So, Kavanaugh LIED = Kavanaugh accuser breaks silence

Orin Hatch, one of the most dishonest Republicans in the Senate, said that he believes Kavanaugh.

On the judicial side of the Republicans there are no women involved. Just like under Clarence Thomas.

These are the same men who believe they have the right to control women’s bodies.
If Kavenaugh was an incident when I was an immature, drunk teenager and I regret and apologize for my conduct

I would respect it and forgive the actions of a teen

But for him to call the woman a liar and turn the Conservative wolf pack against her.......I have zero respect

He claims innocence.

That is not attacking the accuser, that is claiming innocence.
He is claiming her story is a lie and has turned the conservative wolf pack on the victim

Has it occurred to you that it is a lie?
At first I thought possibly

But since her therapist has a record of her telling the story in 2012 and still being upset by it, I think it is probably true. Why would she make up a lie about Kavanaugh in 2012?

I think she is telling the truth......why don’t you?

She didn’t mention Kavanaugh to her therapist. She told her therapist 4 men tried to rape her.

She can’t remember key details like when, where, whose party it was etc. she says she was drinking. The two people that have been identified categorically deny it.

Then there are the factual problems with an attempted rape allegation. Her clothes were never off. She never alleges his clothes were ever off. Hard to attempt rape someone dressed. That’s like accusing someone of attempted murder because they have a knife on their belt.

Add to that the timing. The lack of any blemish in Kavanaughs record after multiple in depth FBI investigations into his background and the statements by those who knew him saying this is contrary to their experience with him.

If anything happened, and that’s a big if, it sounds like drunk boys trying to get some female attention and getting shot down and going away.

All and all it’s a persuasive lesson on why not drinking and following the commandments of God will keep these things from happening
Do you even read what you write fool. First you say no blemish and then you say he’s a drunk. Hello knock knock being a drunk is a blemish. I don’t want a drunk on the Supreme Court. Maybe it’s OK with you but it’s not OK with me.

Besides alcohol is a drug. I bet you don’t like drug addicts. But you like alcoholics?
Two perverts on the scotus, maybe Trump could select Roy Moore next, what thinks thou? Seriously, rich boys have a sense of responsibility that is missing as they are spoiled children. Nothing new here. In a certain sense this applies to Donnie too as all his accusers have testified to. The scotus with the exception of the Warren court is simply a tool for the rich. That is its history, wake up people.

"Few American institutions have inflicted greater suffering on ordinary people than the Supreme Court of the United States. Since its inception, the justices of the Supreme Court have shaped a nation where children toiled in coal mines, where Americans could be forced into camps because of their race, and where a woman could be sterilized against her will by state law. "

'Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted' Ian Millhiser

Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted by Ian Millhiser
I'm not a guy, so I'm asking: If a teenage boy manhandles a girl like this at a party, would it be a one-off? Something that he does only one time and never does again? Seems to me if a guy has that type of entitlement attitude, he would have more than one incident showing up over the years.
/---/ You have Kavanaugh tried and convicted without any proof. But to answer your question, NO it's likely he would try again, like Slick Willie.
You have Kavanaugh tried and convicted without any proof
No, I'm not one of the ones calling him guilty because I want his nomination to fail.

No one has convicted him.
I just hope Christine Ford takes the chair in front of the Senate committee and tells her story.
She obviously must have more than just a faint memory of his assault on her.
Somebody jumps on me, puts his hand over my mouth and tries to pull my clothes off is something I call ATTEMPTED RAPE.
What do they call it down there in your 'holler?
Two perverts on the scotus, maybe Trump could select Roy Moore next, what thinks thou? Seriously, rich boys have a sense of responsibility that is missing as they are spoiled children. Nothing new here. In a certain sense this applies to Donnie too as all his accusers have testified to. The scotus with the exception of the Warren court is simply a tool for the rich. That is its history, wake up people.

"Few American institutions have inflicted greater suffering on ordinary people than the Supreme Court of the United States. Since its inception, the justices of the Supreme Court have shaped a nation where children toiled in coal mines, where Americans could be forced into camps because of their race, and where a woman could be sterilized against her will by state law. "

'Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted' Ian Millhiser

Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted by Ian Millhiser
I'm not a guy, so I'm asking: If a teenage boy manhandles a girl like this at a party, would it be a one-off? Something that he does only one time and never does again? Seems to me if a guy has that type of entitlement attitude, he would have more than one incident showing up over the years.
/---/ You have Kavanaugh tried and convicted without any proof. But to answer your question, NO it's likely he would try again, like Slick Willie.
You have Kavanaugh tried and convicted without any proof
No, I'm not one of the ones calling him guilty because I want his nomination to fail.

No one has convicted him.
I just hope Christine Ford takes the chair in front of the Senate committee and tells her story.
She obviously must have more than just a faint memory of his assault on her.
Somebody jumps on me, puts his hand over my mouth and tries to pull my clothes off is something I call ATTEMPTED RAPE.
What do they call it down there in your 'holler?
He was very drunk and 17. In our holler, he'd get pounded for doing that to someone's younger sister, as he should. I think, if as an adult, he has learned respect for females, his behavior under the influence on one occasion should not derail an SC nomination, but I admit I could be wrong about that. I'm usually the one promoting the women but somehow this whole thing seems "off" to me.
It never happened. This women can't even remember where it happened, the data, or who else was there. She isn't credible. Anyone who believes her is dumb as a fence post.
Orin Hatch, one of the most dishonest Republicans in the Senate, said that he believes Kavanaugh.

On the judicial side of the Republicans there are no women involved. Just like under Clarence Thomas.

These are the same men who believe they have the right to control women’s bodies.
Orin Hatch is 10 times more honest than any Democrat.
Why won’t anyone answer what makes this a case of attempted rape versus a drunk guy trying to hook up with a drunk girl and stopping when she resisted?

I lean towards it was a situation of drunk horny teens that got out of hand
I don’t think he should suffer the rest of his life over it, but I don’t think he should call the woman a liar
He didn't call her a liar, but that's what she is: a sleazy, mentally disturbed liar.
We had a judge that all the Republicans & Democrats liked including Kavanaugh, the do nothing Kentucky jerk decided to block him, its a stolen seat. they will treat her like they treated Hill. so we now have one of the dumbest justice for life. if half of what is said about Kavanaugh is true why would we not want to explore further? do we need a dishonest judge on the court for life.

Can you write that in English?
If Kavenaugh was an incident when I was an immature, drunk teenager and I regret and apologize for my conduct

I would respect it and forgive the actions of a teen

But for him to call the woman a liar and turn the Conservative wolf pack against her.......I have zero respect

He claims innocence.

That is not attacking the accuser, that is claiming innocence.
He is claiming her story is a lie and has turned the conservative wolf pack on the victim
Kavanaugh hasn't done a thing. I, for one, will hound that sleazy lying wacko bitch until the day she dies.
Why won’t anyone answer what makes this a case of attempted rape versus a drunk guy trying to hook up with a drunk girl and stopping when she resisted?

I lean towards it was a situation of drunk horny teens that got out of hand
I don’t think he should suffer the rest of his life over it, but I don’t think he should call the woman a liar
He didn't call her a liar, but that's what she is: a sleazy, mentally disturbed liar.
He denied the .......yeah .......he called her a LIAR.....

Given the history of the dirty tactics of the left........
That they have attempted Character Assassination before....
The timing..........

I think she is a LIAR.............and this nothing more than another Dirty political trick by the left..........and nothing more........they have no credibility anymore.
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He claims innocence.

That is not attacking the accuser, that is claiming innocence.
He is claiming her story is a lie and has turned the conservative wolf pack on the victim

Has it occurred to you that it is a lie?
At first I thought possibly

But since her therapist has a record of her telling the story in 2012 and still being upset by it, I think it is probably true. Why would she make up a lie about Kavanaugh in 2012?

I think she is telling the truth......why don’t you?

She didn’t mention Kavanaugh to her therapist. She told her therapist 4 men tried to rape her.

She can’t remember key details like when, where, whose party it was etc. she says she was drinking. The two people that have been identified categorically deny it.

Then there are the factual problems with an attempted rape allegation. Her clothes were never off. She never alleges his clothes were ever off. Hard to attempt rape someone dressed. That’s like accusing someone of attempted murder because they have a knife on their belt.

Add to that the timing. The lack of any blemish in Kavanaughs record after multiple in depth FBI investigations into his background and the statements by those who knew him saying this is contrary to their experience with him.

If anything happened, and that’s a big if, it sounds like drunk boys trying to get some female attention and getting shot down and going away.

All and all it’s a persuasive lesson on why not drinking and following the commandments of God will keep these things from happening
Do you even read what you write fool. First you say no blemish and then you say he’s a drunk. Hello knock knock being a drunk is a blemish. I don’t want a drunk on the Supreme Court. Maybe it’s OK with you but it’s not OK with me.

Besides alcohol is a drug. I bet you don’t like drug addicts. But you like alcoholics?

You think teenage drinking should disqualify someone from public service?
He claims innocence.

That is not attacking the accuser, that is claiming innocence.
He is claiming her story is a lie and has turned the conservative wolf pack on the victim

Has it occurred to you that it is a lie?
At first I thought possibly

But since her therapist has a record of her telling the story in 2012 and still being upset by it, I think it is probably true. Why would she make up a lie about Kavanaugh in 2012?

I think she is telling the truth......why don’t you?

She didn’t mention Kavanaugh to her therapist. She told her therapist 4 men tried to rape her.

She can’t remember key details like when, where, whose party it was etc. she says she was drinking. The two people that have been identified categorically deny it.

Then there are the factual problems with an attempted rape allegation. Her clothes were never off. She never alleges his clothes were ever off. Hard to attempt rape someone dressed. That’s like accusing someone of attempted murder because they have a knife on their belt.

Add to that the timing. The lack of any blemish in Kavanaughs record after multiple in depth FBI investigations into his background and the statements by those who knew him saying this is contrary to their experience with him.

If anything happened, and that’s a big if, it sounds like drunk boys trying to get some female attention and getting shot down and going away.

All and all it’s a persuasive lesson on why not drinking and following the commandments of God will keep these things from happening
Do you even read what you write fool. First you say no blemish and then you say he’s a drunk. Hello knock knock being a drunk is a blemish. I don’t want a drunk on the Supreme Court. Maybe it’s OK with you but it’s not OK with me.

Besides alcohol is a drug. I bet you don’t like drug addicts. But you like alcoholics?

You’re sleeping with her, aren’t you? Did you get in line to do it. Rumor had it, she did about anyone with two legs.

Of course that comes from an anonymous source who wants to remain unknown. Wonder if it should be believed?
Kavanaugh accuser breaks silence over sexual misconduct allegations

The woman who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct has identified herself and is speaking publicly about her allegations against Kavanaugh for the first time, according to a Washington Post investigation published Sunday.

Christine Blasey Ford, now a 51-year-old professor at Palo Alto University in California, described an incident between the two in high school, alleging that Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed one summer in the 1980s and forced himself on her.


So, Kavanaugh LIED to The US Senate :21:

We all know who will OK Kavanaugh 'the LIAR' = Republicans

Was Kavanaugh 'under oath' when he lied to the US Senate? :1peleas:

No......she lied....see how that works ..... and on Monday she will be lying under oath.
All these circus antics the DNC is throwing out, especially with Feinstein has proved how low they will go. Meanwhile...


this is a new low for the Democrat party. i mean, the Susan Collins stuff is low, but this is a new low.

what can i say, congratulations Justice Jeanine Pirro or Justice Amy Comey Barrett
She is foggy on the details of where and when the attack took place, why? Because she does not know where kavanaugh might have been for any specific time she might state. If she names a time and actual place, he might actually have proof he wasn't there....he might have been out of state or have another air tight alibi, thus, ruining the smear......
is this still america? where are we living? are liberals still on this planet?

whatever happened to DUE FUCKING PROCESS
Why won’t anyone answer what makes this a case of attempted rape versus a drunk guy trying to hook up with a drunk girl and stopping when she resisted?

I lean towards it was a situation of drunk horny teens that got out of hand
I don’t think he should suffer the rest of his life over it, but I don’t think he should call the woman a liar
He didn't call her a liar, but that's what she is: a sleazy, mentally disturbed liar.
He denied the .......yeah .......he called her a LIAR.....

Given the history of the dirty tactics of the left........
That they have attempted Character Assassination before....
The timing..........

I think she is a LIAR.............and this nothing more than another Dirty political trick by the left..........and nothing more........they have no credibility anymore.

Remember....the same people had the Duke Lacrosse Team convicted and in prison.....before they found out one of the accused could prove he wasn't even in the location of the fake rape allegation.....and it all fell apart from there......but they knew...just knew....they were all guilty and raped the stripper.....

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