So let me get this straight...

Did they?

Gotta remember Hillary got more votes, they just were poorly placed.

Poorly placed? What does that even mean? There is a huge concentration of far left Liberals in California. That's where they are located. Should those "extra" voters move to Wisconsin?

My statement had no greater meaning than Hillary managed to get more votes but loose due to the concentration of votes you mentioned.

I'm not a party member but if the D's can strategically move a few hundred thousand die hards I guess. Maybe they can move the party HQ to Broward county? (A joke of sorts)

The R's would just do the same then.

PERSONALLY, I see belonging to a political party as an embarassment. Something like you've admitted you need the party to tell you how to think or fund you in exchange for your personal freedoms.
Did they?

Gotta remember Hillary got more votes, they just were poorly placed.

Poorly placed? What does that even mean? There is a huge concentration of far left Liberals in California. That's where they are located. Should those "extra" voters move to Wisconsin?

My statement had no greater meaning than Hillary managed to get more votes but loose due to the concentration of votes you mentioned.

I'm not a party member but if the D's can strategically move a few hundred thousand die hards I guess. Maybe they can move the party HQ to Broward county? (A joke of sorts)

The R's would just do the same then.

PERSONALLY, I see belonging to a political party as an embarassment. Something like you've admitted you need the party to tell you how to think or fund you in exchange for your personal freedoms.
/——/ No party tells me what to think. I belong to the GOP because they are accommodating to different ideas. The RINOs are being pushed out to make way for Conservatives. If I were to become an independent, I wouldn’t be able to vote in the NY primaries. I’d be stuck with whoever the Parties nominated, at least as a registered Republican I had a choice to help nominate Trump. And I retain the right to vote a different party line if I choose.
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Did they?

Gotta remember Hillary got more votes, they just were poorly placed.

Poorly placed? What does that even mean? There is a huge concentration of far left Liberals in California. That's where they are located. Should those "extra" voters move to Wisconsin?

My statement had no greater meaning than Hillary managed to get more votes but loose due to the concentration of votes you mentioned.

I'm not a party member but if the D's can strategically move a few hundred thousand die hards I guess. Maybe they can move the party HQ to Broward county? (A joke of sorts)

The R's would just do the same then.

PERSONALLY, I see belonging to a political party as an embarassment. Something like you've admitted you need the party to tell you how to think or fund you in exchange for your personal freedoms.
/——/ No party tells me what to think. I belong to the GOP because they are accommodating to different ideas. The RINOs are being pushed out to make way for Conservatives. if I were to become an independent, I wouldn’t be able to vote in the NY primaries. I’d be stuck with whoever the Parties nominated, at least as a registered Republican I had a choice to help nominate Trump. AndI retain the right to vote a different party line if I choose.
Sounds like you aren't fooled by the racist hate-mongers that want to tax Americans based on skin color, take away our health insurance and give it to illegal immigrants, and bus our children to dangerous neighborhoods far away.

Did they?

Gotta remember Hillary got more votes, they just were poorly placed.

Poorly placed? What does that even mean? There is a huge concentration of far left Liberals in California. That's where they are located. Should those "extra" voters move to Wisconsin?

My statement had no greater meaning than Hillary managed to get more votes but loose due to the concentration of votes you mentioned.

I'm not a party member but if the D's can strategically move a few hundred thousand die hards I guess. Maybe they can move the party HQ to Broward county? (A joke of sorts)

The R's would just do the same then.

PERSONALLY, I see belonging to a political party as an embarassment. Something like you've admitted you need the party to tell you how to think or fund you in exchange for your personal freedoms.
/——/ No party tells me what to think. I belong to the GOP because they are accommodating to different ideas. The RINOs are being pushed out to make way for Conservatives. If I were to become an independent, I wouldn’t be able to vote in the NY primaries. I’d be stuck with whoever the Parties nominated, at least as a registered Republican I had a choice to help nominate Trump. And I retain the right to vote a different party line if I choose.

I hope you are 100% in line with what your party does then.
Did they?

Gotta remember Hillary got more votes, they just were poorly placed.

Poorly placed? What does that even mean? There is a huge concentration of far left Liberals in California. That's where they are located. Should those "extra" voters move to Wisconsin?

My statement had no greater meaning than Hillary managed to get more votes but loose due to the concentration of votes you mentioned.

I'm not a party member but if the D's can strategically move a few hundred thousand die hards I guess. Maybe they can move the party HQ to Broward county? (A joke of sorts)

The R's would just do the same then.

PERSONALLY, I see belonging to a political party as an embarassment. Something like you've admitted you need the party to tell you how to think or fund you in exchange for your personal freedoms.
/——/ No party tells me what to think. I belong to the GOP because they are accommodating to different ideas. The RINOs are being pushed out to make way for Conservatives. If I were to become an independent, I wouldn’t be able to vote in the NY primaries. I’d be stuck with whoever the Parties nominated, at least as a registered Republican I had a choice to help nominate Trump. And I retain the right to vote a different party line if I choose.

I hope you are 100% in line with what your party does then.
/——/ Why? What possible reason would I have to be 100% in line with any party? You big dope.
I hope you are 100% in line with what your party does then.

That's pretty desperate.

Do you and your wife agree on 100% of the issues between you? Differences are healthy.

Yes, we Republicans have our differences.

On the other hand, Democrats are tearing apart their party while trying to decide which faction has the best, quickest route to destroy our great country.
Did they?

Gotta remember Hillary got more votes, they just were poorly placed.

Poorly placed? What does that even mean? There is a huge concentration of far left Liberals in California. That's where they are located. Should those "extra" voters move to Wisconsin?

My statement had no greater meaning than Hillary managed to get more votes but loose due to the concentration of votes you mentioned.

I'm not a party member but if the D's can strategically move a few hundred thousand die hards I guess. Maybe they can move the party HQ to Broward county? (A joke of sorts)

The R's would just do the same then.

PERSONALLY, I see belonging to a political party as an embarassment. Something like you've admitted you need the party to tell you how to think or fund you in exchange for your personal freedoms.
/——/ No party tells me what to think. I belong to the GOP because they are accommodating to different ideas. The RINOs are being pushed out to make way for Conservatives. If I were to become an independent, I wouldn’t be able to vote in the NY primaries. I’d be stuck with whoever the Parties nominated, at least as a registered Republican I had a choice to help nominate Trump. And I retain the right to vote a different party line if I choose.

I hope you are 100% in line with what your party does then.
/——/ Why? What possible reason would I have to be 100% in line with any party? You big dope.
Nothing wrong with being aligned or nonaligned with a lawful political group.

My fellow Americans, it falls to us to keep faith with them and all the great Americans of our past. Believe me, if there's one impression I carry with me after the privilege of holding for 5\1/2 years the office held by Adams and Jefferson and Lincoln, it is this: that the things that unite us -- America's past of which we're so proud, our hopes and aspirations for the future of the world and this much-loved country -- these things far outweigh what little divides us. And so tonight we reaffirm that Jew and gentile, we are one nation under God; that black and white, we are one nation indivisible; that Republican and Democrat, we are all Americans. Tonight, with heart and hand, through whatever trial and travail, we pledge ourselves to each other and to the cause of human freedom, the cause that has given light to this land and hope to the world.

President Ronald Reagan, July 4, 1986.
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I hope you are 100% in line with what your party does then.

That's pretty desperate.

Do you and your wife agree on 100% of the issues between you? Differences are healthy.

Yes, we Republicans have our differences.

On the other hand, Democrats are tearing apart their party while trying to decide which faction has the best, quickest route to destroy our great country.

Keep donating to people you disagree with then.

FWIW, I do agree the R's have run a tighter ship until at least when Donald got elected. We'll see how much the party platform swivels.

One a semi-related note,

At least since the 30's R's were talking about limiting the power of the executive, it began waning with the Reagan election, might be out the window now.

Reagan did famously fool with closing free market trade and ending the Marshall Plan. Then for 20 years I heard about how any government control of the open market was the bane of capitalism, now we have tariff based negotiations?

Them old moral majority R's can't be thrilled with Donald, if they are still alive.

Which side of these issues were/are you on?
I hope you are 100% in line with what your party does then.

That's pretty desperate.

Do you and your wife agree on 100% of the issues between you? Differences are healthy.

Yes, we Republicans have our differences.

On the other hand, Democrats are tearing apart their party while trying to decide which faction has the best, quickest route to destroy our great country.

Keep donating to people you disagree with then.

FWIW, I do agree the R's have run a tighter ship until at least when Donald got elected. We'll see how much the party platform swivels.

One a semi-related note,

At least since the 30's R's were talking about limiting the power of the executive, it began waning with the Reagan election, might be out the window now...
We have been trying to get Congress to stop delegating so much of their authority to the executive branch, but congress is there for the graft and unresponsive to us. A couple of constitutional amendments would fix that and when we have the support of 38 State legislatures, we'll likely make that improvement.
...Reagan did famously fool with closing free market trade and ending the Marshall Plan...
The Marshall plan ended in April 1952. It was a 4 year plan begun in April 1948.
... Then for 20 years I heard about how any government control of the open market was the bane of capitalism, now we have tariff based negotiations?...
We have regulated free markets, we always have, as well as tariffs and tariff negotiations. The US had over 12,000 tariffs and duties in place before Trump took office.
...Them old moral majority R's can't be thrilled with Donald, if they are still alive...
The other choice was Hillary, who giggled over the bloody panties of a 14 year old rape victim and cackled over the murder of the leader of Libya who was sodomized with a knife.
I hope you are 100% in line with what your party does then.

That's pretty desperate.

Do you and your wife agree on 100% of the issues between you? Differences are healthy.

Yes, we Republicans have our differences.

On the other hand, Democrats are tearing apart their party while trying to decide which faction has the best, quickest route to destroy our great country.

Keep donating to people you disagree with then.

FWIW, I do agree the R's have run a tighter ship until at least when Donald got elected. We'll see how much the party platform swivels.

One a semi-related note,

At least since the 30's R's were talking about limiting the power of the executive, it began waning with the Reagan election, might be out the window now...
We have been trying to get Congress to stop delegating so much of their authority to the executive branch, but congress is there for the graft and unresponsive to us. A couple of constitutional amendments would fix that and when we have the support of 38 State legislatures, we'll likely make that improvement.
...Reagan did famously fool with closing free market trade and ending the Marshall Plan...
The Marshall plan ended in April 1952. It was a 4 year plan begun in April 1948.
... Then for 20 years I heard about how any government control of the open market was the bane of capitalism, now we have tariff based negotiations?...
We have regulated free markets, we always have, as well as tariffs and tariff negotiations. The US had over 12,000 tariffs and duties in place before Trump took office.
...Them old moral majority R's can't be thrilled with Donald, if they are still alive...
The other choice was Hillary, who giggled over the bloody panties of a 14 year old rape victim and cackled over the murder of the leader of Libya who was sodomized with a knife.

Ah, Hillery evil laughing death witch. Got it.

So anyways, are you for them tariffs blocking free trade and capitalism? I am.

That Marshall Plan like series of incentives which big government used to fight the spread of communism with our dollars and not our lives, a good idea?
I hope you are 100% in line with what your party does then.

That's pretty desperate.

Do you and your wife agree on 100% of the issues between you? Differences are healthy.

Yes, we Republicans have our differences.

On the other hand, Democrats are tearing apart their party while trying to decide which faction has the best, quickest route to destroy our great country.

Keep donating to people you disagree with then.

FWIW, I do agree the R's have run a tighter ship until at least when Donald got elected. We'll see how much the party platform swivels.

One a semi-related note,

At least since the 30's R's were talking about limiting the power of the executive, it began waning with the Reagan election, might be out the window now...
We have been trying to get Congress to stop delegating so much of their authority to the executive branch, but congress is there for the graft and unresponsive to us. A couple of constitutional amendments would fix that and when we have the support of 38 State legislatures, we'll likely make that improvement.
...Reagan did famously fool with closing free market trade and ending the Marshall Plan...
The Marshall plan ended in April 1952. It was a 4 year plan begun in April 1948.
... Then for 20 years I heard about how any government control of the open market was the bane of capitalism, now we have tariff based negotiations?...
We have regulated free markets, we always have, as well as tariffs and tariff negotiations. The US had over 12,000 tariffs and duties in place before Trump took office.
...Them old moral majority R's can't be thrilled with Donald, if they are still alive...
The other choice was Hillary, who giggled over the bloody panties of a 14 year old rape victim and cackled over the murder of the leader of Libya who was sodomized with a knife.
… So anyways, are you for them tariffs blocking free trade and capitalism? I am...
There were 12,000 tariffs in place before Trump ever took office. Direct me to your posts where your outcry was expressed about this before Trump was sworn in.
I hope you are 100% in line with what your party does then.

That's pretty desperate.

Do you and your wife agree on 100% of the issues between you? Differences are healthy.

Yes, we Republicans have our differences.

On the other hand, Democrats are tearing apart their party while trying to decide which faction has the best, quickest route to destroy our great country.

Keep donating to people you disagree with then.

FWIW, I do agree the R's have run a tighter ship until at least when Donald got elected. We'll see how much the party platform swivels.

One a semi-related note,

At least since the 30's R's were talking about limiting the power of the executive, it began waning with the Reagan election, might be out the window now...
We have been trying to get Congress to stop delegating so much of their authority to the executive branch, but congress is there for the graft and unresponsive to us. A couple of constitutional amendments would fix that and when we have the support of 38 State legislatures, we'll likely make that improvement.
...Reagan did famously fool with closing free market trade and ending the Marshall Plan...
The Marshall plan ended in April 1952. It was a 4 year plan begun in April 1948.
... Then for 20 years I heard about how any government control of the open market was the bane of capitalism, now we have tariff based negotiations?...
We have regulated free markets, we always have, as well as tariffs and tariff negotiations. The US had over 12,000 tariffs and duties in place before Trump took office.
...Them old moral majority R's can't be thrilled with Donald, if they are still alive...
The other choice was Hillary, who giggled over the bloody panties of a 14 year old rape victim and cackled over the murder of the leader of Libya who was sodomized with a knife.
… So anyways, are you for them tariffs blocking free trade and capitalism? I am...
There were 12,000 tariffs in place before Trump ever took office. Direct me to your posts where your outcry was expressed about this before Trump was sworn in.

Oh, I have no outcry. I like tariffs, understand the Marshall Plan and thought Ronald's effective auto import cap was interesting.

Conservatives who support a free market were complaining. Last I checked the amazingly consistent Edward Biamonte on here was one of the few who didn't waiver.
That's pretty desperate.

Do you and your wife agree on 100% of the issues between you? Differences are healthy.

Yes, we Republicans have our differences.

On the other hand, Democrats are tearing apart their party while trying to decide which faction has the best, quickest route to destroy our great country.

Keep donating to people you disagree with then.

FWIW, I do agree the R's have run a tighter ship until at least when Donald got elected. We'll see how much the party platform swivels.

One a semi-related note,

At least since the 30's R's were talking about limiting the power of the executive, it began waning with the Reagan election, might be out the window now...
We have been trying to get Congress to stop delegating so much of their authority to the executive branch, but congress is there for the graft and unresponsive to us. A couple of constitutional amendments would fix that and when we have the support of 38 State legislatures, we'll likely make that improvement.
...Reagan did famously fool with closing free market trade and ending the Marshall Plan...
The Marshall plan ended in April 1952. It was a 4 year plan begun in April 1948.
... Then for 20 years I heard about how any government control of the open market was the bane of capitalism, now we have tariff based negotiations?...
We have regulated free markets, we always have, as well as tariffs and tariff negotiations. The US had over 12,000 tariffs and duties in place before Trump took office.
...Them old moral majority R's can't be thrilled with Donald, if they are still alive...
The other choice was Hillary, who giggled over the bloody panties of a 14 year old rape victim and cackled over the murder of the leader of Libya who was sodomized with a knife.
… So anyways, are you for them tariffs blocking free trade and capitalism? I am...
There were 12,000 tariffs in place before Trump ever took office. Direct me to your posts where your outcry was expressed about this before Trump was sworn in.

Oh, I have no outcry. I like tariffs, understand the Marshall Plan and thought Ronald's effective auto import cap was interesting.

Conservatives who support a free market were complaining. Last I checked the amazingly consistent Edward Biamonte on here was one of the few who didn't waiver.
China stealing our tech and dumping products in America is not "free" trade.

But yes, conservatives were once taken in by these arguments. The results, however, were not as promised, maybe in an idealized world, but not in this one with other nations practicing national mercantilism.

Only Trump stands behind the American Worker. The status-insecure Gentrified don't like the American Worker, which is why The American Worker voted for Trump!

Keep donating to people you disagree with then.

FWIW, I do agree the R's have run a tighter ship until at least when Donald got elected. We'll see how much the party platform swivels.

One a semi-related note,

At least since the 30's R's were talking about limiting the power of the executive, it began waning with the Reagan election, might be out the window now...
We have been trying to get Congress to stop delegating so much of their authority to the executive branch, but congress is there for the graft and unresponsive to us. A couple of constitutional amendments would fix that and when we have the support of 38 State legislatures, we'll likely make that improvement.
...Reagan did famously fool with closing free market trade and ending the Marshall Plan...
The Marshall plan ended in April 1952. It was a 4 year plan begun in April 1948.
... Then for 20 years I heard about how any government control of the open market was the bane of capitalism, now we have tariff based negotiations?...
We have regulated free markets, we always have, as well as tariffs and tariff negotiations. The US had over 12,000 tariffs and duties in place before Trump took office.
...Them old moral majority R's can't be thrilled with Donald, if they are still alive...
The other choice was Hillary, who giggled over the bloody panties of a 14 year old rape victim and cackled over the murder of the leader of Libya who was sodomized with a knife.
… So anyways, are you for them tariffs blocking free trade and capitalism? I am...
There were 12,000 tariffs in place before Trump ever took office. Direct me to your posts where your outcry was expressed about this before Trump was sworn in.

Oh, I have no outcry. I like tariffs, understand the Marshall Plan and thought Ronald's effective auto import cap was interesting.

Conservatives who support a free market were complaining. Last I checked the amazingly consistent Edward Biamonte on here was one of the few who didn't waiver.
China stealing our tech and dumping products in America is not "free" trade.

But yes, conservatives were once taken in by these arguments. The results, however, were not as promised, maybe in an idealized world, but not in this one with other nations practicing national mercantilism.

Only Trump stands behind the American Worker. The status-insecure Gentrified don't like the American Worker, which is why The American Worker voted for Trump!


I give you BIG BIG props for saying your beliefs on the tariff issue has changed. I'll ad in that to some point an extended Marshall Plan of sorts has broken Communism in China so we "won".

I'm gonna poke you a bit on this because I am struggling to find non-challenging verbiage. Must be listening to talk radio too much.

What are you going to do about them "stealing" our tech:

Have some kind of New World Order court create rules for what counts as stealing?

Get the U.S. to kneel down in front of that court's decisions?

Count on a big government patent office to create more regulations?
We have been trying to get Congress to stop delegating so much of their authority to the executive branch, but congress is there for the graft and unresponsive to us. A couple of constitutional amendments would fix that and when we have the support of 38 State legislatures, we'll likely make that improvement.
The Marshall plan ended in April 1952. It was a 4 year plan begun in April 1948.
We have regulated free markets, we always have, as well as tariffs and tariff negotiations. The US had over 12,000 tariffs and duties in place before Trump took office.
The other choice was Hillary, who giggled over the bloody panties of a 14 year old rape victim and cackled over the murder of the leader of Libya who was sodomized with a knife.
… So anyways, are you for them tariffs blocking free trade and capitalism? I am...
There were 12,000 tariffs in place before Trump ever took office. Direct me to your posts where your outcry was expressed about this before Trump was sworn in.

Oh, I have no outcry. I like tariffs, understand the Marshall Plan and thought Ronald's effective auto import cap was interesting.

Conservatives who support a free market were complaining. Last I checked the amazingly consistent Edward Biamonte on here was one of the few who didn't waiver.
China stealing our tech and dumping products in America is not "free" trade.

But yes, conservatives were once taken in by these arguments. The results, however, were not as promised, maybe in an idealized world, but not in this one with other nations practicing national mercantilism.

Only Trump stands behind the American Worker. The status-insecure Gentrified don't like the American Worker, which is why The American Worker voted for Trump!


I give you BIG BIG props for saying your beliefs on the tariff issue has changed. I'll ad in that to some point an extended Marshall Plan of sorts has broken Communism in China so we "won".

I'm gonna poke you a bit on this because I am struggling to find non-challenging verbiage. Must be listening to talk radio too much.

What are you going to do about them "stealing" our tech:

Have some kind of New World Order court create rules for what counts as stealing?

Get the U.S. to kneel down in front of that court's decisions?

Count on a big government patent office to create more regulations?
Trump is using tariffs to punish China for stealing our technology as well as trade barriers against their 5G tech.

President Donald Trump increased his tariffs on $200 billion in Chinese goods from 10% to 25%.


Beijing has deployed predatory tactics to give Chinese companies an edge in such advanced technologies as artificial intelligence, robotics and electric vehicles. Beijing’s tactics include hacking into U.S. companies’ computers to steal trade secrets, forcing foreign companies to turn over sensitive technology in exchange for access to China’s markets and unfairly subsidizing Chinese companies.
There were 12,000 tariffs in place before Trump ever took office. Direct me to your posts where your outcry was expressed about this before Trump was sworn in.

Oh, I have no outcry. I like tariffs, understand the Marshall Plan and thought Ronald's effective auto import cap was interesting.

Conservatives who support a free market were complaining. Last I checked the amazingly consistent Edward Biamonte on here was one of the few who didn't waiver.
China stealing our tech and dumping products in America is not "free" trade.

But yes, conservatives were once taken in by these arguments. The results, however, were not as promised, maybe in an idealized world, but not in this one with other nations practicing national mercantilism.

Only Trump stands behind the American Worker. The status-insecure Gentrified don't like the American Worker, which is why The American Worker voted for Trump!


I give you BIG BIG props for saying your beliefs on the tariff issue has changed. I'll ad in that to some point an extended Marshall Plan of sorts has broken Communism in China so we "won".

I'm gonna poke you a bit on this because I am struggling to find non-challenging verbiage. Must be listening to talk radio too much.

What are you going to do about them "stealing" our tech:

Have some kind of New World Order court create rules for what counts as stealing?

Get the U.S. to kneel down in front of that court's decisions?

Count on a big government patent office to create more regulations?
Trump is using tariffs to punish China for stealing our technology as well as trade barriers against their 5G tech.

President Donald Trump increased his tariffs on $200 billion in Chinese goods from 10% to 25%.


Beijing has deployed predatory tactics to give Chinese companies an edge in such advanced technologies as artificial intelligence, robotics and electric vehicles. Beijing’s tactics include hacking into U.S. companies’ computers to steal trade secrets, forcing foreign companies to turn over sensitive technology in exchange for access to China’s markets and unfairly subsidizing Chinese companies.

Just to poke you,

China is not playing by the rules of some "New World Order" trade court?

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