So Let's Recap

Recap? Nothing happened. Desperate democrats want to impeach the president apparently on the basis of what he may have been thinking. That's a dangerous game. Let's get it over with and move on.
Can you give a definition of IMMINENT attack ??? Not there's a chance of , Not I think
Did the guy need to die?

Yes or no?
No one is mourning him here but before taking such a drastic step doesn't a president have to look for what repercussions might take place ?? GWB and Obama did ,, now 176 are dead because of that Trump AH
Damn you just never get smarter. Did Trump shoot down the plane personally? Did Trump order it shot down? The plane being shot down is strictly on those who owned the missle, who made the decision to setup the missle and who fired the missle.

If a cop shoots someone because they fire a gun at them do you blame the state governor? I take back that question because you really would.
Recap? Nothing happened. Desperate democrats want to impeach the president apparently on the basis of what he may have been thinking. That's a dangerous game. Let's get it over with and move on.
Can you give a definition of IMMINENT attack ??? Not there's a chance of , Not I think

What the hell does that have to do with what he said?

Recap? Nothing happened. Desperate democrats want to impeach the president apparently on the basis of what he may have been thinking. That's a dangerous game. Let's get it over with and move on.
Can you give a definition of IMMINENT attack ??? Not there's a chance of , Not I think
Did the guy need to die?

Yes or no?
No one is mourning him here but before taking such a drastic step doesn't a president have to look for what repercussions might take place ?? GWB and Obama did ,, now 176 are dead because of that Trump AH

You fucking liar, they are dead because of the incompetent Iranian military. Evidently their command and control sucks.

Imminent attack means IMMINENT What is there about that that baffles you repub idiots ? Trump and all his kiss asses are FOS
Yep. Immanent. As least it was.

Now not imminent, thanks to Trumps decisive action to protect Americans, and thereby trigger tards.

Don't worry. There are plenty of terrorists left for you to admire and support.
Executive privilege cannot be used to cover up crimes.
That would be for the court to decide.
They already did, during the Nixon era.
Then they'd have a slam dunk in court today, right?
Sure, in 2 years or so after all the appeals run out.
That is the process. What, you only want the process when it works in your favor?

Never mind, I already know the answer.
Lol, you've go that backwards kid. You only want the process whennit works in your favor. That's you tRumplings all over. Ask yourself: "if Obama has done this would I be ok with it?" .You know the answer.
What amazes me is the Senate Republicans openly saying they are not impartial and coordinating the trial based on what the White House wants
They should be removed.

Juries are supposed to be impartial.

I assume you're talking about Bernie, Warren, Klobuchar, Cory Booker, and all of the other democrat senators who expressed opinions about Trump, correct?


Moscow Mitch on down.

Glad you got a LMAO out of showing that democrat senators are just as biased as republican senators, and they all take the oath and all vote.
No one ever recuses for an impeachment trial. Bias generally doesn't matter, which is why they need 67 votes to remove the president.
The "crime" has to have bi-partisan support or the president is acquitted. The bullshit Articles the democrats put up are going nowhere.
Yeah, except that isn't true.
They already did, during the Nixon era.
Then they'd have a slam dunk in court today, right?
Sure, in 2 years or so after all the appeals run out.
That is the process. What, you only want the process when it works in your favor?

Never mind, I already know the answer.
Imminent attack means IMMINENT What is there about that that baffles you repub idiots ? Trump and all his kiss asses are FOS

Imminent attack means that when you get a shot at the head of the "terrorist snake" you take it.
The fact that there were attacks planned are are being scheduled means that you don't wait for the last minute to preempt the attacks.
Anti-American democrat POS terrorist supporters can keep giving Iran money like Obama did to support their terror network and kill Americans.
There was no "imminent attack". That's a bullshit lie.

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