So let me get this straight...

The bigger the promises the Democrats make, the more interesting the results of the election will be.

They figure that Trump has given them an opening, and they're running with it. As close as the last election was, they figure they can swing for the fences and win because Trump is so annoying.

This is what happens when we govern with the barest of margins and shove shit down our opponents' throats -- wild swings and insanity.

This appears to be what we want.
Other than your pathetic attempts at claiming the REWRITTEN version of the CRA had little to no effect on the bubble after your cut and paste questions were answered with poignant cut and paste precise answers, in what ways has any Trump policy made your life or any AMERICAN CITIZEN'S life worse in this country since taking office?

Love how you ignored too how the democrats ignored ALL of Buuuuush's warnings in 2007 and 2008 about the impending bubble.

So, in what ways has Trump been bad for the economy. List them assface.
He never does...............he presents topics demanding opinions while avoiding giving his own all the time.......acting like a Moderator for a thread.........

He is the message board champion of threads from the Cheap Seats..........long standing champion.
Please see post 34, thanks.
Where in that post is your opinion on this issue you are the nose bleeds going in the cheap seats........LOL
I'm happy to answer any question that you'd like to ask, as long as you can put your big boy pants on first.

Go ahead.
The bigger the promises the Democrats make, the more interesting the results of the election will be.

They figure that Trump has given them an opening, and they're running with it. As close as the last election was, they figure they can swing for the fences and win because Trump is so annoying.

This is what happens when we govern with the barest of margins and shove shit down our opponents' throats -- wild swings and insanity.

This appears to be what we want.
Other than your pathetic attempts at claiming the REWRITTEN version of the CRA had little to no effect on the bubble after your cut and paste questions were answered with poignant cut and paste precise answers, in what ways has any Trump policy made your life or any AMERICAN CITIZEN'S life worse in this country since taking office?

Love how you ignored too how the democrats ignored ALL of Buuuuush's warnings in 2007 and 2008 about the impending bubble.

So, in what ways has Trump been bad for the economy. List them assface.
He never does...............he presents topics demanding opinions while avoiding giving his own all the time.......acting like a Moderator for a thread.........

He is the message board champion of threads from the Cheap Seats..........long standing champion.
Please see post 34, thanks.
Where in that post is your opinion on this issue you are the nose bleeds going in the cheap seats........LOL
I'm happy to answer any question that you'd like to ask, as long as you can put your big boy pants on first.

Go ahead.
Have the Democratic Party moved to the far left................and why..............
Other than your pathetic attempts at claiming the REWRITTEN version of the CRA had little to no effect on the bubble after your cut and paste questions were answered with poignant cut and paste precise answers, in what ways has any Trump policy made your life or any AMERICAN CITIZEN'S life worse in this country since taking office?

Love how you ignored too how the democrats ignored ALL of Buuuuush's warnings in 2007 and 2008 about the impending bubble.

So, in what ways has Trump been bad for the economy. List them assface.
He never does...............he presents topics demanding opinions while avoiding giving his own all the time.......acting like a Moderator for a thread.........

He is the message board champion of threads from the Cheap Seats..........long standing champion.
Please see post 34, thanks.
Where in that post is your opinion on this issue you are the nose bleeds going in the cheap seats........LOL
I'm happy to answer any question that you'd like to ask, as long as you can put your big boy pants on first.

Go ahead.
Have the Democratic Party moved to the far left................and why..............
Yes, of course, significantly. I thought it would be OBVIOUS that the point of the thread I started on this was to see if anyone on the Left still clings to the claim that they haven't. Looks like four or five so far are running with that.

The move has been nearly across the board, with the added New Green Deal as icing on the cake.

...from what I just heard from the leading Democratic presidential candidates, they will:

a) Take away everyone's private healthcare plans.


b) Give free healthcare to illegal immigrants.


Wow, that sounds like a winning platform to run on.

Trump is going to make mincemeat out of the dopes.
He never does...............he presents topics demanding opinions while avoiding giving his own all the time.......acting like a Moderator for a thread.........

He is the message board champion of threads from the Cheap Seats..........long standing champion.
Please see post 34, thanks.
Where in that post is your opinion on this issue you are the nose bleeds going in the cheap seats........LOL
I'm happy to answer any question that you'd like to ask, as long as you can put your big boy pants on first.

Go ahead.
Have the Democratic Party moved to the far left................and why..............
Yes, of course, significantly. The point of the thread was to see if anyone on the Left still clings to the claim that they haven't. Looks like four or five so far are running with that.

The move has been nearly across the board, with the added New Green Deal as icing on the cake.

Have Democrat politics in California caused the mass exodus of people from there...........and has their policies exploded the homeless problem there.

Did liberal policies there of Roadless rules in Federal Land and not allowing logging caused the massive fires there.....................
...from what I just heard from the leading Democratic presidential candidates, they will:

a) Take away everyone's private healthcare plans.


b) Give free healthcare to illegal immigrants.


Wow, that sounds like a winning platform to run on.

Did they?

Gotta remember Hillary got more votes, they just were poorly placed.
Which means nothing to no one.
Please see post 34, thanks.
Where in that post is your opinion on this issue you are the nose bleeds going in the cheap seats........LOL
I'm happy to answer any question that you'd like to ask, as long as you can put your big boy pants on first.

Go ahead.
Have the Democratic Party moved to the far left................and why..............
Yes, of course, significantly. The point of the thread was to see if anyone on the Left still clings to the claim that they haven't. Looks like four or five so far are running with that.

The move has been nearly across the board, with the added New Green Deal as icing on the cake.

Have Democrat politics in California caused the mass exodus of people from there...........and has their policies exploded the homeless problem there.

Did liberal policies there of Roadless rules in Federal Land and not allowing logging caused the massive fires there.....................
1. Quite possibly.
2. I don't know.
Let's take a look a Pelosi's district .........and how great it is.........

Maybe she should spend more time fixing her home area...........This is the leader of the Dem party.........
The bigger the promises the Democrats make, the more interesting the results of the election will be.

They figure that Trump has given them an opening, and they're running with it. As close as the last election was, they figure they can swing for the fences and win because Trump is so annoying.

This is what happens when we govern with the barest of margins and shove shit down our opponents' throats -- wild swings and insanity.

This appears to be what we want.
Other than your pathetic attempts at claiming the REWRITTEN version of the CRA had little to no effect on the bubble after your cut and paste questions were answered with poignant cut and paste precise answers, in what ways has any Trump policy made your life or any AMERICAN CITIZEN'S life worse in this country since taking office?

Love how you ignored too how the democrats ignored ALL of Buuuuush's warnings in 2007 and 2008 about the impending bubble.

So, in what ways has Trump been bad for the economy. List them assface.
As I told you, I don't blame the Republicans alone for the Meltdown.

I've pointed out multiple times on these threads that Clinton's signing of the repeal of Glass Steagall, for example, was a key component. And yes, obviously there were Dems who ignored warning signs.

I've made this as simple and clear for you as I can. But you're such an emotional partisan drama queen that it just doesn't sink in.

I can't help you. Sorry.
Shut up assface. You said that was Buuuush's economy handed to obama and you parroted the dem party line that obama "rescued" it.

You never addressed the documented evidence I provided from OFFICIAL ARCHIVES that show the blatant and deliberate ignoring of the democrat controlled congress.

Hence, the reason the economy nose dived between 2007 and 2010.
The bigger the promises the Democrats make, the more interesting the results of the election will be.

They figure that Trump has given them an opening, and they're running with it. As close as the last election was, they figure they can swing for the fences and win because Trump is so annoying.

This is what happens when we govern with the barest of margins and shove shit down our opponents' throats -- wild swings and insanity.

This appears to be what we want.
Other than your pathetic attempts at claiming the REWRITTEN version of the CRA had little to no effect on the bubble after your cut and paste questions were answered with poignant cut and paste precise answers, in what ways has any Trump policy made your life or any AMERICAN CITIZEN'S life worse in this country since taking office?

Love how you ignored too how the democrats ignored ALL of Buuuuush's warnings in 2007 and 2008 about the impending bubble.

So, in what ways has Trump been bad for the economy. List them assface.
As I told you, I don't blame the Republicans alone for the Meltdown.

I've pointed out multiple times on these threads that Clinton's signing of the repeal of Glass Steagall, for example, was a key component. And yes, obviously there were Dems who ignored warning signs.

I've made this as simple and clear for you as I can. But you're such an emotional partisan drama queen that it just doesn't sink in.

I can't help you. Sorry.
Shut up assface. You said that was Buuuush's economy handed to obama and you parroted the dem party line that obama "rescued" it.

You never addressed the documented evidence I provided from OFFICIAL ARCHIVES that show the blatant and deliberate ignoring of the democrat controlled congress.

Hence, the reason the economy nose dived between 2007 and 2010.
As I said, I can't help you.
Once everyone has access to the public option and you see how much cheaper it is when insurance companies don't take 20% of your premium off the top, people will VOTE for single payer.

As someone who lives in a single payer country, who goes to the doctor, the hospital and pharmacy and presents my card, gets my services and leaves. I don't have co-pays, paperwork, pre-approvals, or any of the bullshit you folks tolerate, and which adds unnecessary costs to your treatment. Furthermore no pre-approvals means my doctor decides my treatment, not some drone at an insurance company.

I cannot believe the bullshit Americans have been conned into thinking is necessary to access the heathcare insurance, especially co-pays on top of premiums that are enough to buy a car, just so they have "skin in the game".

You live in Canada, right? If your healthcare is so great, why do so many Canadians come here for treatment?

Canada has a population of 37 million. The U.S. population is 327 million (not counting illegals). Free health insurance is great until you get denied for a knee replacement because you are too old, or when you die waiting in line for cancer surgery.
...from what I just heard from the leading Democratic presidential candidates, they will:

a) Take away everyone's private healthcare plans.


b) Give free healthcare to illegal immigrants.


Wow, that sounds like a winning platform to run on.

Did they?

Gotta remember Hillary got more votes, they just were poorly placed.
Which means nothing to no one.

I think it means a bit to intelligent folks in the Trump camp who are targeting voters and are figuring out how congress ends up split.
I heard access... and Mayor Pete spoke specifically about them buying in like everybody else. Access... not free.
"Buy in" with what? The illegals picking oranges in the groves for $5 /hr can't afford the health insurance I have. So that means our tax dollars will be subsidizing their health insurance. And if Kamala and Bernie have their way, they will get the exact same coverage as everybody else.

Trump landslide in 2020.
Keep showing how ignorant you are... you make my job easy
Would you give up YOUR health insurance for government run healthcare?

Only two raised their hands, the others won't give up their healthcare but will take away the average joes healthcare.

You want to talk about class warfare and how the rich stick it to the common people, get all the breaks and all the money, this will just make things worse.

The rich will still get the best healthcare since they have the money. The average person in the United States will be forced into Single Payer and the best doctor they will be able to see will be the guy who got his Phd. from "Bob's Online Doctoring School" where you can get you Art degree too.
The question was referring to taking away private insurance... did you not understand that?
...from what I just heard from the leading Democratic presidential candidates, they will:

a) Take away everyone's private healthcare plans.


b) Give free healthcare to illegal immigrants.


Wow, that sounds like a winning platform to run on.
Pretty much
And force every American into socialist entitlement programs even though millions that want nothing to with socialist shit... from sea to shining sea
Last edited:
...from what I just heard from the leading Democratic presidential candidates, they will:

a) Take away everyone's private healthcare plans.


b) Give free healthcare to illegal immigrants.


Wow, that sounds like a winning platform to run on.
Only Sanders and Harris raised their hand for taking away private healthcare. The rest were against it.

I didn’t hear anybody say they would give free healthcare to illegal immigrants. They said illegal immigrants could buy in so they had access to healthcare.

Those assholes aren’t willing to say out loud what they really want to do.
Every one of them would vote to scrap private healthcare in favor of single payer state run if they had the chance.
Well thank god we have you who can read minds! #delusional

Oh please. We called you people out when they passed Obamacare, we told you their real goal was single payer government healthcare for all and you people swore it wasn't true. Well here we are. :eusa_hand:
What’s wrong with creating a public option and if it works better than private and people want it going to single payer... isn’t that what competition is all about? Is the government not allowed to compete with the private market?
...from what I just heard from the leading Democratic presidential candidates, they will:

a) Take away everyone's private healthcare plans.


b) Give free healthcare to illegal immigrants.


Wow, that sounds like a winning platform to run on.
Only Sanders and Harris raised their hand for taking away private healthcare. The rest were against it.

I didn’t hear anybody say they would give free healthcare to illegal immigrants. They said illegal immigrants could buy in so they had access to healthcare.

Those assholes aren’t willing to say out loud what they really want to do.
Every one of them would vote to scrap private healthcare in favor of single payer state run if they had the chance.

Once everyone has access to the public option and you see how much cheaper it is when insurance companies don't take 20% of your premium off the top, people will VOTE for single payer.

As someone who lives in a single payer country, who goes to the doctor, the hospital and pharmacy and presents my card, gets my services and leaves. I don't have co-pays, paperwork, pre-approvals, or any of the bullshit you folks tolerate, and which adds unnecessary costs to your treatment. Furthermore no pre-approvals means my doctor decides my treatment, not some drone at an insurance company.

I cannot believe the bullshit Americans have been conned into thinking is necessary to access the heathcare insurance, especially co-pays on top of premiums that are enough to buy a car, just so they have "skin in the game".
See that’s the problem, as Americans we want some type a choice. Millions of conservative Americans want nothing to do with socialized medicine/health care… Because we do not trust the motherfuckers that would be running it.

It’s an American thing you would not understand...
...from what I just heard from the leading Democratic presidential candidates, they will:

a) Take away everyone's private healthcare plans.


b) Give free healthcare to illegal immigrants.


Wow, that sounds like a winning platform to run on.
Only Sanders and Harris raised their hand for taking away private healthcare. The rest were against it.

I didn’t hear anybody say they would give free healthcare to illegal immigrants. They said illegal immigrants could buy in so they had access to healthcare.
How will they make money without legal permission? Or will they be semi-citizens? This is is out of control!
My hope is that we can fix the system to get these people papers and into the system so they can work
...from what I just heard from the leading Democratic presidential candidates, they will:

a) Take away everyone's private healthcare plans.


b) Give free healthcare to illegal immigrants.


Wow, that sounds like a winning platform to run on.
Only Sanders and Harris raised their hand for taking away private healthcare. The rest were against it.

I didn’t hear anybody say they would give free healthcare to illegal immigrants. They said illegal immigrants could buy in so they had access to healthcare.

Those assholes aren’t willing to say out loud what they really want to do.
Every one of them would vote to scrap private healthcare in favor of single payer state run if they had the chance.
Well thank god we have you who can read minds! #delusional

Oh please. We called you people out when they passed Obamacare, we told you their real goal was single payer government healthcare for all and you people swore it wasn't true. Well here we are. :eusa_hand:
What’s wrong with creating a public option and if it works better than private and people want it going to single payer... isn’t that what competition is all about? Is the government not allowed to compete with the private market?

Wow, evidently someone isn't paying attention. What is being proposed is not an option.

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