So It's Going To Take a Major Shakedown To Make Filthy Don Club Speak


Silver Member
Dec 14, 2017
Sounds like Mueller needs to start wiping clean the Filthy Don Mafiaoso. A dirty family like this needs to be squeezed.

"Even the Golden Child of Ill Repute? Hmmmmm."

This one is on it too...:113:
Is this even after Flynn, Gates, Manafort, Papadopoulos, Deutsche Bank and Jared flips?
Nice, a Russian Bot dog whistling the ALT-Right mods on the board. StormTrooper 2.0 in full panic mode. :113:

Poseur mode activated!

Must spawn moar account of Stats will flog me for falling behind!

When you use "moar" to say more you must be a you call blacks "blax" because that's what's the 4Channers do.

You WeakWhyte Supremacist are a trip. :113:

I know that there are maybe 3 or 4 actual people with you over at the Stats and Starkey Media Matters Internet Outreach and Agitprop Center who each run 20 accounts.

"Mueller may shakedown my Installed Puppet, but I'm in Russia and far away American Justice anyways."

Nice, a Russian Bot dog whistling the ALT-Right mods on the board. StormTrooper 2.0 in full panic mode. :113:

Poseur mode activated!

Must spawn moar account of Stats will flog me for falling behind!

When you use "moar" to say more you must be a you call blacks "blax" because that's what's the 4Channers do.

You WeakWhyte Supremacist are a trip. :113:

Learn the rules of posting oh great black one. Look at you and all of those talking point!!!!
For people who rabidly argued that anything a President does in his own personal time is no one else's business, these snowflakes sure have changed their tune.... :p
We’re headed for a constitutional crisis. Brought to you by the Trump admin….

As always.

"Mueller may shakedown my Installed Puppet, but I'm in Russia and far away American Justice anyways."


Took $145 Million from the KGB Bank.
- Trump? No - Hillary.

Took $500k per speech from the KGB Bank?
- Trump? No - Bill

Met with Putin Personally.
- Trump? No - Bill

Collaborated with / Paid millions to a foreign spy working with Russians for a Russian propaganda-filled debunked report illegally used in an election and that the FBI used illegally to acquire warrants to spy on a Presidential candidate and his team during an election.
- Trump? No - Hillary.

Donors created another false report, gave it to a foreign spy, and that spy gave it to the FBI...but this one was SO obviously bogus / unbelievable that the FBI rejected it.
- Trump? No - Hillary.

Collusion with Russians and foreign spies proven / documented?
- Trump? No - Hillary!

Evidence shows the Russians engaged in a PsyOp program that Barry knew about yet did nothing about that resulted in ________ organizing and marching for them.
- Conservatives / Trump supporters? No - Snowflakes / Trump Supporters.

Evidence shows the Russians paid ________ groups to spread racial division and violence.
- Conservatives / Trump supporters? No - Snowflakes / Trump Supporters.

Source Information Used To Justify an Investigation of Trump:

1. 1st Steel Dossier
Debunked, proven false. Compilation of 2nd-hand account tales from Russians Steele admitted he never tried to verify before pushing it as 'fact'. Purchased by Hillary and provided it to the FBI, who used it as 'fact', misleading the FISA court (according to the IG) to illegally acquire warrants to spy on Trump and his team.
*** As Mentioned, Hillary's team tried to feed the FBI a 2nd 'Steele' report, one her donors wrote, but this one was rejected.

2. Papadopoulos
The FBI targeted him after they received a 'tip' about an 'overheard' drunken conversation in the bathroom of a British Pub....Evidence shows a HUGE Hillary donor, an Australian 'Ambassador', set up a meeting with the un-paid, self-important Trump campaign worker, meeting him in a British pub. It was HIM, HE called in the 'tip', and it was not an 'overheard' conversation - it was his conversation with Papa, the oe he instigated and 'guided'...

According to the FBI the entire justification for investigating Trump for non-existent 'illegal collusion' between Trump and Russians was the BULLSHIT fed to them by Hillary and her supporters.

And snowflakes continue to claim TRUMP and his team are the ones who worked with the Russians! Bwuhahahaha....
During the Uranium One Scandal:

Then FBI Director Robert Mueller, US AG Eric Holder, Sect of State Hillary Clinton, and President Barak Obama KNEW about the Russians engaging in widespread crime and corruption associated with their attempt to acquire Uranium One.

In the Midst of a massive Bribery scandal in which the Russians were 'buying' high ranking politicians and nuclear energy officials Sect of State Hillary Clinton sat on the committee responsible for approving or denying the sale of Uranium One to the Russians / KGB Bank. Despite knowing about the associated crimes Hillary refused to tell the committee what was going on, ensuring the sale went through.

US AG Eric Holder also sat on the committee as well, and, like Hillary, he remained silent about the Russian crimes...and the fact that Hillary had received $145 MILLION from the Lead negotiator for the Uranium One Project. The money could be traced back guessed it...the KGB Bank.

President Barak Obama also knew about the associated Russian crimes; yet, after the deal was approved by the committee, Obama signed off on it, too.
-- knowing about Russian crimes and doing nothing about them became a pattern for Obama. Evidence shows Obama knew about the Russian attempts to hack top US Govt officials as early as 2015 - Obama did not even warn the govt officials identified this was happening and did nothing to / about the Russians. Evidence shows Obama also knew about the Russian PsyOps programs and their paying Liberal groups to spread racial division and violence...again he did nothing. The reason why was because he was trying not to anger Putin, whose approval Barry needed to Un-Constitutionally invade Syria and start his illegal war in Syria.

Flash forward to the 2016 election and today. It is mind-boggling to think how 3 high ranking Americans who have a documented history working with / covering up for the Russians could possibly accuse anyone else of 'collusion with the Russians'.

Democrats, as we repeatedly see, accuse others of what they have done / are doing.
We’re headed for a constitutional crisis. Brought to you by the Trump admin….

As always.

That soft spoken, scrawny black dude with the oversized ears and unAmerican name shit all over the constitution for eight long years.
The Trump admin is putting it all back together and filth can’t stand it.
We’re headed for a constitutional crisis. Brought to you by the Trump admin….

As always.

Nope, brought to us by the American Political Class. It's been in the works for decades.

Not at all.

Only Trump’s team took meetings with Russians, had relations with Russian hackers, paid off prostitutes, gave out the phone numbers of his political opponents, threatened to jail other political opponents, implied other political opponents had the mentality of child molesters, accused the father of other political opponents of being hitmen, insinuated that a moderator was on her period….
We’re headed for a constitutional crisis. Brought to you by the Trump admin….

As always.

Nope, brought to us by the American Political Class. It's been in the works for decades.

Not at all.

Only Trump’s team took meetings with Russians, had relations with Russian hackers, paid off prostitutes, gave out the phone numbers of his political opponents, threatened to jail other political opponents, implied other political opponents had the mentality of child molesters, accused the father of other political opponents of being hitmen, insinuated that a moderator was on her period….

No, this Russian thing is a distraction, nothing more. Trump is playing his part to perfection. We are going to War in the ME and they need to keep everyone distracted while everything is put inti place.
We’re headed for a constitutional crisis. Brought to you by the Trump admin….

As always.

That soft spoken, scrawny black dude with the oversized ears and unAmerican name shit all over the constitution for eight long years.
The Trump admin is putting it all back together and filth can’t stand it.

Weak Whyte dogwhistle. You have made the list.

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