of the document verified any of the information.

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Explosive FBI report on Martin Luther King Jr. among documents in JFK files

Martin Luther King addresses in Paris on March 29, 1966.

WASHINGTON -- The FBI prepared a secret 20-page analysis of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. containing explosive allegations about King's political ties and sexual activity, just a month before he was assassinated on April 4, 1968.

One section of the document, which was among files related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy released on Friday, alleges that King was attracted to former member of the Communist Party in America. It notes that two previous aides were party members and eight others, who helped shape King's organization in its early stages, had communist affiliations.

Explosive FBI report on Martin Luther King Jr. among documents in JFK files
All was reported years ago; tough to tell what J. Edgar made up, and what is fact. J. Edgar was odd about sex.
All was reported years ago; tough to tell what J. Edgar made up, and what is fact. J. Edgar was odd about sex.
J. Edgar dressed in drag, and went after everyone.

Washington Post wrote after the 1993 bio that he did not cross dress. Eastwood will not even state he was gay, yet I have read the movie has Hoover cross dressing. We know he lived with Tolson for decades, and left him the majority of his wealth.
All was reported years ago; tough to tell what J. Edgar made up, and what is fact. J. Edgar was odd about sex.
Yes, it has all been well known and his apologists refuse to accept anything that tarnishes the "legend."
Seems the good preacher had a penchant for orgies, affairs and sex shows

lol, He took "We shall overcome" to a whole new level


"Orgies, Affairs, Sex Shows": Secret FBI Analysis Of MLK Jr. Exposed In Latest Release Of JFK Files

by Tyler Durden
Nov 4, 2017 9:29 AM

In keeping with President Trump's demands...

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... The National Archives and Records Administration on Friday afternoon released hundreds more documents related to the assassination of former President John F. Kennedy.

The documents can be found here.

As CBS reports, this latest batch of 676 records could yield more interesting results than last week's release, as they are the ones intelligence agencies requested more time to review, citing national security concerns.

The majority of records from Friday's batch - 553 of them - are from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Those records were previously denied in their entirety, according to NARA.

CBS points out some interesting findings...

Oswald contacts Soviet embassy in search of visa

On Sept. 27, 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald called the Soviet embassy in search of a visa to visit Odessa, according to the files. Eventually, the Soviet Embassy says they have received no answer from Washington, and such a request will take four to five months. Oswald says he belongs to a pro-Cuban organization and can't get a Cuban visa without first getting a Russian visa. The next day, Sept. 28, 1963, Oswald calls the Soviet embassy to ask for news from Washington.

Roofer told resident after JFK assassination: "I'm the man"

The Pentagon received a letter from a Betty Joe Dodge of Lubbock, Texas, in September 1978. The letter, addressed to General Westmoreland, noted that an ex-Green Baret named Robert H. Doty had stayed in Dodge's home that summer while he worked as a roofer. On the evening the assassination news was reported, he seemed uneasy, Dodge said. When Dodge asked what difference it made, Doty told her, "I'm the man."

"I was afraid to ask any questions," Dodge wrote. "I could never tell whether he was testing my reaction to a wild statement or actually telling me the truth."

Officials thought Oswald was "odd" in 1960

One U.S. official, Thomas B. Casasin, recalls that he thought Oswald's behavior struck him as "odd" and "unusual" after reading a dispatch on him following Oswald's return to the United States from the USSR. The official told his subordinates something along the lines of, "Don't push too hard to get the information we need, because this individual looks odd." The official remembers being particularly interested in what Oswald could provide on the Minsk factory where he had been employed.

However, perhaps the most interesting document released was a March 12th, 1968 FBI analysis of Martin Luther King Jr - just 3 weeks before he was assassinated - portraying the civil rights leader in a negative light.

The 20-page document released on Friday attempts to tie the civil rights leader to various communist influences and alleges financial improprieties at the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, the African-American civil rights organisation founded by King, reports CNN. The document also contains insinuations and assertions about King's personal life, including extramarital affairs and other sexual improprieties. However, it was not clear whether the authors of the document verified any of the information.

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I do believe there is documentation of some of J. Edger's improprieties. LOL
Seems the good preacher had a penchant for orgies, affairs and sex shows

lol, He took "We shall overcome" to a whole new level


"Orgies, Affairs, Sex Shows": Secret FBI Analysis Of MLK Jr. Exposed In Latest Release Of JFK Files

by Tyler Durden
Nov 4, 2017 9:29 AM

In keeping with President Trump's demands...

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... The National Archives and Records Administration on Friday afternoon released hundreds more documents related to the assassination of former President John F. Kennedy.

The documents can be found here.

As CBS reports, this latest batch of 676 records could yield more interesting results than last week's release, as they are the ones intelligence agencies requested more time to review, citing national security concerns.

The majority of records from Friday's batch - 553 of them - are from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Those records were previously denied in their entirety, according to NARA.

CBS points out some interesting findings...

Oswald contacts Soviet embassy in search of visa

On Sept. 27, 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald called the Soviet embassy in search of a visa to visit Odessa, according to the files. Eventually, the Soviet Embassy says they have received no answer from Washington, and such a request will take four to five months. Oswald says he belongs to a pro-Cuban organization and can't get a Cuban visa without first getting a Russian visa. The next day, Sept. 28, 1963, Oswald calls the Soviet embassy to ask for news from Washington.

Roofer told resident after JFK assassination: "I'm the man"

The Pentagon received a letter from a Betty Joe Dodge of Lubbock, Texas, in September 1978. The letter, addressed to General Westmoreland, noted that an ex-Green Baret named Robert H. Doty had stayed in Dodge's home that summer while he worked as a roofer. On the evening the assassination news was reported, he seemed uneasy, Dodge said. When Dodge asked what difference it made, Doty told her, "I'm the man."

"I was afraid to ask any questions," Dodge wrote. "I could never tell whether he was testing my reaction to a wild statement or actually telling me the truth."

Officials thought Oswald was "odd" in 1960

One U.S. official, Thomas B. Casasin, recalls that he thought Oswald's behavior struck him as "odd" and "unusual" after reading a dispatch on him following Oswald's return to the United States from the USSR. The official told his subordinates something along the lines of, "Don't push too hard to get the information we need, because this individual looks odd." The official remembers being particularly interested in what Oswald could provide on the Minsk factory where he had been employed.

However, perhaps the most interesting document released was a March 12th, 1968 FBI analysis of Martin Luther King Jr - just 3 weeks before he was assassinated - portraying the civil rights leader in a negative light.

The 20-page document released on Friday attempts to tie the civil rights leader to various communist influences and alleges financial improprieties at the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, the African-American civil rights organisation founded by King, reports CNN. The document also contains insinuations and assertions about King's personal life, including extramarital affairs and other sexual improprieties. However, it was not clear whether the authors of the document verified any of the information.

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Reflects more poorly on the reprehensible conduct of the FBI

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