So Kim Dung Un Likes Surprises?

might use them again , our first use of nukes was needed to save my DAD and my Uncles lives . Without the nuking of 'japan' i might not be here . And similar nuke action may be needed in the future . ------------------------- Course , its my opinion that targeted and simultaneous attacks using many , many , many conventional weapons on specific targets would be good enough . Just Google ' highway of death in 'iraq' ' to see total destruction and remember that the USA's conventional weapons are much improved since the building pf the 'iraqi highway of death' J89 !! -------------------------------------- norks need to be slapped down and as a side comment , iran also needs to be slapped down J89 !!

What a fucking infant you are. Grow a pair and start dealing with the fact that all nations are allowed to build weapons, without asking your fucking permission!

"Allowed" by whom?
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and YOU PeterJ89 , you are 28 years old and with a head full of mush . What generation are you , generation x or what eh ?? Point is that at 28 years of age you really don't know much and you have been 'eduKated' by lefty millenial teachers and probably raised by 'know nothing' lefty , doper millenial parents . Point is that you really shouldn't be taken seriously when discussing serious topics as you have no experience and you do come from the voting pool that elected 'mrobama' and YOU probably supported 'illary' PeterJ89 !!
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are you still on Daddy's health insurance , aw no , that stops at age 26 eh ?? Do you still live in your parents basement , i bet you do !! How about your skateboard , do you and yer '8itch' go grocery shopping on yer skateboard PeterJ89 . [chuckle]
and talk about scared , its YOU that seem to be scared of possible WAR as your posts sound like you are willing to kiss 'nork' azz PeterJ89 .
thats where my leanings are similar to your last post at least philosophically J89 . Course it ain't up to me , its up to OUR President Trump :afro:and it seems to be his leanings to slap the 'norks' down and if it is his leanings to slap the 'norks' down then that is all that matters J89 . ----- And of course i will support President Trump on whatever he does on the 'nork' situation J89 !!

He has no right to say fuck all either. None of our business, Chicken Little.
MIGHT makes Right and my and YOUR President Trump is in charge my little 28 year old lefty know nothing :afro:PeterJ89 .
now we are talking morals [chuckle] from a lefty pacifist eh PeterJ89 .
now we are talking morals [chuckle] from a lefty pacifist eh PeterJ89 .

I'm a liberal and nothing like a pacifist. That's that Jesus bullshit most Americans say they believe in.

What nations building what weapons is none of our fucking business. It's not like we ever asked permission.
He waited until the hurricane news died down to launch another ICBM over Japan....the little slob is a real publicity hound, eh? Okay, so we know we can't just nuke him because the fallout would drift into mainland China and up into the far east reaches of Russia, over into Japan and probably S. Korea. So nuking him, although pleasing is probably not the way to go. So what else? MOABS? Sure but that means you have to put a heavy bomber over N.Korea which might get shot down. Dang it...there must be something else....wait a minute....there is!


No sound, no radar signature, no warning what so ever.... :thup:

Project Thor: Thor uses a large projectile from a few thousand miles above the Earth. The "rods from god" idea was a bundle of telephone-pole-size (20 feet long, 1 foot in diameter) tungsten rods, dropped from orbit, reaching a speed of up to 10 times the speed of sound.

The rod itself would penetrate hundreds of feet into the Earth, destroying any potential hardened bunkers or secret underground sites. More than that, when the rod hits, the explosion would be on par with the magnitude of a ground-penetrating nuclear weapon — but with no fallout.

The Air Force's 'rods from god' could hit with the force a nuclear weapon — but with no fallout

I was going to suggest low-yield neutron bombs, but I like the Rods------ they've had them for a few years. Tungsten is some REAL HARD stuff.
So sue us.
No need to. It is no longer done. It's banned.

Things change, just like when that ban took effect.
The ban is 40 years old. Nothing has changed. There's some people we should have gotten rid of long ago but by law couldn't.

I see you're what ... 28 years old? A member of one of the two least educated American generations thus far.

If you think the world runs on law, you're very mistaken.
The world runs on chaos, oil, money, fear, and harsh realities. The US playing cop to the world isn't the reality now and never really was. NK is none of our fucking business and we won't be starting any shit there. That is a fantasy for morons like yourself.

I've got shoes older than you. Smarter as well.
No need to. It is no longer done. It's banned.

Things change, just like when that ban took effect.
The ban is 40 years old. Nothing has changed. There's some people we should have gotten rid of long ago but by law couldn't.

I see you're what ... 28 years old? A member of one of the two least educated American generations thus far.

If you think the world runs on law, you're very mistaken.
The world runs on chaos, oil, money, fear, and harsh realities. The US playing cop to the world isn't the reality now and never really was. NK is none of our fucking business and we won't be starting any shit there. That is a fantasy for morons like yourself.

I've got shoes older than you. Smarter as well.

You got nothing', like all mindless drones.
seems to me that the Rods from God are fine but do we have enough of them ready for use TFreak ??
Things change, just like when that ban took effect.
The ban is 40 years old. Nothing has changed. There's some people we should have gotten rid of long ago but by law couldn't.

I see you're what ... 28 years old? A member of one of the two least educated American generations thus far.

If you think the world runs on law, you're very mistaken.
The world runs on chaos, oil, money, fear, and harsh realities. The US playing cop to the world isn't the reality now and never really was. NK is none of our fucking business and we won't be starting any shit there. That is a fantasy for morons like yourself.

I've got shoes older than you. Smarter as well.

You got nothing', like all mindless drones.

Wise words from another child-man raised America hater at some 2 bit public college using their supplied list of names to call others on how far not to go from someone who never even left, while he beats his 2-inch pecker playing on his mommy's keyboard while she fixes him a lunch. I bet you drink milk with your sandwich and your mommy even trims the crust for you.
seems to me that the Rods from God are fine but do we have enough of them ready for use TFreak ??

I'm sure we do, I heard of these at least four years ago, but I have to tell you that making solid 1-foot tungsten rods is real hard and DAMNED expensive! Can't wait to drop one on the Fat Boy! Just to show little PeeWee here what we think of his stinking rules. No one told the little tyke that Fat Boy ain't playing by any either.
same here , heard of them awhile ago . Thing is , consider that the norks have thousands of artillery aimed at the 'sorks' and i think that they are less than 50 miles from Seoul. Rod from God is good for 'kim' perhaps , good for a fixed missile site but its my opinion that fire , mayhem and explosions are needed for the artillery and the mobile launch systems that are cruising north korea and for the 'nork' military who i ASSUME would go to work and do their military war fighting after a few Rods from God did their work on a few fixed targeted sites . ---------------------- A couple Rods from God would be fine [as part of real world testing] but i would recommend a huge conventional weapon attack , fire and mayhem unleashed simultaneously on all targets in north korea TFreak .
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...and no. There are other countries are not allowed to have nuclear weapons. Japan and Germany. Hmmm...

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