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So just how stupid can Trump supporters really be? Your answer is here.

vote for 'illary' and get more of mrobama . Vote the Trump and hopefully we MAY get what he has been promising at his rallies and in his policy statements .

He is not deporting illegals. He is not bringing manufacturing jobs. No policy on ISIS. Insult blacks and Hispanics and other minorities ............ He lie lie lie lie............ but keep dreaming Pismoe.
Trump insulted Blacks & Hispanics?
Got a Link?
Of course not.

A trump supporter. Dude.... You've got to be kidding me. Are you a foreigner? I'm not going to update you do your research.
Eat your ad hominem and supply Links.

Let me guess. Trump supporter? You are beri beri panny.
Didn't think so.
You almost gotta laugh that the low information uneducated left "scratch their heads" wondering what happened to the GOP and the Party of Lincoln while the party of JFK (ask not what you can do for your Country) offered the choice between a freaking outright socialist and a moderate socialist who spent her entire adult life enabling her husband's sexual obsessions.
There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."
-- Isaac Asimov​

Sadly for America, the growing predisposition for anti-intellectualism has culminated thus far in the nomination of a near fool as the standard bearer for the GOP. You, OP, are not the first to remark upon this trend, but there will never be enough outcry against it.
The idea among many, perhaps even most, of today's conservatives seems to be that there’s something about being intelligent, or curious about the world, or interested in something beyond the orthodox interpretations of history and the law that conservatives insist upon. One sees it manifest itself in the rejection of even the rather obvious fact that humanity can have an influence on the environment around it and, most irrationally, in the very rejection of everything that biology, anthropology, physics, and cosmology teach us. For many on the right, it’s easier to believe in the stories written in a 6,000 year old book than it is in the evidence of just how amazing the universe around them actually is. They can believe whatever they want, of course, but the fact that they constantly try to force these beliefs on others, most especially through the public school system, makes their disdain for knowledge a matter of public concern.

It’s quite ironic that there’s an entire branch of conservatism that has come to this, because things were quite different when the modern conservative movement started. Back then, conservatism was exemplified by men like Russell Kirk and William F. Buckley, Jr. and, even well into the 1980s, National Review would publish heavily intellectual arguments and review books that, well, were a heck of a lot more substantial than the latest screed from Mark Levin or Ann Coulter. There is still an intellectual wing of conservatism today, but it’s far smaller than it used to be and, quite often, it finds itself being rejected by the activists for whom people like Santorum, Bachmann, and Palin are heroes. George Will gets called a RINO, for example, every other week depending on what he writes in his Washington Post or says on This Week. Guys like Richard Brookhiser have spent most of their time writing history in recent years, and guys like David Brooks, Ross Douthat, and David Frum are rejected by the base mostly because they dare to write for non-approved publications. Today, the right’s excuse for intellectuals are people like David Barton, who has been caught making claims about the Founders that are not supported by the historical evidence.
-- Doug Mataconis​
vote for 'illary' and get more of mrobama . Vote the Trump and hopefully we MAY get what he has been promising at his rallies and in his policy statements .

Actually a vote for Trump is more Obama than Hillary is. Trump just proposed another entitlement program similar to Obamacare called Child Care Subsidies.
Donald Trump unveils child-care policy influenced by Ivanka Trump

Hillary Clinton is a blue-dog democrat and is more conservative than Trump or Obama. That's why Republicans are endorsing her now like crazy.
Republicans Have Praised Hillary Clinton’s Secretary Of State Tenure
Hillary's secret weapon? GOP praise

In fact Republicans in the senate and house like her & say nice things about her, when they don't have to campaign against her.
George HW Bush will vote for Hillary Clinton, sources say - CNNPolitics.com
vote for 'illary' and get more of mrobama . Vote the Trump and hopefully we MAY get what he has been promising at his rallies and in his policy statements .

Actually a vote for Trump is more Obama than Hillary is. Trump just proposed another entitlement program similar to Obamacare called Child Care Subsidies.
Donald Trump unveils child-care policy influenced by Ivanka Trump

Hillary Clinton is a blue-dog democrat and is more conservative than Trump or Obama. That's why Republicans are endorsing her now like crazy.
Republicans Have Praised Hillary Clinton’s Secretary Of State Tenure
Hillary's secret weapon? GOP praise

In fact Republicans in the senate and house like her & say nice things about her, when they don't have to campaign against her.
George HW Bush will vote for Hillary Clinton, sources say - CNNPolitics.com
----------------------------------------------------------------- like i have said numerous times , i only care about rebuilding the military , stacking the courts with Conservative Alito types , building a border wall , muslim exclusion from the USA and more Guns in the hands of Americans Oreo . I couldn't care less about money issues Oreo .
vote for 'illary' and get more of mrobama . Vote the Trump and hopefully we MAY get what he has been promising at his rallies and in his policy statements .

Actually a vote for Trump is more Obama than Hillary is. Trump just proposed another entitlement program similar to Obamacare called Child Care Subsidies.
Donald Trump unveils child-care policy influenced by Ivanka Trump

Hillary Clinton is a blue-dog democrat and is more conservative than Trump or Obama. That's why Republicans are endorsing her now like crazy.
Republicans Have Praised Hillary Clinton’s Secretary Of State Tenure
Hillary's secret weapon? GOP praise

In fact Republicans in the senate and house like her & say nice things about her, when they don't have to campaign against her.
George HW Bush will vote for Hillary Clinton, sources say - CNNPolitics.com
----------------------------------------------------------------- like i have said numerous times , i only care about rebuilding the military , stacking the courts with Conservative Alito types , building a border wall , muslim exclusion from the USA and more Guns in the hands of Americans Oreo . I couldn't care less about money issues Oreo .

You couldn't stack the court with an ultra-conservative if your life depended on it--LOL There are people called DEMOCRATS and all nominees have to be confirmed by the Senate. Furthermore there are many Republicans that are more concerned as to who Trump would pick.
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump

Didn't you listen to Rush Limbaugh finally admit something-LOL

Meaning there was never going to be a fucking wall, and he's already flip-flopped on deportations, and he was for letting Syrian refugees in one week before he was against it, and now he's for it again.
Trump calls for taking in Syrian refugees

You've been dumbed down by decades of right wing hyperbole, half truths, all out lies and enough conspiracy theories to fill the capital building from floor to ceiling. These reich wing talk show hosts are responsible for shattering the Republican party into pieces by continually violating Reagans 11th commandment "thou shall not speak ill of a fellow Republican."

You took the bait, swallowed it hook, line & sinker and now you're going to pay for it.

Last edited:
I know how it works , so okay , gridlock and holdups is ok with me .bbAnd as I have also told you and others , feck the 'gop' its rinos and bushes Oreo .
we will just have to elect the TRUMP to see what he does Oreo . [where have I heard that or similar words before] And that election of the Trump just might happen Oreo !!
Because your logic and your statement is a lie and stupid.

The republican party is offically the stupid party. Their goal is to transform America into a shit hole.

I brought this up before.

If you think that someone that breaks into your house should be removed, you should vote Trump.

If you think that someone who breaks into your house should be allowed to stay and you, as the homeowner be obligated to feed the criminal, put the criminal on your health insurance policy, be forced to educate his children and then adopt him, should vote Clinton.

What part of that is so hard to understand?
------------------------- hey Bulldog , so you are looking for more free stuff and 'illarys' gun control ehh ?? Hopefully 'illary' will lose Bulldog !!

I keep hearing about free stuff, but never got any and don't know anyone who has. Yes, Hillary will win, and you will be sad.
I presume you're not Black.
If you are, move to NYC city and you'll get free stuff...in spades.
I don't think there are enough black people in New York City to elect Hillary by the margin she will get. Are you sure that is the only place?
Long Island, many cities in NJ, IL.

Really? Tell me all about it. I keep hearing about it, but have never been shown any actual proof. There are programs for people all over the country that need help, but those are mostly underfunded and barely allow people to get by. What you describe is a lifestyle bordering on extravagant. If you ever come up with some sort of information on that let me know.
Because your logic and your statement is a lie and stupid.

The republican party is offically the stupid party. Their goal is to transform America into a shit hole.

I brought this up before.

If you think that someone that breaks into your house should be removed, you should vote Trump.

If you think that someone who breaks into your house should be allowed to stay and you, as the homeowner be obligated to feed the criminal, put the criminal on your health insurance policy, be forced to educate his children and then adopt him, should vote Clinton.

What part of that is so hard to understand?

Because you say so?

Damn, how do you argue with such a compelling argument???

How can someone argue with such and imbecile with his stupid opinion.
One doesn't, you point to the stupidity and leave it at that, bye.

Because your logic and your statement is a lie and stupid.

The republican party is offically the stupid party. Their goal is to transform America into a shit hole.

I brought this up before.

If you think that someone that breaks into your house should be removed, you should vote Trump.

If you think that someone who breaks into your house should be allowed to stay and you, as the homeowner be obligated to feed the criminal, put the criminal on your health insurance policy, be forced to educate his children and then adopt him, should vote Clinton.

What part of that is so hard to understand?

Because you say so?

Damn, how do you argue with such a compelling argument???

How can someone argue with such and imbecile with his stupid opinion.
One doesn't, you point to the stupidity and leave it at that, bye.

Because your logic and your statement is a lie and stupid.

The republican party is offically the stupid party. Their goal is to transform America into a shit hole.

I brought this up before.

If you think that someone that breaks into your house should be removed, you should vote Trump.

If you think that someone who breaks into your house should be allowed to stay and you, as the homeowner be obligated to feed the criminal, put the criminal on your health insurance policy, be forced to educate his children and then adopt him, should vote Clinton.

What part of that is so hard to understand?

Because you say so?

Damn, how do you argue with such a compelling argument???


When the argument forwarded is too tough to answer, boilermaker punts!


So boilermakers 12 year old response is.........

Cuz I say so.

Tantrum much?
------------------------- hey Bulldog , so you are looking for more free stuff and 'illarys' gun control ehh ?? Hopefully 'illary' will lose Bulldog !!

I keep hearing about free stuff, but never got any and don't know anyone who has. Yes, Hillary will win, and you will be sad.
I presume you're not Black.
If you are, move to NYC city and you'll get free stuff...in spades.
I don't think there are enough black people in New York City to elect Hillary by the margin she will get. Are you sure that is the only place?
Long Island, many cities in NJ, IL.

Really? Tell me all about it. I keep hearing about it, but have never been shown any actual proof. There are programs for people all over the country that need help, but those are mostly underfunded and barely allow people to get by. What you describe is a lifestyle bordering on extravagant. If you ever come up with some sort of information on that let me know.
----------------------------------------------------------- rebuild the military , build the wall , yada and yada . Barely getting by is the life of millions of hard working people that are poor but honorable and self sufficient as they shun government programs Bulldog !!
I keep hearing about free stuff, but never got any and don't know anyone who has. Yes, Hillary will win, and you will be sad.
I presume you're not Black.
If you are, move to NYC city and you'll get free stuff...in spades.
I don't think there are enough black people in New York City to elect Hillary by the margin she will get. Are you sure that is the only place?
Long Island, many cities in NJ, IL.

Really? Tell me all about it. I keep hearing about it, but have never been shown any actual proof. There are programs for people all over the country that need help, but those are mostly underfunded and barely allow people to get by. What you describe is a lifestyle bordering on extravagant. If you ever come up with some sort of information on that let me know.
----------------------------------------------------------- rebuild the military , build the wall , yada and yada . Barely getting by is the life of millions of hard working people that are poor but honorable and self sufficient as they shun government programs Bulldog !!

Ok. I see you are having trouble staying on subject. That's expected from an altRight drone.
------------------------- hey Bulldog , so you are looking for more free stuff and 'illarys' gun control ehh ?? Hopefully 'illary' will lose Bulldog !!

I keep hearing about free stuff, but never got any and don't know anyone who has. Yes, Hillary will win, and you will be sad.
I presume you're not Black.
If you are, move to NYC city and you'll get free stuff...in spades.
I don't think there are enough black people in New York City to elect Hillary by the margin she will get. Are you sure that is the only place?
Long Island, many cities in NJ, IL.

Really? Tell me all about it. I keep hearing about it, but have never been shown any actual proof. There are programs for people all over the country that need help, but those are mostly underfunded and barely allow people to get by. What you describe is a lifestyle bordering on extravagant. If you ever come up with some sort of information on that let me know.
---------------------------------------- just replying to this , your post #111 Bulldog . And I respond with my take on what you said .
How stupid can supporters be? Oh, I don't know...let's ask blacks, shall we? After 50 years of loyalty to Democrats after exchanging their vote for free stuff and a life of liberal 'economic slavery' - making little to no progress, even with a black President elected, they continue to remain loyal.

'Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results.'
vote for 'illary' and get more of mrobama . Vote the Trump and hopefully we MAY get what he has been promising at his rallies and in his policy statements .

We get more Obama programs no matter who is elected. Progressives are the same in both parties

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