So, it turns out Iran had a secret nuclear site this whole time

Netanyahu has my full blessings for scattering that site all over the Iranian countryside.

Go for it, Bibi.
He's going after smaller fish first in Syria and Lebanon.
He'll let Washington and the Saudis deal with the big Dog.

Syria and Lebanon are Iranian outposts
Hezbollah says commanders ready, Israel orders more forces to border region

Iran should be advised that only nuclear weapons it will be permitted to have (temporarily) will be the ones we will send them should they cross the line.

40 years a global pain in the ass. Time to make an end.
What you're casually suggesting could ignite WW-3.
You good with that comrade ?

Aside from Syria, every country in the region would be happy to see the regime gone.

If Iran acquires nuclear weapons, they will sell to others to use to their purpose, ergo plausible deniability.

It's doubtful in the extreme any other nation would risk itself to avenge Iran.
Aside from Syria, every country in the region would be happy to see the regime gone.

If Iran acquires nuclear weapons, they will sell to others to use to their purpose, ergo plausible deniability.

It's doubtful in the extreme any other nation would risk itself to avenge Iran.
1953 wants it's propaganda back.
So they discovered a site that has since been destroyed. Should we carpet bomb the destroyed site?
Nice sidestep.

What they discovered was a nuclear site that should not have existed if they were abiding by the nuclear deal they signed. IOW, they were cheating before we pulled out. That speaks to the deal not being worth the paper it was written on.

We had a deal with North Korea too. Look how that turned out. If Iran wants nuclear weapons, it will have them eventually.
Nobody knows for sure, but it's my guess that Saudi Arabia and Iran already have them.
(Saudis from us and Iran got them from Russia)

Maybe. I really think that Iran should go full ore nuclear power. The middle east as well. They need to up their desalination game and nuclear is the only thing that will create that energy efficiently
So they discovered a site that has since been destroyed. Should we carpet bomb the destroyed site?
Nice sidestep.

What they discovered was a nuclear site that should not have existed if they were abiding by the nuclear deal they signed. IOW, they were cheating before we pulled out. That speaks to the deal not being worth the paper it was written on.

We had a deal with North Korea too. Look how that turned out. If Iran wants nuclear weapons, it will have them eventually.

It will never happen. One thing you can be sure of: Israel will never allow Iran to develop deliverable nukes. They will nuke every nuclear facility in Iran before that happens. You can bet the farm on that one.
Amazing what can be bought for $1.7 Billion....thanks Obama.
It was all that "death to Israel" stuff they chant that appealed to obama and the Democrats.

Coulda been that "death to America" chant that Obama liked.

got news for you,Obama is not alone in that.ALL politicians in washington think the same thing about america,you dont get to become a politician and NOT become a criminal at the same time charlie.:abgg2q.jpg:

the ones that are good and get in who want to do good,when they find out how corrupt the system really is,they get out,the ones that have a conscience.
So they discovered a site that has since been destroyed. Should we carpet bomb the destroyed site?
Nice sidestep.

What they discovered was a nuclear site that should not have existed if they were abiding by the nuclear deal they signed. IOW, they were cheating before we pulled out. That speaks to the deal not being worth the paper it was written on.

We had a deal with North Korea too. Look how that turned out. If Iran wants nuclear weapons, it will have them eventually.

It will never happen. One thing you can be sure of: Israel will never allow Iran to develop deliverable nukes. They will nuke every nuclear facility in Iran before that happens. You can bet the farm on that one.

Israel doesn't have the ability to strike deep into Iran, at least not more than once. It would take all they have to do it once.
So they discovered a site that has since been destroyed. Should we carpet bomb the destroyed site?
Nice sidestep.

What they discovered was a nuclear site that should not have existed if they were abiding by the nuclear deal they signed. IOW, they were cheating before we pulled out. That speaks to the deal not being worth the paper it was written on.

We had a deal with North Korea too. Look how that turned out. If Iran wants nuclear weapons, it will have them eventually.
Nobody knows for sure, but it's my guess that Saudi Arabia and Iran already have them.
(Saudis from us and Iran got them from Russia)

yeah thats pretty accurate i would say.
Maybe. I really think that Iran should go full ore nuclear power. The middle east as well. They need to up their desalination game and nuclear is the only thing that will create that energy efficiently
Solar, tidal and wind + nuclear.
Aside from Syria, every country in the region would be happy to see the regime gone.

If Iran acquires nuclear weapons, they will sell to others to use to their purpose, ergo plausible deniability.

It's doubtful in the extreme any other nation would risk itself to avenge Iran.
1953 wants it's propaganda back.

Not following current circumstances?

Obama made a similar crack about 1968 and the Russians. Turns out, not surprisingly, he was wrong.
So they discovered a site that has since been destroyed. Should we carpet bomb the destroyed site?
Nice sidestep.

What they discovered was a nuclear site that should not have existed if they were abiding by the nuclear deal they signed. IOW, they were cheating before we pulled out. That speaks to the deal not being worth the paper it was written on.

We had a deal with North Korea too. Look how that turned out. If Iran wants nuclear weapons, it will have them eventually.
Was your point that we should not have bothered with the Iran deal then?
So they discovered a site that has since been destroyed. Should we carpet bomb the destroyed site?
Nice sidestep.

What they discovered was a nuclear site that should not have existed if they were abiding by the nuclear deal they signed. IOW, they were cheating before we pulled out. That speaks to the deal not being worth the paper it was written on.

We had a deal with North Korea too. Look how that turned out. If Iran wants nuclear weapons, it will have them eventually.
Was your point that we should not have bothered with the Iran deal then?

Obama's Iran deal was the biggest clusterfuck of his entire presidency. Even Ali-Akbar Saleh, the man who heads the Iran Atomic Energy Agency said “Iran’s nuclear program remains intact, we have done nothing that could not be undone with the turn of a screw.”

Then Iran went on to test a new generation of missiles which because of their long range and small payload, it was evident that they were designed to carry nuclear warheads.

In exchange for some vague promises Iran made, Obama solved the Islamic Republic’s cash-flow problem by releasing unknown quantities of frozen assets. A large number of those assets were in the form of hard cash flown to Tehran via Beirut in sealed safes, all in secret mind you. Part of the cash was $400 million for the release of four hostages held by the mullahs, which was in direct violation of the US policy not to pay ransom. The shithead Iranians wasted no time seizing six new American hostages, immediately after.

A lump sum of $1.7 billion from assets frozen under President Jimmy Carter went straight into the coffers of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard to help it upgrade its adventures in Lebanon, Syria and Yemen. With some of that money they received from Obama, Tehran signed a series of contracts to buy more weapons from Russia.

Even with those clandestine side deals going on, the Obama administration negotiated an agreement without a guarantee that Iran wouldn't eventually build a nuclear bomb. Iran continued to make progress on their centrifuges beyond what was allowed under the nuclear deal, in part through a so-called "quality assurance" loophole that Iran was exploiting to test those centrifuges.

In other words, Obama's nuclear deal explicitly allowed the Iranians to continue research and development activities on highly advanced centrifuges over the course of its duration, while they boasted about the progress being made. Which is why they are even more of a threat today. Obama's Iran nuclear deal didn't put a stop to their quest for a nuclear weapon, it only temporarily slowed it down.
So they discovered a site that has since been destroyed. Should we carpet bomb the destroyed site?
Nice sidestep.

What they discovered was a nuclear site that should not have existed if they were abiding by the nuclear deal they signed. IOW, they were cheating before we pulled out. That speaks to the deal not being worth the paper it was written on.

We had a deal with North Korea too. Look how that turned out. If Iran wants nuclear weapons, it will have them eventually.
Was your point that we should not have bothered with the Iran deal then?

Oh you can have whatever deal you want but that won't change that if Iran wants a nuke, they will eventually get one. We really have a bit of a problem with Iran--Turkey won't let us use their airspace or our bases there to attack them. It is probably the only reason we haven't. Tehran is a hard get from the gulf if you are going to have to fight your way in and out to put punishing precision airstrikes on them.
"Their black messiah had noooooo idea."
No idea, hell. Iran had Obama's permission.
Amazing how damaging those unsecured emails have been to this country.

Any guesses as to why and how many countries blackmailed the obama administration?

Could you imagine what would have been found? Like, how that muslim just so happened to be in the right spot to shoot down that chinook carrying the SEALS? Only a short time after they got bin laden?

Why again did we give that muslim fuck an honorable burial? Why again didn't we crush his remains and stuff his head into a swines ass and bury him in pig shit?
"Their black messiah had noooooo idea."
No idea, hell. Iran had Obama's permission.
Amazing how damaging those unsecured emails have been to this country.

Any guesses as to why and how many countries blackmailed the obama administration?

Could you imagine what would have been found? Like, how that muslim just so happened to be in the right spot to shoot down that chinook carrying the SEALS? Only a short time after they got bin laden?

Why again did we give that muslim fuck an honorable burial? Why again didn't we crush his remains and stuff his head into a swines ass and bury him in pig shit?
Because Obama couldn't dishonor a fellow Muslim.

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