So, it turns out Iran had a secret nuclear site this whole time

So they discovered a site that has since been destroyed. Should we carpet bomb the destroyed site?
Nice sidestep.

What they discovered was a nuclear site that should not have existed if they were abiding by the nuclear deal they signed. IOW, they were cheating before we pulled out. That speaks to the deal not being worth the paper it was written on.

We had a deal with North Korea too. Look how that turned out. If Iran wants nuclear weapons, it will have them eventually.
So what was the point of making a sham deal with Iran and giving them $1.7 billion to build their nukes?

Obama was duped or serving an agenda?
What kind of moron would want to arm the genocidal Iranian terrorist with nukes?
So they discovered a site that has since been destroyed. Should we carpet bomb the destroyed site?
Nice sidestep.

What they discovered was a nuclear site that should not have existed if they were abiding by the nuclear deal they signed. IOW, they were cheating before we pulled out. That speaks to the deal not being worth the paper it was written on.

We had a deal with North Korea too. Look how that turned out. If Iran wants nuclear weapons, it will have them eventually.
So what was the point of making a sham deal with Iran and giving them $1.7 billion to build their nukes?

Obama was duped or serving an agenda?

Presidents are professional can kickers on this issue. None of them have the balls to take out nuclear sites.
Iran should be advised that only nuclear weapons it will be permitted to have (temporarily) will be the ones we will send them should they cross the line.

40 years a global pain in the ass. Time to make an end.
What you're casually suggesting could ignite WW-3.
You good with that comrade ?
And just what country do you think is going to stick their neck that far out, for the Islamo-Fascist scum of Iran?

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