So Kim Dung Un Likes Surprises?

Which ones didn't happen and stop changing the subject fuck wad. Why do you keep responding to these posts if it weren't for your childish fears? Child.
I'm still waiting for you to name a genocide I should be concerned about? is there one in say, the last 600 years that should matter to me?
Why are you still responding?! The argument was won a few posts ago. By ME! Lol. Next!
Why are you still responding?! The argument was won a few posts ago. By ME! Lol. Next!
You said I didn't care about genocide and then couldn't name one. If that's a win for you so be it. We're done. You're just one of the many mindless trolls here who think they have the right to tell other nations what they can and cannot do.
Oh, wow, where did my lovely and moving post go?! Elsewhere I guess.

Listen, why are you still here? Lol. Does making the declaration there are trolls when something doesn't go your way strengthen some argument you lost? Lol.

Oh, and you are not going to tell me to do jack sh-t. So you can f-uck off with that. Let the music do the talking and the evidence speak for itself! No secrets!

How can you say there is a problem with some sort of "fear" coming out of one side of your mouth while the other acknowledges there ARE many other genocides? Unless that really doesn't bother you which goes back to what I was saying in the first place. My question is who hasn't committed them? Lol. You must be a race unto yourself and the first being to walk on water who figured it all out and fixed everything. By doing nothing. Try again!
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Oh, wow, where did my lovely and moving post go?! Elsewhere I guess.

Listen, why are you still here? Lol. Does making the declaration there are trolls when something doesn't go your way strengthen some argument you lost? Lol.

Oh, and you are not going to tell me to do jack sh-t. So you can f-uck off with that. Let the music do the talking and the evidence speak for itself! No secrets!

How can you say there is a problem with some sort of "fear" coming out of one side of your mouth while the other acknowledges there ARE many other genocides? Unless that really doesn't bother you which goes back to what I was saying in the first place. My question is who hasn't committed them? Lol. You must be a race unto yourself and the first being to walk on water who figured it all out and fixed everything. By doing nothing. Try again!
Genocide is human. Exactly with one, and in which way, am I supposed to piss my pants over it?
O.k.! Furthering the conversation because no one is perfect and I get to make this foolish mistake by caring on because it sure is FUN!

You don't have to piss your pants over genocide or whatever bad war shit! But the issue of concern with the well being of human life is not an irrational fear! Some fear is logical, reasonable, expected, and at best had when it is needed. Then there are times where and when it is not and nor should it. It is reasonable to have fear sometimes as it can be a great motivator to get things done, pay attention and being alert, and being prepared for what life might throw at ya! Lol. If you are good you don't want people anywhere suffering and dying.

THAT is why sometimes and this is hard to learn but true none the less is that there are some moral and just wars to fight and win! (As far as a genocide list. If you wind your computer like its 1935 there might be something that says "internet" on the screen the comes up that you can click on and then wander all around and find yourself some lists on various and certain websites.

They (genocides) are all bad. AND from most indications from reading, listening, viewing, discussing, (and actually witnessing (on a Tauck Tour group back in 1996) the now historical location of the concentration camp Auschwitz) of that I can tell most groups sadly have participated in committing them at all various levels, places, and times.

The lists you find might be right. The lists might be wrong. You get to figure out and decide which ones (the lists, I'm just talking about the lists here) are more accurate over others if need be.)

There's all sorts of blame to go around. Just good reasoning why to prevent them and stop them which sometimes if need be might involve removing the source committing such atrocities.

BUT with that said there is a worthwhile aspect of trying to find solutions other than war. Especially if for gods sake the war goes wrong for your side! Lol. That always sucks donkey balls. Even then you might still want to at least try to defend both yourself and your interesest/friends. You never know you might win! :)
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its not peace and the USA keeps buying this llttle nork and his predecessors off these last 20 - 30 years J89 . Just wait till the norks really get armed up with nukes . Best to deal with them now J89 !!
They are a nuclear nation. You deal with them the same as all others, you leave them the fuck alone.

Nope. You throttle the evil baby in its crib, before it has the chance to grow up.
We deal with the little Fat Man now with an estimated 60 70 Nukes, or later when he has over a thousand........????/

2 years from now..............are we gonna ask that question.
Name the last dictator we killed?

Saddam take a hike.
We didn't kill him. And we didn't assassinate him either, dumbfuck. Try again and look up the American law that makes such a thing illegal.

O and the hillary killed gaddafi. Drug him around in the streets.
its not peace and the USA keeps buying this llttle nork and his predecessors off these last 20 - 30 years J89 . Just wait till the norks really get armed up with nukes . Best to deal with them now J89 !!
The are a nuclear nation. You deal with them the same as all others, you leave them the fuck alone.
--------------------------------------------- do you live in a big city J89 ??
I live, unlike you, not in fear, childish fear.
------------------------------------------------------------------- sounds to me like you live as a wussie J89 !! And as i always mention , a nuke armed 'nork land' is quite the gift to your kids and grandkids J89 .
its not peace and the USA keeps buying this llttle nork and his predecessors off these last 20 - 30 years J89 . Just wait till the norks really get armed up with nukes . Best to deal with them now J89 !!
The are a nuclear nation. You deal with them the same as all others, you leave them the fuck alone.
--------------------------------------------- do you live in a big city J89 ??
I live, unlike you, not in fear, childish fear.
------------------------------------------------------------------- sounds to me like you live as a wussie J89 !! And as i always mention , a nuke armed 'nork land' is quite the gift to your kids and grandkids J89 .

Oh my. A scary bad man has nukes but we are the only nation to ever use them. Grow the fuck up, bedwetter.
might use them again , our first use of nukes was needed to save my DAD and my Uncles lives . Without the nuking of 'japan' i might not be here . And similar nuke action may be needed in the future . ------------------------- Course , its my opinion that targeted and simultaneous attacks using many , many , many conventional weapons on specific targets would be good enough . Just Google ' highway of death in 'iraq' ' to see total destruction and remember that the USA's conventional weapons are much improved since the building of the 'iraqi highway of death' J89 !! -------------------------------------- ' norks ' need to be slapped down before they get stronger and as a side comment , iran also needs to be slapped down J89 !!
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might use them again , our first use of nukes was needed to save my DAD and my Uncles lives . Without the nuking of 'japan' i might not be here . And similar nuke action may be needed in the future . ------------------------- Course , its my opinion that targeted and simultaneous attacks using many , many , many conventional weapons on specific targets would be good enough . Just Google ' highway of death in 'iraq' ' to see total destruction and remember that the USA's conventional weapons are much improved since the building pf the 'iraqi highway of death' J89 !! -------------------------------------- norks need to be slapped down and as a side comment , iran also needs to be slapped down J89 !!

What a fucking infant you are. Grow a pair and start dealing with the fact that all nations are allowed to build weapons, without asking your fucking permission!
Name the last dictator we killed?

Saddam take a hike.
We didn't kill him. And we didn't assassinate him either, dumbfuck. Try again and look up the American law that makes such a thing illegal.

O and the hillary killed gaddafi. Drug him around in the streets.

When were they there? I saw the video of it and did not see either one of them.

It was hard to see them in that grainy video.
thats where my leanings are similar to your last post at least philosophically J89 . Course it ain't up to me , its up to OUR President Trump :afro:and it seems to be his leanings to slap the 'norks' down and if it is his leanings to slap the 'norks' down then that is all that matters J89 . ----- And of course i will support President Trump on whatever he does on the 'nork' situation J89 !!

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