So let me get this straight...

I'll take you on a moonlight ride through the woods on a 4-wheeler. Yes.

We might run into some other crackers towing their girls around in the middle of the night. Reality.

Shit! That's right down the road from some of Tom's kin! Yessir! :113:

It could be them we run into. :eek:

American by birth, Southern by The Grace of God.
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Translation, I called BS on your post and you got destroyed.
Okie dokie!

Go lick your wounds and stop posting lies.
This destroyed business is all in your head. Nobody cares
It's pretty clear that some people here have a significant portion of their self esteem tied into this stuff.

If thinking that makes him feel a little better about himself, I'm okay with it.


So says a fraud and a hypocrite with 56,000 posts on just this board.
Oh my, I've struck a nerve again.
Universal Healthcare was first implemented by Bismark in Germany. It's been implemented in every major industrial nation in the world, except the U.S., since.

It has been overwhelmingly successful and remains overwhelmingly popular throughout the world.

It can be successfully implemented in the U.S.

However, I expect that our political leaders would totally fuck it up.
/——/ But what if we don’t like universal healthcare? Why do we have to do what they do? Why can’t you Progs leave us the fu*k alone?

It's called Democracy. Love it or leave it!

But, we actually live in a REBUBLIC---set up so by an extraordinarily intelligent bunch of Founding Fathers---who knew that a poorly educated electorate, overrun by third world immigrants and lazy liberals looking for free shit would loot the treasury and rob the self-reliant industrious citizens.

You blood-suckers need to move to Venezuela. That's a Socialist Democracy.
Okie dokie!

Go lick your wounds and stop posting lies.
This destroyed business is all in your head. Nobody cares
It's pretty clear that some people here have a significant portion of their self esteem tied into this stuff.

If thinking that makes him feel a little better about himself, I'm okay with it.


So says a fraud and a hypocrite with 56,000 posts on just this board.
Oh my, I've struck a nerve again.

Oh my, childish post # 56,467. Get a job. Find self-respect.
Hospital won’t close if we change our system. That’s a fear mongering talking point

No fear mongering. That is a fact. Failed ObamaCare has caused thousands of hospitals to close in small towns and rural communities. Why would that change with a Single Payer system which has failed in Canada and Great Britain?

Hospitals Across America Closing Due To Obamacare

More Hospitals Closing Due to Obamacare - Freedom Outpost

Why Rural Hospitals are Closing

The rural hospital closure crisis: 15 key findings and trends. Many rural hospitals across the nation are faced with financial challenges, causing some to close for good.
I can post some links too. Hospitals are closing in rural areas because the demographics of people living in rural areas is growing older and poorer. States who have expanded Medicate and Medicaid have done better than those who haven’t. People need to be insured so hospitals can get paid for the care they provide. Otherwise they care for the uninsured and eat the costs

No Mercy: How A Kansas Town Is Grappling With Its Hospital's Closure

Why Rural Hospitals are Closing
Go lick your wounds and stop posting lies.
This destroyed business is all in your head. Nobody cares
It's pretty clear that some people here have a significant portion of their self esteem tied into this stuff.

If thinking that makes him feel a little better about himself, I'm okay with it.


So says a fraud and a hypocrite with 56,000 posts on just this board.
Oh my, I've struck a nerve again.

Oh my, childish post # 56,467. Get a job. Find self-respect.
Okie dokie!
Smart policy can help drive prices down. Insurance companies and pharma make Billions. Just look at their advertising budgets. Apply some of those profits back towards lowering costs of care for the people and there is plenty of room to improve our system

No doubt, smart policy can drive down prices, but we're talking government here, anything smart is not really a policy. Insurance company budgets will go away because they will no longer be needed, any savings will get sucked into the black hole know as government. Pharma will remain pharma, with advancements reduced to a dribble.
We are talking about all options. Private and public. Whoever does best should prevail. Something needs to change though

Once again, private will not exist.
Ok buddy. Make up whatever you need to to feel justified with your opposition. But if you truly believe in competition then you would be open to all options

Yep, don't have a problem with competition. It's you fricken loons that want to do away with the competition, you may want to pay closer attention….dumbass.
I don’t want to get rid of competition. I’m all for it. Apparently your the one not paying attention
Yes that’s right. They raised hands and everything

Yes I watched it. Look Democrats LIE you can't trust their words or their raised hands. They are promising healthcare to everyone even the goddamn illegals and we know someone has to pay for it. All those fuckers on stage with one exception are drooling over single payer government run healthcare and you know it.

The one candidate tried to tell the rest of those dumb fuckers it would bankrupt most of the hospitals in the country but none listened to him.
Oh well isn’t that a great way to go about life... let’s not listen to anything they actually say, we will just translate what they really mean in some spun up derogatory way. Yes, I understand the tactic you trolls use. I just hope you don’t actually think people buy that shit.

Why would we listen to Dem's they do nothing but lie. :eusa_hand: If you like your doctor and health insurance you can keep them remember that whopper? You will save $2,500 a year on your health insurance was another. You punks are not to be trusted.
Two campaign promises that didn’t work out. Perhaps if the congressional majority party wasn’t hell bend on bombing the policy then a better system could have been put in place. How fast easy and cheap did trump say the wall was going to be. How about repeal and replace, how about lock her up? We can go all day with campaign promises that didn’t work out.

One of your own Dem candidates already told you during the Dem debate single payer government healthcare is DOA. It would bankrupt most of the hospitals and healthcare clinics. Medicaid and Medicare simply don't pay enough in reimbursements for them to stay in business. Its gold healthcare plans like my employer plan that are subsidizing Medicaid and Medicare.
Yeah DeLaney made that case and he should be listened too. But your arguing against two of the candidates plans, Sanders and Warrens, I’m talking about the rest for he field who are proposing a public option to go with private insurance. You can’t argue against that so you bounce back to the extremes. That’s a weak tactic which just shows that your out of ammo
...from what I just heard from the leading Democratic presidential candidates, they will:

a) Take away everyone's private healthcare plans.


b) Give free healthcare to illegal immigrants.


Wow, that sounds like a winning platform to run on.
Only Sanders and Harris raised their hand for taking away private healthcare. The rest were against it.

I didn’t hear anybody say they would give free healthcare to illegal immigrants. They said illegal immigrants could buy in so they had access to healthcare.

Those assholes aren’t willing to say out loud what they really want to do.
Every one of them would vote to scrap private healthcare in favor of single payer state run if they had the chance.

That's only because they simply don't know what they want to do outside of remaining parasites on the the American public.
Where’s the force?
/----/ Stop playing stupid. FORCED participation in Medicaid, Medicare, Obozocare for starters. You aren't FORCED to have dental insurance. That is an OPTION.
That answer made zero sense. Want to try again?
/----/ You're the one trying to be coy. My reply to your question "Where is the force" makes perfect sense.
I asked where the force is and you just replied forced “ forced healthcare” that’s not an answer. Sanders and Warren are promoting a forced system. I don’t support that. The rest of the field are talking about a public option which is what I brought up. Where is the force in their public option plan ?
/——/ Nothing in democRAT policies gives people options. It’s all or nothing. Your option is just the first step. You libs can’t be trusted.
To make that statement you would first ha e to show knowledge and understanding of the policy positions. You ha ent done so. You use stereotypes, assumptions and generalities to attribute blanket positions to everybody on the left. You’re not fooling anybody by doing that. It just shows that you don’t know what your talking about.
Hospital won’t close if we change our system. That’s a fear mongering talking point

No fear mongering. That is a fact. Failed ObamaCare has caused thousands of hospitals to close in small towns and rural communities. Why would that change with a Single Payer system which has failed in Canada and Great Britain?

Hospitals Across America Closing Due To Obamacare

More Hospitals Closing Due to Obamacare - Freedom Outpost

Why Rural Hospitals are Closing

The rural hospital closure crisis: 15 key findings and trends. Many rural hospitals across the nation are faced with financial challenges, causing some to close for good.
I can post some links too. Hospitals are closing in rural areas because the demographics of people living in rural areas is growing older and poorer. States who have expanded Medicate and Medicaid have done better than those who haven’t. People need to be insured so hospitals can get paid for the care they provide. Otherwise they care for the uninsured and eat the costs

No Mercy: How A Kansas Town Is Grappling With Its Hospital's Closure

Why Rural Hospitals are Closing

You made the false claim that hospitals were not closing. I proved you wrong. QED
Hospital won’t close if we change our system. That’s a fear mongering talking point

No fear mongering. That is a fact. Failed ObamaCare has caused thousands of hospitals to close in small towns and rural communities. Why would that change with a Single Payer system which has failed in Canada and Great Britain?

Hospitals Across America Closing Due To Obamacare

More Hospitals Closing Due to Obamacare - Freedom Outpost

Why Rural Hospitals are Closing

The rural hospital closure crisis: 15 key findings and trends. Many rural hospitals across the nation are faced with financial challenges, causing some to close for good.
I can post some links too. Hospitals are closing in rural areas because the demographics of people living in rural areas is growing older and poorer. States who have expanded Medicate and Medicaid have done better than those who haven’t. People need to be insured so hospitals can get paid for the care they provide. Otherwise they care for the uninsured and eat the costs

No Mercy: How A Kansas Town Is Grappling With Its Hospital's Closure

Why Rural Hospitals are Closing

You made the false claim that hospitals were not closing. I proved you wrong. QED
I said nothing of the sort. If your comprehension skills are that bad then it’s not worth talking to you. You’re either a complete idiot or your just a troll trying to spin the narrative. Either way it appears that you are just wasting time.
/----/ Stop playing stupid. FORCED participation in Medicaid, Medicare, Obozocare for starters. You aren't FORCED to have dental insurance. That is an OPTION.
That answer made zero sense. Want to try again?
/----/ You're the one trying to be coy. My reply to your question "Where is the force" makes perfect sense.
I asked where the force is and you just replied forced “ forced healthcare” that’s not an answer. Sanders and Warren are promoting a forced system. I don’t support that. The rest of the field are talking about a public option which is what I brought up. Where is the force in their public option plan ?
/——/ Nothing in democRAT policies gives people options. It’s all or nothing. Your option is just the first step. You libs can’t be trusted.
To make that statement you would first ha e to show knowledge and understanding of the policy positions. You ha ent done so. You use stereotypes, assumptions and generalities to attribute blanket positions to everybody on the left. You’re not fooling anybody by doing that. It just shows that you don’t know what your talking about.
/——-/ And Obozocare was sold to us the same way. No one buys your prog agenda.
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That answer made zero sense. Want to try again?
/----/ You're the one trying to be coy. My reply to your question "Where is the force" makes perfect sense.
I asked where the force is and you just replied forced “ forced healthcare” that’s not an answer. Sanders and Warren are promoting a forced system. I don’t support that. The rest of the field are talking about a public option which is what I brought up. Where is the force in their public option plan ?
/——/ Nothing in democRAT policies gives people options. It’s all or nothing. Your option is just the first step. You libs can’t be trusted.
To make that statement you would first ha e to show knowledge and understanding of the policy positions. You ha ent done so. You use stereotypes, assumptions and generalities to attribute blanket positions to everybody on the left. You’re not fooling anybody by doing that. It just shows that you don’t know what your talking about.
/——-/ And Obozocare was sold to us the same way. No one buys your prof agenda.
Obamacare got millions of people insured but did a poor job with costs. Perhaps if the party who likes to tout their fiscal skills would have lifted one finger to help make it work then we would be in a better situation. But no, it’s an all or nothing game. They did to Obamacare exactly what the Left is doing now when it comes to the border. It’s pathetic
/----/ You're the one trying to be coy. My reply to your question "Where is the force" makes perfect sense.
I asked where the force is and you just replied forced “ forced healthcare” that’s not an answer. Sanders and Warren are promoting a forced system. I don’t support that. The rest of the field are talking about a public option which is what I brought up. Where is the force in their public option plan ?
/——/ Nothing in democRAT policies gives people options. It’s all or nothing. Your option is just the first step. You libs can’t be trusted.
To make that statement you would first ha e to show knowledge and understanding of the policy positions. You ha ent done so. You use stereotypes, assumptions and generalities to attribute blanket positions to everybody on the left. You’re not fooling anybody by doing that. It just shows that you don’t know what your talking about.
/——-/ And Obozocare was sold to us the same way. No one buys your prof agenda.
Obamacare got millions of people insured but did a poor job with costs. Perhaps if the party who likes to tout their fiscal skills would have lifted one finger to help make it work then we would be in a better situation. But no, it’s an all or nothing game. They did to Obamacare exactly what the Left is doing now when it comes to the border. It’s pathetic
/——/ DemocRATs locked Republicans out of the process. It was so poorly crafted it was doomed to failure- as intended.
I asked where the force is and you just replied forced “ forced healthcare” that’s not an answer. Sanders and Warren are promoting a forced system. I don’t support that. The rest of the field are talking about a public option which is what I brought up. Where is the force in their public option plan ?
/——/ Nothing in democRAT policies gives people options. It’s all or nothing. Your option is just the first step. You libs can’t be trusted.
To make that statement you would first ha e to show knowledge and understanding of the policy positions. You ha ent done so. You use stereotypes, assumptions and generalities to attribute blanket positions to everybody on the left. You’re not fooling anybody by doing that. It just shows that you don’t know what your talking about.
/——-/ And Obozocare was sold to us the same way. No one buys your prof agenda.
Obamacare got millions of people insured but did a poor job with costs. Perhaps if the party who likes to tout their fiscal skills would have lifted one finger to help make it work then we would be in a better situation. But no, it’s an all or nothing game. They did to Obamacare exactly what the Left is doing now when it comes to the border. It’s pathetic
/——/ DemocRATs locked Republicans out of the process. It was so poorly crafted it was doomed to failure- as intended.
Ok. You run with that one. Those poor Reps that were so earnestly trying to help make the bill work... what a joke
No doubt, smart policy can drive down prices, but we're talking government here, anything smart is not really a policy. Insurance company budgets will go away because they will no longer be needed, any savings will get sucked into the black hole know as government. Pharma will remain pharma, with advancements reduced to a dribble.
We are talking about all options. Private and public. Whoever does best should prevail. Something needs to change though

Once again, private will not exist.
Ok buddy. Make up whatever you need to to feel justified with your opposition. But if you truly believe in competition then you would be open to all options

Yep, don't have a problem with competition. It's you fricken loons that want to do away with the competition, you may want to pay closer attention….dumbass.
I don’t want to get rid of competition. I’m all for it. Apparently your the one not paying attention

No kidding, evidently you haven't been paying attention to the democrat debates, not to worry though a wing and a prayer may work one of these days.
Yes I watched it. Look Democrats LIE you can't trust their words or their raised hands. They are promising healthcare to everyone even the goddamn illegals and we know someone has to pay for it. All those fuckers on stage with one exception are drooling over single payer government run healthcare and you know it.

The one candidate tried to tell the rest of those dumb fuckers it would bankrupt most of the hospitals in the country but none listened to him.
Oh well isn’t that a great way to go about life... let’s not listen to anything they actually say, we will just translate what they really mean in some spun up derogatory way. Yes, I understand the tactic you trolls use. I just hope you don’t actually think people buy that shit.

Why would we listen to Dem's they do nothing but lie. :eusa_hand: If you like your doctor and health insurance you can keep them remember that whopper? You will save $2,500 a year on your health insurance was another. You punks are not to be trusted.
Two campaign promises that didn’t work out. Perhaps if the congressional majority party wasn’t hell bend on bombing the policy then a better system could have been put in place. How fast easy and cheap did trump say the wall was going to be. How about repeal and replace, how about lock her up? We can go all day with campaign promises that didn’t work out.

One of your own Dem candidates already told you during the Dem debate single payer government healthcare is DOA. It would bankrupt most of the hospitals and healthcare clinics. Medicaid and Medicare simply don't pay enough in reimbursements for them to stay in business. Its gold healthcare plans like my employer plan that are subsidizing Medicaid and Medicare.
Yeah DeLaney made that case and he should be listened too. But your arguing against two of the candidates plans, Sanders and Warrens, I’m talking about the rest for he field who are proposing a public option to go with private insurance. You can’t argue against that so you bounce back to the extremes. That’s a weak tactic which just shows that your out of ammo

Sanders and Warren are both major whack jobs who should not be allowed anywhere near the White House.
What’s wrong with creating a public option and if it works better than private and people want it going to single payer... isn’t that what competition is all about? Is the government not allowed to compete with the private market?

You already have a public option, get a damn job and buy your own damn health insurance and stop trying to mooch off the rest of us.
I guess you don’t understand what public option means. Why am I not surprised

What about the word “Option” do you not understand?
/——/ You can’t OPTION out of forced participation. It’s a head fake libs like to use.
Do you mean that public "option" at its core is yet another Left wing lie, because it's not "optional"?
You already have a public option, get a damn job and buy your own damn health insurance and stop trying to mooch off the rest of us.
I guess you don’t understand what public option means. Why am I not surprised

What about the word “Option” do you not understand?
/——/ You can’t OPTION out of forced participation. It’s a head fake libs like to use.
Do you mean that public "option" at its core is yet another Left wing lie, because it's not "optional"?
/——-/ You’re finally catching on. Libs use nice names to disguise their rotten programs. As in there’s nothing affordable about the Affordable Care Act.

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