So Jefferson was also a pedophile


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
Hating Hatters
i knew he was a hypocrite of the first magnitude with his all men were created equal long as they were men and white, but I had no idea he fucked and impregnated a 14 year old. Holy fucking shit no wonder our country is so messed up.
Sally Hemmings was Jefferson's sister in law who came to run the household after Mrs. Jefferson passed away.

She brought her brother James with her. When the Jefferson fsmily went to Paris, James became interested in the culinary arts. Thomas Jefferson paid for James' education and later offered him a job as white White House chef. They were very close.
i knew he was a hypocrite of the first magnitude with his all men were created equal long as they were men and white, but I had no idea he fucked and impregnated a 14 year old. Holy fucking shit no wonder our country is so messed up.

And? Jerry Lee Lewis married his 13 year old cousin.

Why do you hate "The Killer"?
Sally Hemmings was Jefferson's sister in law who came to run the household after Mrs. Jefferson passed away.

She brought her brother James with her. When the Jefferson fsmily went to Paris, James became interested in the culinary arts. Thomas Jefferson paid for James' education and later offered him a job as white White House chef. They were very close.
She was a slave
Jerry Lee Lewis married his 13 year old cousin.
Which, with the parents consent, was a legal age to marry in the state of Louisiana. .... :cool:

That isn't all that young. Many Mexican states and South American countries have an age of consent of 12 years old. That's why so many illegal immigrants become instant sex offenders after they sneak in here.
i knew he was a hypocrite of the first magnitude with his all men were created equal long as they were men and white, but I had no idea he fucked and impregnated a 14 year old. Holy fucking shit no wonder our country is so messed up.
Back in the day life expectancy was around 50 years. 13 year olds would marry and have children because the success rate of raising children back then was less than 50%. But typical of liberals, they try to use todays standards to bash those who lived in the past....Shame liberals never study history, but just rant and rave, because they are stupid MFers.

Age of Consent in European & American History
Following English law, in which the age was set at 12 in 1275 and lowered to 10 in 1576, ages of consent in the American colonies were generally set at 10 or 12. The laws protected female virginity, which at the time was considered a valuable commodity until marriage. The theft of a girl’s chastity was seen as a property crime against her father and future husband.
But notice today with liberalism and its immorality, women are supposed to fuck anything and then get an abortion, because that is the liberal way....Ah yes, I love it when a liberal talks about the past and immorality. They sure are experts at it.
Sally Hemmings was Jefferson's sister in law who came to run the household after Mrs. Jefferson passed away.

She brought her brother James with her. When the Jefferson fsmily went to Paris, James became interested in the culinary arts. Thomas Jefferson paid for James' education and later offered him a job as white White House chef. They were very close.
She was a slave
She was sister to his wife.
Sally Hemmings was Jefferson's sister in law who came to run the household after Mrs. Jefferson passed away.

She brought her brother James with her. When the Jefferson fsmily went to Paris, James became interested in the culinary arts. Thomas Jefferson paid for James' education and later offered him a job as white White House chef. They were very close.
She was a slave
She was sister to his wife.
Also a family slave

Wife’s father liked brown sugar
Benjamin Franklin also liked them young
In those days a man either liked them young, married or widowed. The independent career girl was still aways off.
Hell back in those days, not too many young men survived, they were in wars, or ended up dead from disease, so a girl had to choose what ever was left.. But again, liberals dont know history, so are just dumb fucks as usual..Right MrClean?
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